View Full Version : Slovak vote on gay marriage, adoption ban a flop

European Knight
02-09-2015, 01:19 PM

A referendum intended to strengthen a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage and adoption in socially conservative Slovakia fell flat Feb. 7 with low turnout.

Results showed voter turnout in the ex-communist EU country at 21 percent, well short of the 50 percent threshold required for the ballot to be valid. But 95 percent of those who did vote backed a 2014 constitutional amendment which defines marriage as a union of man and wife -- effectively banning same-sex unions and adoption. The ban remains intact.

While conservatives pitched their campaign as "say 'yes' for the family", gay rights advocates encouraged people to vote with their feet by boycotting it. "I'm happy that the referendum isn't valid but I'm worried that the general election next year will be an occasion of a new wave of anti-gay sentiment," said Bratislava art gallery owner Andrea Pallang, 40, who has been living with her girlfriend for eight years.


European Knight
02-15-2015, 10:50 AM

Slovenian lawmakers debate gay marriage

Slovenian law defines marriage specifically as the union between a man and a woman. But lawmakers on February 10 debated same-sex marriage and legislative amendments that could make marriage gender-neutral.

The February 10 debate was welcomed by the ILGA Europe LGBT, which advocates for the rights of gays and lesbians in Europe. The debate took place in parliament’s committee for family and social affairs. Committee members voted 11 to 2 for changes to the Marriage and Family Relations Act.

“Such a move would signal that Slovenia values its same-sex couples just as much as its heterosexual citizens, based on basic equality principles and common sense” said Evelyne Paradis, ILGA-Europe’s Executive Director.


02-15-2015, 11:04 AM
There is no such Thing as "gay-marriage" it will never be legitimate. It has neither a natural foundation nor a religious one. I don`t care if they believe in their twisted minds that they have been "married" with their bf or gf - such a connection has no foundation and no biological or creational use.
Congratulations to the People of Slovenia, besides the Latvians and the Hungarians the most sensible societies here in Europe at this time.