View Full Version : Classify Alicia Keys

05-24-2010, 05:22 PM
American Pop/R&B singer:









05-24-2010, 05:41 PM
She looks Creole (http://www.frenchcreoles.com/frontpage.html) to me, they're very beautiful people. AngloSaxon-Brünn-Negro is my best guess.

05-24-2010, 05:42 PM
I think she is pretty. :embarrassed:redface_002:

05-24-2010, 05:44 PM
Looks to me Nordid/Atlantid-Sudanid.

05-24-2010, 05:48 PM
From Wiki:

She is the daughter and only child of Teresa Augello, a paralegal and part-time actress, and Craig Cook, a flight attendant.[4][5][6][7] Keys' mother is of Scottish, Irish and Italian descent, and her father is African American;[8] Keys has expressed that she was comfortable with her biracial heritage because she felt she was able to "relate to different cultures".[2][9] Her parents separated when she was two and she was subsequently raised by her mother during her formative years in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan.

05-24-2010, 05:49 PM
I think both her and Tyra Banks have some Northern European influence:

the male equivalent would be John Carew(who is Norwegian/Gambian)

05-24-2010, 05:55 PM
Yes, and I remember long time ago in my time of Negridophilia (MTV influence there:D) how I used Alicia Keys and Tyra Banks to "prove" that they can be very attractive too, obviously europid influence is great in both. The only Negrid types approaching level of "being attractive" would be perhaps just Aethiopid and Nilotid (though their extreme dark skin a minus). Sudanid few, the rest no.

05-24-2010, 06:08 PM
The only blacks I have seen who look like like that in my country usually have one Norwegian parent.

I guess Maria Craig(Norwegian+African American) would just be another example of African beauty lol

05-24-2010, 06:25 PM
I think she is Mediterranid-Cromagnid-Negrid (Sudanid). The Mediterranid part has the No. 1 responsibility for her finer features.

05-25-2010, 08:58 PM
Her parents separated when she was two and she was subsequently raised by her mother during her formative years in Hell's Kitchen, Manhattan.

Surprise surprise. Almost all famous mixed race people have come from a background of parental seperation.

05-25-2010, 09:33 PM
Keys' mother is of Scottish, Irish and Italian descent, and her father is African American;[8]

the male equivalent would be John Carew(who is Norwegian/Gambian)

His father is Gambian and his mother is Norwegian; he was born and raised in Norway.

I guess Maria Craig(Norwegian+African American) would just be another example of African beauty lol

Her father is an African American from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America.

... :rolleyes:

See the pattern???

05-25-2010, 09:40 PM
Her father is an African American from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States of America.

Indeed. African American is rather an ethnic than a racial term and doesn't imply fully Negrid ancestry. In her case the percentage of Europid genes is clearly more than 50 too. Just look at the eyes if the coloration is natural...

Hair form is another issue - one would have to look at her natural hair form, but it is really clear that Craig is already MUCH more on the Europid side.

05-25-2010, 09:49 PM
WTF is going on up there Pallantides?! Where are the all the Vikings gone???

Do I have to organise a second Lechitic ride on Konghelle? :P

Indeed. African American is rather an ethnic than a racial term and doesn't imply fully Negrid ancestry. In her case the percentage of Europid genes is clearly more than 50 too. Just look at the eyes if the coloration is natural...

Hair form is another issue - one would have to look at her natural hair form, but it is really clear that Craig is already MUCH more on the Europid side.

I thought so too. She looks like an Octroon.

05-25-2010, 09:59 PM
zankapfel cannot post but she thinks Anterosa bears a striking resemblance to her


05-25-2010, 10:03 PM
WTF is going on up there Pallantides?! Where are the all the Vikings gone???

In the history books,btw we still glorify 'raping, stealing and killing in far away countries' on the school bench!:D

"Asbjørn Hallgrimson was just fourteen summers when he slayed his first monk at Lindsfarne"

that sort of stuff, then there is this virtual 'Lindisfarne' game were kids can prepare and attack Lindisfarne... I need to ask my brother for the url. :coffee:

Did I mention that we are very proud of the attack on Lindisfarne?

05-25-2010, 10:16 PM
In the history books,btw we still glorify 'raping, stealing and killing in far away countries' on the school bench!:D

That is quite understandable. Every country takes a peculiar pride in their conquests. No matter how barbaric and burtal.

"Asbjørn Hallgrimson was just fourteen summers when he slayed his first monk at Lindsfarne"

that sort of stuff, then there is this virtual 'Lindisfarne' game were kids can prepare and attack Lindisfarne. :coffee:

Did I mention that we are very proud of the attack on Lindisfarne?

No. Proud because a band of armed robbers killed a few monks and took the monastery gold? Bizzare... Anyway. It is good that they teach national history. This is the key to a good understanding of ones heritage.

Btw. I find men much more likely to be interested in history and heritage than women. For some reason women do not seem to bother that much. Perhaps it's because men are always more fascinated by brutal force, conquests and battles. This is how they boost their own ego... Women prefer lipsticks and perfumes. Maybe that's why they seem to go for ppl of different heritage more often? ;)

05-25-2010, 10:22 PM

Stealing is wrong but if you kill the previous owner all of his possesion is rightfully yours!:D

05-25-2010, 10:23 PM
Truly heroic...

05-25-2010, 10:24 PM
If they wanted to live they would have defended themselves better.:D

05-25-2010, 10:57 PM

I've often found it funny the way white pride and racialist types can cry foul at all the killing, stealing and raping they see non-whites do, while at the same time they revere the Vikings who were little more than the same variety of thugs to those around them.

05-25-2010, 10:59 PM
I've often found it funny the way white pride and racialist types can cry foul at all the killing, stealing and raping they see non-whites do, while at the same time they revere the Vikings who were little more than the same variety of thugs to those around them.

Yup. Same civilisational level.

05-25-2010, 11:11 PM
They were not only great warriors and raiders but also exceptional traders.

05-25-2010, 11:18 PM
They were not only great warriors and raiders but also exceptional traders.

This map is not very accurate. Apart from Jomsborg I have heard of no Viking settlements in Pomerania or Rugen. Only trading emporia. Prussia had Truso, probably a trading harbour town, but the mainland was never inhabited by the Scandinavians. Likewise I am not sure about that red dot in Lithuania.

05-25-2010, 11:28 PM
I've often found it funny the way white pride and racialist types can cry foul at all the killing, stealing and raping they see non-whites do, while at the same time they revere the Vikings who were little more than the same variety of thugs to those around them.

Pffft. Buncha amateurs.


05-25-2010, 11:37 PM
The Mongols were truly formidable... like a force of nature.:D

"I am the punishment of God...If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you."

"The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy, to drive him before you, to see his cities reduced to ashes, to see those who love him shrouded in tears, and to gather into your bosom his wives and daughters."

- Genghis Khan

"I will burn your city, your land, your self."

- Hulagu Khan

05-26-2010, 03:49 AM
I think both her and Tyra Banks have some Northern European influence:

the male equivalent would be John Carew(who is Norwegian/Gambian)

Don't forget Tyra's nose is fixed. An other actor who in terms of pigment is average but in terms of bone structure seems to be well balanced as far as mixes go is Boris Kodjoe. His father Ghanian and his mother is German:


What's interesting to me is I can easily pick out his caucasoid features and his negroid features. He has very few "mixed" or "mid-way" features imo.

By the way I've observed many a Scandinavian mix, I conclude that Scandinavian traits are dominant in terms of structure especially. Also noted similar things for certain Russian mixes, they tend to dominate. With other groups its give or take. I've been told I resemble my mother a lot more than my father. Which reminds me, mixes that have the European father will on average favour the european much more than the African.

Indeed. African American is rather an ethnic than a racial term and doesn't imply fully Negrid ancestry. In her case the percentage of Europid genes is clearly more than 50 too. Just look at the eyes if the coloration is natural...

Hair form is another issue - one would have to look at her natural hair form, but it is really clear that Craig is already MUCH more on the Europid side.
Well the thing that is interesting with African Americans is since they are almost all mixed at least to a minimal degree, I've seen some very unusual looks. A man of two "black" parents had blue eyes. Its just a question of once the recessive alleles are there, will they match up? Not to forget sometimes b shows even when it is matched with B but that is rare.

Same goes for the hair. If you take one pure SSA parent and one Caucasian (Europid or otherwise) and they have a child and then that child breeds back exclusively to Caucasian lines, within 3 to 4 generations I've seen, its possible for the end results to have curly to wavy hair. Course this varies since, I have one cousin who is a quadroon who has tighter curls than I do. Both of us have very soft hair though, silky even.

05-26-2010, 03:49 AM
The Norse and Mongols were great state builders. It's no coincidence that we owe the former the word 'LAW', and the Russians owe the latter 'kazn' - TREASURY. Therein lies the difference with modern immigrants.

05-26-2010, 11:19 PM
Interesting... "kazn" in Polish means torture, pain.

05-27-2010, 12:32 AM
Interesting... "kazn" in Polish means torture, pain.
And Казнь in Russian means 'execution'.

КАЗНЬ. Заимств. из ст.-сл. яз., где казнь — суф. производное (ср. болезнь, боязнь и т. п.) от исчезнувшего кати «наказывать», той же основы, что и каяться (см.).
- from a Church Slavonic root kati 'punish'.
Its similarity with Mongol derived казна is purely coincidental.

1) (совокупность денежных, земельных и иных средств государства) exchequer, treasury
государственная казна — state treasury

...and oopsy daisy, i did it again! :p It's not in fact Mongol, but Tatar, ultimately from an Arabic borrowing into that Turkic language. :embarrassed See:

КАЗНА. Заимств. в др.-рус. эпоху из тюрк. яз., где казна «сокровищница» < араб. хазина «сокровище», производного от хазина «сохранять».
- from Arabic Khazina - 'to keep/treasure'. :o

There ARE other state-related terms from Mongolian, but I don't have my dictionary to hand...

hm.... Dengy 'money'!
Tatar again, but purely Turkic;

ДЕНЬГИ. Искон. Форма мн. ч. от др.-рус. деньга, заимств. из тюрк. яз., в которых соответствующее слово тäнгä со значением «серебряная монета» — суф. производное от тäн «копейка» < «белка» (ср. др.-рус. куна «1/22 гривны» < «куница»). Последнее отражает функционирование ранее в роли денег пушнины.
- from 'squirrel (pelt)'.

Related is the most striking example; TAMOZHNYA - 'Customs', 'Excise'. This is from tamga, a side form of the above tanga, and a word familiar to all heraldry enthusiasts.

Yarlyk 'label', 'edict';

ЯРЛЫК. Древнерусское заимств. из тюрк. яз. Первоначально имело значение «жалованная грамота хана». Суф. производное (см. башлык) от того же корня, что и др.-тюрк. jari «помощь, поддержка». Буквально значит — «повеление, приказание, указ». Значение «этикетка» возникло в связи с таможенной практикой (на продаваемые товары наклеивались разрешающие это делать ярлыки).

Yam 'postal station' > 'yamschik'

Tyurma, terem - 'prison', 'tower'...

Ah that's enough. :p
But is 'bunczuk' a word in Polski?

05-27-2010, 12:41 AM
Classify Alicia Keys?


And her grandmother?



05-27-2010, 01:13 AM

Tyurma, terem - 'prison', 'tower'...

... which in turn is obviously the origin of the Finnish word "tyrmä", which means "cell" or "prison".

05-27-2010, 06:02 PM
The only Negrid types approaching level of "being attractive" would be perhaps just Aethiopid and Nilotid (though their extreme dark skin a minus). Sudanid few, the rest no.

Some African peoples have significant Eurasian admixture due to Neolithic back-migration.

Fulani man from Nigeria

05-27-2010, 07:51 PM
Aethiopids are as much Europoid as Negroid, some even more Europoid and Nilotids, though being probably the darkest race of all, having more input than say primitive Palaenegrid in any case too.

05-27-2010, 08:36 PM
Those populations certainly bear some Europid-like traits. However, I believe they should be rather called Proto-Europid since they predate Neolithic and their origin was most likely in fact in North East Africa.

05-27-2010, 08:40 PM
They also have Negroid influences and might be at best seen as a group on their own - if ignoring the more strongly Europid influenced groups.

But thats why I said EuropOID and not Europid. A pred. Arabid or Mediterranid looking Aethiopid is largely Europid, the average Aethiopid at best Europoid or intermediate Europo-Negroid.

05-27-2010, 08:47 PM
They also have Negroid influences and might be at best seen as a group on their own - if ignoring the more strongly Europid influenced groups.

But thats why I said EuropOID and not Europid. A pred. Arabid or Mediterranid looking Aethiopid is largely Europid, the average Aethiopid at best Europoid or intermediate Europo-Negroid.

Yes. It is however not easy to delineate what a classical Negroid is. Some traits were probably shared by the early African populations, but were gradually replaced in East Africa, while becoming more prevalent/pronounced in more isolated Bantus in Western Africa.

05-28-2010, 11:54 AM
Yes. It is however not easy to delineate what a classical Negroid is. Some traits were probably shared by the early African populations, but were gradually replaced in East Africa, while becoming more prevalent/pronounced in more isolated Bantus in Western Africa.

Here I quote authors on Mongolids: A group of people without the Mongolid traits is not Mongolid, simple as that. In the case of Aethiopids that can't be said in a 100 percent way, because they have, mostly the clearly climatic adapted and more progressive-harmonious tendencies we see in Negrids, quasi the best they can offer beside the muscular strength.

Now if looking at the typical Negrids, whats absolutely clear is that they have primitive traits, but also new adaptive and even some progressive traits too. This means they had a significant development on their own, in their very own way.

I'd assume that the Negrids branched off early and developed their own racial characteristics while the Aethiopids too developed on, after a later split from the Eurasians and Europids, in a direction more similar to those of Europids, also strengthened by a stronger backmigration of Europids into East Africa, more genflow from and into East Africa than the rest of the Negrid zones - probably with the exception of some areas.

The most primitive groups in Subsaharan Africa are those with the least Eurasian influence and even a lower Negrid as well as Europid influence, namely among Negrids the Central and Southern Palaenegrids, but even more so genetically AND racially-morphologically especially the Bambutids and also the Khoisanids - since the Khoids have Negroid-Europoid admixture, the Sanids more than the Khoids.

08-07-2012, 04:35 AM
Mediterranid-Atlantid + Sudanid(Negrid).

Her father is African-Jamacian addtional Amerind and her mother is a Caucasoid American Italian, Irish and Scottish.

05-22-2018, 09:24 AM
She is beautiful.

05-22-2018, 11:40 AM
Probably 65% Europid?

05-22-2018, 02:12 PM
Sudanid + Alpine-Med.

05-22-2018, 07:23 PM
mulata-quadroon range. atlantid + SSA