View Full Version : Classify a French singer with Gypsy /Catalan ancestry

02-10-2015, 04:04 PM
He's short 1m67cm




http://www.lamontagne.fr/photoSRC/bqViVeldaWelbKxCPNWs_pusXXdNGltxXD4uu1iw_sR0IkLcaz bGupnwlQUaVQo_pWI48f0HY_sxYvETMFwM2diAkJo-_/kendji-girac_1836613.jpeg

Cristiano viejo
02-10-2015, 05:25 PM
who is him?

ius semper
02-10-2015, 05:28 PM
he doesn't look catalan

02-10-2015, 05:30 PM
who is him?

Kendji girac.


02-10-2015, 05:33 PM
Atlantid subnordid or something

I want his babbies

Cristiano viejo
02-10-2015, 05:36 PM
Kendji girac.

How is he Catalan??

02-10-2015, 05:40 PM
How is he Catalan??

from catalan wiki:

Biografia[modifica | modifica el codi]
Kendji Girac es va donar a conèixer per internet el 2013 amb una versió de Bella, de Maître Gims, a l'estil gipsy, el vídeo de la qual va tenir més de 5 milions de visites a YouTube. Això li va permetre presentar-se al concurs Te Voice de TF1 i, finalment, guanyar-lo. En acabar el concurs, el primer ministre francès, Manuel Valls, el va felicitar en català i van intercanviar unes paraules en la llengua materna de tots dos.[2][3][4] El tercer clip de l'àlbum Kendji –"Elle m'a aimé"– comença amb una conversa en català entre ell i un amic pels carrers antics de Barcelona, ciutat on es va rodar íntegrament el clip.[2] Girac segueix la tradició d'altres músics francesos –com Manitas de Plata i els Gipsy Kings– que viuen amb normalitat la seva condició de gitanos catalanoparlants.[1]

Cristiano viejo
02-10-2015, 05:43 PM
from catalan wiki:

Biografia[modifica | modifica el codi]
Kendji Girac es va donar a conèixer per internet el 2013 amb una versió de Bella, de Maître Gims, a l'estil gipsy, el vídeo de la qual va tenir més de 5 milions de visites a YouTube. Això li va permetre presentar-se al concurs Te Voice de TF1 i, finalment, guanyar-lo. En acabar el concurs, el primer ministre francès, Manuel Valls, el va felicitar en català i van intercanviar unes paraules en la llengua materna de tots dos.[2][3][4] El tercer clip de l'àlbum Kendji –"Elle m'a aimé"– comença amb una conversa en català entre ell i un amic pels carrers antics de Barcelona, ciutat on es va rodar íntegrament el clip.[2] Girac segueix la tradició d'altres músics francesos –com Manitas de Plata i els Gipsy Kings– que viuen amb normalitat la seva condició de gitanos catalanoparlants.[1]
That does not mean he is of Catalan ancestry, just that PERHAPS some of his ancestors lived in Catalonia. It is different.

02-10-2015, 06:34 PM
That does not mean he is of Catalan ancestry, just that PERHAPS some of his ancestors lived in Catalonia. It is different.

His ancestors are Gypsies from Catalonia, "catalan gypsy".

Cristiano viejo
02-10-2015, 07:12 PM
His ancestors are Gypsies from Catalonia, "catalan gypsy".

:rolleyes: curious definition but well. Or what is the same, he has 0% Catalan blood.

02-10-2015, 08:09 PM
:rolleyes: curious definition but well. Or what is the same, he has 0% Catalan blood.

All gypsy have some degree of "local" blood.

check the study about them, posted by the gypsy guy here.

anyway my title was subjective. when I said catalan, I mean they came from catalonia.

Cristiano viejo
02-10-2015, 08:49 PM
All gypsy have some degree of "local" blood.

check the study about them, posted by the gypsy guy here.
hummm, let me to have serious doubts about this. In some countries like UK there are Gypsies very mixed with the native population (Michael Caine for example) but here in Spain there are a lot of pure Gypsies.

anyway my title was subjective. when I said catalan, I mean they came from catalonia.
Yes I know, I just wanted to clarify.

02-10-2015, 09:12 PM
hummm, let me to have serious doubts about this. In some countries like UK there are Gypsies very mixed with the native population (Michael Caine for example) but here in Spain there are a lot of pure Gypsies.

There is no pure Gypsy, they are a mixture of South-Asian and Euro, the Romanian and Turkish one being the least "European" and the ones from Wales being the more European, the other are in between.

02-10-2015, 09:19 PM
Is he really Gipsy? I can't tell.


Comte Arnau
02-10-2015, 11:27 PM
There are quite a few Catalan Gypsies, specially in French Catalonia, but they've usually got a Catalan surname, like Peret (Pere Pubill Calaf) did. Thing is, I don't find Girac to be a Catalan surname at all. If it is, it must be a very uncommon local one.

Dani Cutie
02-10-2015, 11:44 PM
There are quite a few Catalan Gypsies, specially in French Catalonia, but they've usually got a Catalan surname, like Peret (Pere Pubill Calaf) did. Thing is, I don't find Girac to be a Catalan surname at all. If it is, it must be a very uncommon local one.

Girac is an French city

02-11-2015, 10:16 AM
He looks very southern european, he could very much be catalan but the same as he could be Italian, Greek or Portuguese, they all have similar looks :)

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2015, 01:21 PM
There is no pure Gypsy, they are a mixture of South-Asian and Euro, the Romanian and Turkish one being the least "European" and the ones from Wales being the more European, the other are in between.

This Gypsy, Diego el Cigala, does he looks mixed to you?

02-11-2015, 01:31 PM
He's short 1m67cm




http://www.lamontagne.fr/photoSRC/bqViVeldaWelbKxCPNWs_pusXXdNGltxXD4uu1iw_sR0IkLcaz bGupnwlQUaVQo_pWI48f0HY_sxYvETMFwM2diAkJo-_/kendji-girac_1836613.jpeg

good looking dude..no homo.... doest look French/Spanish at all

02-11-2015, 01:45 PM
http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/v/t1.0-0/1014356_607207702643630_1997164219_n.jpg?oh=6bc9ae face90533e43794c36ffd6bbc1&oe=55641ED9&__gda__=1435502195_a0d3b7662895989d5b491fb9272435b ahttp://www.kabaddicrazy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/kabaddi-da-randy-ortan%E2%86%92-Pala-jalalpuria.jpg

the dude reminded me of this guy... I am starting to believe gypsies look like us

02-11-2015, 03:29 PM
This Gypsy, Diego el Cigala, does he looks mixed to you?

Who cares ?? Fulanis are black and they score 30% Med.

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2015, 04:39 PM
Who cares ?? Fulanis are black and they score 30% Med.

I do care, thats the reason of our conversation.
I dont know what are these Fulanis.

02-11-2015, 05:01 PM
I do care, thats the reason of our conversation.
I dont know what are these Fulanis.

This is what they look like:


they're 30% NA/Med.

Back to our topic.

look where Gypsies plot.
between India and Europe but more shifted toward Euros. you can see that some Gypsy cluster in the middle of the European cluster.



Just compare Spain, RSpain and Indians and you will see the difference, do the same with other euros.
Wales gypsy don't show any kind of indian.

Cristiano viejo
02-11-2015, 08:33 PM
This is what they look like:


they're 30% NA/Med.
These people is 0% White to me.


Back to our topic.

look where Gypsies plot.
between India and Europe but more shifted toward Euros. you can see that some Gypsy cluster in the middle of the European cluster.



Just compare Spain, RSpain and Indians and you will see the difference, do the same with other euros.
Wales gypsy don't show any kind of indian.
I dont know, but here in Spain Gypsies are clearly recognizable.
If Welsh Gypsies dont show any kind of Indian how can you be sure they are really Gypsies?

05-12-2015, 07:43 PM

05-18-2015, 09:14 AM
There are quite a few Catalan Gypsies, specially in French Catalonia, but they've usually got a Catalan surname, like Peret (Pere Pubill Calaf) did. Thing is, I don't find Girac to be a Catalan surname at all. If it is, it must be a very uncommon local one.
His family name is Maillé.