View Full Version : Classify this pretty Venezuelan Euro-mestiza

02-13-2015, 05:00 PM
She is a non-famous Venezuelan woman from the city of Barquisimeto, Lara State, Venezuela.

Do you think she is harniza (between 60-70 European, and the rest amerindian)?? or do you think she is castiza (between 70-85% European and the rest amerindian)?? I would appreciate if you specify which European subtype(s) and which Amerindian subtype(s) do you think are present in her.

Thank you




















Tooting Carmen
02-13-2015, 05:03 PM
60% Euro (Atlanto-Med with maybe some Berid) and 40% Amerindian (Centralid?)

02-13-2015, 05:12 PM
60% Euro (Atlanto-Med with maybe some Berid) and 40% Amerindian (Centralid?)

I don't think so. More likely her Amerindian admixture is Brasilid. She is from Lara state, and the inner regions of northwestern Venezuela (including Lara State) was inhabited by the Caquetios, who were a branch of the Arawak family.

02-13-2015, 07:03 PM

02-13-2015, 07:41 PM
She looks balanced mestiza, unlike Spanish women in "beautiful mestizas" thread.

02-13-2015, 11:20 PM
She looks balanced mestiza, unlike Spanish women in "beautiful mestizas" thread.

You mean mostly Spanish admixed, when you talk about most of those women, right?

And I think this girl looks more like harniza than Balanced mestiza. Probably I am wrong and she is balanced mestiza, but she looks more harniza than mestiza to me.

02-13-2015, 11:52 PM
Looks atlanto-med & amerindian.

Her caucasoid side predominates.

02-14-2015, 05:22 AM
Her caucasoid side predominates.

02-14-2015, 05:41 AM

It all depends on the light and angle of the picture. Not saying with this, that she looks white, because she obviously looks mixed; but in most of her other photos, her caucasoid side predominates.

02-14-2015, 11:33 AM
she looks balanced mestiza. and why are you so obsessed with this castiza-harniza thing? why not just say mestiza? we can't truly know what she is unless she takes a dna test

02-14-2015, 05:45 PM
looks balanced mestizo.or just lightskinned amerindian.

02-14-2015, 05:46 PM

02-14-2015, 10:54 PM
she looks balanced mestiza. and why are you so obsessed with this castiza-harniza thing? why not just say mestiza? we can't truly know what she is unless she takes a dna test

Is not that I am obsessed with it, is just that this is an anthropology forum, and if she is balanced mestiza, harniza or castiza, is relevant to the Physical anthropological subject on this board. That's after all, what this board is all about, and that's why I like to specify if in my opinion she is balanced mestiza, harniza, or castiza.

I recognize that is very possible that I was wrong when I classified her as Euro-mestiza, and she could be actually a balanced mestiza. If you and aherne are right, and she is balanced mestiza, that's fine. I just did a wild guess, because in many pics she shows very caucasian traits. So, if she is a balanced mestiza, my mistake:embarrassed. But I know very well that I am not perfect.

After all, even in balanced mestizos it is normal to show some notorious caucasian influence, because balanced mestizos are at least between 40 to 60% European, and for instance, it's normal that many balanced mestizo individuals (particularly when they look very caucasoid influenced) can be mistaken by harnizos or castizos.

And just for the records: I don't think that it is better to be harniza or castiza than balanced mestiza (LOL), I just tried to classify her for anthropological interest, and that's it.

What it counts is that in any case (whether she is mestiza, castiza or harniza) she is very pretty.

02-14-2015, 10:57 PM
looks balanced mestizo.or just lightskinned amerindian.

LOL, she is too caucasoid influenced to be just a lightskinned amerindian. If she is not Euro mestiza, she is at least a balanced mestiza with an Euro input between 40 to 60%.

02-14-2015, 10:59 PM

She is Venezuelan, and there are not malaysians, nor any kind of malayid influence in Venezuela. All of her non-European influence is Amerindian (more likely Arawak).

06-19-2015, 12:12 PM
she is between balanced mestiza and harniza. My mistake.

06-26-2015, 08:58 PM

06-26-2015, 11:52 PM

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 07:38 AM
Looks atlanto-med & amerindian.

Her caucasoid side predominates.


Harniza/castiza range.

07-01-2015, 08:47 AM
cara india

07-01-2015, 08:56 AM
very appetizing senorita:p

07-01-2015, 05:25 PM
cara india

Ya quisiera el gato lamer el plato...


07-01-2015, 05:47 PM
Ya quisiera el gato lamer el plato...


Exacto, ya quisiera el gilipollas ese, con cara de empanado y retrasado mental, y que nunca se come una rosca, que por lo menos una mestiza como esa le hiciese caso.

Porque aunque es mestiza, es una mujer muy atractiva y muy sexy. Estoy seguro de que no lo pelaria, con esa cara de pringao que tiene.

07-03-2015, 09:47 AM
Exacto, ya quisiera el gilipollas ese, con cara de empanado y retrasado mental, y que nunca se come una rosca, que por lo menos una mestiza como esa le hiciese caso.

Porque aunque es mestiza, es una mujer muy atractiva y muy sexy. Estoy seguro de que no lo pelaria, con esa cara de pringao que tiene.

puto cara indio como te atreves a insultarme en tiempos del imperio que un indio insultara a un español blanco como yo te supondría como castigo 100 latigazos, arrodíllate ante mi esclavo.

07-04-2015, 12:38 AM
puto cara indio como te atreves a insultarme en tiempos del imperio que un indio insultara a un español blanco como yo te supondría como castigo 100 latigazos, arrodíllate ante mi esclavo.

En serio crees que si vivieses en America en tiempos del imperio, los indios te harian caso al pedirles que se arrodillen ante ti?? Con esa cara de virgen retrasado mental?? :lol: Incluso cualquier esclavo, cualquier indio o cualquier mestizo se carcajearia en tu estupida cara de paleto virgen.

Yo creo hasta los mismos Espanoles que castigaban a los indios con 100 latigazos por insultar a un Espanol, en tu caso harian una excepcion, y pasarian de aplicarles ningun castigo, porque entenderian que es imposible mostrar ningun respeto por alguien con semejante careto, y hasta se reirian con ellos :lol:

Como decia, ese avatar tan ridiculo que tienes te va muy bien. Aunque no se cual avatar seria mas ridiculo, y pegaria mejor contigo: si el muneco ese, o tu estupido careto.

07-04-2015, 07:49 AM
En serio crees que si vivieses en America en tiempos del imperio, los indios te harian caso al pedirles que se arrodillen ante ti?? Con esa cara de virgen retrasado mental?? :lol: Incluso cualquier esclavo, cualquier indio o cualquier mestizo se carcajearia en tu estupida cara de paleto virgen.

Yo creo hasta los mismos Espanoles que castigaban a los indios con 100 latigazos por insultar a un Espanol, en tu caso harian una excepcion, y pasarian de aplicarles ningun castigo, porque entenderian que es imposible mostrar ningun respeto por alguien con semejante careto, y hasta se reirian con ellos :lol:

Como decia, ese avatar tan ridiculo que tienes te va muy bien. Aunque no se cual avatar seria mas ridiculo, y pegaria mejor contigo: si el muneco ese, o tu estupido careto.

puto indio de mierda inferior no tienes huevos de decírmelo a la cara.

07-04-2015, 11:32 PM
puto indio de mierda inferior no tienes huevos de decírmelo a la cara.

Inferior?? Pero si no hace falta ser demasiado listo para ser superior a ti. Estupido pringao con careto de subnormal.

Cuando gustes me avisas cuando te pasas por Columbus (Ohio) y yo te dire donde nos vemos para partirte el hocico. O en una de estas que yo vaya para Espana te pego un toque, Va??

Pero no tendras cojones, igual que no los tuviste con Cristiano Viejo. Pedazo de Marica.

07-04-2015, 11:50 PM
she is between balanced mestiza and harniza. My mistake.

Yeah she's in that range. She's Brasilid influenced not sure what her Euro sub type is.

03-08-2019, 09:29 PM
Atlanto-Berid + Brasilid.