View Full Version : Which ethnic phenotype do I match?

02-15-2015, 07:15 AM
I'm just interested in what phenotype(s) I look closest too.551235512455125

I should also note that my eyebrows would form a una/mono brow and would be slightly thicker, but I wax them a bit.

Sorry for the boring post.55127

02-15-2015, 08:14 AM
... but I wax them a bit.:rolleyes:


Would not be surprised if you were Latino.

02-15-2015, 08:33 AM
Holy lawd in the sky,those eyebrows.

Your Italian ancestry shows most in you.I think you are Gracile Med.

02-15-2015, 04:36 PM
I don't think you look like any of the things you have listed, but I might have said some kind of North African.

02-15-2015, 04:42 PM
I would have guessed some sort of latino, south American.

02-15-2015, 05:37 PM

I don't think most people question that I'm white (European) who meet me in person so I decided to put these up. They're from the winter in Norway and New England, so they emphasize how light my skin is. My hair also looks black in some of the photos, but it is dark brown. These pictures are a little older too.

I don't think you look like any of the things you have listed, but I might have said some kind of North African.

Yeah I agree with you, as you can see I look absolutely nothing like my Irish-Italian mother in the third picture up top. But my father has black hair, big eyebrows, and olive skin.

Holy lawd in the sky,those eyebrows.
Lmao HunterSV, you had me laughing good at that one.

02-15-2015, 05:37 PM
Irish mixed phenotype. You look Irish a bit mixed with southern European or North African I think.

02-15-2015, 05:41 PM
What's the meaning of 'possible Hellenic'?

02-15-2015, 05:46 PM
What's the meaning of 'possible Hellenic'?

Hi Just, by that I mean that I'm 75% French/Italian and maybe half of these ancestors come from lands primarily settled by greeks. (South of France + South/Central Adriatic coast). I can't say for certain that I'm hellenic, but I'm well aware that the people who come from these places have largely hellenic backgrounds.

02-15-2015, 05:50 PM
Where is your Italian side from? Apulia?

02-15-2015, 05:54 PM
like a Damn Jew

02-15-2015, 05:54 PM
Hi Sikeliot,

Where is your Italian side from? Apulia?

My Italian side is from southern molise and southern abruzzo as well as a little bit in Marche. So right next to Apulia, but not quite.

I don't have any photographs with me from when my Italian grandmother was young, but she looked similar to me, but with black hair, slightly darker skin, same color eyes, slightly wider face, and archy, but more feminine eyebrows. She's also 5 feet all.

02-15-2015, 06:14 PM
Hi Just, by that I mean that I'm 75% French/Italian and maybe half of these ancestors come from lands primarily settled by greeks. (South of France + South/Central Adriatic coast). I can't say for certain that I'm hellenic, but I'm well aware that the people who come from these places have largely hellenic backgrounds.

You don't look French at al to me. Maybe Irish/Italianish.

Styrian Mujo
02-15-2015, 06:28 PM
I'd say Iberian,Italian or atypical French.

Styrian Mujo
02-15-2015, 06:31 PM
I some pics you look North African.

02-15-2015, 06:34 PM
Yeah I see what you mean lighthouse,

You don't look French at al to me. Maybe Irish/Italianish.

That might be because my dad who is full French looks like this 55139
The woman there is my grandmother who is full Italian

02-15-2015, 06:36 PM
Yeah I kinda see what you mean Styrian Mujo,
But in general, some sort of Mediterranean. 55140

02-15-2015, 06:38 PM
Widest eyes I've ever seen.

02-15-2015, 06:40 PM
Yeah I see what you mean lighthouse,

That might be because my dad who is full French looks like this 55139
The woman there is my grandmother who is full Italian

He could be from south western France. One of my French ancestors is too and on the border to Iberia actually. My dad even has a sight Iberian look to him I think. Your father to me looks almost Iberian.

02-15-2015, 06:42 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure if this is what you mean by southwestern france, but there are quite a lot of rumors of basque ancestry in my family. Although I've only found one basque surname in the ancestral line. I have quite a few ancestors from Aquitaine in general though.

02-15-2015, 06:43 PM
You look more southern than your background. I guess it's part of the randomness in multigenerational mixing between quite distinct populations.

Styrian Mujo
02-15-2015, 06:44 PM
Yeah I see what you mean lighthouse,

That might be because my dad who is full French looks like this 55139
The woman there is my grandmother who is full Italian

What part of France is your father from?

02-15-2015, 06:44 PM
This might sound crazy, but I have two ideas:

1) Your French-Canadian side is mixed with Metis/Amerindian and you are not aware of it. This is more likely if your French ancestors had been settled in North America for a long period of time. Ignore this if your ancestry is more recent and you can trace all your father's ancestry to France.

2) Your look is created by a mixture of Southern European darkness mixed with Northern European robustness. I can think of two members on here (who I will not name) who can be described as "exotic", and they are both Northern-Southern mixes. Both of them have a Mediterranean look, but with a very robust element which probably comes from their Northern side.

02-15-2015, 06:46 PM
I don't see much of an Irish look with you at all tbh.

02-15-2015, 06:48 PM
Your dad doesn't look French, he almost looks Turkish. I think the exotic look is from him, and not your mother or the Italian side.

02-15-2015, 06:48 PM
Hi Styrian Mojo,
My father is 100% French-Canadian
So his family comes from all over France (mostly Western France). The most common regions are Aquitaine/Bordeaux, Poitou-Charentes, Brittany, and somehow Normandie. There are a few non-French ancestors in his line, but they hes about 97% ethnic french.

Styrian Mujo
02-15-2015, 06:50 PM
Hi Styrian Mojo,
My father is 100% French-Canadian
So his family comes from all over France (mostly Western France). The most common regions are Aquitaine/Bordeaux, Poitou-Charentes, Brittany, and somehow Normandie. There are a few non-French ancestors in his line, but they hes about 97% ethnic french.
I would have never guessed him as French. Looks quite exotic but maybe French are more exotic than I thought.

02-15-2015, 06:51 PM
You're actually right about the Native-American part! I can trace many of my lines (dozens) back to France itself, but I am aware that I am at least 1.5% Native American. Obviously that's extremely small, but most of my Quebec family lived in Quebec even in the 1600s, so this is indeed likely. Here's a photo of my mom, my dad, and myself to make the guessing game a little easier.


Also Sikeliot, this might confirm what you said just now.

02-15-2015, 06:53 PM
Your look is definitely from your father. Your mother looks what she is; a mixture of Northern and Southern European.

02-15-2015, 06:58 PM
You're actually right about the Native-American part! I can trace many of my lines (dozens) back to France itself, but I am aware that I am at least 1.5% Native American. Obviously that's extremely small, but most of my Quebec family lived in Quebec even in the 1600s, so this is indeed likely. Here's a photo of my mom, my dad, and myself to make the guessing game a little easier.


Also Sikeliot, this might confirm what you said just now.

Ok, but that is not very significant. I don't think that 1.5% Amerindian admixture would influence what you look like.

Looking at the picture, your father looks more exotic than most French people (and more exotic than most Iberians or Italians), but he is probably just part of the variation that exists in all groups. Just at the extreme end of the spectrum.

02-15-2015, 07:01 PM
What is the consensus then on my ethnic phenotype after all these pictures?
At first people almost unanimously said North African or Latino. But that might be because most of my pictures were from the summer and emphasized darker characteristics.

What do people think of these Roman-Funerary Portraits?

They remind me of myself, my French-Canadian father, and my Italian grandmother.
These are portraits of mixed Greek Egyptians who lived in Egypt during the Roman occupation.

02-15-2015, 07:01 PM
You look north african

02-15-2015, 07:02 PM
^ People have said I look like one of those photos too :lol:

Your Italian grandmother has a southern Italian, Greek sort of look, but I think your father (for whatever reason) is more exotic than that.

02-15-2015, 07:06 PM
You look original, let's put it that way but not really North African; all though it looks like you have some kind of Native or SSA ancestry somewhere down the line.

02-15-2015, 07:12 PM
Yeah I see what you mean lighthouse,

That might be because my dad who is full French looks like this 55139
The woman there is my grandmother who is full Italian

You look a bit like an old classmate of mine who was part Surinamese.

02-15-2015, 07:13 PM
You look more southern than your background. I guess it's part of the randomness in multigenerational mixing between quite distinct populations.

''Distinct'' :picard1:

02-15-2015, 07:14 PM
This might sound crazy, but I have two ideas:

1) Your French-Canadian side is mixed with Metis/Amerindian and you are not aware of it. This is more likely if your French ancestors had been settled in North America for a long period of time. Ignore this if your ancestry is more recent and you can trace all your father's ancestry to France.

2) Your look is created by a mixture of Southern European darkness mixed with Northern European robustness. I can think of two members on here (who I will not name) who can be described as "exotic", and they are both Northern-Southern mixes. Both of them have a Mediterranean look, but with a very robust element which probably comes from their Northern side.

Is it me ? :lightbul:

02-16-2015, 11:48 AM
''Distinct'' :picard1:

The average Irish and Italian (no matter the region) are quite distinct, yes. :thumbs up

02-16-2015, 04:33 PM
The average Irish and Italian (no matter the region) are quite distinct, yes. :thumbs up

Culturally, genetically or both ?

02-16-2015, 04:39 PM
Jeremy Wade?

02-16-2015, 04:56 PM
You can pass as Moroccan judging by the lighter pics. And Egyptian in the dark ones.

02-16-2015, 05:05 PM
I disagree with the North African opinions. You have a sort of latin look, but not NA.

02-16-2015, 05:42 PM
Culturally, genetically or both ?

Facial features, body proportions... which is what is discussed here. An example: take a very robust (for modern West Eurasian standards) Northern European and mix it with the most gracile Southern European you can find and imagine how some unique features can pop up.

Culturally, catholicism make them (Irish and Italian) very close in a WASP North America context of course.

02-16-2015, 09:16 PM
I see what you mean Chloe, a lot of people I have encountered have thought I was latino or Hispanic. (Generally Brazilian or Spanish)

02-16-2015, 09:20 PM
You can pass as Moroccan judging by the lighter pics. And Egyptian in the dark ones.
Since it's clear that I look very different in different photos for whatever reason (season, lighting, etc.)
I'll post 3 photos and ask which phenotype I appear as in each photo.
Photo 1 Dark
Photo 2 (Midrange)
Photo 3 Light

If anyone who has already posted or hasn't yet can state or restate their opinion on my phenotype in reference to each individual photo of these 3 I would really appreciate it. I'm happy to hear all serious opinions.

02-16-2015, 09:36 PM
Yep, in all 3 pics despite lighting your features are well within European spectrum.

02-16-2015, 09:40 PM
Yep, in all 3 pics despite lighting your features are well within European spectrum.

Where in the European Spectrum do you think they fit? Any specific ethnicity or region, or just Europe in general?

02-16-2015, 09:40 PM
West Med, Turanid eyes.

02-16-2015, 09:41 PM
Where in the European Spectrum do you think they fit? Any specific ethnicity or region, or just Europe in general?

On the south west, Spanish French combo.

02-16-2015, 09:43 PM
You don't look French-Canadian, neither does your father to be honest.

02-16-2015, 09:50 PM
You don't look French-Canadian, neither does your father to be honest.

Yeah I agree with you Carignan, it's strange because no one in my family looks like myself or my father. (Although I'm not sure what his parents looked like when they were younger). I also noticed that you marked your ancestry as coming from Ile-de-France, Poitou, and Aunis. I have many documented ancestors coming from those places. We probably have some common ancestors.

02-16-2015, 09:56 PM
You don't look French-Canadian, neither does your father to be honest.

So is Charlemagne your avatar?

02-16-2015, 09:59 PM
I think you have SSA ancestry, that's why people think you are North African or South American.

02-16-2015, 10:00 PM
I think you have SSA ancestry, that's why people think you are North African or South American.

Hi Septimus,
thanks for the comment. Can you tell me what SSA stands for?
It's probably something I should know, but unfortunately I do not.

02-16-2015, 10:03 PM
Yeah I agree with you Carignan, it's strange because no one in my family looks like myself or my father. (Although I'm not sure what his parents looked like when they were younger). I also noticed that you marked your ancestry as coming from Ile-de-France, Poitou, and Aunis. I have many documented ancestors coming from those places. We probably have some common ancestors.

French-Canadian are all related at some point, so we probably are. In a previous post, you said you ''somehow'' had Normand ancestry, but on the contrary, it is quite common. In fact, the Normands were the largest group of Settlers in the colony.If you want to know more about your French-Canadian side, you should look into genealogy to answer your questions. I have done my full ancestry paternally and maternally, on my father's side I have a little bit more than 8000 ancestors recorded, going as far as the 1550s for certain families.

PS: Do you speak French?

02-16-2015, 10:04 PM
Hi Septimus,
thanks for the comment. Can you tell me what SSA stands for?
It's probably something I should know, but unfortunately I do not.
Sub-Saharan African.
Your caucasian features look more European than North African or Middle Eastern, at least for the most part.
But you look like you could have black ancestry.

02-16-2015, 10:04 PM
So is Charlemagne your avatar?

Indeed it is!

02-16-2015, 10:05 PM
Maybe Puerto Rican or Greek.

02-16-2015, 10:09 PM
Dylan has this old south European look about him and I don't get these African suggestions. He looks like these old paintings of saints and rulers. No SSA for him :D (unless smth in noise levels, less than 1%)

02-16-2015, 10:10 PM
French-Canadian are all related at some point, so we probably are. In a previous post, you said you ''somehow'' had Normand ancestry, but on the contrary, it is quite common. In fact, the Normands were the largest group of Settlers in the colony.If you want to know more about your French-Canadian side, you should look into genealogy to answer your questions. I have done my full ancestry paternally and maternally, on my father's side I have a little bit more than 8000 ancestors recorded, going as far as the 1550s for certain families.

PS: Do you speak French?

I was unaware that Normands were the most common settlers in Quebec, but thats interesting to know. Some of my ancestry, I have very far back. I have almost half of my lineage going back to France, but I have a lot that go no further than 1850 even. (My Y Chromosome or paternal lineage comes from Perpignan in Roussilon, France though. My grandfather immigrated to the US around 1950 and didn't teach my father french so I don't speak it, but I can read it pretty well. I'm planning on continuing my studies next year. I'm impressed by your genealogical research by the way. 8000 recorded ancestors is extremely impressive.

02-16-2015, 10:15 PM
I'm impressed by your genealogical research by the way. 8000 recorded ancestors is extremely impressive.

8000 on my father's side only! If you are interested use this website http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/ , only people born more than a hundred year ago
are recorded on the database, you need to do some research with your family before starting your tree, once you have a link on the website you can go
to the 17th century most of the time.

02-16-2015, 10:16 PM
Sub-Saharan African.
Your caucasian features look more European than North African or Middle Eastern, at least for the most part.
But you look like you could have black ancestry.

I think that's an interesting thought. What do you think looks SSA? I can see how my nose is slightly SSA, but other than that I'm not sure. My skin is also very pale, but that might be a symptom of my Celiac Disease which causes for skin to look very light in some cases.

02-16-2015, 10:22 PM
8000 on my father's side only! If you are interested use this website http://www.nosorigines.qc.ca/ , only people born more than a hundred year ago
are recorded on the database, you need to do some research with your family before starting your tree, once you have a link on the website you can go
to the 17th century most of the time.

Thanks Carignan!
That sounds like a great site, I'll definitely look into it.
And wow 8000 ancestors on your dad's side only! That's amazing!

02-17-2015, 09:52 PM
Hi Just, by that I mean that I'm 75% French/Italian and maybe half of these ancestors come from lands primarily settled by greeks. (South of France + South/Central Adriatic coast). I can't say for certain that I'm hellenic, but I'm well aware that the people who come from these places have largely hellenic backgrounds.

Well people from the South of France also had a large input from all sides of France, so 'the ancient Greek' is almost washed out of their genepool and it's mostly ''Iberian-like'' I'd say, but many people from Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur have Italian ancestry. I've collected some kit numbers from people who came from Marseille and Lyon and they all look-alike, only some had higher Iberian or Italian input, the latter because of recent immigration from Italy to these regions; the Iberian input would be ancient I guess in most cases.


Guy with ancestry from the region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur; Marseille,lambesc, rognes, alleins, mallemort, Banon

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15
# Population Percent
1 Atlantic 32.39
2 North_Sea 20.04
3 West_Med 19.16
4 Baltic 8.09
5 Eastern_Euro 7.11
6 West_Asian 4.97
7 East_Med 4.57
8 Red_Sea 3.67

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Southwest_French @ 6.673033
2 Spanish_Cantabria @ 7.098687
3 Spanish_Cataluna @ 7.636234
4 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon @ 8.045454
5 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha @ 8.277026
6 Spanish_Valencia @ 8.929327
7 Spanish_Aragon @ 9.119167
8 Spanish_Extremadura @ 9.513855
9 Spanish_Murcia @ 9.821149
10 Portuguese @ 10.081958
11 Spanish_Andalucia @ 10.473685
12 Spanish_Galicia @ 10.775744
13 French @ 11.281175
14 South_Dutch @ 14.249675
15 North_Italian @ 15.344846
16 French_Basque @ 16.514297
17 Southwest_English @ 18.137377
18 Austrian @ 18.660511
19 Southeast_English @ 19.428259
20 East_German @ 19.572796

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 71.6% Southwest_French + 28.4% South_Dutch @ 3.51
2 78.9% Southwest_French + 21.1% North_German @ 3.58
3 70.3% Spanish_Aragon + 29.7% East_German @ 3.58
4 56.2% French_Basque + 43.8% Serbian @ 3.73
5 73.1% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 26.9% East_German @ 3.81
6 66.6% Southwest_French + 33.4% French @ 3.86
7 81.4% Southwest_French + 18.6% Danish @ 3.89
8 76.2% Spanish_Cantabria + 23.8% Austrian @ 3.89
9 80% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 20% Southwest_Finnish @ 3.9
10 81.8% Southwest_French + 18.2% North_Dutch @ 3.96
11 80.7% Southwest_French + 19.3% Irish @ 4.01
12 81.4% Southwest_French + 18.6% West_Scottish @ 4.01
13 78.1% Spanish_Aragon + 21.9% Southwest_Finnish @ 4.03
14 79.3% Southwest_French + 20.7% Southeast_English @ 4.03
15 91.4% Southwest_French + 8.6% Tabassaran @ 4.04
16 79.5% Southwest_French + 20.5% East_German @ 4.05
17 78.1% Southwest_French + 21.9% Southwest_English @ 4.08
18 74.6% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 25.4% North_German @ 4.11
19 85.3% Southwest_French + 14.7% North_Swedish @ 4.12
20 82.8% Southwest_French + 17.2% Orcadian @

Another French guy with ancestry from the region of Rhône-Alpes:

# Population Percent
1 North_Sea 27.43
2 Atlantic 24.91
3 West_Med 16.68
4 East_Med 11.1
5 Baltic 10.03
6 West_Asian 5.54
7 Eastern_Euro 3.92
8 Amerindian 0.38

Single Population Sharing:

# Population (source) Distance
1 French 5.57
2 Spanish_Cataluna 8.39
3 Spanish_Galicia 8.75
4 South_Dutch 9.1
5 Portuguese 9.24
6 West_German 9.69
7 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon 9.96
8 Spanish_Murcia 10.72
9 Spanish_Extremadura 10.94
10 North_Italian 11.46
11 Southwest_English 12.55
12 Spanish_Valencia 12.64
13 Spanish_Cantabria 12.82
14 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha 13.5
15 Southeast_English 13.68
16 Spanish_Andalucia 13.87
17 Southwest_French 13.88
18 East_German 14.27
19 Serbian 14.35
20 North_German 14.41

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 63.6% North_Italian + 36.4% West_Norwegian @ 3.36
2 58.6% North_Italian + 41.4% North_Dutch @ 3.55
3 60.4% North_Italian + 39.6% Orcadian @ 3.68
4 54.8% West_German + 45.2% North_Italian @ 3.71
5 52.5% North_Italian + 47.5% Southwest_English @ 3.78
6 62.2% North_Italian + 37.8% Norwegian @ 3.81
7 54.9% North_Italian + 45.1% Southeast_English @ 3.82
8 58.5% North_Italian + 41.5% Irish @ 3.93
9 63% North_Italian + 37% Swedish @ 3.93
10 56.9% Southwest_English + 43.1% Tuscan @ 3.94
11 59.6% North_Italian + 40.4% West_Scottish @ 3.98
12 60.1% West_German + 39.9% Spanish_Andalucia @ 4.01
13 54.5% Spanish_Cataluna + 45.5% West_German @ 4.04
14 59.2% North_Italian + 40.8% Danish @ 4.06
15 57.7% West_German + 42.3% Spanish_Valencia @ 4.2
16 53.1% West_German + 46.9% Spanish_Murcia @ 4.27
17 88.5% French + 11.5% South_Italian @ 4.38
18 85% French + 15% Greek_Thessaly @ 4.39
19 54.6% Southeast_English + 45.4% Tuscan @ 4.43
20 86.4% French + 13.6% Greek @ 4.45

02-17-2015, 10:09 PM
Well people from the South of France also had a large input from all sides of France, so 'the ancient Greek' is almost washed out of their genepool and it's mostly ''Iberian-like'' I'd say, but many people from Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur have Italian ancestry. I've collected some kit numbers from people who came from Marseille and Lyon and they all look-alike, only some had higher Iberian or Italian input, the latter because of recent immigration from Italy to these regions; the Iberian input would be ancient I guess in most cases.


Guy with ancestry from these places: Marseille,lambesc, rognes, alleins, mallemort, Banon

Eurogenes EUtest V2 K15
# Population Percent
1 Atlantic 32.39
2 North_Sea 20.04
3 West_Med 19.16
4 Baltic 8.09
5 Eastern_Euro 7.11
6 West_Asian 4.97
7 East_Med 4.57
8 Red_Sea 3.67

Using 1 population approximation:
1 Southwest_French @ 6.673033
2 Spanish_Cantabria @ 7.098687
3 Spanish_Cataluna @ 7.636234
4 Spanish_Castilla_Y_Leon @ 8.045454
5 Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha @ 8.277026
6 Spanish_Valencia @ 8.929327
7 Spanish_Aragon @ 9.119167
8 Spanish_Extremadura @ 9.513855
9 Spanish_Murcia @ 9.821149
10 Portuguese @ 10.081958
11 Spanish_Andalucia @ 10.473685
12 Spanish_Galicia @ 10.775744
13 French @ 11.281175
14 South_Dutch @ 14.249675
15 North_Italian @ 15.344846
16 French_Basque @ 16.514297
17 Southwest_English @ 18.137377
18 Austrian @ 18.660511
19 Southeast_English @ 19.428259
20 East_German @ 19.572796

Mixed Mode Population Sharing:

# Primary Population (source) Secondary Population (source) Distance
1 71.6% Southwest_French + 28.4% South_Dutch @ 3.51
2 78.9% Southwest_French + 21.1% North_German @ 3.58
3 70.3% Spanish_Aragon + 29.7% East_German @ 3.58
4 56.2% French_Basque + 43.8% Serbian @ 3.73
5 73.1% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 26.9% East_German @ 3.81
6 66.6% Southwest_French + 33.4% French @ 3.86
7 81.4% Southwest_French + 18.6% Danish @ 3.89
8 76.2% Spanish_Cantabria + 23.8% Austrian @ 3.89
9 80% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 20% Southwest_Finnish @ 3.9
10 81.8% Southwest_French + 18.2% North_Dutch @ 3.96
11 80.7% Southwest_French + 19.3% Irish @ 4.01
12 81.4% Southwest_French + 18.6% West_Scottish @ 4.01
13 78.1% Spanish_Aragon + 21.9% Southwest_Finnish @ 4.03
14 79.3% Southwest_French + 20.7% Southeast_English @ 4.03
15 91.4% Southwest_French + 8.6% Tabassaran @ 4.04
16 79.5% Southwest_French + 20.5% East_German @ 4.05
17 78.1% Southwest_French + 21.9% Southwest_English @ 4.08
18 74.6% Spanish_Castilla_La_Mancha + 25.4% North_German @ 4.11
19 85.3% Southwest_French + 14.7% North_Swedish @ 4.12
20 82.8% Southwest_French + 17.2% Orcadian @

It's interesting that you say that. I haven't found any ancestry from Provence (Although my grandmother's surname was Provencher, which could possibly stem from Provence). I have some ancestry from Roussilon and around Labourd in Basque-France and Catalan-France, but this is only a few strands.

02-17-2015, 10:13 PM
It's interesting that you say that. I haven't found any ancestry from Provence (Although my grandmother's surname was Provencher, which could possibly stem from Provence). I have some ancestry from Roussilon and around Labourd in Basque-France and Catalan-France, but this is only a few strands.

France has never been as regionally conservative as Italy for example, so this is to be expected honestly.

02-17-2015, 10:25 PM
I would have guessed you as Turkish/greek to be honest.

02-17-2015, 10:38 PM
I don't think you have any kind of SSA, since your parents don't show it,
Personally I can mistake you for NA. especially the eyes area .

02-17-2015, 10:51 PM
I don't you have any kind of SSA, since your parents don't show it,
Personally I can mistake you for NA. especially the eyes area .

My father has some Sub-Saharan features that are very slight. For example his hair is somewhat SSA, but not quite. However none of his brothers or sisters (he has 3) resemble him much. Their hair and skin is different for example.

It's interesting to hear that I look NA from someone who is Berber themselves. My skin color is so pale that I wasn't even sure if people would consider me med at all.

02-17-2015, 10:55 PM
My father has some Sub-Saharan features that are very slight. For example his hair is somewhat SSA, but not quite. However none of his brothers or sisters (he has 3) resemble him much. Their hair and skin is different for example.

It's interesting to hear that I look NA from someone who is Berber themselves. My skin color is so pale that I wasn't even sure if people would consider me med at all.

I'd discard every 'wild guess' here on TA and would put my faith more in doing some DNA testing. Either North African, Native American and SSA are relatively easy to detect; speculation based on phenotype is a recipe for disaster. Most people here guessed me North African or Levantine for example :laugh2:

02-17-2015, 10:59 PM
I'd discard every 'wild guess' here on TA and would put my faith more in doing some DNA testing. Either North African, Native American and SSA are relatively easy to detect; speculation based on phenotype is a recipe for disaster. Most people here guessed me North African or Levantine for example :laugh2:

Yes, I definitely agree with that. But it's at the very least, interesting to know how strangers perceive you on the basis of your appearance.

I don't see the Dutch in you, but I probably would have guessed you were Sicilian. You do appear NA/Levantine too, but I thought most Sicilians had reasonably high levels of NA and Levantine DNA.

02-17-2015, 11:02 PM
My father has some Sub-Saharan features that are very slight. For example his hair is somewhat SSA, but not quite. However none of his brothers or sisters (he has 3) resemble him much. Their hair and skin is different for example.

It's interesting to hear that I look NA from someone who is Berber themselves. My skin color is so pale that I wasn't even sure if people would consider me med at all.

Yes because people usually think of Berbers as sand-niggers especially in USA lol.

but the med coast of NA have similar skin tone to Southern Europe, and more south you go, more people become darker.


here my picture tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/65044_10151863515546543_1525256221_n.jpg?oh=cb4600 4c9d73dd04f1424ed43c37be52&oe=555B30E4

not tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/10277729_10152332358806543_8908049858456503994_n.j pg?oh=ee0f2f35d6054d5cdee08aa1dee8a676&oe=559386D5

people in NA can vary a lot, more than what people usually thinks.

02-17-2015, 11:03 PM
I'd discard every 'wild guess' here on TA and would put my faith more in doing some DNA testing. Either North African, Native American and SSA are relatively easy to detect; speculation based on phenotype is a recipe for disaster. Most people here guessed me North African or Levantine for example :laugh2:

It's really interesting that sometimes S and N Euros mixed in some pictures can look NA lol.

02-17-2015, 11:04 PM
Yes, I definitely agree with that. But it's at the very least, interesting to know how strangers perceive you on the basis of your appearance.

I don't see the Dutch in you, but I probably would have guessed you were Sicilian. You do appear NA/Levantine too, but I thought most Sicilians had reasonably high levels of NA and Levantine DNA.

How do you know that you're part of the R1b-M269 Y-haplogroup ? :p

Black Wolf
02-17-2015, 11:07 PM
Yeah us mixed folks can turn out to have interesting looks that do not really fit in any one place all that well. I am of mixed Italian, Finnish and Irish/British Isles ancestry but overall I look more Italian than anything else.

02-17-2015, 11:09 PM
Since it's clear that I look very different in different photos for whatever reason (season, lighting, etc.)
I'll post 3 photos and ask which phenotype I appear as in each photo.
Photo 1 Dark
Photo 2 (Midrange)
Photo 3 Light

If anyone who has already posted or hasn't yet can state or restate their opinion on my phenotype in reference to each individual photo of these 3 I would really appreciate it. I'm happy to hear all serious opinions.

You look a little like a younger Cristiano Ronaldo on the first picture.

02-17-2015, 11:12 PM
It's really interesting that sometimes S and N Euros mixed in some pictures can look NA lol.

What is more interesting is that some NA's think I'm also NA and some don't think that I look NA at all but rather Turkish or (like the best of them think :p) Southern European :)

02-17-2015, 11:12 PM
How do you know that you're part of the R1b-M269 Y-haplogroup ? :p

My father's father did a DNA test with National Geographic that resulted in M269, so I know for sure :D

02-17-2015, 11:16 PM
My father's father did a DNA test with National Geographic that resulted in M269, so I know for sure :D

Aah that makes sense ! What a bummer though that National Geographic is not doing deeper testing for subclades and alike. You only know what your branch is now, which is European like you probably already know.

02-17-2015, 11:17 PM
I don't see the Dutch in you, but I probably would have guessed you were Sicilian. You do appear NA/Levantine too, but I thought most Sicilians had reasonably high levels of NA and Levantine DNA.

He would be on the exotic end but yes, I think he looks Sicilian and/or other southern Italian also.

02-17-2015, 11:22 PM
Aah that makes sense ! What a bummer though that National Geographic is not doing deeper testing for subclades and alike. You only know what your branch is now, which is European like you probably already know.

Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I saw that it didn't go any deeper than that, but I suppose I could get a deeper one done to myself if I really wanted to

02-17-2015, 11:22 PM

02-17-2015, 11:24 PM
Yes because people usually think of Berbers as sand-niggers especially in USA lol.

but the med coast of NA have similar skin tone to Southern Europe, and more south you go, more people become darker.


here my picture tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/65044_10151863515546543_1525256221_n.jpg?oh=cb4600 4c9d73dd04f1424ed43c37be52&oe=555B30E4

not tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/10277729_10152332358806543_8908049858456503994_n.j pg?oh=ee0f2f35d6054d5cdee08aa1dee8a676&oe=559386D5

people in NA can vary a lot, more than what people usually thinks.

To be honest, your picture when you're not tanned, looked about as tan as I've ever been. I've only really tanned once, and that was after some experimenting with tanning oil. My natural skin is so white that people are surprised that I'm part Italian.


Isn't this too light to be Med?

02-17-2015, 11:26 PM
What is more interesting is that some NA's think I'm also NA and some don't think that I look NA at all but rather Turkish or (like the best of them think :p) Southern European :)

You're weird lol.

02-17-2015, 11:28 PM
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I saw that it didn't go any deeper than that, but I suppose I could get a deeper one done to myself if I really wanted to

23andme is cheap and better(already done it).
DNA Tribe is very expensive, but it's the better(I will do it later).

02-17-2015, 11:29 PM
Yes because people usually think of Berbers as sand-niggers especially in USA lol.

but the med coast of NA have similar skin tone to Southern Europe, and more south you go, more people become darker.


here my picture tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/v/t1.0-9/65044_10151863515546543_1525256221_n.jpg?oh=cb4600 4c9d73dd04f1424ed43c37be52&oe=555B30E4

not tanned

https://scontent-fra.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p417x417/10277729_10152332358806543_8908049858456503994_n.j pg?oh=ee0f2f35d6054d5cdee08aa1dee8a676&oe=559386D5

people in NA can vary a lot, more than what people usually thinks.

Yes but I'd never guess you Southern European.. I grew up between Turks and Moroccans though, so that could be an explanation I guess.

02-17-2015, 11:30 PM
23andme is cheap and better(already done it).
DNA Tribe is very expensive, but it's the better(I will do it later).

Never mind :p

How come you think DNAtribe is better ? It depends on ones wishes, no ?

02-17-2015, 11:32 PM
You're weird lol.

Explain this weirdness of mine you perceive ?

02-17-2015, 11:35 PM
To be honest, your picture when you're not tanned, looked about as tan as I've ever been. I've only really tanned once, and that was after some experimenting with tanning oil. My natural skin is so white that people are surprised that I'm part Italian.


Isn't this too light to be Med?

Your skin comes surely from you Irish part, yes you're very light not the average med (some meds can be light as you). but feature wise you look southerner shifted lol.

02-17-2015, 11:35 PM
Yeah, I was pretty disappointed when I saw that it didn't go any deeper than that, but I suppose I could get a deeper one done to myself if I really wanted to

BIG-Y at FTDNA is a good choice for digging deeper in your paternal haplogroup. I'm doing that in the future to find out which subclade I belong to. :cool:

Grace O'Malley
02-18-2015, 02:40 AM
Yeah I see what you mean lighthouse,

That might be because my dad who is full French looks like this 55139
The woman there is my grandmother who is full Italian

You look a lot like your Dad. You look Southern European but that's not strange as you are half-Italian. My mother is from near Limerick. She is from Co. Tipperary.

02-18-2015, 04:11 AM
You look a lot like your Dad. You look Southern European but that's not strange as you are half-Italian. My mother is from near Limerick. She is from Co. Tipperary.

Hi Grace,

I'm actually only 25% Italian (I messed up my bio the first time, but I fixed it just now).
I have a picture of my grandfather who is 100% Munster Irish. Does he look Munster Irish? I've only met one person from Munster and they didn't look hardly at all like him.

02-18-2015, 04:15 AM
^ I don't see why he couldn't look Irish, I have seen similar Irish Americans.

02-18-2015, 04:24 AM
^ I don't see why he couldn't look Irish, I have seen similar Irish Americans.

It's not that he doesn't look Irish, I think he looks very Irish, but I'm not sure if he fits the typical look of Munster in particular.

02-18-2015, 04:26 AM
It's not that he doesn't look Irish, I think he looks very Irish, but I'm not sure if he fits the typical look of Munster in particular.

Most Irish have a similar look, but I have been told in far western Ireland, which did not see much Norman, Viking or other British influences, they have more of an Atlantid look. I am unsure on the map where Munster is.

02-18-2015, 04:31 AM
Most Irish have a similar look, but I have been told in far western Ireland, which did not see much Norman, Viking or other British influences, they have more of an Atlantid look. I am unsure on the map where Munster is.

Munster is in the South-West. The Man I know from Munster is from County Kerry and just like you said, he has a pretty Atlantid look. I don't have any photos of him though.

Grace O'Malley
02-18-2015, 09:55 AM
Hi Grace,

I'm actually only 25% Italian (I messed up my bio the first time, but I fixed it just now).
I have a picture of my grandfather who is 100% Munster Irish. Does he look Munster Irish? I've only met one person from Munster and they didn't look hardly at all like him.

Yes your granddad looks Irish. I don't think in Ireland that people from Munster look different than other areas. Ireland's not that big. :)

Grace O'Malley
02-18-2015, 10:02 AM
Here is a few pics from the first page after typing in people from Limerick.


Grace O'Malley
02-18-2015, 10:10 AM
Most Irish have a similar look, but I have been told in far western Ireland, which did not see much Norman, Viking or other British influences, they have more of an Atlantid look. I am unsure on the map where Munster is.

There is no difference in general in any part of Ireland. The very west of Ireland in places like Galway was controlled by 14 powerful merchant families. They were of mixed origins, variously Norman, Hiberno-Norman, Gaelic-Irish, French, Welsh and English, or some combination of the above.


In a lot of the north west there was a lot of Scots influence over the years but generally the Irish are typical north-western people.

These men are all from Co. Mayo which is as west as you can go in Ireland.


Grace O'Malley
02-18-2015, 10:23 AM
Munster is in the South-West. The Man I know from Munster is from County Kerry and just like you said, he has a pretty Atlantid look. I don't have any photos of him though.

I hope I'm not spamming your thread Dylan but here are some Kerry Gaelic football and hurling teams to have a look at. Ireland has all sorts but they generally look British Isles.


Dani Cutie
02-18-2015, 10:33 AM
You aren´t 100% white

02-18-2015, 10:49 AM
I hope I'm not spamming your thread Dylan but here are some Kerry Gaelic football and hurling teams to have a look at. Ireland has all sorts but they generally look British Isles.






Hi Grace,
Certainly not spamming. I think there is a lot of confusion about phenotypes in Ireland in general with some thinking its all pale redheads and others thinking its all "black irish".

Do you think i could pass for Irish in any of these pictures? I know you think I look Southern European, but I think every now and then theres a moment where I can pass for Irish as well. I could be wrong though.

02-18-2015, 10:50 AM
You aren´t 100% white

What makes you think that? Any features in particular? And where do you think the mix is?
thanks for the unput

02-18-2015, 10:52 AM
What makes you think that? Any features in particular? And where do you think the mix is?
thanks for the unput

Dude, you're such a fluke. Just do a 23anme as soon as possible to kill our curiosity.

02-18-2015, 10:58 AM
Dude, you're such a fluke. Just do a 23anme as soon as possible to kill our curiosity.

I'm going to, but I'm my interest is not limited to what I actually am, but what people perceive me to be, mostly because I've walked around my whole life with various strangers assuming 100% that I was anything from Irish, to Arab, to Latino, or French. I hope to do 23andMe in the next month or so, so if that's all you're interested in, just check my thread or profile in a month. I'll either add it to the end of this thread or post it in a new one.