View Full Version : Classify this Turk from Central Anatolia

02-16-2015, 06:51 PM



02-16-2015, 06:53 PM
Assimilated balkan slav + armenoid. Cherry picking.

02-16-2015, 06:56 PM
Assimilated balkan slav + armenoid. Cherry picking.

He's from Ankara. There is nothing Balkan in his phenotype. He's also not atypical in Ankara.

02-16-2015, 06:58 PM
He's from Ankara. There is nothing Balkan about him. He's also not atypical in Ankara.


02-16-2015, 06:58 PM


02-16-2015, 06:59 PM
He's from Ankara. There is nothing Balkan about him. He's also not atypical in Ankara.


02-16-2015, 07:18 PM
Turanoid pontid.

02-16-2015, 07:19 PM
Assimiliated balkan (pontid) +minor turanid

02-16-2015, 07:20 PM
Assimiliated balkan (pontid) +minor turanid
says a Kıro donkey, sure sure

02-16-2015, 07:20 PM
This guy looks Balkan as fuck.

02-16-2015, 07:21 PM
He could pass in Europe indeed.

02-16-2015, 07:22 PM
This guy looks Balkan as fuck.
he is from Ankara, btw he looks much more chechen-circassian then balkan

02-16-2015, 07:22 PM
Assimiliated balkan (pontid) +minor turanid

Trust me, when i show you his mother you will say; its impossible that he is from Balkan. :)

02-16-2015, 07:23 PM
says a Kıro donkey, sure sure

I'm sorry, you don't like my classifications? Good, that means I probably said something right :)

02-16-2015, 07:23 PM
I'm sorry, you don't like my classifications? Good, that means I probably said something right :)
you have proven what you are, nothing else

02-16-2015, 07:24 PM
Like a guy i know very well

02-16-2015, 07:24 PM
Maybe he is a leftover from the varangian guard. :D

02-16-2015, 07:25 PM
he is from Ankara, btw he looks much more chechen-circassian then balkan


It's funny when Amateurs from around the world classify Turks. :)

02-16-2015, 07:27 PM

It's funny when Amateurs from around the world classify Turks. :)

Sorry for expressing our opinion on his looks Professor Classify

02-16-2015, 07:28 PM
Sorry for expressing our opinion on his looks Professor Classify

I accept your apologies. :)

02-16-2015, 07:29 PM
He could pass in Europe indeed.

Can he pass in Russia?

02-16-2015, 07:32 PM
Can he pass in Russia?
Possibly, but more likely in the Balkans. I don't know who he is, just saying how I view him.

02-17-2015, 04:47 PM
people often confuse Balkans with people from Caucasus, even I confuse them sometimes. Indeed there are some ancient links between those two regions. Albania for example existed in the Balkans and in the Caucasus. Nevertheless, he looks very Germanic to me. Maybe Pontid-Borreby but not Turanid. Btw, Borreby is the western equivalent of Turanid, both descended from Cromagnon-C.

06-28-2015, 04:38 AM
people often confuse Balkans with people from Caucasus, even I confuse them sometimes. Indeed there are some ancient links between those two regions. Albania for example existed in the Balkans and in the Caucasus. Nevertheless, he looks very Germanic to me. Maybe Pontid-Borreby but not Turanid. Btw, Borreby is the western equivalent of Turanid, both descended from Cromagnon-C.

How is it possible to confuse them? Caucasians don't nearly resemble Balkan people in their look.

There is also no link. Caucasus Albania has no relation with Albania.

06-29-2015, 04:32 AM
How is it possible to confuse them? Caucasians don't nearly resemble Balkan people in their look.

There is also no link. Caucasus Albania has no relation with Albania.

There are many ancient links. Some Caucasus historians argue first inhabitans of the Balkans or Greece were called Pelasgians, and they say they came around Caucasus and that their culture was similar to Georgian and which also has similairites with Albanian, their language has been put between ALbanian and Armenian by some. some Albanian historian called Marin Barleti mentioned how Albanians many thousands of years ago came to the Balkans from Colchis. The name Ulqin of Montenegro (Alb: Ulk/ujk Illyrian: Ulk) meaning wolf has also been linked to this. but he said we migrated to Italy, same area where Etruscans lived ca. then settled in Epirus and Macedonia which was not inhabited.

It has no recent relation. they are trying to say we came from Caucasus around 1043 AD, thats maybe 1000 years ago, not more. and way after Slavs came, that's a fucking hilarious theory with no fucking historical migrations or anything, but slavs who came hundreds of years before that year were recorded. doesn't also help that Albanian language has many latin words from Roman empire, before slavs even lived in the balkans, and also Paleo-Balkanic culture shared with ancient populations of the Balkans. This theory has been disproven a long time ago. the only connection is a ancient connection most likely. Only Serbian nationalists like to jerk off to this obsolete theory, the iranian theory of Croats and Serbs is much more credible. I'm surprised they haven't said we came from Italy, there was also a theory about that. Pelasgian theory of Albanian isn't really obsolete it's more about being political correct, so is the fact that few historians mention how Albs might descendant from Dardani tribe of todays Kosovo who then some migrated south to Albania.

06-29-2015, 04:41 AM
Dinarid + CM.

06-29-2015, 04:43 AM
He is white and he has red-cheeks
Therefore, he has a Balkan genetics

06-29-2015, 04:44 AM
He is white and he has red-cheeks
Therefore, he has a Balkan genetics

Anima Libera
06-29-2015, 04:49 AM
Turanid? Are you people high?

He looks balkan as fuck.


06-29-2015, 04:54 AM
There are many ancient links. Some Caucasus historians argue first inhabitans of the Balkans or Greece were called Pelasgians, and they say they came around Caucasus and that their culture was similar to Georgian and which also has similairites with Albanian, their language has been put between ALbanian and Armenian by some. some Albanian historian called Marin Barleti mentioned how Albanians many thousands of years ago came to the Balkans from Colchis. The name Ulqin of Montenegro (Alb: Ulk/ujk Illyrian: Ulk) meaning wolf has also been linked to this. but he said we migrated to Italy, same area where Etruscans lived ca. then settled in Epirus and Macedonia which was not inhabited.

It has no recent relation. they are trying to say we came from Caucasus around 1043 AD, thats maybe 1000 years ago, not more. and way after Slavs came, that's a fucking hilarious theory with no fucking historical migrations or anything, but slavs who came hundreds of years before that year were recorded. doesn't also help that Albanian language has many latin words from Roman empire, before slavs even lived in the balkans, and also Paleo-Balkanic culture shared with ancient populations of the Balkans. This theory has been disproven a long time ago. the only connection is a ancient connection most likely. Only Serbian nationalists like to jerk off to this obsolete theory, the iranian theory of Croats and Serbs is much more credible. I'm surprised they haven't said we came from Italy, there was also a theory about that. Pelasgian theory of Albanian isn't really obsolete it's more about being political correct, so is the fact that few historians mention how Albs might descendant from Dardani tribe of todays Kosovo who then some migrated south to Albania.

There are no ancient links between Albanians and any Caucasian population, that's laughable.

06-29-2015, 06:59 AM
There are no ancient links between Albanians and any Caucasian population, that's laughable.

What is more laughable is how much you care. Have I mentioned Chechens here or any Vainakh, no, so why do you really care so much? We have no Connection with Chechens, Ingushetians, Lezgins, Avars, Circassians, Udis, Caucasus Albanians, Adygeans etc or any NON-IE people, .... There are some connections with ancient people of the caucasus and our ancestors, nothing to do with Chechens or Vainakh or those others I mentioned. You're not the only ones who have lived in Caucasus you know, it's been like a walkthrough or door into Europe for many populations. many different populations have lived in the caucasus and around the steppes. today you still have IE people like Armenians living there. and Sarmatians and Scythians lived there, indo-iranians. most likely some of their descednants are todays Ossetians, who are Iranian speakers, still to this day Caucasus is inhabited by different populatiosn but of course we have ppl like you who speak like you're all the same... not even Europeans are the same. I remember reading Caucasus was even inhabited by thracians.

So why the fuck cannot other people have connection with this region without having dudes like you jumping in ''laughable'' without really knowing what you're speaking of just because they think they mean ''your people''?

I never really said Albanians have connections with Caucasus, I said Illyrians, Thracians and Pelasgians do according to some historians, which are also considered our ancestors.

then you deny that some Caucasians look like European/balkanite. so you can see the difference between Armenians and Greeks? or Ossetians with some Balkan people? lol whatever you say.

06-29-2015, 07:43 AM
What is more laughable is how much you care. Have I mentioned Chechens here or any Vainakh, no, so why do you really care so much? We have no Connection with Chechens, Ingushetians, Lezgins, Avars, Circassians, Udis, Caucasus Albanians, Adygeans etc or any NON-IE people, .... There are some connections with ancient people of the caucasus and our ancestors, nothing to do with Chechens or Vainakh or those others I mentioned. You're not the only ones who have lived in Caucasus you know, it's been like a walkthrough or door into Europe for many populations. many different populations have lived in the caucasus and around the steppes. today you still have IE people like Armenians living there. and Sarmatians and Scythians lived there, indo-iranians. most likely some of their descednants are todays Ossetians, who are Iranian speakers, still to this day Caucasus is inhabited by different populatiosn but of course we have ppl like you who speak like you're all the same... not even Europeans are the same. I remember reading Caucasus was even inhabited by thracians.

So why the fuck cannot other people have connection with this region without having dudes like you jumping in ''laughable'' without really knowing what you're speaking of just because they think they mean ''your people''?

I never really said Albanians have connections with Caucasus, I said Illyrians, Thracians and Pelasgians do according to some historians, which are also considered our ancestors.

then you deny that some Caucasians look like European/balkanite. so you can see the difference between Armenians and Greeks? or Ossetians with some Balkan people? lol whatever you say.

Yes, definitely, I can very easily tell apart Ossetians from Balkan people. Ossetians look like North Caucasians.

I have never claimed all Caucasians were the same but we're all pretty similar to each other and nothing like Albanians or Balkan people.

Maybe 2-3% of Albanians could pass in Caucasus, at most and of course as atypical.

06-29-2015, 07:49 AM
Assimiliated balkan (pontid) +minor turanid

Assimiliated? oww my sweet donkey fucker

06-29-2015, 08:24 AM
Looks maybe Balkan Borreby to me.

Mn The Loki TA Son
06-29-2015, 08:32 AM
Looks like a Balkan.

06-29-2015, 11:15 AM
Yes, definitely, I can very easily tell apart Ossetians from Balkan people. Ossetians look like North Caucasians.

I have never claimed all Caucasians were the same but we're all pretty similar to each other and nothing like Albanians or Balkan people.

Maybe 2-3% of Albanians could pass in Caucasus, at most and of course as atypical.

why do Russians call Chechnyans and Caucasus people ''Haxik/hachik'' which basically means black?

I don't really care if there is an ancient connection, it's Caucasus historians themselves who try to say there is connection with Pelasgians and Caucasus (Georgians and Armenians), but I know there is no recent connection. which the whole theory is based on with absolutely no evidence except for some common name ''Albania''

As for some people claiming balkanites and caucasians loook the same, some do, but that's explained because both places are similar in mountainious regions, highlander people, similar climates, and lifestyles as shepherds and both located in the south east basically with only the black sea dividing. With that being said, the TYPICAL north caucasian look would fit nowhere in the Balkans or Europe. Even Armenians would fit better in the Balkans.

06-29-2015, 11:16 AM
Looks very Balkan.

06-29-2015, 11:20 AM
Assimiliated? oww my sweet donkey fucker

Who asked you to post off-topic little ugly Durk :)

06-29-2015, 11:34 AM
Who asked you to post off-topic little ugly Durk :)

Oww look at that mesopotamian mouse :D

06-29-2015, 11:39 AM
This guy looks Balkan as fuck.

+ 1