View Full Version : Maps Imagine Post-War Europe Without Germany

01-19-2009, 12:36 AM
Maps Imagine Post-War Europe Without Germany (http://io9.com/5107152/maps-imagine-post+war-europe-without-germany)


During World War II, some fringe thinkers advocated for the total dissolution of Germany. They left us with maps that depict an alternate Europe where Germany ceded all land to its victorious neighbors. In 1941, Theodore Kaufman self-published his controversial manifesto Germany Must Perish!, which advocated, among other things, the sterilizations of Germans and dismemberment of the German state, insisting that Germany be divided up and absorbed by its neighboring countries. Ironically, Kaufman’s work enjoyed its greatest exposure from the Nazis themselves. Nazi propaganda claimed that Kaufman’s book was not the fever dream of a single man, but the Allies’ actual plan for Germany. The Nazis reprinted Kaufman’s speculative map on fliers next to pictures of Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, and Josef Stalin, hoping to scare the German people with visions of a future where their country, culture, and legacy would be eradicated.

The map at the top, which was commissioned for a magazine, is more detailed in its vision of alternate Europe. After the elimination of the German state, it suggests that German geographical names would be translated into the language of their adoptive country. Polish Berlin and Dresden become Berolinsk and Drezno. In the hands of the Netherlands, Cologne and Essen are renamed Keulen and Eeten. And French Mannheim and Aachen become Foyer-d’Homme and Aix-la-Chapelle.
Source (http://io9.com/5107152/maps-imagine-post+war-europe-without-germany)

What do you think Europe would be like without a nation of Germany?

Sol Invictus
01-19-2009, 12:50 AM
Good ol' Germany.. A nice buffer keeping the slavs out of France.. :p

01-19-2009, 07:35 AM
Also see the Morgenthau Plan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morgenthau_Plan).


"International zone" :rolleyes:....

01-19-2009, 07:40 AM
I found the map without Germany kinda discusting as it missed a once great nation, but how would the world be without Germany? Exact the same as it is today, it wouldn't change anything as we don't have Germany now anyways, we got Jewmany (not trying to insult any germans), there's so many jews there, that it sickens me, as with the USA which also could be called USJ(United states of Jews), don't know about the amount of jews in USA, but they control so and say everything.

10-18-2011, 11:40 PM
I much prefer this old one

A few posters might be pleased with the other. I think it would have created problems in future as did the altering of the Imperial bondaries.

06-01-2012, 11:45 PM
I have to be honest here: to have Danemark, Poland and France as direct neighbour is certainly better than just have dull Germany next door.

The Lawspeaker
06-01-2012, 11:47 PM
I have to be honest here: to have Danemark, Poland and France as direct neighbour is certainly better than just have dull Germany next door.
I would much rather not have Germany, France or Poland right next door. Having France in our direct vicinity, Germany right next door and Britain right across the North Sea as been much of a blessing as a curse. All in all: we could use another "Belgium" - we should conquer Lower Saxony and North-Rhine Westphalia and turn it into a vassal just to keep us safe from the Germans. :D

06-01-2012, 11:56 PM

Engeland, France and Germany have always been our direct threats (after Spain). I think we should bond with the Danish and Polish people. They are in a similar position of being overwhelmed by Imperalism.

The Lawspeaker
06-02-2012, 12:00 AM

Engeland, France and Germany have always been our direct threats (after Spain). I think we should bond with the Danish and Polish people. They are in a similar position of being overwhelmed by Imperalism.

The Poles themselves are the French of the East and they have pulled as much crap with the Germans as the Germans have pulled with them. Basically most of West Poland was once German-speaking and they chucked them all over the border.

No I think we should take a reserved look at Germany (trade) and then look at Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and across the ocean towards our former colonies.

06-02-2012, 01:53 AM
That map isn't from WWII since it doesn't show Yugoslavia.

06-02-2012, 10:07 AM
All in all: we could use another "Belgium" - we should conquer Lower Saxony and North-Rhine Westphalia and turn it into a vassal just to keep us safe from the Germans. :D

In your dreams :p
Let's better go back to pre Westphalian peace borders, then you still belong to the Holy Roman Empire :)

06-03-2012, 03:15 PM
In your dreams :p
Let's better go back to pre Westphalian peace borders, then you still belong to the Holy Roman Empire :)
Say 'Welcome' to our new Bundesland in the northwest. :cool:



06-03-2012, 04:43 PM
Say 'Welcome' to our new Bundesland in the northwest. :cool:



Not bad, it seems you've already added Luxemburg too :D

Comte Arnau
06-04-2012, 12:19 AM

If that had been the case and remained so...

today, June 2012...

· NW Germans would have a Dutchified Plattdietsch as an official regional language, the Hannover-Bremen area being a major economic rival to the Amsterdam-Rotterdam one...

· people in Kiel would feel proud to be German Danes...

· tensions growing higher and higher between Poles from the western region and those of the capital; westerners claim for independence, but Berliners under 20 already speak Polish in the streets...

· most German-speaking Czechs moved to Austria during the 1990s, the area left behind being now mostly occupied by Bohemians...

· NE French form the most important economic pole in France outside Paris; they speak French with a weird accent and speak German patois at home with their grandpas; Parisians call the French from that area choucroutes...

06-04-2012, 12:25 AM
Lol @ austrian cities with italianized names