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Hong Key
02-24-2015, 01:46 AM

The Iconic SJW Face (https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2014/12/21/the-iconic-sjw-face/)

December 21, 2014 by CH

It’s hard to choose one face that stands — or scrunches — above the rest as the iconic social justice warrior (SJW) face. But I believe I have found it.

This Harry Potter tranny was snapped at a Ferguson protest in Portland. Like most SJWs, she is a raving beauty. That knitted brow which will never unknot. Those beady, judgmental eyes. The boycut. The thin, sexless lips pressed into a perpetual Puritan’s scold.

The overall impression one gets is of that fat judge with the testicle chin in Pink Floyd’s ‘The Wall’.


All she(?)’s missing is the pitchfork and torchlit mob, and a witch to burn for heresy against the Church of Anti-Racism.

If only degenerate SJWs could see themselves the way others see them…. I doubt anything would change. Cult religions and their followers are immune to the emotions and sympathies that sway normal people.


02-24-2015, 01:48 AM
worthy of a firing squad.

Hong Key
02-24-2015, 01:58 AM

Prisoner Of Ice
02-24-2015, 02:05 AM
They always seem to be somewhat 'asiatic' as HP Lovecraft would say. She is the in the gorid-alpinid-armenoid range that's common for general social justice warrioring. I agree she is pretty much the iconic SJW. Even looks similar to Trotsky, the original SJW.

Second one is just ugly.

02-24-2015, 02:09 AM
They always seem to be somewhat 'asiatic' as HP Lovecraft would say. She is the in the gorid-alpinid-armenoid range that's common for general social justice warrioring. I agree she is pretty much the iconic SJW. Even looks similar to Trotsky, the original SJW.

Second one is just ugly.

I noticed that most feminists tend to have manly features or almost mixed race features. We all know they hate white straight men though LOL.

Prisoner Of Ice
02-24-2015, 02:13 AM
We all know they hate white straight men though LOL.

Because they can't get them (or anyway keep them).

02-24-2015, 02:15 AM

02-24-2015, 02:16 AM
Feminazis hate men because they cannot get them.

They are no different from misogynists who hate women because they are incel.

02-24-2015, 02:22 AM
I class it as NTYTYVMBB

02-24-2015, 02:24 AM
I class it as NTYTYVMBB

No Thank You Thank You Very Much Bye Bye

02-24-2015, 02:52 AM
Feminazis hate men because they cannot get them.

They are no different from misogynists who hate women because they are incel.

Both of these groups would make the perfect matches. Hell they could make movies about such groupings of fruitcakes.

02-24-2015, 09:37 AM
Seems like fat reduced CM men are overrepresented in WN movements, while fat reduced CM women are overrepresented in SJW movements. ;)