View Full Version : Long Flights

02-24-2015, 06:07 AM
I'm looking forward to traveling out of the states, but I am dreading the long flights. I start to get antsy after 3 hours of flying, & I'm very nervous about feeling claustrophobic on the flight. Anyone here have some tips? I'm thinking about taking sleeping pills... but don't really want to.

02-24-2015, 06:43 AM
I'm looking forward to traveling out of the states, but I am dreading the long flights. I start to get antsy after 3 hours of flying, & I'm very nervous about feeling claustrophobic on the flight. Anyone here have some tips? I'm thinking about taking sleeping pills... but don't really want to.

just sit back and watch a movie, try and get a window seat too

I love flying, its so fun for me

02-24-2015, 06:46 AM
if it bothers you a lot see if you can save up for a business class ticket

Fear Fiain
02-24-2015, 07:21 AM
I'm looking forward to traveling out of the states, but I am dreading the long flights. I start to get antsy after 3 hours of flying, & I'm very nervous about feeling claustrophobic on the flight. Anyone here have some tips? I'm thinking about taking sleeping pills... but don't really want to.

I recently flew to europe for the first time, 10 hours to germany and another six to south-eastern europe.
believe it or not, the intercontinental flights are much better, as they have in flight movies, music, etc.
I found myself listening to pennywise and watching pulp fiction, and a dozen other films.
also, sleeping is easy enough, they give you free alcohol.

02-24-2015, 08:02 AM
Drink all the alcohol they offer you on the plane. It will help your claustrophobia.

02-24-2015, 08:14 AM
Intercontinental planes are large and hardly can cause claustrophobia. But even if it does try to think of it as of small movie theater full of people where you can choose your own movie to watch.

Fear Fiain
02-24-2015, 08:19 AM
I also want to add that if you're planning on seeing Europe, I'm totally down to provide professional coping assistance services for the price of a ticket on the same flight.
Totally NOT because of the concept of keeping a drunk girl company for ten or eleven boring hours.
Nope. I'm just a charitable, kind person who's been around a lot of people with different issues, likes to help others, and enjoys Europe.

02-24-2015, 10:04 AM
Longest flight I ever had is from here to England,and it was about 3 hours.

There really is nothing impressive about flying.Beside the fact that takeoffs and landings are fun the mid flight itself if very boring.I slept.

Heart of Oak
02-24-2015, 11:40 AM
I'm looking forward to traveling out of the states, but I am dreading the long flights. I start to get antsy after 3 hours of flying, & I'm very nervous about feeling claustrophobic on the flight. Anyone here have some tips? I'm thinking about taking sleeping pills... but don't really want to.

I would take a bag of boiled sweets, Sit at the rear of the Aircraft, Also take something that interests you like a smart phone, or a game boy type of game, A book, talk to a young lady, you never know your luck maybe you'll score....

02-24-2015, 11:53 AM
Upload some Relaxing music.. try and get the isle seat and take some walks.

The seats nearest the fire exit in the middle offer more room.