View Full Version : My Theory On Penis Size Of Caucasians?

Truth Seeker
06-01-2010, 12:14 AM
I was doing research on the penis. I have very big penis and I needed to know where it was coming from. And the penis is genetically inherited. Compared to other primates like the gorilla the human penis is remarkably large. This would make a large penis progressive.

I hypothesize the smaller penis size in some Caucasians is from Asian mixture.

A survey says condoms are too big for Indians.

The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.Autosomal dna tests say Indians have Asian admixutre. I read Native Americans have small penises too.

The Caucasoid penis is the largest according to a scientific study.

Whites Have Bigger Cocks Than Blacks
Scientific Study Proves It

7/10/2005 7:21:13 PM
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LSN Staff

Science -- A scientific study has proven that white men have bigger cocks than blacks, despite lies about black sexuality perpetrated in Jewish mass media and pornography.

According to the study, published in a Canadian scientific journal, white men's average cock length is 6.4", two tenths of an inch longer than black cocks, which are an average of 6.2" long. Hispanic cocks are an average 6" long, and East Asian cocks are an average of 5.6" long.

For decades, whites have had to listen to the insulting and false derision of Jewish propaganda claiming that African barbarians have giant cocks that somehow make white women attracted to them. While very few white women are actually attracted to blacks, and most of those who are are mentally, emotionally, or physically defective in some way, this myth has been eagerly propagated by Jewish entertainment media, Jewish movies, Jewish music, and, most importantly, Jewish pornography.

Like all Jewish myths about black "superiority", such as alleged black musical ability, alleged black dancing ability, alleged black sports ability, and alleged black entertainment ability, the myth of giant black cocks has been proven to be a racist lie designed by Jews to psychologically undermine white society.

Condom manufacturer Durex has published a press release in the newspaper Milenio with information on the average size of the penis in erection depending on ethnic origin and height:

Caucasians: 16,2cm (6.39”)
African: 15,2cm (6”)
Hispanic: 14,7cm (5.8”)
Asian: 13,5cm (5.31”)

Likewise the firm reveals that the taller the person, the larger the penis.I also read Whites have significantly heavier testicles.
According to Coon Whites have significantly heavier testicles.


06-01-2010, 12:26 AM
I'm experiencing difficulties keeping a straight face right now, but let me try to scrape together a few random observations:

Any study that refers to penises as "cocks" and starts off with a rant about the j00z is probably not the most reliable one.

My own penis, when it's off-duty, is tiny. In parade formation it's huge. AfaIk with blacks it's different -- their dicks may be pretty big, but they don't ever get completely erect.

And if you're wondering where your penis comes from, well dude, what you really should be focusing on is: how did it leave in the first place ?!? And furthermore, wherever it was, what did it do there ?!?

06-01-2010, 12:29 AM
7.4" here. PM me.

06-01-2010, 06:04 AM
It's only study where i see average length of penis above 6'' inches.And yeah from all Japanese porn i have seen not a single asian had it above 5'' :D And imo there is no significant difference in size between black's and white's as it is none in height , but Asian's are shorter and have smaller wieners

06-01-2010, 06:22 AM
I have very big penis and I needed to know where it was coming from.
Have you checked your DNA with 23andme? There could be some African out there...

06-01-2010, 06:31 AM
There are a lot of women who want it big, but the super huge black donkey dick thing definitely more a male fantasy than a female one. Big, medium, small, thick, thin, bent this way or that, cut, uncut- as long as it works who cares...

06-01-2010, 06:57 AM
My own penis, when it's off-duty, is tiny. In parade formation it's huge. AfaIk with blacks it's different -- their dicks may be pretty big, but they don't ever get completely erect.

Its not that they don't get completely erect, rather it is because they don't get much bigger. Most Africans are Showers and most Caucasians are growers. It depends on the individual but as a general rule thats it. Growers will be much smaller when flacid and will sometimes more than double in size when erect. Showers will be bigger flacid but won't grow nearly as much ;)

06-01-2010, 07:51 AM
Men are more interested into penises then women. A fact;)

06-01-2010, 12:26 PM

06-01-2010, 02:19 PM
One of the sources the OP cited is LSN, which is "Libertarian Socialist News" that was run by one Bill White, who had his day as one of the more prominent American Nazis. I am sure Sword of the Vistula can fill you in on his antics.

06-01-2010, 02:29 PM
They called me bosnian nigger, back in my highs-cool days.

06-01-2010, 02:42 PM
It is now scientifically proven that Caucasians are sexually superior to all other races.:D
We shall now be know as Cockasian not Caucasian!:biggrin:

06-01-2010, 03:06 PM
I was doing research on the penis. I have very big penis and I needed to know where it was coming from.

And an even bigger nose, I presume.


06-01-2010, 03:15 PM
Men are more interested into penises then women. A fact;)

I agree its not the size but how its used!:D

06-01-2010, 03:16 PM

06-01-2010, 04:38 PM
Male dicks are useless if the person in question can't use it adequately.

06-01-2010, 04:44 PM
Male dicks are useless if the person in question can't use it adequately.

Oh, I don't know about that... Paperweights, doorstops, bookmarks, tasteful ornaments, draught-excluders...

06-01-2010, 04:52 PM
...tasteful ornaments...

Like tacked to the wall or end table? :eek:

06-01-2010, 04:52 PM
I have very big penis and I needed to know where it was coming from.

Pure epic.

06-01-2010, 04:53 PM
7.4" here. PM me.

mines bigger than yours
probably i got some negroid ancestry

Truth Seeker
06-01-2010, 05:45 PM
Male dicks are useless if the person in question can't use it adequately.

You would know.

06-01-2010, 05:52 PM
Male dicks are useless if the person in question can't use it adequately.

They're quite handy for making the world our own personal urinal. :thumbs up

06-01-2010, 06:01 PM
You would know.

I am sorry, but you are not allowed to address an Aprician directly, as you are not worthy of it, being such an idiot.

06-01-2010, 06:05 PM

06-01-2010, 07:36 PM
The ad I got for this thread was one from autotrader showing an expensive convertible :D

06-01-2010, 07:41 PM
The ad I got for this thread was one from autotrader showing an expensive convertible :D

Yes? Mine were:

Korean Culture Center
Inaccuracy Textbooks, Books on Korea, Korean Studies Grant

The stereotypes in the society. Share your opinion about stereotype

This is bad omen.

06-01-2010, 11:04 PM
My personal experience of noticing White versus Black Penis size is from school.
In a class of 31 boys we had 7 black Jamaicans, 1 from st Kitts.
My class was considered to be the hardest, the black guys kicked arse, they did'nt tolerate weakness in whities only mutual hardness was respected.
Athletics, Football, even Rugby these guys excelled.
Sports was my favorite, i was good at physical stuff, the Jamaicans respected me for it.
showering with other guys and the black guys i noticed only 1 of the Jamaicans to have a fair size Todger, but us white boys had our own big white boys to put him to shame, overall in my year we had about 30 black boys, only 1 was outstanding.

06-01-2010, 11:47 PM
mines bigger than yours
probably i got some negroid ancestry


06-02-2010, 12:18 AM
Drastic changes in my penis size are usually caused by cold air or beautiful women. My penis and Asians don't mix.


06-02-2010, 12:26 AM
Kalervo Palsa: Vapautuminen ("Liberation"), 1973:


Don't say you weren't warned.

06-02-2010, 06:59 AM
Kalervo Palsa: Vapautuminen ("Liberation"), 1973:
He aspires to greatness.

06-02-2010, 08:59 PM
Interestingly the average White American is taller than the average Black American. Most people would think its the other way around, I wonder why.

06-02-2010, 09:23 PM
When your not long out of the jungle it should be no surprise you'd still have a horse dick.

There's no such thing as a black American, just black!

If you want evidence of the cultural reality that white=real American in the U.S. then just listen to the minorities bitch about it. Don't take it from me, take it from the blacks themselves.

Here's a blog where a spic bitches about it nonstop. http://www.swans.com/library/art10/mgarci15.html

06-02-2010, 09:58 PM
Interestingly the average White American is taller than the average Black American. Most people would think its the other way around, I wonder why.


06-02-2010, 10:15 PM
There's no such thing as a black American, just black!

There obviously is such a thing as a "black" American. But then, it all depends on what one considers to be American I suppose.

06-02-2010, 11:22 PM
When your not long out of the jungle it should be no surprise you'd still have a horse dick.

There's no such thing as a black American, just black!

If you want evidence of the cultural reality that white=real American in the U.S. then just listen to the minorities bitch about it. Don't take it from me, take it from the blacks themselves.

Here's a blog where a spic bitches about it nonstop. http://www.swans.com/library/art10/mgarci15.html

Black, white... you all are just immigrants to another man's land to me.

06-02-2010, 11:31 PM
When your not long out of the jungle it should be no surprise you'd still have a horse dick.

There's no such thing as a black American, just black!

If you want evidence of the cultural reality that white=real American in the U.S. then just listen to the minorities bitch about it. Don't take it from me, take it from the blacks themselves.

Here's a blog where a spic bitches about it nonstop. http://www.swans.com/library/art10/mgarci15.html


06-03-2010, 04:54 PM
When your not long out of the jungle it should be no surprise you'd still have a horse dick.

There's no such thing as a black American, just black!

If you want evidence of the cultural reality that white=real American in the U.S. then just listen to the minorities bitch about it. Don't take it from me, take it from the blacks themselves.

Here's a blog where a spic bitches about it nonstop. http://www.swans.com/library/art10/mgarci15.html

A funny thing happened to me around 1994.
I drove up to the auto parts store to buy some oil.
This black man in his 50's started up a conversation with me as I poured some oil in my truck in the parking lot.
He asked me if I had heard of the Freemason's. I lied and told him that I had not, then he proceeded to try and recruit me.
He told me that all truths would be revealed unto me once I became a Mason.
He started telling me about Moses and Jesus and there involvement with the Mason's.
He then leaned over to me and asked: Do you know why white people think black men have big penises?
During the slave years black men did not wear underpants. Gravity over the years would make their penises stretch. White men and women would see these horse hung slaves and thus a myth was born.
I don't know if this guy was for real but his story kind of made sense to me.

06-03-2010, 05:01 PM
There obviously is such a thing as a "black" American. But then, it all depends on what one considers to be American I suppose.

American = nationality
American =/ethnicity

06-03-2010, 05:32 PM
Black, white... you all are just immigrants to another man's land to me.
Everybody are immigrants or invaders of another man's land.

06-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Everybody are immigrants or invaders of another man's land.


06-03-2010, 11:25 PM
Everybody are immigrants or invaders of another man's land.

You too?