View Full Version : Are humans getting cleverer?

03-04-2015, 03:15 AM
Are humans getting cleverer? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31556802)


IQ is rising in many parts of the world. What's behind the change and does it really mean people are cleverer than their grandparents?

It is not unusual for parents to comment that their children are brainier than they are. In doing so, they hide a boastful remark about their offspring behind a self-deprecating one about themselves. But a new study, published in the journal Intelligence, provides fresh evidence that in many cases this may actually be true.

The researchers - Peera Wongupparaj, Veena Kumari and Robin Morris at Kings College London - did not themselves ask anyone to sit an IQ test, but they analysed data from 405 previous studies. Altogether, they harvested IQ test data from more than 200,000 participants, captured over 64 years and from 48 countries.

Focusing on one part of the IQ test, the Raven's Progressive Matrices, they found that on average intelligence has risen the equivalent of 20 IQ points since 1950. IQ tests are designed to ensure that the average result is always 100, so this is a significant jump.


The gains have not been evenly spread. IQ has generally increased more rapidly in developing countries, with the biggest leaps seen in China and India. Progress in the developed world has been chequered - the data seem to indicate steady increases in the US, for example, but a decline in the UK.

The new research is further confirmation of a trend that scientists have been aware of for some time. In 1982, James Flynn, a philosopher and psychologist based at the University of Otago in New Zealand, was looking through old American test manuals for IQ tests. He noticed that when tests were revised every 25 years or so, the test-setters would get a panel to sit both the old test and the new one.

"And I noticed in all the test manuals, in every instance, those who took the old test got a higher score than they did on the new test," says Flynn. In other words, the tests were becoming harder.

This became known as the Flynn Effect, though Flynn stresses he was not the first to notice the pattern, and did not come up with the name.

But if the tests were getting harder, and the average score was steady at 100, people must have been getting better at them. It would seem they were getting more intelligent.

If Americans today took the tests from a century ago, Flynn says, they would have an extraordinarily high average IQ of 130. And if the Americans of 100 years ago took today's tests, they would have an average IQ of 70 - the recognised cut-off for people with intellectual disabilities. To put it another way, IQ has been rising at roughly three points per decade.


This is a puzzle not just for the US, but for all countries demonstrating the Flynn Effect. "Does it make sense," Flynn wrote in one paper, "to assume that at one time almost 40% of Dutch men lacked the capacity to understand soccer, their most favoured national sport?"

So what is going on? "There are lots of theories, none of which is particularly proven," says Robin Morris.

One possible explanation has to do with changes in education.

In most of the developed world, more people are now in school for longer, and teaching methods have evolved, moving away from the simple memorising of names, dates and facts. It seems like a reasonable assumption that education is training people to think better.

But in fact, the evidence is mixed. There has been no clear correlation between the rising IQ scores and US school performance - in SAT tests, for example.

But school prepares children for sitting IQ tests in other ways - what the psychologist Arthur Jensen has called "test wiseness". Over time, students become used to the pressure of tests and they pick up examination-room tactics that improve their performance.


A vivid demonstration of this emerges from a study of raw IQ data from Estonia. When psychologists Olev and Aasa Must laid examination papers from the Estonian National Intelligence Test from the 1930s alongside papers from 2006, they found an increase in correct answers - and also incorrect ones. The more recent students knew that they would not be penalised for guessing and getting something wrong.

James Flynn believes test wiseness may have been a factor in IQ gains in the US in the first half of the 20th Century. However, since then the amount of IQ testing taking place has waned - and IQ increases have remained steady.

Flynn puts this continued progress down to profound shifts in society as well as education over the last century, which have led people to think in a more abstract, scientific way - the kind of intelligence measured by IQ tests.

He cites the work of Russian neuroscientist Alexander Luria, who studied indigenous people in the Soviet Union. "He found that they were very pragmatic and concrete in their thinking," says Flynn, "and they weren't capable of using logical abstractions or taking hypotheticals seriously." Luria put the following problem to the head man of one tribe in Siberia: Where there's always snow, the bears are white; there's always snow at the North Pole - what colour are the bears there?

The head man replied that he had never seen bears that were any colour other than brown, but if a wise or truthful man came from the North Pole and told him that bears there were white, he might believe him. The scientific methods of hypothesising, classifying and making logical deductions were alien to him.

"Now virtually all formal schooling, when you get past the sixth grade into high school and college, means that you take hypotheses seriously," says Flynn. "This is what science is all about. And you're using logic on abstract categories."

And this kind of thinking doesn't only occur in school.

As Flynn pointed out in his Ted Talk on the Flynn Effect, in 1900 only 3% of Americans performed "cognitively demanding" jobs - now the figure is 35%, and the work itself is far more intellectually demanding than it was a century ago. Families are also smaller, so children are exposed to more adult conversation at the dinner table than in the past. "Hothouse parenting" - pushing your kids to achieve goals from an early age - may also be a factor. And when it comes to older people, a lower disease burden may have an effect on their performance in tests.

Children in smaller families are exposed to a different kind of conversation

Such effects have diminishing returns after countries become fully industrialised, Flynn says, which may explain why in some North European countries, including France and Scandinavia, IQs have flatlined or diminished slightly. He admits that the pattern in Europe is a little baffling, but he has an idea why IQ scores continue to rise in the US. "I think America is a society where economic and environmental differences are much greater than they are in Scandinavia. And for example black Americans have terrible schools, and they have had terrible conditions to live under."

A few other possible causes for the Flynn Effect have been put forward, some of them very intriguing.

One, proposed by Arthur Jensen but yet to be investigated, points to the spread of electric lighting. The thought is that light from bulbs, TV screens and the like may have contributed to cognitive development in a similar way that artificial light stimulates growth in chickens.

Then there is the theory that today's world is more visual than the world of 100 years ago. The Raven's Progressive Matrices - the subject of the recent international study into the Flynn Effect by Wongupparaj, Kumari and Morris - requires people to pick out patterns from an array of stripes and squiggles. This particular test has seen the biggest IQ increases of all. Perhaps television, video games, advertisements and the proliferation of symbols in the workplace have made it easier for us to decode pictorial cues and identify patterns?

There is also a debate surrounding nutrition. In a 2008 article in Intelligence, Richard Lynn notes that measures of infants' mental development increased in the UK and US at rates correlated to the increasing IQs of slightly older children. It's difficult to see how Flynn's theories are enough to explain this. "Are infants thinking more scientifically today?" he asks rhetorically.

Lynn argues that pre-natal nutrition is a determinant of birth weight, which is in turn correlated to higher IQs. A shortage of one particular nutrient - iodine - is known to stunt intellectual development in growing children. A 2005 paper examining iodine deficiency in China found that children's IQ scores were higher in areas where there was no iodine deficiency, and it increased after a programme of supplements started.

So explanations of the Flynn Effect abound - but what precisely does it signify? Do these steadily improving results indicate that the IQ test is not, after all, measuring intelligence? Or are people really cleverer than their forefathers?

"I don't think smarter has anything to do with it," says Flynn.

"Today we have a wider range of cognitive problems we can solve than people in 1900. That's only because society asks us to solve a wider range of cognitive problems. People in 1900 had minds that were perfectly adequate for remembering first cousins once removed, they were perfectly adequate for ploughing a farm, they were perfectly adequate for making change in a store. No-one asked them to do tertiary education.

"It's like a weightlifter and swimmer. They may have the same muscles when they were fertilised in the womb, but they would have different muscles at autopsy, wouldn't they? So today at autopsy, certain portions of our brain, for example those which use logic and abstraction, would have been exercised more and look differently. Other portions of the brain would have shrivelled a bit."

It may be, then, that certain abilities - problem-solving or reasoning ability, say - have improved but a general, underlying cognitive ability has not changed. This general ability is fundamental to the way many scientists view intelligence. Although little is actually known about it, there is supposed to be a general, hereditary quality that makes an individual who is good at giving fine speeches more likely to be good at Sudoku too. The problem is that this general cognitive ability is exactly what IQ tests are supposed to measure - in fact, of all the components of the IQ test, the Ravens test was supposed to be the truest measure of it. If people aren't becoming fundamentally more intelligent, IQ tests aren't doing what they're supposed to do.

But Robin Morris is prepared to entertain the possibility that there may, over time, have been a real increase in general cognitive ability.

"It seems to me that it's reasonable to think that intellectual functioning could increase over time in more developed societies," says Robin Morris.

But do we actually notice in our midst a higher proportion of geniuses than there were in earlier generations?

"That's the baffling aspect," Morris admits. "How could it go up so much but there aren't all these very very smart people floating around? And that is a bit of a puzzle. But then, people have started to say, 'Maybe there are more bright people floating around and they're kind of hidden away because of the way science has become very specialist. They're working in their own particular field and they're doing amazing things - they're acting as geniuses - but they're not necessarily identified as such.'"

It's an odd thought. There are more and more geniuses out there, if this theory is correct - but many of them are unrecognised.

03-04-2015, 05:51 AM
What's the problem with you lot? I post an article and all you do is troll each other, without discussing the article. Go play somewhere else! I'm deleting the off-topic.

03-04-2015, 06:41 AM
I think Asians will be far superior to the rest of the world in the future.

Desaix DeBurgh
03-04-2015, 07:27 AM
The “Lynn/Flynn“ effect, the worldwide rise in IQ scoring in the twentieth century, this is most obviously handled as a result of increasing test sophistication rather than increasing intelligence: certainly James Flynn himself does not believe that our grandparents bordered on being mentally defective, instead maintaining that they lacked only “open-ended problem solving skills” . So I would have to say that humans are not getting smarter. Flynn is an ideologue -- Noted researchers such as Flynn , Gardner , Ceci , and Fraser have each tried to diminish G as an influential agent in educational and occupational attainment. Yet their criticisms and alternative hypotheses pale in comparison to the empirical support for the very real and practical importance of the general factor.

03-04-2015, 07:50 AM
Why are we still using IQ to measure intelligence?

Desaix DeBurgh
03-04-2015, 08:04 AM
Why are we still using IQ to measure intelligence?

Since its discovery in 1904, the general factor of intelligence ( g) has generated considerable controversy. A historical review reveals that g has survived the scrutiny of psychometricians, educators, and politicians who simply wish that its importance in explaining individual and group differences would disappear. However, even in an atmosphere of political correctness, g survives as a robust variable explaining educational and societal attainment. In their efforts to control educative and societal outcomes, policy makers and educators commit an injustice in their active disavowal of such an important psychological construct.

To put in simpler language : we are still using IQ (various IQ tests are related to the G factor to varying degrees but some like Raven Progressive matrices, as mentioned in the original article, are the closest thing to a pure measure of G as there is) because it predicts educational and occupational etc.. attainment differences between humans to a significant degree. For example, if three people want to become doctors and they have IQs of 85,100, and 125 the first one probably won't graduate highschool, the second one will only graduate higschool, most likely, and the third one may actually finish his doctorate degree.

Prisoner Of Ice
03-04-2015, 08:41 AM

03-04-2015, 08:41 AM
Why are we still using IQ to measure intelligence?

Why shouldn't we use IQ to measure intelligence?

Since its discovery in 1904, the general factor of intelligence ( g) has generated considerable controversy. A historical review reveals that g has survived the scrutiny of psychometricians, educators, and politicians who simply wish that its importance in explaining individual and group differences would disappear. However, even in an atmosphere of political correctness, g survives as a robust variable explaining educational and societal attainment. In their efforts to control educative and societal outcomes, policy makers and educators commit an injustice in their active disavowal of such an important psychological construct.

To put in simpler language : we are still using IQ (various IQ tests are related to the G factor to varying degrees but some like Raven Progressive matrices, as mentioned in the original article, are the closest thing to a pure measure of G as there is) because it predicts educational and occupational etc.. attainment differences between humans to a significant degree. For example, if three people want to become doctors and they have IQs of 85,100, and 125 the first one probably won't graduate highschool, the second one will only graduate higschool, most likely, and the third one may actually finish his doctorate degree.

Ever heard of source citation, nigga? Citing without any indication of the source is deceitful. HARRISON KANE AND CHRIS BRAND: THE IMPORTANCE OF SPEARMAN’S g AS A PSYCHOMETRIC, SOCIAL, AND EDUCATIONAL CONSTRUCT (http://toqonline.com/archives/v3n1/TOQv3n1Kane-Brand.pdf)

03-04-2015, 08:46 AM
More accessible and Improved Education plays a big role.
Available Info for everyone makes the "Average" person more aware.
Browsing the Internet as been proved to be an excellent exercise to the mind too.
I think also the fact that Children now In their majority are also born to more educated parents helps.

Although the easiness of access to everything can also make us regress.
Which It's happening In some Countries where the Youngsters have no common sense and have no abilities to be assertive.

03-04-2015, 08:50 AM
New shortened and superficial form of communication decreased literacy of people, today many people barely know basics and grammar of their language and have hard time conversing/writing in more complex manner. Education used to be stricter and of better quality before, although one would absorb many ''unnecessary'' information. Today people are more creative but with lower mental discipline. Btw, fact that someone finished prestigious University or holds a PHD doesn't say anything about his/her intelligence, but it says about work habits and motivation. University is adjusted to average person, or even below average. George Bush Jr. graduated from Yale, and that man is an idiot!

03-04-2015, 08:55 AM
Why shouldn't we use IQ to measure intelligence?
Because there are different types of intelligences. IQ tests are too narrow and exclude a person's creativity or emotional intelligence. IQ tests also try to measure only a certain set of skills while excluding many others that are needed in everyday life and society.

Really, IQ tests only test a specific kind of intelligence that, for some reason, became the 'standard' intelligence.

03-04-2015, 10:19 AM
Because there are different types of intelligences. IQ tests are too narrow and exclude a person's creativity or emotional intelligence. IQ tests also try to measure only a certain set of skills while excluding many others that are needed in everyday life and society.

Really, IQ tests only test a specific kind of intelligence that, for some reason, became the 'standard' intelligence.

You seem to be referring to "the theory of multiple intelligences" by Gardner, but that's a fringe theory to put it mildly and not supported by the field of psychometrics.
Maybe you should read up on the g factor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_factor_(psychometrics)). Decades of research show very clearly that all cognitive tasks are positively correlated with each other. The existence of g as a statistical regularity is an undeniable fact at this point.

Crunching through new ideas to solve cognitive tasks in a trial and error way like f.e. Raven's Matrices does require creativity. More creative people come up with more ideas to a problem.

IQ tests became the standard because of their high validity and predictive power.

03-04-2015, 10:33 AM
Because there are different types of intelligences. IQ tests are too narrow and exclude a person's creativity or emotional intelligence. IQ tests also try to measure only a certain set of skills while excluding many others that are needed in everyday life and society.

Really, IQ tests only test a specific kind of intelligence that, for some reason, became the 'standard' intelligence.

I think IQ tests do give a good indication of many cognitive competencies, although it's obviously not all there is about intelligence. Some things can't be measured easily, and some things we don't even know about yet.

As to this article - I do think humans are getting cleverer - in some societies. And believe it or not, education facilitated by the internet has a lot to do with it. Easy global communication and easy access to materials/knowledge are making us smarter.

03-04-2015, 11:49 AM
You seem to be referring to "the theory of multiple intelligences" by Gardner, but that's a fringe theory to put it mildly and not supported by the field of psychometrics.
I'm not talking about Gardner's theory, I'm talking about emotional intelligence and creativity, which like the g factor, still has no confirmation on whether it exists or not.

Maybe you should read up on the g factor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G_factor_(psychometrics)). Decades of research show very clearly that all cognitive tasks are positively correlated with each other. The existence of g as a statistical regularity is an undeniable fact at this point.
Actually people are still debating what intelligence is. This is why IQ tests are not used so much anymore. They aren't useful in measuring a person's intelligence and potential.

Crunching through new ideas to solve cognitive tasks in a trial and error way like f.e. Raven's Matrices does require creativity. More creative people come up with more ideas to a problem.
Problem solving involved creativity.

IQ tests became the standard because of their high validity and predictive power.
It became standard because they weren't aware of the flaws it had at the time, mainly that it was biased towards already educated people.

03-04-2015, 12:23 PM
Evolution or natural selection have 3 requirement, variation, heritability, differential mortality. Human with no any extra tend to evolve to survive more probable way. I consider, having higher intelligence is not to be considered more dominant than having more kids. So, average pool of intelligence decreasing negative manner IMO.

03-04-2015, 02:47 PM
I'm not talking about Gardner's theory, I'm talking about emotional intelligence and creativity, which like the g factor, still has no confirmation on whether it exists or not.

The concept of emotional intelligence eventually does go back to Gardner's work of multiple intelligences, he was the first one to introduce "interpersonal intelligence" and "intrapersonal intelligence".
So called "emotional intelligence" is not a seperate kind of intelligence. The existence of the g factor is well established and uncontroversial in the field of psychometrics in contrast to "emotional intelligence". It has been researched for over 100 years now and prevailed.

Actually people are still debating what intelligence is. This is why IQ tests are not used so much anymore. They aren't useful in measuring a person's intelligence and potential.

What matters is validity and predictive power. That's why IQ tests or similar standardized tests are used in clinical psychology, as well as criterion for candidate selection by employers and educational institutions.

Problem solving involved creativity.

Yeah, problem solving is a process that involves creative thinking.

It became standard because they weren't aware of the flaws it had at the time, mainly that it was biased towards already educated people.

Well, IQ is a valid measure for people that grew up under first world conditions (meaning access to health care, education, proper nutrition etc) and able to reach most of their genetic potential. It's predictive power persist also when accounting for factors such as social background etc.

03-04-2015, 02:51 PM
Sadly,in contrast to that our physical abilities are decreasing.

Physical degradation is reversed by lots of hard work with heavy iron.Unlike our ancestors,we are not predisposed to build strong musculature without working for it.

03-04-2015, 02:51 PM
why does it have a picture of a chinese girl if it's about humans?


03-04-2015, 07:56 PM
Humans are becoming dumber.

03-04-2015, 08:16 PM
New shortened and superficial form of communication decreased literacy of people, today many people barely know basics and grammar of their language and have hard time conversing/writing in more complex manner. Education used to be stricter and of better quality before, although one would absorb many ''unnecessary'' information. Today people are more creative but with lower mental discipline. Btw, fact that someone finished prestigious University or holds a PHD doesn't say anything about his/her intelligence, but it says about work habits and motivation. University is adjusted to average person, or even below average. George Bush Jr. graduated from Yale, and that man is an idiot!

True, and more generally a move away from practical to more abstract thinking as the article mentions. More about 'what if' than 'what is'.

03-04-2015, 09:03 PM
Humans are becoming dumber.

Why? Prove it.

03-04-2015, 09:08 PM
Probably true,but i were a mastermind,mental thinker since forever,maybe all this social things help.

03-04-2015, 09:13 PM
why does it have a picture of a chinese girl if it's about humans?

For the same reason you wouldn't put an American in an article entitled 'are humans getting thinner.'

03-04-2015, 09:13 PM
Why? Prove it.

Breedingvariety is the proof.

03-04-2015, 09:14 PM
The word cleverer is ugly.

03-04-2015, 09:16 PM
Because there are different types of intelligences. IQ tests are too narrow and exclude a person's creativity or emotional intelligence. IQ tests also try to measure only a certain set of skills while excluding many others that are needed in everyday life and society.

Really, IQ tests only test a specific kind of intelligence that, for some reason, became the 'standard' intelligence.

There is just one kind of intelligence. Creativity is not another kind of intelligence, but a consequence of it. Creativity requires knowledge besides intelligence, and different kind of knowledge will specialize someone in different kind of creativeness. Other kind of intelligences, like "emotional intelligence" already have descriptive names, like 'being emotional'.

03-04-2015, 09:19 PM
I don't think people are getting smarter. They live longer, are better educated, dedicate more time to thinking, all these means that their minds are better trained to thinking, but this training is not genetically transmissible.

03-04-2015, 09:38 PM
The concept of emotional intelligence eventually does go back to Gardner's work of multiple intelligences, he was the first one to introduce "interpersonal intelligence" and "intrapersonal intelligence". So called "emotional intelligence" is not a seperate kind of intelligence. The existence of the g factor is well established and uncontroversial in the field of psychometrics in contrast to "emotional intelligence". It has been researched for over 100 years now and prevailed.
Uncontroversial? Do you live under a rock? I don't know how it is in America but in Australia we don't use IQ tests anymore because they're not reliable in measuring a person's intelligence. There is still controversy over it. Mainly that too much emphasis is put on g and other intelligences are overlooked.

What matters is validity and predictive power. That's why IQ tests or similar standardized tests are used in clinical psychology, as well as criterion for candidate selection by employers and educational institutions.
They're not used here in Australia AFAIK. They're also not really valid. They're good at predicting what an educated person already knows, not the intelligence of anyone who takes the test.

Well, IQ is a valid measure for people that grew up under first world conditions (meaning access to health care, education, proper nutrition etc) and able to reach most of their genetic potential. It's predictive power persist also when accounting for factors such as social background etc.
So it's not a good measure of intelligence but rather a measure of certain skills that children are taught. There have been many people in history who were considered intelligent but did not know how to read. Charlemagne would have failed an IQ test because he did not know how to read. The test would label him 'retarded' even though he was most likely not.

IQ tests are not valid in testing a person's intelligence, it just tests what people already know. It's like taking an exam at the end of a course to see what you have learnt.

03-04-2015, 10:43 PM
the zenith of human intelligence has reached thousands of years ago, since then humanity dumbed down from generation to generation. some more, some less.

03-04-2015, 10:46 PM
I don't think people are getting smarter. They live longer, are better educated, dedicate more time to thinking, all these means that their minds are better trained to thinking, but this training is not genetically transmissible.

It is, apparently. That's how evolution works. "Genetic memory" or something like that.

03-04-2015, 10:47 PM
the zenith of human intelligence has reached thousands of years ago, since then humanity dumbed down from generation to generation. some more, some less.

Show a person 2,000 years ago an iPhone and he would think you're some kind of wizard.

03-04-2015, 10:49 PM
Intelligence is partially inheritable genetically, and partially down to one's upbringing, according to most studies and scientific literature on the issue.

I would attribute the rise to the latter, but that doesn't make it any less real. We're a social animal and like it or not, you are nothing without your society.

03-04-2015, 10:57 PM
It is, apparently. That's how evolution works. "Genetic memory" or something like that.

Richard Dawkins was asked about this in a talk I saw in youtube. He said, for humans to become smarter, the smartest people should make more kids than the average. This is how evolution through natural selection works.
There was a few seconds silence in the audience after that.

03-04-2015, 11:19 PM
Richard Dawkins was asked about this in a talk I saw in youtube. He said, for humans to become smarter, the smartest people should make more kids than the average. This is how evolution through natural selection works.
There was a few seconds silence in the audience after that.

Yes, that's called eugenics. He is right here.

03-04-2015, 11:22 PM
I think IQ tests do give a good indication of many cognitive competencies, although it's obviously not all there is about intelligence. Some things can't be measured easily, and some things we don't even know about yet.

As to this article - I do think humans are getting cleverer - in some societies. And believe it or not, education facilitated by the internet has a lot to do with it. Easy global communication and easy access to materials/knowledge are making us smarter.
Or simply more informed.

03-04-2015, 11:48 PM
My one sister's children (2 boys) are vey much smarter than their parents, and were top students in their school. My family attributes that to my late father, who was a genius, but another factor is that they have been on the computer since they were about 2 years old. Currently doing very well at university, I think one doing his masters degree now.

03-05-2015, 07:48 AM
Uncontroversial? Do you live under a rock? I don't know how it is in America but in Australia we don't use IQ tests anymore because they're not reliable in measuring a person's intelligence. There is still controversy over it. Mainly that too much emphasis is put on g and other intelligences are overlooked.

IQ or similar standardized tests are used in the areas I mentioned earlier pretty much everywhere. G stands for general, the most general ability of all, there are no other "intelligences" as you are implying. There is no controvery in the field of psychometrics about it.

They're not used here in Australia AFAIK. They're also not really valid. They're good at predicting what an educated person already knows, not the intelligence of anyone who takes the test.

So it's not a good measure of intelligence but rather a measure of certain skills that children are taught. There have been many people in history who were considered intelligent but did not know how to read. Charlemagne would have failed an IQ test because he did not know how to read. The test would label him 'retarded' even though he was most likely not.

IQ tests are not valid in testing a person's intelligence, it just tests what people already know. It's like taking an exam at the end of a course to see what you have learnt.

This paragraph shows that you have no idea what you are talking about. IQ tests don't measure someones knowledge. There is such a thing called culture fair IQ test, f.e. Raven's Matrices, and do not require prior knowledge or literacy. This sort of tests are very widely used.
G correlates positively with pretty much all cognitive functions, such as processing speed, reflexes and even pitch recognition. Modern IQ tests consists of a battery of tests that examine different cognitive abilities that have high correlations with g.

03-05-2015, 07:51 AM
It is, apparently. That's how evolution works. "Genetic memory" or something like that.

lol wut? I don't think so.

♥ Lily ♥
03-05-2015, 08:09 AM
I think the internet also plays a role too. Todays generation can gain knowledge about so many subjects on-line, whereas in previous generations, poorer people would have to wait until they could afford to purchase books on subjects.

Another contributing factor could be improved healthcare and longer life-expectancies. People have access to vitamins and minerals, vaccinations, health checks, and the brain is also part of the body, so good health and blood helps to contribute to a healthy brain.

Being able to read and play classical music is the best exercise for the brain, and the poorer people in previous societies had less access to buying musical instruments and having music class lessons, and education was only reserved for the ruling and elite upper classes in previous generations.

In the Victorian Era, children from the working classes were often sick or died young from child labour and many couldn't read or write, whereas the ruling class children were able to have a privileged education. Today there is a middle class, and education is free and available for all children.

People weren't allowed to choose their beliefs prior to the European Enlightenment, which meant people couldn't think for themselves or learn new things as they risked being tortured and persecuted. More people were poorer and they often had poor qualities of life and died early from sicknesses. The poorer peoples lifestyles would have been centered around manual labour and daily survival of keeping warm and finding food, rather than studying.