View Full Version : Bhutanese women know their husbands can beat them

03-04-2015, 03:39 AM
Wife-beating study shocks Buddhist Bhutan's 'happiness' chief

NEW DELHI — The government commissioner charged with promoting "Gross National Happiness" in the tiny Buddhist nation of Bhutan said he was deeply dismayed by a recent study that found a majority of Bhutanese women think their husbands have the right to beat them.

Buddhism is the religion of Bhutan (shown in this 2002 photo of the 17th century fort that houses religious centers) but its peaceful message is contradicted in a new study that shows most Bhutanese women think their husbands have the right to beat them.

Karma Tshiteem, head of Bhutan's Commission for Gross National Happiness, called the findings "surprising" and "shocking," and said such attitudes are "totally inconsistent" with Buddhist teachings.
The survey by Bhutan's National Statistics Bureau found that roughly 70% of women say they deserved beating if they neglect children, argue with their partners, refuse sex or burn dinner, reported the Business Bhutan newspaper.
The acceptance of domestic violence is highest (90 percent) among the women in Paro, a picturesque valley that's home to Bhutan's most revered monastery, Takshang. The capital city of Thimphu scores the lowest acceptance rate, about 50%, for wife beating.
"Any form of violence is totally contradictory to the teachings of the Buddha," Tshiteem said, noting that Ahimsa (non-violence) "is a central tenet in Buddhist philosophy."
Mahayana Buddhism is the state religion of Bhutan, where a vast majority of the 700,000 citizens are Buddhist.
Gross National Happiness, which seeks to create an "enlightened" society in which government fosters the well-being of people as well as other "sentient beings," was first envisioned by Bhutan's former King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 1972.
The landlocked Himalayan nation — about half the size of Indiana — peacefully transitioned to democracy after the king abdicated power in 2006, but Buddhist principles continue to shape the country's government.
Bhutan's Gross National Happiness index — as opposed to more traditional measures like a nation's economic activity — is based on nine components of happiness: psychological well-being, ecology, health, education, culture, living standards, time use, community vitality and good governance.
Because healthy family relationships are key to harmonious communities, "attitudes accepting such behavior, in these relationships or even outside, would be totally inconsistent" with Gross National Happiness, Tshiteem said.
Covering 15,000 households, the Bhutan Multiple Indicator Survey also found that more than one in four women believe HIV/AIDS is transmitted supernaturally; one in four children do not attend school and one in five children are involved in child labor.


03-04-2015, 03:41 AM
Don't be fooled by the hippie depictions of Himalayan Buddhism, much of it is very feudal, backwards and oppressive.

03-04-2015, 04:02 AM
Don't be fooled by the hippie depictions of Himalayan Buddhism, much of it is very feudal, backwards and oppressive.

It is not oppressive if they are not being beaten for no reason.

03-04-2015, 04:03 AM
It is not oppresive if they are not being beaten for no reason.

It is oppressive if they get beaten PERIOD.

03-04-2015, 04:05 AM
It is oppressive if they get beaten PERIOD.

Refusing sex or burning dinner are definitely reasons to beat your wife.

03-04-2015, 04:17 AM
Whether I think a husband beating his wife is justified or not is entirely dependent on the way a "beating" is done.

I think it's entirely appropriate for a husband to "beat" his wife with a slap,whip or spank whenever she engages in poor behavior. Just as it is appropriate to spank a poorly behaved child.

However if "beating" means black eyes and bloody noses, then I think it's unjustified and would only be justified for very bad behavior like cheating.

03-04-2015, 04:26 AM
Whether I think a husband beating his wife is justified or not is entirely dependent on the way a "beating" is done.

I think it's entirely appropriate for a husband to "beat" his wife with a slap,whip or spank whenever she engages in poor behavior. Just as it is appropriate to spank a poorly behaved child.

However if "beating" means black eyes and bloody noses, then I think it's unjustified and would only be justified for very bad behavior like cheating.

The beating strength goes according to the severity of her transgessions. You can also order her to sleep on the floor or inside the wardrobe if it takes some more serious message.


03-04-2015, 04:27 AM
I think there is an important distinction between discipline and abuse, one that seems to especially be lost on people who oppose wife "beating".

For example spanking a child when he/she behaves badly and locking a child in a closet for days on a whim are both very different things. Slapping your wife when she tries to argue with you and beating your wife to a bloody pulp because she forgot to buy shaving cream are both very different things.

03-04-2015, 04:54 AM
I think there is an important distinction between discipline and abuse, one that seems to especially be lost on people who oppose wife "beating".

For example spanking a child when he/she behaves badly and locking a child in a closet for days on a whim are both very different things. Slapping your wife when she tries to argue with you and beating your wife to a bloody pulp because she forgot to buy shaving cream are both very different things.
Unless you're an adult dating a child you don't discipline your partner. They're an adult so use your words.

03-04-2015, 04:59 AM

Prisoner Of Ice
03-04-2015, 05:17 AM
Refusing sex or burning dinner are definitely reasons to beat your wife.

Well, in outer swarthonia, at least for now, burning dinner is not that big of a deal. You just get some takeout. When that's the only food you have after a 14 hour day in the fields, then it is actually a risk to your life.

When you are truly poor you need a "captain of the ship". Niceties come after survival. Like imagine you are trapped in the mountains somewhere and you know how to survive and someone you are with is acting insane and endangering you, or even just pitching a fit and throwing valuable equipment or supplies. You're damned right I'll do whatever it takes to get them in line.

Of course the problem is some guys will abuse this, and in modern society it's (to date anyway) not necessary to be so draconian. I've never beaten a woman, I'm just saying it's a much different story when you are barely surviving.

03-04-2015, 05:38 AM
Unless you're an adult dating a child you don't discipline your partner. They're an adult so use your words.

How does the onset of physical maturity in women make discipline an ineffectual and/or immoral method for maintaining a strong and stable relationship?Are words a more effective method for maintaining a strong and stable relationship? Are words and physical discipline mutually exclusive?