View Full Version : R1b1a2a1a* or L11+ (naming terror)

03-04-2015, 12:30 PM
I got my tests from 23andme, and it says my Y haplogroup is R1b1a2a1a*

Now, somewhere I read it is L11, or L11+

I also found that this + haplogroup has minor percentage among all R1b1a2a1 branch. Why is that? It looks like just 1% of all the branch is this (plus or star) haplogroup, why is it so rare?

What happened to these people that looks like they have been the ancestors of all Celto-Germanics... Atleast that's what L11 is supposed to be, but what happened with L11+ that was in the mid, before all the Saxon and Celtic branches.

Is there any other DNA test I can do to find out more?


03-05-2015, 09:39 AM