View Full Version : List of sexist double standards against men

03-07-2015, 10:53 PM
It is socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man if he offends her, but it is socially unacceptable for a man to hit a woman under any circumstances, even if he is acting in retaliation to a woman slapping him. Examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4akMaeZ0-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czb4rImsph0

Society invests lots of effort into combating women's problem of sexual harassment, yet does virtually nothing to combat men's problem involuntary celibacy

It is socially acceptable for women to wear make up to hide facial imperfections, but men who wear make up will be made fun of and be considered to be "gay" or "insecure". Similarly, balding men who try to hide their baldness using a toupee are often ridiculed.

A low inhibition male who is unattractive is a "creep", whereas a low inhibition male who is attractive is "confident".

It is acceptable and common for short men to be made fun of for their height, but calling a girl "fat" is unacceptable, even though being fat is a choice whereas being short is not.

Women, even ugly ones, have absolutely insane amounts of power both in the dating and social realm. Men on the other hand are pretty much invisible unless they are in the top 20% in looks, money, and status.

A Plain Jane receives more likes of a selfie pic on facebook, more free drinks and presents, more invites to parties, more socially preferential treatment, more approaches by the opposite sex, more friends and social support, in just 1 day... compared to the Average Joe receives over the course of 10 years.

Women can literally have the worst manners, be absolutely rude, say the meanest shit about a man's looks or his short stature, or how much of a loser he is, etc., and get completely away with it. If a man, on the other hand, says one rude thing to a woman (such as a comment about her weight), he becomes excommunicated by society and socially reprimanded.

Women can humiliate a man by slapping him in public. If a man slaps a woman in public, he goes to jail and his reputation if fucked for life.

Women don't have to work a day in their life, marry a man, get bored of him, divorce him, and then take half of his money.

Women, even ugly ones, can date a man, get bored of him, dump him or get dumped, and already have 50 dates lined up the next day with decently attractive men. Men get dumped, and maybe get lucky and go on a date 6 months later.

A woman just simply has to be average looking to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking man who commits to her. A man has to be tall, dark, handsome, have a good job, have ambitions, a good personality, social status, good looks (above average doesn't cut it) to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking woman to commit to him.

Everything a woman touches is golden - society always comes to her aid and defends her, even if she is wrong. A man, on the other hand, has to prove his worth and fight for respect in order to gain social approval and support.

Women stub their toe and thousands of people come to their aid. Men get drafted into war, lose their limbs, develop PTSD, and no one gives a shit.

Average looking men (and even above looking men) have absolutely no power, no chance. It's like you have to be born with extraordinary looks and work hard every day of your life and achieve amazing goals just to be noticed by the opposite sex. Meanwhile, women just have to cut out the extra couple cupcakes and twinkies they eat and go to the gym 2-3 times more often a week and they have thousands of men interested in them.

03-08-2015, 12:35 AM
True. Which is why I think the concept of "male privilege" is absurd if you look at the big picture. If a woman doesn't act like a frivolous child, she will be taken seriously by society. There is no especial reason why a woman cannot become a doctor, lawyer, or businessperson that it is not also stopping the average man (money for advanced degrees, etc.)

03-08-2015, 12:37 AM
There are double standards that harm women also. But I especially am annoyed with the one where it is ok to make fun of short men but you have to pretend fat women are beautiful.

03-08-2015, 12:45 AM
All I can say to guys like you is stop being a little bitch. As soon as I see some dude start rambling about "men's rights", an alarm immediately goes off in my head saying "incel". The secret is that the problem is 100% you.

Darth Revan
03-08-2015, 12:45 AM
lel, deal with it and don't complain. kk champ?

03-08-2015, 12:46 AM
There are double standards that harm women also. But I especially am annoyed with the one where it is ok to make fun of short men but you have to pretend fat women are beautiful.
It particularly incenses me when I see women posting personal ads stipulating that potential respondents be over 6' feet tall. One even required a man to be over 6 foot 2. I am thinking, "What did you do to earn that!? Are you over 6' 2?"

Women want their cake and to eat it too, which unfortunately society gives it to them no matter how mean or stupid they are.

03-08-2015, 12:50 AM
Something which really bothers me is the way we treat "International Women's Day". Too many self-entitled feminists expect you to lick their ass for the whole day. But very few do anything to help women who are really disadvantaged in Africa, Middle East and South Asia.

03-08-2015, 12:50 AM
All I can say to guys like you is stop being a little bitch. As soon as I see some dude start rambling about "men's rights", an alarm immediately goes off in my head saying "incel". The secret is that the problem is 100% you.
Regardless of whether you think such bitching is helpful or not, you must admit without hesitation that every point in the OP is 100% accurate.

03-08-2015, 12:58 AM
It is socially acceptable for a woman to hit a man if he offends her, but it is socially unacceptable for a man to hit a woman under any circumstances, even if he is acting in retaliation to a woman slapping him.

We're stronger than they are. You wouldn't hit a child. If the woman (or child) happens to be stronger than you (topkek) and you can't diffuse it without punching, go ahead.

Society invests lots of effort into combating women's problem of sexual harassment, yet does virtually nothing to combat men's problem involuntary celibacy

What do you want us to do? Get you a hooker? These things are not analogous. You want to get laid, go get yourself laid.

It is socially acceptable for women to wear make up to hide facial imperfections, but men who wear make up will be made fun of and be considered to be "gay" or "insecure". Similarly, balding men who try to hide their baldness using a toupee are often ridiculed.

Women shouldn't wear makeup. You should face your insecurities - not hide them.

A low inhibition male who is unattractive is a "creep", whereas a low inhibition male who is attractive is "confident."

If a fat girl told you she just took a stinking dump, you'd be grossed out, but if a hot girl said it, you'd be all giggly.

It is acceptable and common for short men to be made fun of for their height, but calling a girl "fat" is unacceptable, even though being fat is a choice whereas being short is not.

I would argue that most people are quite happy to mock fat girls, but yeah.

Women, even ugly ones, have absolutely insane amounts of power both in the dating and social realm. Men on the other hand are pretty much invisible unless they are in the top 20% in looks, money, and status.

In a monogamous society (no, we're not a 'hypergamous' society) this is just bullshit.

A Plain Jane receives more likes of a selfie pic on facebook, more free drinks and presents, more invites to parties, more socially preferential treatment, more approaches by the opposite sex, more friends and social support, in just 1 day... compared to the Average Joe receives over the course of 10 years.

If I like your facebook picture, will you go away?

Maybe you should like more of your male friends' photos and invite them to parties.

Women can literally have the worst manners, be absolutely rude, say the meanest shit about a man's looks or his short stature, or how much of a loser he is, etc., and get completely away with it. If a man, on the other hand, says one rude thing to a woman (such as a comment about her weight), he becomes excommunicated by society and socially reprimanded.

"You're fat." "I BANISH THEE!" Doesn't happen.

Women can humiliate a man by slapping him in public. If a man slaps a woman in public, he goes to jail and his reputation if fucked for life.

See 1). Look, if a kid slapped you, you're not threatened. The kid is not using his incredible force to browbeat you into submission. If you're the average dude, you can always kick the shit out of the average woman, which is why it's more serious. If there's no difference between one of your punches and one of your sister's, there's a reason you're single.

Women don't have to work a day in their life, marry a man, get bored of him, divorce him, and then take half of his money.

Get a prenup or don't marry such a woman.

Women, even ugly ones, can date a man, get bored of him, dump him or get dumped, and already have 50 dates lined up the next day with decently attractive men. Men get dumped, and maybe get lucky and go on a date 6 months later.


A woman just simply has to be average looking to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking man who commits to her. A man has to be tall, dark, handsome, have a good job, have ambitions, a good personality, social status, good looks (above average doesn't cut it) to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking woman to commit to him.


Everything a woman touches is golden - society always comes to her aid and defends her, even if she is wrong. A man, on the other hand, has to prove his worth and fight for respect in order to gain social approval and support.


Women stub their toe and thousands of people come to their aid. Men get drafted into war, lose their limbs, develop PTSD, and no one gives a shit.


03-08-2015, 01:07 AM
Stop complaining, start doing. Self-pity is useless and counter-productive. Get ride of all your vanities and feelings of self-entitlement, no one has to like you and the world is not unfair because some people were naturally born in an advantageous position or achieved more than you did. Bitching is for women and faggots, at least if you are constantly bitching, we are all made of the same organic crap anyway, not iron.

Let that which does not matter truly slide, most people already know what they have to do to be where they want to be, they just don't take a explicit and serious commitment to themselves. If all you do is complain about how the world is unfair to men you're gonna end up like those ugly, fat, sexually frustrated feminist dykes.

Anthony PV
03-08-2015, 01:33 AM
The OP needs to log off this forum, shut down his computer, get out of his house and meet women or girls his age to get laid and to find himself a girlfriend. A 'racial territory' for White people only is theoretically feasible but a society of men alienated and cut off from women won't last very long... :p Who knows? In reconciliating himself with women and having sex with them, we not only avoid the possibility of seeing another Elliot Rodgers/Marc Lépine make the headlines, we also witness him have the opportunity to transmit his DNA to the next generation, by making babies he will be proud to call his children... :p That will help him achieve his goal of continuing his bloodline and ensuring the survival of his race more concretely than complaining online about miscegenation and posting pics of what he thinks 'alpha males' look like or dubious theories about what women seek in men... :p

There are double standards that harm women also. But I especially am annoyed with the one where it is ok to make fun of short men but you have to pretend fat women are beautiful.

Something which really bothers me is the way we treat "International Women's Day". Too many self-entitled feminists expect you to lick their ass for the whole day. But very few do anything to help women who are really disadvantaged in Africa, Middle East and South Asia.

It's funny to read you gay guys share the OP's beef against feminists and women in general... I guess Eminem was right when he accused homosexuals of being 'heterophobic'... :p

03-08-2015, 01:37 AM
I have no beef against feminists or women. I am all for gender equality -- so much so, that I am in favor of it in the ways that disadvantage women and disadvantage men. Feminists only care when women are disadvantaged.

03-08-2015, 01:51 AM
I suggest moving on to new women if those are the kind you are around.

03-08-2015, 03:31 AM
Society invests lots of effort into combating women's problem of sexual harassment, yet does virtually nothing to combat men's problem involuntary celibacy

What do these two have to do with each other??

Average looking men (and even above looking men) have absolutely no power, no chance. It's like you have to be born with extraordinary looks and work hard every day of your life and achieve amazing goals just to be noticed by the opposite sex. Meanwhile, women just have to cut out the extra couple cupcakes and twinkies they eat and go to the gym 2-3 times more often a week and they have thousands of men interested in them.

I'm sorry to be so blunt, but you come across as a loser who cannot pull women. What you're saying is not true at all.

03-08-2015, 03:31 AM
Women, even ugly ones, can date a man, get bored of him, dump him or get dumped, and already have 50 dates lined up the next day with decently attractive men. Men get dumped, and maybe get lucky and go on a date 6 months later.


A woman just simply has to be average looking to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking man who commits to her. A man has to be tall, dark, handsome, have a good job, have ambitions, a good personality, social status, good looks (above average doesn't cut it) to have a fulfilling sex life and to get a decent looking woman to commit to him.


I think those points above are true for the most part. Women have huge advantages over us in the dating game. Half way decent looking women have access to a steady, frequent, and consistent supply of sex merely on account of the fact that they are half-way decent (or better) looking women. A man on the other hand, must struggle and fight to achieve even a mere portion of such. It takes a lot of hard work, energy, and charisma.

03-08-2015, 03:32 AM
I think those points above are true for the most part. Women have huge advantages over us in the dating game. Half way decent looking women have access to a steady, frequent, and consistent supply of sex merely on account of the fact that they are half-way decent (or better) looking women. A man on the other hand, must struggle and fight to achieve even a mere portion of such. It takes a lot of hard work, energy, and charisma.

Untrue. 1:1 my friend.

What does 1:1 mean? It means there's one woman for every man (or thereabouts; there are actually slightly more women).

No one wants to die alone, so if women really were so fussy as to prevent men from dating, they couldn't be dating either.

The problem is an individual one.

03-08-2015, 03:35 AM
Regardless of whether you think such bitching is helpful or not, you must admit without hesitation that every point in the OP is 100% accurate.

No, he is absolutely not.

03-08-2015, 03:37 AM
Untrue. 1:1 my friend.

What does 1:1 mean? It means there's one woman for every man (or thereabouts; there are actually slightly more women).

No one wants to die alone, so if women really were so fussy as to prevent men from dating, they couldn't be dating either.

The problem is an individual one.

I have seen plain bordering on ugly women get a full mailbox on OKCupid in a matter of days. And then, when you point this out to them, they don't appreciate it, and may even not be interested in 95% of the men. I can guarantee you if I got an inbox of 60 messages from different women every few days on OKCupid, you would never hear a peep of a complaint out of me. I would be in hog heaven.

03-08-2015, 03:39 AM
I have seen plain bordering on ugly women get a full mailbox on OKCupid in a matter of days. And then, when you point this out to them, they don't appreciate it, and may even not be interested in 95% of the men. I can guarantee you if I got an inbox of 60 messages from different women every few days on OKCupid, you would never hear a peep of a complaint out of me. I would be in hog heaven.

Doesn't matter. They can only choose one. The fact that men are more promiscuous is irrelevant in a monogamous society. They may have more short-term choice, but it's all the same in the end.

03-08-2015, 03:40 AM
One of the most pathetic topics on this forum is when guys complain about not being able to pull women, and then either blame society or women for it (instead of doing introspection and see where the real problem lies).

03-08-2015, 03:40 AM
Name of your problem is "positive discrimination."

03-08-2015, 03:45 AM
Doesn't matter. They can only choose one. The fact that men are more promiscuous is irrelevant in a monogamous society. They may have more short-term choice, but it's all the same in the end.

Yeah, I can kind of see what you're saying though. I wish everyone could just love everyone. Personally, I think hooking up should take no more effort than "I'm cute. You're cute. Let's get down." Why it doesn't work like this makes no sense to me.

I don't agree however that it's "all the same." Women have advantages. Having more choice means they can recover quicker from breakups and it means they can act like a bitch with few if any social consequences because men in general are more desperate because they do not have access to sex in the same way that women generally do.

03-08-2015, 03:49 AM
They're there for a reason. Men are different from women and should be treated as such, we have to take an additional burden sometimes because were men, its not really a big deal, we shouldn't be working to change this and therefore destroy traditional gender roles.

That being said the concept of male privilege is obviously nuts considering all these double standards.

03-08-2015, 03:55 AM
Yeah, I can kind of see what you're saying though. I wish everyone could just love everyone. Personally, I think hooking up should take no more effort than "I'm cute. You're cute. Let's get down." Why it doesn't work like this makes no sense to me.

People should be allowed to go on tindr and whatnot, but it's incredibly stupid. The fact is, you'll be rejected more times than you're accepted; even if you're me (I'm guessing, I've never been on, thankfully). It's a raw experience where you get to find out how many people wouldn't even tap you and dump you. And your reward is 2 hours of fun, maybe, once in a while. Either way, women simply don't want to hook up as often as men, because a) women of our age don't have our libido, and won't until their early 30s, by which point most people will be in a relationship, and b) women are more R-selected than men, and c) hooking up is a riskier enterprise for women. Accept that reality and deal with it. Also try and condition yourself to want a relationship more than you want a hookup. Like I say, hookups are undesirable when you put them to scrutiny.

I don't agree however that it's "all the same." Women have advantages. Having more choice means they can recover quicker from breakups and it means they can act like a bitch with few if any social consequences because men in general are more desperate because they do not have access to sex in the same way that women generally do.

Once again, it takes two to have sex. You're just putting women on a pedestal. If you assume the sex drive of women and men to be roughly the same over their lifetimes, which it is, you should have no problem.

03-09-2015, 04:54 AM
The government is anti-white and anti-male. White male? You're fucked.

Queen B
03-14-2015, 05:00 PM
Cynewald, is that you?

03-30-2015, 05:00 PM

Darth Revan
03-30-2015, 07:38 PM

Good, the last thing men need, is comfort food.
Society should be more brutal against them rather.

03-31-2015, 06:34 PM
Our society dehumanizes men.

03-31-2015, 07:55 PM
Women, even ugly ones, have absolutely insane amounts of power both in the dating and social realm. Men on the other hand are pretty much invisible unless they are in the top 20% in looks, money, and status.

Average looking men (and even above looking men) have absolutely no power, no chance. It's like you have to be born with extraordinary looks and work hard every day of your life and achieve amazing goals just to be noticed by the opposite sex. Meanwhile, women just have to cut out the extra couple cupcakes and twinkies they eat and go to the gym 2-3 times more often a week and they have thousands of men interested in them.

I will only comment about this two assertions and I dont agree with what they state.

If women have tons of power while dating, it's only because we give them that power, don't go dating women thinking they are making you a favor by dating you, don't think they are some sort of superior beings just because they are attractive and may men would like to date them, bullshit!!! you have to be selfconfident and think you have the same value as the woman you're dating, think alpha for the God's sake!!!

Thinking you have to be Bradley Cooper and/or having plenty of money to make you worthy is a huge mistake, continue thinking as a loser and you would get what a loser gets: No respect.

I have seen plenty of ugly men who are even poor not only of resources but even as human beings with nice women and that's because in their inside those losers do not think as loser and they projetct their selfconfidence and they get laid!!!! Incredible but I have lived long enough to witness enough of this, women are hard to predict and do not follow our men's logic.

03-31-2015, 08:17 PM
Once again, it takes two to have sex. You're just putting women on a pedestal. If you assume the sex drive of women and men to be roughly the same over their lifetimes, which it is, you should have no problem.
What does that have to do with anything? I was saying that women because they have so much access to male attention gives them the ability to act like twats. The average man does not have the same luxury. Women also generally have larger social networks and can recover quicker from breakups because for her, men are plentiful and replaceable.

Getting back to the OP, I have always been a proponent of state-subsidized prostitution.

03-31-2015, 08:18 PM
What does that have to do with anything? I was saying that women because they have so much access to male attention gives them the ability to act like twats. The average man does not have the same luxury. Women also generally have larger social networks and can recover quicker from breakups because for her, men are plentiful and replaceable.

But the end result is, even if this is true, one woman and one man having sex. So the point is moot.

03-31-2015, 08:26 PM
All I can say to guys like you is stop being a little bitch. As soon as I see some dude start rambling about "men's rights", an alarm immediately goes off in my head saying "incel". The secret is that the problem is 100% you.


There is no bigger FUCKING PUSSY than a man whining about getting abused by a woman. It just shows his complete inability to take control of his own life and his relationship.

Men who are strong and attractive take control of their lives, they immediately get respect from women they are involved with, and if not, they leave the relationship.

There is nothing more pathetic than all this whining "Men's Rights" bullshit, seriously GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!!

03-31-2015, 08:27 PM
But the end result is, even if this is true, one woman and one man having sex. So the point is moot.
There was a study that found that hundreds of women were having sex with a small amount of the same men. We are like baboons. The alpha mates with all the women.

03-31-2015, 08:27 PM
There was a study that found that hundreds of women were having sex with a small amount of the same men. We are like baboons. The alpha mates with all the women.

Show me the study.

03-31-2015, 08:33 PM
One of the most pathetic topics on this forum is when guys complain about not being able to pull women, and then either blame society or women for it (instead of doing introspection and see where the real problem lies).

A common problem with modern society. The lack of personal responsibility.

Perhaps it is a product of the increasing influence that technology has in our lives, that it creates social isolation and heightens social ineptitude, but this seems to be a common feature with the up and coming generation of young men. The complete lack of personal responsibility for their own circumstances, instead, they attribute all of their problems unto the larger society. What are they waiting for? An incel Che Guevara to rise up and start redistributing pussy around society? Come on, get fucking real for FUCK SAKES!!!

03-31-2015, 08:34 PM
Show me the study.
I can't find it. Haven't you heard that claim that only 40% of men historically passed on their genes whereas 80% of women have passed on their genes?

03-31-2015, 08:36 PM
A common problem with modern society. The lack of personal responsibility.

Perhaps it is a product of the increasing influence that technology has in our lives, that it creates social isolation and heightens social ineptitude, but this seems to be a common feature with the up and coming generation of young men. The complete lack of personal responsibility for their own circumstances, instead, they attribute all of their problems unto the larger society. What are they waiting for? An incel Che Guevara to rise up and start redistributing pussy around society? Come on, get fucking real for FUCK SAKES!!!

Why is this technology dependence adversely affecting men and not women?

03-31-2015, 08:36 PM
I can't find it. Haven't you heard that claim that only 40% of men historically passed on their genes whereas 80% of women have passed on their genes?

Then you can't use it as an argument. I think that's about YDNA, not reproduction in general.

03-31-2015, 08:44 PM
Doesn't matter. They can only choose one. The fact that men are more promiscuous is irrelevant in a monogamous society. They may have more short-term choice, but it's all the same in the end.
When a woman has 60 options and a man has 1 or 2 that puts her at a huge advantage. She goes out on a date, she can act like a complete bitch and if he doesn't like it she just walks out with her nose in the air and schedules a date with the hunk Bret Bretterson the next night. If the same thing happens, she can do that 58 more times. A man on the other hand has to be on his A game or it may be months before he gets another date.

03-31-2015, 08:45 PM
When a woman has 60 options and a man has 1 or 2 that puts her at a huge advantage. She goes out on a date, she can act like a complete bitch and if he doesn't like it she just walks out with her nose in the air and schedules a date with the hunk Bret Bretterson the next night. If the same thing happens, she can do that 58 more times. A man on the other hand has to be on his A game or it may be months before he gets another date.

Oh no. Sounds like we're a bunch of pansies. Still, that woman will have to pick one eventually. Play a B game, then in a couple of months a B-level woman will choose you.

03-31-2015, 08:53 PM
When a woman has 60 options and a man has 1 or 2 that puts her at a huge advantage. She goes out on a date, she can act like a complete bitch and if he doesn't like it she just walks out with her nose in the air and schedules a date with the hunk Bret Bretterson the next night. If the same thing happens, she can do that 58 more times. A man on the other hand has to be on his A game or it may be months before he gets another date.

Men are the pursuers. Women are traditionally not.

You can get a lot of dates if you work on yourself to build attractive qualities, and go out and pursue women.

Styrian Mujo
03-31-2015, 09:27 PM
I remember back in 6th grade some bitch was slapping me around and called me ugly so I snapped and slapped her as hard as I could. The teacher who ignored her harassing me than finally took notice and guess what she said before she took me to the principals office..."boys are not supposed to hit girls".

03-31-2015, 10:19 PM
I remember back in 6th grade some bitch was slapping me around and called me ugly so I snapped and slapped her as hard as I could. The teacher who ignored her harassing me than finally took notice and guess what she said before she took me to the principals office..."boys are not supposed to hit girls".

I find it pretty logical and fair you shouldn't hit a woman, a man is on average bigger and stronger than a woman and that wouldn't make it a fair match. I totally agree a man shouldn't hit a woman, I have never hit a woman and never will....

04-02-2015, 03:18 AM
Oh no. Sounds like we're a bunch of pansies. Still, that woman will have to pick one eventually. Play a B game, then in a couple of months a B-level woman will choose you.
And another thing... Who says she only has to pick one? Who is to say she wouldn't enjoy having 2 boyfriends? Or 3, or 4? Or an infinite number? Nowadays a cute female can get anything.

04-02-2015, 03:41 AM
I find it pretty logical and fair you shouldn't hit a woman, a man is on average bigger and stronger than a woman and that wouldn't make it a fair match. I totally agree a man shouldn't hit a woman, I have never hit a woman and never will....

What I find pretty logical and fair is the right to strike back with extreme prejudice at any adult, man or woman, who unjustifiably puts his/her hands on you with the intent to cause harm.

It's either chivalry of gender equality, can't have your cake and eat it too...

Suleiman Arian
04-02-2015, 03:43 AM
I don't give a fuck what feminists say! I am a man and I will act like one! If I want to spank, slap, or gag the bitch I'll do it!

04-02-2015, 03:46 AM
Seriously, you're sounding like a whiny immigrant.

There are plenty of women that don't act like a typical north american cow, find one.

If you don't like women judging you on your looks, money ect, tough, make yourself better and more appealing, get it through your head that not every guy is gonna get a victoria secret model.

They are looking at you just as harshly as you are them you think "nah shes not pretty enough" she could be thinking "he's to poor" goes both ways.

Canadian women are garbage, (except French Canadian girls) you can always move to an area that has more immigrant women in canada, or Quebec, or just move to a different country all together. Lots more guys are doing that these days.

04-02-2015, 03:49 AM
I don't give a fuck what feminists say! I am a man and I will act like one! If I want to spank, slap, or gag the bitch I'll do it!


04-02-2015, 10:02 AM
And another thing... Who says she only has to pick one? Who is to say she wouldn't enjoy having 2 boyfriends? Or 3, or 4? Or an infinite number? Nowadays a cute female can get anything.

They can! but very few do. Very few men do, too. Still, there's no law against it. Most people are only able to fall in love with one person. Silly, bitter Ottar.

04-02-2015, 10:12 AM
Feminists and MRAs are two sides of the same coin, professional annoyers incapable of goal-oriented thinking. We shouldn't consider in isolation the plight of "men", "women", "immigrants", "homosexuals", or whichever demographic macrocluster that can be envisaged, but the plight of all things alive and suffering.

Once solipsistic collectivism fades, we might attain a true synthetic understanding of interindividual conflicts and how to go about solving them as would sane, cognisant beings.

04-04-2015, 07:30 PM

04-04-2015, 07:36 PM
It particularly incenses me when I see women posting personal ads stipulating that potential respondents be over 6' feet tall. One even required a man to be over 6 foot 2. I am thinking, "What did you do to earn that!? Are you over 6' 2?"

Women want their cake and to eat it too, which unfortunately society gives it to them no matter how mean or stupid they are.


04-06-2015, 05:31 AM
I hate to say it but some of the OPs points are valid. The "girl power" movement would have made more sense in our parents generation but statistics show that American boys are lagging behind in most categories now. I think boys are just as deserving of encouragement. Of course, that's secondary to the present social engineering.

Listen to this story. A wealthy middle-aged businessman married a much younger attractive woman. She came from the wrong side of the tracks and she dropped out of high school. He attended Harvard. They're an attractive couple but they look a bit amusing because he's so much larger than her. Along the same lines, he was a bit of a legend when he played sports in school while his new wife can't walk and chew gum at the same time. They're doing well, though. She's a traditional homemaker while he's the proverbial workaholic.

You probably are thinking, "so what?". This describes many couples. Okay. Now reverse the sexes in the above scenario. What reactions do you have now? Is such a coupling even possible. If not, why do you think that is? Hopefully, this example addresses some of the issues raised by the OP.

04-06-2015, 05:41 AM
I hate to say it but some of the OPs points are valid. The "girl power" movement would have made more sense in our parents generation but statistics show that American boys are lagging behind in most categories now. I think boys are just as deserving of encouragement. Of course, that's secondary to the present social engineering.

Listen to this story. A wealthy middle-aged businessman married a much younger attractive woman. She came from the wrong side of the tracks and she dropped out of high school. He attended Harvard. They're an attractive couple but they look a bit amusing because he's so much larger than her. Along the same lines, he was a bit of a legend when he played sports in school while his new wife can't walk and chew gum at the same time. They're doing well, though. She's a traditional homemaker while he's the proverbial workaholic.

You probably are thinking, "so what?". This describes many couples. Okay. Now reverse the sexes in the above scenario. What reactions do you have now? Is such a coupling even possible. If not, why do you think that is? Hopefully, this example addresses some of the issues raised by the OP.

Women consume wealthy, they are not good and usually not interested in producing it. By keeping the price of sex high they make a trade, sex for wealthy.

04-06-2015, 05:52 AM
Women consume wealthy, they are not good and usually not interested in producing it. By keeping the price of sex high they make a trade, sex for wealthy.

Is that dialogue from a film set in the Middle Ages?

04-06-2015, 05:56 AM
Is that dialogue from a film set in the Middle Ages?

This was true in the Middle Ages, was true before and is true now.

Will you deny that from women's point of view the access to resources and wealthy play an important role in their relationships?

04-06-2015, 06:02 AM
This was true in the Middle Ages, was true before and is true now.

Will you deny that from women's point of view the access to resources and wealthy play an important role in their relationships?

It still holds true but it's not as major of a factor as it was in the past. In fact, it's fairly common for young American wives to earn more money than their husbands. It's a relatively recent phenomenon. It'll probably become more common in the future because our educators aren't really addressing the problems that boys face. It wasn't fair when girls were overlooked in the past and it's not fair that boys are overlooked now. It doesn't bode well for the future.

04-07-2015, 07:30 PM

04-07-2015, 09:20 PM

To be fair weight doesn't matter. Shape matters. 'How fat are you?' is a better question.

04-07-2015, 11:48 PM
To be fair weight doesn't matter. Shape matters. 'How fat are you?' is a better question.

This is more true for men since you have a reasonable amount of both muscular and obese men, but since women don't tend to be muscular their weight/height relation is a better predictor of their fatness.

04-07-2015, 11:49 PM
This is more true for men since you have a reasonable amount of both muscular and obese men, but since women don't tend to be muscular their weight/height relation is a better predictor of their fatness.

Even if there is a very strong correlation, my question makes no room for error.

04-08-2015, 04:57 AM

Okay, I concede THAT point. There is a double standard there and women should be more aware of it. All of that aside, some guys would help themselves immensely if they lost the "poor me" attitude. That's off-putting from ANY person. No one enjoys being around bitter people. The really unfortunate thing is that a lot of bitter guys are that way because they look at life in a negative way, sometimes creating self-fulfilling prophecies. You might go a long way if you joked, smiled, laughed more. Maybe girls pick up on your (in the general sense) negative vibes. Yes, I know very well that some girls are @#$%, but it's not any more fair to label all of them as it is to judge guys in shallow ways.

04-08-2015, 05:07 AM
Okay, I concede THAT point. There is a double standard there and women should be more aware of it. All of that aside, some guys would help themselves immensely if they lost the "poor me" attitude. That's off-putting from ANY person. No one enjoys being around bitter people. The really unfortunate thing is that a lot of bitter guys are that way because they look at life in a negative way, sometimes creating self-fulfilling prophecies. You might go a long way if you joked, smiled, laughed more. Maybe girls pick up on your (in the general sense) negative vibes. Yes, I know very well that some girls are @#$%, but it's not any more fair to label all of them as it is to judge guys in shallow ways.

The right thing to do is not to have a 'poor me' attitude and also accept the reality of women, women are far more shallow than men.

04-08-2015, 05:13 AM
women are far more shallow than men.

It's a pretty tight race IMO. FWIW, in general, the older you get, the less shallow you become.

04-08-2015, 05:17 AM
It's a pretty tight race IMO. FWIW, in general, the older you get, the less shallow you become.

It's not tight by any stretch, this is just politically correct bs to make women look better. I've had even other women saying that to me.

04-08-2015, 06:36 AM
It's not really a double standard since there are men who prefer and chase after fat women

but women always prefer taller men to shorter. There are no women with a weird 'manlet chaser' fetish

Women don't really make a big deal out of looks...that is men's specialties.

You cant concede atleast sexual dimorphism to women? All they ask is to not have to look down when your eyes meet

04-08-2015, 06:40 AM
It's a pretty tight race IMO. FWIW, in general, the older you get, the less shallow you become.

In general, the older a man gets the more time he has to accumulate wealth and experience...the older a women gets she accumulates wrinkles and cellulite.

So I accept the cutthroat nature of a young woman's standards, their windows are far shorter than a man's.

Aging is less (maybe sometimes inversely) detrimental to a man's look, than it is for a woman's. Case in point:


Suleiman Arian
04-08-2015, 06:43 AM
It's not really a double standard since there are men who prefer and chase after fat women

but women always prefer taller men to shorter. There are no women with a weird 'manlet chaser' fetish

Women don't really make a big deal out of looks...that is men's specialties.

You cant concede atleast sexual dimorphism to women? All they ask is to not have to look down when your eyes meet

I knew this one black guy who would only date bitchy fat chicks XD

04-08-2015, 07:45 AM
To be fair weight doesn't matter. Shape matters. 'How fat are you?' is a better question.

The question 'How fat are you?' still doesn't resolve the matter of shape. A woman can be quite chubby but still have perfect hip-to-waist ratio and that is what matters most. Large amounts of male hormones in female bodies contributes to increased fat deposits around waist resulting in more straight and man-like body shape. So if a woman has hourglass figure it means she has relatively low amounts of male hormones and as conseqesnce more feminine character in general. Must be the reason why most men prefer curvy females: the sense for more feminine samples developed throughout evolution.

04-08-2015, 08:06 AM
It is not only fat which makes waist to hip ratio. Nowadays women are just not as curvy as they used to be before 50 years, for example. Evolution, diet, way of life - everything may lead to this physical change.
My personal experience says, it is not the appearance, nor the measures, which make a female "popular". It her behaviour and the intellectual level of the interested male. I know some creatures with visible genetic imperfections who slept with dosens.

04-08-2015, 08:41 AM
Why is this technology dependence adversely affecting men and not women?

That is the most interesting question in the topic and seems like nobody has an answer for it. I will make an attempt to speculate on it.

The major difference in male and female priorities in life is that males strife for personal status within society while females seeking to maximize the amount of their social contacts. Such attitudes may have their roots in different strategies in search for security: males feel more secure when they are on top of social ladder since in such case they are less likely to be sacrificed for common good, females feel more secure the bigger their community is. Such was a reality of life since prehistoric ages until very recently so these strategies are imprinted deeply in our instincts.

Now lets introduce modern technology into the setup and see how things will develop. For males technology offers little aid in their pursuit of personal status as they still have to posses a certain degree of mental capacity and will power as well as some luck of being born in advantageous circumstances. In fact development of technology making it increasingly easier for those on top to stay there and pass their privileged positions on their offspring leaving the remaining males no choice but to be on servant roles.

Meanwhile females gain from technology quite a lot. The amount of devices designed to make female's household chores easier is quite impressive. Women have more time on their hands than ever before and they use it to expand their social interaction through another side of technological development - social media. Until recently to expand their social circle women had only two choices (with some exceptions): marry a high-status man or make a lot of babies to become the mother of large family. Either way involved a significant amount of personal effort and some serious risks. Still a number of her personal contacts would rarely exceed a hundred. Today an average woman can have her own personal network of contacts accounting for hundreds, and with some little effort even thousands, of 'friends' that give out quite decent sense of fulfillment for their instinctive desires. That in fact could explain why fewer women wish to dedicate themselves to motherhood and why so many of those that become mothers are so terrible at it: who cares about babies' needs when mommy have such an important task as checking her personal page regularly?

04-08-2015, 08:59 AM
I don't agree with the technological part. In the past, the "better part of society" had servants, so noble ladies have their whole time for themselves. They didn't use Facebook, but have their tea time and meatings. Some women are not created to be mothers and nowadays motherhood is not a need. No matter how many friends on her page she has, it is not serious to blame the technological achievements for the lost of the patriarchal order.

04-08-2015, 11:49 AM
It's not really a double standard since there are men who prefer and chase after fat women

but women always prefer taller men to shorter. There are no women with a weird 'manlet chaser' fetish

Women don't really make a big deal out of looks...that is men's specialties.

You cant concede atleast sexual dimorphism to women? All they ask is to not have to look down when your eyes meet

My mum is 3 inches taller than my dad.

A woman will marry an ugly man for his money, charm or personality, but the reverse is not true.

04-08-2015, 02:14 PM
My mum is 3 inches taller than my dad.

A woman will marry an ugly man for his money, charm or personality, but the reverse is not true.

There is a saying in Russia: 'If a man looks better than monkey he is handsome enough for dating'.

04-08-2015, 02:19 PM
It is not only fat which makes waist to hip ratio.

A shape of human body in general is defined by bones, muscles and fat. Since waist has no bones sticking out to the sides and muscles in the area are pretty much same for males and females the shape of it defined mostly by fat deposits. It's just some fat is right under the skin and some is deep inside between internal organs. Both forms of deposit plays a role.

04-08-2015, 02:21 PM
I don't agree with the technological part. In the past, the "better part of society" had servants, so noble ladies have their whole time for themselves. They didn't use Facebook, but have their tea time and meatings. Some women are not created to be mothers and nowadays motherhood is not a need. No matter how many friends on her page she has, it is not serious to blame the technological achievements for the lost of the patriarchal order.

In the past the thing you refer to as "better part of society" has made up somewhere between 2-5% of total population and had literally zero effect on formation of instincts.

04-08-2015, 02:26 PM
There is a saying in Russia: 'If a man looks better than monkey he is handsome enough for dating'.

The reality is Skulgrimen has no charm, money, or personality. I know people who look very much like monkeys with girlfriends or wives.

04-08-2015, 02:32 PM
The reality is Skulgrimen has no charm, money, or personality. I know people who look very much like monkeys with girlfriends or wives.

That generation grown in Interwebz is sad really. They have no real life knowledge of nature nor society around them. Their whole life is a colorful picture on the screen with simple predefined rules and as soon as they fell out into real world they're lost like little kids.

04-08-2015, 02:40 PM
That generation grown in Interwebz is sad really. They have no real life knowledge of nature nor society around them. Their whole life is a colorful picture on the screen with simple predefined rules and as soon as they fell out into real world they're lost like little kids.

Fortunately my parents restricted my screen access well into my late teens. I will do the same for my children.

04-08-2015, 02:56 PM
It's not really a double standard since there are men who prefer and chase after fat women

but women always prefer taller men to shorter. There are no women with a weird 'manlet chaser' fetish

Women don't really make a big deal out of looks...that is men's specialties.

You cant concede atleast sexual dimorphism to women? All they ask is to not have to look down when your eyes meet
That's a cop-out. Most of the women need a "tall man" are big and ugly who need that to feel better about themselves. Women struggle with height because society tells them they have to be small and skinny. If you look around you will see there are lots of good looking women in relationships where she is taller. The most famous example of this is Nichole Kidman when she was married to Tom Cruise.

04-08-2015, 04:10 PM
My mum is 3 inches taller than my dad.

A woman will marry an ugly man for his money, charm or personality, but the reverse is not true.

lol my mom is 13 inches shorter than my dad, which is a real pain in the ass because I'm only average height because of it.

04-09-2015, 04:35 AM
the older a women gets she accumulates wrinkles and cellulite.

That's why the good Lord gave us Botox.

04-09-2015, 04:40 AM
That's a cop-out. Most of the women need a "tall man" are big and ugly who need that to feel better about themselves. Women struggle with height because society tells them they have to be small and skinny. If you look around you will see there are lots of good looking women in relationships where she is taller. The most famous example of this is Nichole Kidman when she was married to Tom Cruise.

Shorter women wish to be taller. Taller women wish to be shorter. It's human nature to wish for things that you THINK you need to be happy. That's not to say that some women aren't satisfied with their height. It's simply that too many succumb to that "grass is always greener" nonsense that plagues most of us at some time in our lives.

04-09-2015, 04:44 AM
It's not tight by any stretch, this is just politically correct bs to make women look better. I've had even other women saying that to me.

I don't deny there are many shallow women out there. Some of them are friends and relatives of mine. You can't deny that there are probably just as many, if not more, shallow guys too. Come on! Girls want the best nests. Guys want the best feathers.

04-09-2015, 01:28 PM
Shorter women wish to be taller. Taller women wish to be shorter. It's human nature to wish for things that you THINK you need to be happy. That's not to say that some women aren't satisfied with their height. It's simply that too many succumb to that "grass is always greener" nonsense that plagues most of us at some time in our lives.
You hear far more tall women complaining. Starting by weight, clothes sizes and shoes. Then they complain they find too many "cute" guys who are not at tall as her and she complains it makes her feel "bigger".

04-09-2015, 01:34 PM
Who gives a fuck. It amounts to going down to the level of feminism. Leave whining to women.

04-09-2015, 01:42 PM
Who gives a fuck. It amounts to going down to the level of feminism. Leave whining to women.
True, but sluthaters say that you are "bluepilled". Basically you are in la la land so you can be abused by sluts. :rolleyes:

04-09-2015, 10:23 PM
That's a cop-out. Most of the women need a "tall man" are big and ugly who need that to feel better about themselves. Women struggle with height because society tells them they have to be small and skinny. If you look around you will see there are lots of good looking women in relationships where she is taller. The most famous example of this is Nichole Kidman when she was married to Tom Cruise.

LMAO :lol::lol:

04-09-2015, 11:17 PM
True, but sluthaters say that you are "bluepilled". Basically you are in la la land so you can be abused by sluts. :rolleyes:
Why would I be abused by sluts ? I'm not looking for sex nor women, I'm not in their power.

04-09-2015, 11:25 PM
Why would I be abused by sluts ? I'm not looking for sex nor women, I'm not in their power.

Message heard. I'll be there in 20 minutes with condoms and anal lube.

04-09-2015, 11:45 PM
Well, yes, things are getting a bit out of hand for men in the west. But is Red Pill/ Slut Hate/MGTOW etc really the best western men can come up with? they're all pretty cringe-worthy imho :(

We are screwed then

04-10-2015, 04:20 AM
You hear far more tall women complaining. Starting by weight, clothes sizes and shoes. Then they complain they find too many "cute" guys who are not at tall as her and she complains it makes her feel "bigger".

I think this sort of thinking (about relationships) declines somewhat after people mature. That doesn't negate the fact that height often remains a factor in choosing significant others all throughout one's dating life. There's really nothing wrong with that since it all comes down to personal preference, although it can be carried to extremes and that's when it enters shallow territory.

04-10-2015, 04:44 AM
1. Sex

Females own sex, as a resource. They are born with it. Females have the supply. Males have the demand. Thus females are born with an innate, natural value, which readily be traded for cash. It is common sense that an average man would consider to pay $1000 for one night with a beautiful looking, high-end escort. So females are born with an internal bank, which not a single male has.

2. Equal Pay

Females already own sex; so males should get something for ourselves. Men classically earned money. And men used money to exchange for sex through one means (prostitution) or another (dating/marriage). Yet today in "Western Civilization", feminists demand more. Women want to own sex and equal pay with men. This essentially multiplies the inherent worth of average women. Now the high end-escort has $1000000. She raises her charging rate. She now charges $10000. So fewer and fewer men have access to beautiful women. In the western world, women now have both sex and money. Men have nothing to trade, hence the appearance of such groups as MRA, MGTOW, sluthate, DOM theory, and many anti-feminist reactions.

Equal pay is a scam. Western men & women have no real reason or cause to marry anymore (since females own both sex and money together now).

3. War

War is caused through various, numerous, complex, natural reasons. Yet men overwhelmingly are drafted into war, most of the time against the will of the average soldier. Young and naive, young men have no idea the service they're signing-up for, and many will care naught anyway. Why do 99% males engage and die in war? The simple answer is: for sex (sexual resources). One nation of males invade another nation, what is the result? To the winner go the spoils (beautiful women). War is the means that men use to murder each-other for women, instead of the common, traditional means of money/payment.

Yet we are supposed to pretend men and women are "Equal" in the western world. The equality myth is shattered by the reality, or even the very implausible and idea of war. War is masculine, not feminine. Women don't need war, don't care for war, and historically are absent from war. Because women don't need to fight over sexual rites. Because females own sexual rites. Females even work together to maintain a monopoly on sex. Females rebel against "evil patriarchy" when men sometimes, albeit rare in history, acquire a harem or large variety of women to mate with. Sex is politickal power.

4. Education

We're indoctrinated in the western world to believe believe believe that men and women, males and females, are "Equal", but not once is this "Equality" ever demonstrated. So what should be done about this? Let's wave our hands and disperse the foul lie. It is a dull fog that can be wiped away. Males and females are not equal, never were, never will become so. Equal at nothing. Neither are individuals equal. There is divergence everywhere in nature. Even identical twins are displaced by space and time.

04-10-2015, 01:14 PM
Why would I be abused by sluts ? I'm not looking for sex nor women, I'm not in their power.
IDK, Ask sluthaters, the OP is one.

04-10-2015, 01:17 PM
I think this sort of thinking (about relationships) declines somewhat after people mature. That doesn't negate the fact that height often remains a factor in choosing significant others all throughout one's dating life. There's really nothing wrong with that since it all comes down to personal preference, although it can be carried to extremes and that's when it enters shallow territory.
Kind of when like a guy demands she has to be size 4 or less.

04-22-2015, 11:45 PM

04-22-2015, 11:54 PM

The second isn't true.

04-30-2015, 04:00 PM
double standards exist for a reason, women are meant to be treated more highly than men because of their greater role in reproduction and because women are more picky with mating than men due to them only being able to get pregnant every nine months. and men are meant to do all the work because women are pregnant more or taking care of children

though this natural sexism isn't only to the men's detriment, men are usually elected to higher positions of power and respected more because of their physical strength and their work's importance to keeping women and children alive and fed

but, in this modern society where things like reproduction are done much less and people are wanting equality for races and sexes these double standards should be abolished in addition to getting rid of special treatment for oppressed groups and giving everyone truly equal rights

04-30-2015, 04:13 PM
I agree that most of these are true, and it's a problem. HOWEVER, I strongly disagree with the "Ugly women can have tons of dates but normal looking guys CAN'T." That's bullshit. Ugly girls, even average looking ones have a hard time finding partners as well. I consider myself average and eve I struggle to find someone to date me. You could argue that if I lowered my standards to be with a really ugly guy or a good looking douche, I'd have an active dating life, but to be truthful, I'm not that desperate. If this is such a huge fucking concern to you, then men should stop being desperate and thirsty for women who are ugly just because they want to get laid. If women were as desperate, they could find any guy for sex. Easy girls are everywhere, just because they aren't good looking doesn't mean they don't exist or that "It's unfair to men" Lower your standards and you'll find plenty of girls in clubs just waiting to get laid or to find a date.

I hate that whining so much. It feels like such self-entitlement, much like the feminists who scream that men should be attracted to them because they are fat, and fat is "beautiful". You sound that stupid. The "real women have curves" campaign wouldn't be an issue if women could easily date whoever they want. It exists because they are bitter about men not wanting them.

THAT aside,
I think sexual harassment and violence of any sort should be fought. I would never want to drift away these issues from women, as unfortunately, they ARE usually the most common victims, however, I do think these crimes against men should be brought up as well. Though most of the people I've seen telling guys to "man up" are men themselves. Like women complaining about slut shaming when they are usually the first ones to call another girl a slut.

And if a woman doesn't have a job and expect you to pay for everything, then sorry to say, she isn't worth dating. Find someone self-sufficient. If a guy treats his wife like a prize he has to pay for, it's his fault for encouraging that behavior. People no longer frown upon those who expect their partner to do something besides sitting all day doing nothing but leech off their money.

04-30-2015, 04:28 PM
1. Sex

Females own sex, as a resource. They are born with it. Females have the supply. Males have the demand. Thus females are born with an innate, natural value, which readily be traded for cash. It is common sense that an average man would consider to pay $1000 for one night with a beautiful looking, high-end escort. So females are born with an internal bank, which not a single male has.

2. Equal Pay

Females already own sex; so males should get something for ourselves. Men classically earned money. And men used money to exchange for sex through one means (prostitution) or another (dating/marriage). Yet today in "Western Civilization", feminists demand more. Women want to own sex and equal pay with men. This essentially multiplies the inherent worth of average women. Now the high end-escort has $1000000. She raises her charging rate. She now charges $10000. So fewer and fewer men have access to beautiful women. In the western world, women now have both sex and money. Men have nothing to trade, hence the appearance of such groups as MRA, MGTOW, sluthate, DOM theory, and many anti-feminist reactions.

Equal pay is a scam. Western men & women have no real reason or cause to marry anymore (since females own both sex and money together now).

3. War

War is caused through various, numerous, complex, natural reasons. Yet men overwhelmingly are drafted into war, most of the time against the will of the average soldier. Young and naive, young men have no idea the service they're signing-up for, and many will care naught anyway. Why do 99% males engage and die in war? The simple answer is: for sex (sexual resources). One nation of males invade another nation, what is the result? To the winner go the spoils (beautiful women). War is the means that men use to murder each-other for women, instead of the common, traditional means of money/payment.

Yet we are supposed to pretend men and women are "Equal" in the western world. The equality myth is shattered by the reality, or even the very implausible and idea of war. War is masculine, not feminine. Women don't need war, don't care for war, and historically are absent from war. Because women don't need to fight over sexual rites. Because females own sexual rites. Females even work together to maintain a monopoly on sex. Females rebel against "evil patriarchy" when men sometimes, albeit rare in history, acquire a harem or large variety of women to mate with. Sex is politickal power.

4. Education

We're indoctrinated in the western world to believe believe believe that men and women, males and females, are "Equal", but not once is this "Equality" ever demonstrated. So what should be done about this? Let's wave our hands and disperse the foul lie. It is a dull fog that can be wiped away. Males and females are not equal, never were, never will become so. Equal at nothing. Neither are individuals equal. There is divergence everywhere in nature. Even identical twins are displaced by space and time.

I agree with everything except for 2. Equal pay should be a thing simply because it's unfair that they pay a man more for the same amount of work. You can argue about the escorts, but truthfully, most women are not escorts or porn stars. Most women have the same jobs as men, and therefore should be treated equally. I would never use sex to further my career, it simply isn't ethical, so the fact that a man who does the same amount of work (or less!) than me has chances of having a higher pay repulses me. It takes away a woman's motivation to work because they feel held back by something that is out of their control. Escorts will continue to charge what they do, even if the payment for other jobs is equalized. That won't change a thing. Male escorts are simply not in demand, not only because women have a tendency to be pickier (And this is biologically programmed, you will see it in most species), but because of the stigma society holds that "Women can get laid anywhere" and that if they have sex, they are whores. Frankly, if I was sexually desperate, and you made me choose between a good looking escort who has experience or some random guy, I'd probably choose the escort--But they don't really exist because of lack of demand, and I probably wouldn't want to deal with people thinking I'm a complete slut for it. Both sexes are at fault.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 05:05 PM
That's a cop-out. Most of the women need a "tall man" are big and ugly who need that to feel better about themselves. Women struggle with height because society tells them they have to be small and skinny. If you look around you will see there are lots of good looking women in relationships where she is taller. The most famous example of this is Nichole Kidman when she was married to Tom Cruise.

That is a stupid example because Tom Cruise is rich and if he wasn't he would have had alot harder time finding a woman at all let alone a tall woman. In order for a short man to be as attractive or make up for being shorter than a taller man or medium man he has to make a significant amount of money than the latter.

According to a study by UCLA:

For most women, the shortest acceptable (read: minimum) height for a man that a woman would date is 5'8.9 (175cm)

The "ideal" height listed for men was around 6'1" (185.4cm)

Only 4% of women who responded would accept a date with a man shorter than they were

Also, no, I'm not short so this is not a bitter response.

04-30-2015, 05:09 PM

WAAAAHH!!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!! :banghead::banghead::cussing


04-30-2015, 06:09 PM
WAAAAHH!!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!! :banghead::banghead::cussing


What do you disagree with my subhuman friend?

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 06:15 PM
What do you disagree with my subhuman friend?

I disagree that is the best look for a man and that is not what most women find most attractive. This is the best look and it doesn't take years in the gym to achieve and is the body the majority of women find the most erotic/attractive :



04-30-2015, 06:17 PM
I disagree that is the best look for a man and that is not what most women find most attractive. This is the best look and it doesn't take years in the gym to achieve and is the body the majority of women find the most erotic/attractive :



Do you think women masturbate to these pics? That look is still way harder to achieve than a woman simply toning down her weight.

04-30-2015, 06:19 PM
Do you think women masturbate to these pics? That look is still way harder to achieve than a woman simply toning down her weight.

Not really. It's about the same.

04-30-2015, 06:21 PM
Not really. It's about the same.

lol not true. The woman simply needs to stop eating like a pig and drop weight. The man not only needs to slim down but also work towards achieving beefy muscles.

04-30-2015, 06:22 PM
lol not true. The woman simply needs to stop eating like a pig and drop weight. The man not only needs to slim down but also work towards achieving beefy muscles.

Those muscles aren't 'beefy.' A few sit ups and press ups a day for a couple of months and you'll have them (the twinky look). All that's left after that is to 'stop eating like a pig and drop weight' if needs be. Those guys will have 7-11% bodyfat which is very achievable, many of us will even have that naturally.

04-30-2015, 06:22 PM
I don't feel like replying to every point in the OP, but if you leave your basement and go out on town, you'll see that 80-90% of women are together with regular men.

04-30-2015, 06:28 PM
WAAAAHH!!!!! WAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! SOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!! :banghead::banghead::cussing


Not really. It's about the same.

I'm A Special Snowflake: Gender Edition.

04-30-2015, 06:31 PM
I agree with everything except for 2. Equal pay should be a thing simply because it's unfair that they pay a man more for the same amount of work.
Life isn't fair; and life should not become fair. Fairness is artificial and unnatural. Nature doesn't know the meaning of "fair".

Fairness is a human dream, an illusion.

You can argue about the escorts, but truthfully, most women are not escorts or porn stars.
Men pay for your dates, your drinks, your time. You do not pay for drinks for men at the bar. You do not pay for dates for men. You cannot expect to lose all of your life earnings in a divorce. Double-standards, in your favor.

Most women have the same jobs as men, and therefore should be treated equally.
Incorrect, two different people or objects should not be treated "equally". For example you have a wrench and a plunger. Maybe both are "equally" tools. But you never treat the two equally. You use the wrench to un/screw bolts and screws. You use the plunger to unplug a toilet. You do not use the wrench to unplug the toilet. You do not use the plunger to un/screw bolts.

Thus it is a lie and deception to claim that "both tools are equal". That means nothing. In practical use, common sense, the tools are unequal. Not the same. Different shape, different form, different function. Inequality.

I would never use sex to further my career, it simply isn't ethical, so the fact that a man who does the same amount of work (or less!) than me has chances of having a higher pay repulses me. It takes away a woman's motivation to work because they feel held back by something that is out of their control.
You're still young and inexperienced. You will learn in time, the realer value of your sexuality. Age causes concessions. You will give-up your youthful ideals and illusions for realism. When you grow older, options will arise that you will take, whereas you wouldn't in your younger prime years.

Women lose sexual value as you grow older. Men gain in value. Gender is inverse in this way. I am accumulating value; you are depreciating. I gain value, as a man, the more sexual partners and "conquests" I have. You lose value each time you are "conquered".

Again, life is not fair. But at least it is not fair for both of us, and everybody. That's the concession. Life is not fair… for everybody, equally. That is true equality. Equality in nothingness and unfairness.

Escorts will continue to charge what they do, even if the payment for other jobs is equalized. That won't change a thing.
The feminist movement increases the value of women. An escort that previously charged $1000 a night (beautiful high-class prostitute), can now charge $5000 or $10000. Feminism increases the "pussy price". Now only a handful, very few amount of men, can afford the best/beautiful women.

Male escorts are simply not in demand, not only because women have a tendency to be pickier (And this is biologically programmed, you will see it in most species), but because of the stigma society holds that "Women can get laid anywhere" and that if they have sex, they are whores.
Male sexuality is never worthwhile or valuable, ever, in history.

The only time male sexuality increases, and is comparable to women, is after a major war in which 50% or greater of the male population (INCELs) is killed-off. Those are exceptional points in history, abnormal. Very rare.

Frankly, if I was sexually desperate, and you made me choose between a good looking escort who has experience or some random guy, I'd probably choose the escort--But they don't really exist because of lack of demand, and I probably wouldn't want to deal with people thinking I'm a complete slut for it. Both sexes are at fault.
High-end escorts do exist, but only through high class social connections. They are not accessible to middle and low class (due to sexual diseases and bad social contacts).

04-30-2015, 06:33 PM
I'm A Special Snowflake: Gender Edition.

Poor diagnosis. It's actually Whiny Little Bitch syndrome. Special Snowflake Syndrome is when you emphasise irrelevant or wholly artificial parts of your identity (I'm 1/64 Cherokee, my great-great-grandmother's aunt's nephew's cat was run over by the King's butcher, I saw a duck once, etc) or attribute erroneous and usually also irrelevant aspects to it (I'm a Mesolithic survivor because my hair is yellow and that is special for some reason/white people are God's children, Jesus was white too/people who grew up in my grandfather's village are all descended from Alexander the Great and are the last uebermenschen/my YDNA is actually from aliens and this is plausible and superior).

The first is more annoying and is called 'Single Special Snowflake Syndrome' or 'Single SSS' or 'SSSS.' The sufferer boasts about random things pertaining only to them. Ergo: I am 1/128 Mohican. My great-great-great-great-great-great uncle cleaned the Queen's shoes. I am the heir to Narnia.

The second is less annoying and less severe and called 'Group Special Snowflake Syndrome' or 'Group SSS' or 'GSSS.' It is sadly harder to cure and usually terminal. Sufferers will believe they and a small group of others are special. By forming bonds within this group the disorder will be entrenches. We are Neanderthals. We are Ironpills. We are the smartest people out there. We are God's favourites, dunno why he even made anyone else.

04-30-2015, 06:33 PM
The thing that you're all missing is that women don't value the same things as men, just because you care about social status and sex doesn't mean that women do. All women care about is,

a) not have to do anything

b) have pretty clothes

c) eating sweets

yes really, it's not more complicated than that.

04-30-2015, 06:37 PM
Poor diagnosis. It's actually Whiny Little Bitch syndrome. Special Snowflake Syndrome is when you emphasise irrelevant or wholly artificial parts of your identity (I'm 1/64 Cherokee, my great-great-grandmother's aunt's nephew's cat was run over by the King's butcher, I saw a duck once, etc) or attribute erroneous and usually also irrelevant aspects to it (I'm a Mesolithic survivor because my hair is yellow and that is special for some reason/white people are God's children, Jesus was white too/people who grew up in my grandfather's village are all descended from Alexander the Great and are the last uebermenschen/my YDNA is actually from aliens and this is plausible and superior).
I just want to dip my toe in the water and wiggle it a bit, not fall headfirst into the pool! D:>

04-30-2015, 06:38 PM
I just want to dip my toe in the water and wiggle it a bit, not fall headfirst into the pool! D:>

I've edited that post to be clearer about the syndrome.

04-30-2015, 06:39 PM
The thing that you're all missing is that women don't value the same things as men, just because you care about social status and sex doesn't mean that women do. All women care about is,

a) not have to do anything

b) have pretty clothes

c) eating sweets

yes really, it's not more complicated than that. But if they sit on their asses all day long without doing anything except eating sweets, they will become huge and pretty clothes will be useless to them

04-30-2015, 06:42 PM
I've edited that post to be clearer about the syndrome.

I have un-liked and re-liked that post to show my support for the diagnosis.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 06:46 PM
Do you think women masturbate to these pics? That look is still way harder to achieve than a woman simply toning down her weight.

You obviously have a poor understanding of women probably cause your young and have little experience with them since you are an incel. Women don't masturbate to pictures like men do (at least not for the most part) because men are more visual than women when it comes to sexuality. That is part of the reason why porn is much more popular with men than with women. Women ,compared to men, are much more likely to masturbate to just their thoughts (fantasizing). Also, I have that body or one very similar to those guys and it really isn't that hard to achieve. I go to the gym like 4 times a week and jog twice a week and just eat healthy. I am going to start jogging more than that for my personal health, though. Also, women are under constant pressure from society to be model thin so that picture you posted isn't true really. Maybe for the average man the woman is attractive but probably just because they are settling but I am not the average man. I think if that woman started jogging and doing calisthenics I might then find her attractive, though.

04-30-2015, 06:46 PM
Poor diagnosis. It's actually Whiny Little Bitch syndrome. Special Snowflake Syndrome is when you emphasise irrelevant or wholly artificial parts of your identity (I'm 1/64 Cherokee, my great-great-grandmother's aunt's nephew's cat was run over by the King's butcher, I saw a duck once, etc) or attribute erroneous and usually also irrelevant aspects to it (I'm a Mesolithic survivor because my hair is yellow and that is special for some reason/white people are God's children, Jesus was white too/people who grew up in my grandfather's village are all descended from Alexander the Great and are the last uebermenschen/my YDNA is actually from aliens and this is plausible and superior).:laugh2::laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:


04-30-2015, 06:47 PM
The feminist movement increases the value of women. An escort that previously charged $1000 a night (beautiful high-class prostitute), can now charge $5000 or $10000. Feminism increases the "pussy price". Now only a handful, very few amount of men, can afford the best/beautiful women.

1) There's no such thing as a high class hooker it's a scam. A hoe is a hoe.

2) The best women don't charge a lot because they're in it for the sex. Look at Melanie Moon for example. (http://spermabang.com/home.html)

High-end escorts do exist, but only through high class social connections. They are not accessible to middle and low class (due to sexual diseases and bad social contacts).

lol. There's no such thing as a high end escort, it's just a hoe that's charging you more. Have you ever heard of a high end mechanic or a high end carpenter? "I'm a high end store clerk pay me $1000 an hour". Seriously dude.

04-30-2015, 06:48 PM
All I can say to guys like you is stop being a little bitch. As soon as I see some dude start rambling about "men's rights", an alarm immediately goes off in my head saying "incel". The secret is that the problem is 100% you.

Words of wisdom, to be honest.

I agree, 100%. I'm sick of hearing men complain about this kind of stuff. I enjoy the way things are and think it is great, maybe because I am not an incel that is forever alone.

04-30-2015, 06:50 PM
1) There's no such thing as a high class hooker it's a scam. A hoe is a hoe.

2) The best women don't charge a lot because they're in it for the sex. Look at Melanie Moon for example. (http://spermabang.com/home.html)
High-end refers to lower STD and john selection. A low-end hooker has all the venereal diseases in the book. A low-end hooker also charges $10 for a blowjob to bums and homeless guys.

lol. There's no such thing as a high end escort, it's just a hoe that's charging you more. Have you ever heard of a high end mechanic or a high end carpenter? "I'm a high end store clerk pay me $1000 an hour". Seriously dude.
A highly paid mechanic is superior due to his specialization and superior knowledge. Some mechanics are incompetent and/or dishonest. In a capitalist country, you tend to get what you pay for. This rule applies to prostitution in the US. Low pay/charge means a bad job. High pay/charge means a good job.

Even a good blow job…

04-30-2015, 06:50 PM
1) There's no such thing as a high class hooker it's a scam. A hoe is a hoe.

2) The best women don't charge a lot because they're in it for the sex. Look at Melanie Moon for example. (http://spermabang.com/home.html)

lol. There's no such thing as a high end escort, it's just a hoe that's charging you more. Have you ever heard of a high end mechanic or a high end carpenter? "I'm a high end store clerk pay me $1000 an hour". Seriously dude. that's the smartest thing you've ever said.


04-30-2015, 06:52 PM
But if they sit on their asses all day long without doing anything except eating sweets, they will become huge and pretty clothes will be useless to them

That's why a lot of women complain that there are no pretty clothes for fatties. The solution is for companies to create clothes that look good on fatties (it can't be done, but it's what women demand),


at no point will women (the vast majority) cut down on the cookies and get off the couch because women are that lazy.

04-30-2015, 06:56 PM
1) There's no such thing as a high class hooker it's a scam. A hoe is a hoe.

2) The best women don't charge a lot because they're in it for the sex. Look at Melanie Moon for example. (http://spermabang.com/home.html)

lol. There's no such thing as a high end escort, it's just a hoe that's charging you more. Have you ever heard of a high end mechanic or a high end carpenter? "I'm a high end store clerk pay me $1000 an hour". Seriously dude.
I like your thinking.

04-30-2015, 07:08 PM
High-end refers to lower STD and john selection. A low-end hooker has all the venereal diseases in the book. A low-end hooker also charges $10 for a blowjob to bums and homeless guys.

You can't know unless the girl is tested, so just get a tested girl.

A highly paid mechanic is superior due to his specialization and superior knowledge. Some mechanics are incompetent and/or dishonest. In a capitalist country, you tend to get what you pay for. This rule applies to prostitution in the US. Low pay/charge means a bad job. High pay/charge means a good job.

Even a good blow job…

We're talking about sucking cock and getting fucked, there's nothing to it, either the girl is into it or she isn't. If you were a man-whore would you charge a high price and only fuck a few women or would you work at a flat rate and fuck women all day long?

04-30-2015, 07:15 PM
That depends on who pays what and how often… hot chicks don't need to buy sex when men compete among men already, for sex.

I mean, what type of men are hot chicks willing to spend money on, to have sex?

04-30-2015, 07:19 PM
Life isn't fair; and life should not become fair. Fairness is artificial and unnatural. Nature doesn't know the meaning of "fair".

Fairness is a human dream, an illusion.

ACTUALLY, I pay for most of my dates and my drinks. Unless I can make it up to my date, I never let the other person pay, it just isn't right to be a financial leech. I've seen high-end male escorts in sites and whatnot, but honestly, I find older men gross, and they all seem to be older than 30. Not really my cup of tea. I'd rather sleep with someone I genuinely care about who is around my age. Sex with an escort is meaningless, just like a one night stand.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 07:19 PM
High-end refers to lower STD and john selection. A low-end hooker has all the venereal diseases in the book. A low-end hooker also charges $10 for a blowjob to bums and homeless guys.

I did something crazy for a while : I was banging a woman that used to be a low end crack whore (for free I might add) and I didn't use a condom the many times I had sex with her. I got tested by a doctor and I don't have any STDs. She told me she didn't because even as a crack whore she always used safe sex like condoms but I was skeptical. Of course anectdotal evidence proves nothing. She was really good at sex and giving blow jobs since she was a whore though that is the only good thing I can say about sluts is that they have trained me to be a master at sex and pleasing women and they are good at sex. I recommend young guys fuck whores (not the ones you a pay for) until they become masters of sex because women prefer sexually experienced men and men prefer sexually inexperienced women.

The Illyrian Warrior
04-30-2015, 07:28 PM
I did something crazy for a while : I was banging a woman that used to be a low end crack whore (for free I might add) and I didn't use a condom the many times I had sex with her. I got tested by a doctor and I don't have any STDs. She told me she didn't because even as a crack whore she always used safe sex like condoms but I was skeptical. Of course anectdotal evidence proves nothing. She was really good at sex and giving blow jobs since she was a whore though that is the only good thing I can say about sluts is that they have trained me to be a master at sex and pleasing women and they are good at sex. I recommend young guys fuck whores (not the ones you a pay for) until they become masters of sex because women prefer sexually experienced men and men prefer sexually inexperienced women.

I thought you were the guy who doesn't sleep with hookers now it turns out you do, interesting.

04-30-2015, 07:29 PM
That depends on who pays what and how often… hot chicks don't need to buy sex when men compete among men already, for sex.

I mean, what type of men are hot chicks willing to spend money on, to have sex?

Roll with the general idea, if you like sex you'll want to have as much sex as possible, right? It doesn't make sense to opt for less sex when you could opt for more sex. Hence girls that charge a lot of money aren't into the sex. Look at Melanie Moon do you think that she does unprotected gangbangs @ $100 per guy for the money? Do you think that she couldn't find a well off man to pay her way? No, she does it because she likes dick. That's the type of girl that you want.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 07:38 PM
That's why a lot of women complain that there are no pretty clothes for fatties. The solution is for companies to create clothes that look good on fatties (it can't be done, but it's what women demand),


at no point will women (the vast majority) cut down on the cookies and get off the couch because women are that lazy.

Screw that it is impossible for a fat woman to look good in anything. Companies should refuse to make clothes for fat women so they are forced to lose weight. However, since this is a capitalist society that is not likely to happen. So instead since being fat is associated with the lower socio-economic classes they should only make cheap, gaudy, ugly clothes for fat people to try to motivate them to lose weight etc.. there is a reason that high end designers refuse to make clothes for fat women.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 07:39 PM
I thought you were the guy who doesn't sleep with hookers now it turns out you do, interesting.

She wasn't technically a hooker when I slept with her and I didn't pay to have sex with her so I dunno what you are talking about here. Also I did try to use a street hooker a couple of times for blowjobs not for sex and I decided that I didn't like it so I have never used a hooker since. Both times I tried to use a hooker I never reached orgasm and they couldn't even give me an erection ( I was too uncomfortable and nervous etc...). So I don't sleep with hookers.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-30-2015, 07:43 PM
boo hoo. I used to question this as well but then I realized real men don't complain. I get it though, your gay.

The Illyrian Warrior
04-30-2015, 07:49 PM
She wasn't technically a hooker when I slept with her and I didn't pay to have sex with her so I dunno what you are talking about here.

I thought she was since you referred her with 'whore' label lol, if she was a hooker then that's what I meant with from beginning.

Most of the women I've slept with(none of them were hookers I paid money to) I've used like pieces of meat just for sex and I've even strung some of them along and let them have the delusion that we were in a 'relationship' with me just so I could continue to bang them and you know what ? I don't feel guilty at all : never did and never will. Feeling guilty for something like that seems like it is for chumps. Everything is fair and love and war --you know the battle of the sexes and all that etc.. I mean it is not like I raped a nun or something and it was their pleasure as much as mine so WTF ? I don't think there is any reason for me to feel guilty. I'd rather have this moral lacking then to be a god damn loser incel.

04-30-2015, 08:26 PM
ACTUALLY, I pay for most of my dates and my drinks.
You don't ask guys out, pay for their meals, and buy random guys drinks.

You're pretending to be a western man. Just pretending though. I don't think much of girls who pretend to be guys. To me, a feminine woman would respect herself as a woman. Traditional gender roles. Money is a necessary evil in life, similar to war and violence. These traditionally are male areas. Females, under "feminism" have infiltrated these areas.

Feminism is a movement where women pretend to be men, but fail. It's an embarrassment.

Even if you did buy men drinks (which you don't) then it wouldn't impress me, at least. In fact I'd respect you much less. Because it demonstrates that you're going against your nature, as a young woman. I'm against girls pretending to be men, and boys pretending to be women. I'm against switching "gender norms" to crazy mentally ill Social Justice Warriors, to appease their liberal delusions.

Unless I can make it up to my date, I never let the other person pay, it just isn't right to be a financial leech.
Then you haven't been taught "how to be a woman". You are going against your "feminine privilege".

I've seen high-end male escorts in sites and whatnot, but honestly, I find older men gross, and they all seem to be older than 30. Not really my cup of tea. I'd rather sleep with someone I genuinely care about who is around my age. Sex with an escort is meaningless, just like a one night stand.
With the exception of Mary, I've never met a female who truly was interested in sex. Mary even admits that this is very rare in females.

Almost all females, including yourself, desire "intimate romantic loving relationship", not "meaningless sex". But almost all males want meaningless sex. Men can do without the relationships. It's a trade-off. Women give men something (sex). Men give women something (relationships).

04-30-2015, 08:30 PM
Roll with the general idea, if you like sex you'll want to have as much sex as possible, right? It doesn't make sense to opt for less sex when you could opt for more sex. Hence girls that charge a lot of money aren't into the sex. Look at Melanie Moon do you think that she does unprotected gangbangs @ $100 per guy for the money? Do you think that she couldn't find a well off man to pay her way? No, she does it because she likes dick. That's the type of girl that you want.
The type of sex matters too.

04-30-2015, 09:04 PM
What do you disagree with my subhuman friend?

Your existence, subscum piece of shit.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 09:16 PM
I thought she was since you referred her with 'whore' label lol, if she was a hooker then that's what I meant with from beginning.

Pedantically a whore might mean a prostitute, at least most of the time, but in a more colloquial sense of the word it can be used interchangeably with slut. Also once a whore always a whore and she used to be a prostitute just not when I was sleeping with her. When I was done with her some months after she returned to prostitution and now she is in prison.

This is the definition of whore :

"a woman who engages in promiscuous sexual intercourse, usually for money; prostitute; harlot; strumpet. "

I don't have to pay women for sex because I'm not short, my face is not ugly and I have the body of a male model etc..

04-30-2015, 09:22 PM
lol not true. The woman simply needs to stop eating like a pig and drop weight. The man not only needs to slim down but also work towards achieving beefy muscles.
You dont lose weight by simply sitting around, the body adapts by slowing down metabolism levels, which only makes things works. To lose weight you have to do change your lifestyle and work just like you would do to bulk and gain muscle.
You also dont need to be ripped to get a girlfriend, in fact, plenty of girls dislike that build. You just need to make sure you dont get fat. I have a reason to complain, because i gained a lot of weight by sitting around, to get a girlfriend i would have to lose weight. But someone that's skinny/medium has no reason to cry about this.

04-30-2015, 09:28 PM
Unome and his singular worldview where women don't do anything he says they don't.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 09:35 PM
Honestly Skulgrimen if you are that ugly and short or whatever you should just focus on making as much money as you can. Once you are rich sleep with hot prostitutes then hire some woman from a third world country to have your children and then hire a nanny to raise your kids in like your penthouse in manhattan. Isn't capitalism beautiful ? It is the obvious cure for incels.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 09:37 PM
You dont lose weight by simply sitting around, the body adapts by slowing down metabolism levels, which only makes things works. To lose weight you have to do change your lifestyle and work just like you would do to bulk and gain muscle.
You also dont need to be ripped to get a girlfriend, in fact, plenty of girls dislike that build. You just need to make sure you dont get fat. I have a reason to complain, because i gained a lot of weight by sitting around, to get a girlfriend i would have to lose weight. But someone that's skinny/medium has no reason to cry about this.

Yeah, obviously the only way to lose weight and keep it off forever is diet and exercise just ask a doctor. So women don't simply have to not eat like a pig to drop weight because that is not sustainable. Also, a woman who loses weight through diet AND doing shit like jogging and calisthenics is going to look a lot better than a woman who is 'skinny fat' and just lost weight for a little while through diet.

skinny-fat :

When someone is thin and looks great in clothes, but is all flabby underneath

04-30-2015, 09:39 PM
^ true but it also depends on the person because some women dont need to work out and still look as if they do

04-30-2015, 09:40 PM
Honestly Skulgrimen if you are that ugly and short or whatever you should just focus on making as much money as you can. Once you are rich sleep with hot prostitutes, then hire someone from a third world country to have your children and then hire a nanny to raise your kids in like your penthouse in manhattan. Isn't capitalism beautiful ? It ss the obvious cure for incels.

That's some pretty solid advice.

I've noticed that individuals who are extremely short, repulsive looking, out of shape and lacking in any redeeming personality characteristics such as a sense of humor, charm, empathy or confidence such as our friend Skulgrimen, can find the solution in their loneliness by earning a great deal of wealth and promising to support an over the hill ex-slut to keep him company for life. Even as she continues to get knocked up by bonafide slayers on the side, at least he can maintain a facade of personal success.

Prisoner Of Ice
04-30-2015, 09:48 PM
That's some pretty solid advice.

I've noticed that individuals who are extremely short, repulsive looking, out of shape and lacking in any redeeming personality characteristics such as a sense of humor, charm, empathy or confidence such as our friend Skulgrimen, can find the solution in their loneliness by earning a great deal of wealth and promising to support an over the hill ex-slut to keep him company for life. Even as she continues to get knocked up by bonafide slayers on the side, at least he can maintain a facade of personal success.

That is just supply and demand.

The skullgrims have a real issue though. With no place for these 'extra' men they wille ventually revolt in some way. Maybe not go elliot rodgers but there is not much reason for them to work hard either, hence we get a generation doing nothing but play video games.

You can get rich and find a trophy slut but most guys don't want that. Since without commitment of marriage women will date only the top 20% of guys the other 80% has no reason to give a shit about society.

04-30-2015, 09:50 PM
That is just supply and demand.

The skullgrims have a real issue though. With no place for these 'extra' men they wille ventually revolt in some way. Maybe not go elliot rodgers but there is not much reason for them to work hard either, hence we get a generation doing nothing but play video games.

You can get rich and find a trophy slut but most guys don't want that. Since without commitment of marriage women will date only the top 20% of guys the other 80% has no reason to give a shit about society.

The reality is though that the vast majority of women can't really date the top tier of guys. So in general, mediocre and sub-par men and women will eventually find each other and settle down, which is exactly what's been happening since the beginning of mankind.

Desaix DeBurgh
04-30-2015, 09:56 PM
You also dont need to be ripped to get a girlfriend, in fact, plenty of girls dislike that build.

I think all women secretly find it highly erotic just that some of the more average/plain and ugly women might be intimidated by it or something like that. Also, women tend to not like it when a man is more attractive than them for various reasons. However, you will find that really hot in shape women are not afraid to admit that they like the ripped male model look so that is why I focus on having and maintaining that body. In fact really hot in shape women probably reject all men who aren't physically fit unless he is ridiculously rich but then she will probably cheat on him with a guy who is physically fit.

04-30-2015, 09:56 PM
The are many points here that make no sense, they're even funny, specially the ones that picture ladies as beings that no matter how horrible and ugly they are they still have power over men. LOL. OP...that's not how the real world works. And don't forget the double standard list goes the other way around and it's even worse for the girls.
This post stinks of misogyny by a guy that was probably left by his girlfriend. My advice: man up! Not all girls are the same, if you date girls that wont lift a finger and when you turn around replace you for another guy with more money then change your target and get classier girls because most of us are not like that.

Prisoner Of Ice
04-30-2015, 09:58 PM
The reality is though that the vast majority of women can't really date the top tier of guys. So in general, mediocre and sub-par men and women will eventually find each other and settle down, which is exactly what's been happening since the beginning of mankind.

They don't seriously date them, they get used and thrown aside like trash, then wonder why they can't keep a guy. Guys who are a ten will seriously date only another 10, but in between finding a good one to settle with (if he ever bothers) he will have one night stands will all kind of women.

The guys who are 6s will bang the 4s and 5s but won't settle without a 6 or even better.

The guys under 6 will have virtually no sex whatsoever, get laughed off the earth even when asking for dates.

Because I got degrees in CS and maths, I know all too well. MOST of those guys int hose majors do almost zero dating, a few eventually got married but not exactly to the hottest chicks even though they are the smartest by far around women don't care about that. Since there is a big h1b program the wages are kept down for people like that so they actually make less now than they did back in the 90s.

For me it's a little different because I was in the military and you go out with guys and meet girls every chance you can, but in the end here I am too, unmarried and none of the women I dated really treated me like I was all that. Yet at the same time none of them wound up married with children either because they have delsuional standards brought about by a society where everyone stays perpetually single because there is no commitment before sex.

04-30-2015, 10:08 PM
They don't seriously date them, they get used and thrown aside like trash, then wonder why they can't keep a guy. Guys who are a ten will seriously date only another 10, but in between finding a good one to settle with (if he ever bothers) he will have one night stands will all kind of women.

The guys who are 6s will bang the 4s and 5s but won't settle without a 6 or even better.

The guys under 6 will have virtually no sex whatsoever, get laughed off the earth even when asking for dates.

Because I got degrees in CS and maths, I know all too well. MOST of those guys int hose majors do almost zero dating, a few eventually got married but not exactly to the hottest chicks even though they are the smartest by far around women don't care about that. Since there is a big h1b program the wages are kept down for people like that so they actually make less now than they did back in the 90s.

For me it's a little different because I was in the military and you go out with guys and meet girls every chance you can, but in the end here I am too, unmarried and none of the women I dated really treated me like I was all that. Yet at the same time none of them wound up married with children either because they have delsuional standards brought about by a society where everyone stays perpetually single because there is no commitment before sex.

But the flip side is that men are still marketable when they get older, while a woman's ability to attract suitors diminishes with age. So during youth, younger women hold more power in the dating game, but when you move towards middle age, the advantage shifts to men.

04-30-2015, 10:14 PM
Yeah, obviously the only way to lose weight and keep it off forever is diet and exercise just ask a doctor. So women don't simply have to not eat like a pig to drop weight because that is not sustainable. Also, a woman who loses weight through diet AND doing shit like jogging and calisthenics is going to look a lot better than a woman who is 'skinny fat' and just lost weight for a little while through diet.

skinny-fat :

When someone is thin and looks great in clothes, but is all flabby underneath

yh, skinny fat does have it's illusions, if your single there are few problems so long as your clothes arent skinny or tight. I do know for men, skinny - fat (well nearly fat) is skinny arms and a fat belly. Women universally dislike beer belly. You have to cut that one out and reduce the fat, you have little choice.

05-01-2015, 01:40 AM
You don't ask guys out, pay for their meals, and buy random guys drinks.

You're pretending to be a western man. Just pretending though. I don't think much of girls who pretend to be guys. To me, a feminine woman would respect herself as a woman. Traditional gender roles. Money is a necessary evil in life, similar to war and violence. These traditionally are male areas. Females, under "feminism" have infiltrated these areas.

Feminism is a movement where women pretend to be men, but fail. It's an embarrassment.

Even if you did buy men drinks (which you don't) then it wouldn't impress me, at least. In fact I'd respect you much less. Because it demonstrates that you're going against your nature, as a young woman. I'm against girls pretending to be men, and boys pretending to be women. I'm against switching "gender norms" to crazy mentally ill Social Justice Warriors, to appease their liberal delusions.

See, I do't buy drinks for strangers at some club, but I wouldn't accept them either. I buy drinks for my friends regardless of gender, because it's a thing any friend would do. As for dates, I have paid before, and no, not because "I want to be a man" I am aware of gender roles, and I respect them, however, I think people should be able to break away from them should they wish to. I buy things for my friends because it's the polite thing to do. And I want to be able to pay for myself, at least. If I go on a date, I should't feel entitled to the guy buying me a meal, it's stupid to assume men should always buy shit for me and give me special treatment because I happen to have a vagina.

"Femenine Priviledge" is nothing I'm truly interested in if it ruins the possibility of me ever being self-sufficient. I don't want to rely on a man. I want to feel like I'm part of an actual marriage, not being baby-sitted. And if I ever have children and my husband dies/cheats on me/etc, I want to be able to raise my own children with the money I make as an individual.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-01-2015, 02:36 AM
But the flip side is that men are still marketable when they get older, while a woman's ability to attract suitors diminishes with age. So during youth, younger women hold more power in the dating game, but when you move towards middle age, the advantage shifts to men.

I am sure that (especially as I may drop dead soon) there's plenty of women who'd love to marry me just for the nice house. But that is exactly what I don't want.

My finances are otherwise kinda shitty so I don't really have any extra power with women. I also just don't really care as much. I didn't even have decent relationships when I was younger and had better finances, now it just seems like pointless waste of time to even try.

05-01-2015, 11:12 AM
With the exception of Mary, I've never met a female who truly was interested in sex. Mary even admits that this is very rare in females.

Legit. You will probably never meet another woman that's into sex.

Almost all females, including yourself, desire "intimate romantic loving relationship", not "meaningless sex". But almost all males want meaningless sex. Men can do without the relationships. It's a trade-off. Women give men something (sex). Men give women something (relationships).

1) Women see men as vending machines, you put in some attention, press a button, and out comes free stuff.

2) Would you desire an "intimate romantic loving relationship" with a vending machine? No, that would be crazy.

3) Hence women don't care about romance and relationships, and all that stuff. Women only care about getting free stuff while having to do as little as possible.

4) Why do you think that 70% of divorces are initiated by women if they're so much into relationships? So no, men are into relationships, women just want free stuff from a vending machine.

5) Yes, I know that it sucks to hear this, but you can't live in a delusion where you think that women want to have relationships with men. Women don't care about men, they only care about the opinions of other women, yes women are that stupid.

The type of sex matters too.

Yeah, if she's into sex she's going to want several guys obviously. You'd want several girls, right? So you can ask the girl if she's up for doing two guys, if she says no, you know that she's frigid. The same goes for anal (no anal - she's not into sex).

05-01-2015, 11:22 AM
But the flip side is that men are still marketable when they get older, while a woman's ability to attract suitors diminishes with age. So during youth, younger women hold more power in the dating game, but when you move towards middle age, the advantage shifts to men.

1) How marketable a man is depends on a) how much money he has b) his social status (mostly education). Nothing else matters.

2) Read this thread, http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?167596-What-women-really-look-like do you want a fat woman? Because that's what young women look like. So no, women don't have any "power" in dating, men just imagine things and women take advantage of it.

3) Women are not attracted to men, they are attracted to men's money, houses, cars, lifestyle, etc. Don't believe me? Try being a homeless middle aged man and see how many women will be attracted to you.

05-01-2015, 01:03 PM
I've never met a female who truly was interested in sex with me. Mary even admits that this is very rare in females.

Fixed because that's the only way I can understand this.

05-01-2015, 03:01 PM
See, I do't buy drinks for strangers at some club, but I wouldn't accept them either. I buy drinks for my friends regardless of gender, because it's a thing any friend would do.
I'm talking about sexual attraction, romance, dating, and/or fucking, not friendship.

You seem unable to differentiate between these…?

As for dates, I have paid before, and no, not because "I want to be a man" I am aware of gender roles, and I respect them, however, I think people should be able to break away from them should they wish to. I buy things for my friends because it's the polite thing to do. And I want to be able to pay for myself, at least. If I go on a date, I should't feel entitled to the guy buying me a meal, it's stupid to assume men should always buy shit for me and give me special treatment because I happen to have a vagina.
But that's the whole point, isn't it? Vagina = special treatment. Just because you deny it, or want the world to be different, doesn't mean that it can be, or that it should.

"Femenine Priviledge" is nothing I'm truly interested in if it ruins the possibility of me ever being self-sufficient. I don't want to rely on a man. I want to feel like I'm part of an actual marriage, not being baby-sitted. And if I ever have children and my husband dies/cheats on me/etc, I want to be able to raise my own children with the money I make as an individual.
You, like Mary, have the attitude of "Eastern women", not Western women. In the US and western nations, the male traditionally provides and handles all expenses. The female gets a free ride. You probably are just used to eastern civilization, where females take the role of provider and pay men for sex.


Legit. You will probably never meet another woman that's into sex.

1) Women see men as vending machines, you put in some attention, press a button, and out comes free stuff.

2) Would you desire an "intimate romantic loving relationship" with a vending machine? No, that would be crazy.

3) Hence women don't care about romance and relationships, and all that stuff. Women only care about getting free stuff while having to do as little as possible.

4) Why do you think that 70% of divorces are initiated by women if they're so much into relationships? So no, men are into relationships, women just want free stuff from a vending machine.

5) Yes, I know that it sucks to hear this, but you can't live in a delusion where you think that women want to have relationships with men. Women don't care about men, they only care about the opinions of other women, yes women are that stupid.
Good points

Yeah, if she's into sex she's going to want several guys obviously. You'd want several girls, right? So you can ask the girl if she's up for doing two guys, if she says no, you know that she's frigid. The same goes for anal (no anal - she's not into sex).
You're right. I want several girls; so a horny woman would want several guys. That's the equivalent.


Fixed because that's the only way I can understand this.
I expect more from you. This type of petty comment usually is beyond you. You do realize that male & female biology is different, and the genders approach sex from a different understanding and desire, yes? I'll ignore your error.

Queen B
05-01-2015, 03:10 PM
Almost all females, including yourself, desire "intimate romantic loving relationship", not "meaningless sex". But almost all males want meaningless sex. Men can do without the relationships. It's a trade-off. Women give men something (sex). Men give women something (relationships).
I don't understand why there should be only black and white, this or that.
You can still be in a romantic relationship and have lots and lots of sex, sometimes more than when you just fuck around.

05-01-2015, 03:26 PM
I expect more from you. This type of petty comment usually is beyond you. You do realize that male & female biology is different, and the genders approach sex from a different understanding and desire, yes? I'll ignore your error.

I'm just flabbergasted you've genuinely never met a woman who loved sex. You understand that's not normal, yes?

05-01-2015, 03:28 PM
I didn't say that…

Fufuangeli is the one obsessed about 'friendships' when talking about sex and attraction, not me. It seems as-if she mentally cannot disconnect the two. However this is a common association for women, looking at sex as a means to relationship. I've explained this already.


I'm just flabbergasted you've genuinely never met a woman who loved sex. You understand that's not normal, yes?
Since you want to get personal, my ex-girlfriend and I dated 6 years and we'd have sex on average about once per day for the entire length of the relationship, skipping some days to makeup for it on other days. Did my ex-girlfriend "love sex"? No, she loved the relationship aspect in particular, the safety, the comfort, the trust, etc. more than sex. I enjoyed those aspects too, but the sex was great.

It's a gender difference that you should understand, as a male/man. You seem incapable of seeing males & females as different biology & pathology.

While her and I both cared for each-other, that doesn't mean that we approached the relationship, or sex, from the same perspective.

Seth MacFarlane
05-01-2015, 03:31 PM
See, I do't buy drinks for strangers at some club, but I wouldn't accept them either. I buy drinks for my friends regardless of gender, because it's a thing any friend would do. As for dates, I have paid before, and no, not because "I want to be a man" I am aware of gender roles, and I respect them, however, I think people should be able to break away from them should they wish to. I buy things for my friends because it's the polite thing to do. And I want to be able to pay for myself, at least. If I go on a date, I should't feel entitled to the guy buying me a meal, it's stupid to assume men should always buy shit for me and give me special treatment because I happen to have a vagina.

"Femenine Priviledge" is nothing I'm truly interested in if it ruins the possibility of me ever being self-sufficient. I don't want to rely on a man. I want to feel like I'm part of an actual marriage, not being baby-sitted. And if I ever have children and my husband dies/cheats on me/etc, I want to be able to raise my own children with the money I make as an individual.

I respect this. Alot of women think they are entitled to the world simply because they have a vagina , its disturbing

05-01-2015, 03:32 PM
I didn't say that…

You said:

With the exception of Mary, I've never met a female who truly was interested in sex. Mary even admits that this is very rare in females.

Almost all females, including yourself, desire "intimate romantic loving relationship", not "meaningless sex". But almost all males want meaningless sex. Men can do without the relationships. It's a trade-off. Women give men something (sex). Men give women something (relationships).

Lel? I see the basic logic (girls want relationships, boys want sex) but boys also want relationships and girls want sex. Even by your understanding of the world, there are countless 'sluts to play around with.' Hence my ridicule.

05-01-2015, 03:35 PM
I edited and added your quote in my previous response

05-01-2015, 03:37 PM
Since you want to get personal, my ex-girlfriend and I dated 6 years and we'd have sex on average about once per day for the entire length of the relationship, skipping some days to makeup for it on other days. Did my ex-girlfriend "love sex"? No, she loved the relationship aspect in particular, the safety, the comfort, the trust, etc. more than sex. I enjoyed those aspects too, but the sex was great.

It's a gender difference that you should understand, as a male/man. You seem incapable of seeing males & females as different biology & pathology.

While her and I both cared for each-other, that doesn't mean that we approached the relationship, or sex, from the same perspective.

Your experiences are not representative of the human population's in general. Sorry.

Seth MacFarlane
05-01-2015, 03:39 PM
I don't understand why there should be only black and white, this or that.
You can still be in a romantic relationship and have lots and lots of sex, sometimes more than when you just fuck around.

You said:

Lel? I see the basic logic (girls want relationships, boys want sex) but boys also want relationships and girls want sex. Even by your understanding of the world, there are countless 'sluts to play around with.' Hence my ridicule.

Exacfly , theres girls who like sex. The ones who are able to disconnect love from it though usually end up being sluts. If they are doing what people say is " just having fun " why woudnt they have " fun" all the time and with didferent guys because if the experience is too repetitive it wont be fun anymore just like most things in life. That and what mary was saying women using men as vending machines for money and stuff is how this worlds sluts and whores are created

05-01-2015, 03:41 PM
Your experiences are not representative of the human population's in general. Sorry.
Neither are yours, you're a young male who still believes other people think like you do, including women. You'll learn in due time that everybody is different, reflecting innate (genetic) biology. Once you realize that men and women are not equal, and have deeply divided perspectives when approaching reality, then you'll begin to make more sense of my experiences as well.

The difference between you and I is that I admit, straight from the premise, that nobody thinks alike. Ever.

05-01-2015, 03:41 PM
''DOM philosophy'' ruined this list.

05-01-2015, 05:36 PM
Exacfly , theres girls who like sex. The ones who are able to disconnect love from it though usually end up being sluts. If they are doing what people say is " just having fun " why woudnt they have " fun" all the time and with didferent guys because if the experience is too repetitive it wont be fun anymore just like most things in life. That and what mary was saying women using men as vending machines for money and stuff is how this worlds sluts and whores are created

1) There's no such ting as a slut it's called having a high sociosexual orientation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociosexual_Orientation_Inventory)

2) No, if you enjoy fucking the guy it's just as much fun every time, you never get bored of sex if you're genuinely into sex.

3) If the woman is not a slut, then she's a whore. Those are the two types of women that exist. Lol @ men who think that there are women that "like you for your personality".

Seth MacFarlane
05-01-2015, 06:13 PM
1) There's no such ting as a slut it's called having a high sociosexual orientation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociosexual_Orientation_Inventory)

2) No, if you enjoy fucking the guy it's just as much fun every time, you never get bored of sex if you're genuinely into sex.

3) If the woman is not a slut, then she's a whore. Those are the two types of women that exist. Lol @ men who think that there are women that "like you for your personality".

Your right about the last part , im not deluded. Every girl that showed interest me in wanted to fuck me ( not that i dont have a great personality its just they like what they see first ;) ) . And yea There is such thing as a slut. Its a double standard but a guy who sleeps around extremely is called the by the modern term " manwhore" although its often used jokingly and no man will ever take offence because we dont care , if women are proud of being sluts they wouldnt feel offended if called such ( there are some who are proud sluts and are actually honest about being sluts ). Reason why such double standard exists because of a metaphor that i like to use tondefend it " a key (man ) who opens up many locks (women) is a master key , on the other hand a lock who is open by many different keys is a shitty lock. Women are locks because all a women has to do to get laid is to drop inhibitions ( take off lock and let people walk in ). A women who is a 5 could wakeup with a mission to get fucked and she will because she has to do is leave the door open. Back to what i was saying about sluts i get what you mean about them being more open with their sexuality and such , it maybe social conditioning. But i cant really explain to you in words what a slut really is or convince you of it because your obviosly a self assured lady whos content with her sexuality. I just know about what disgusting things these "sluts " are capable of " not from personal experience , just living in the world ) and i would be a fool to use them for any thing except sex. The women who are sluts but plead there is no such thing i hope they know they are disposable cum dumpsters no different from a kleenex tissue ( sadly some do know they are and even worse like it smh ). I dont hate women but sluts confuse me because i will always see them as garbage and used no different from paper towels at a barbeque restaurent . I may have the madonna whore complex and cant see it changing but thats just the way it is. Hopefully your not offended and actually take time to see the other side of things like i did with yours ( you dont have to agree ). :)

Seth MacFarlane
05-01-2015, 06:27 PM
1) There's no such ting as a slut it's called having a high sociosexual orientation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sociosexual_Orientation_Inventory)

2) No, if you enjoy fucking the guy it's just as much fun every time, you never get bored of sex if you're genuinely into sex.

3) If the woman is not a slut, then she's a whore. Those are the two types of women that exist. Lol @ men who think that there are women that "like you for your personality".

Why did you write number 3 ? Do you really believe all women are sluts and whores? Which one are you ? Lmaoooooo this is hiliarious to me

05-02-2015, 11:51 AM
Why did you write number 3 ? Do you really believe all women are sluts and whores? Which one are you ? Lmaoooooo this is hiliarious to me

1) Of course, how often do you see hot women dating poor men? Or average women dating men that are unemployed?

2) I'm a slut.

Seth MacFarlane
05-02-2015, 04:26 PM
1) Of course, how often do you see hot women dating poor men? Or average women dating men that are unemployed?

2) I'm a slut.

Not often and as for you being a slut I love your honestly lol ain't nothing worse then a fraud and you mam are not. You have a friend in me ;)

05-02-2015, 06:32 PM
1) Of course, how often do you see hot women dating poor men? Or average women dating men that are unemployed?

2) I'm a slut.
You have dignity in your femininity and are unashamed to be a woman. In this way you are the opposite of a "slut". Most sluts are ashamed and afraid of their sexuality.

05-02-2015, 07:40 PM
@Mary, are you some type of socialsex researcher? I've noticed how frequently you refer to studies and use terms that are not common on the vocabulary of most people.

David Slatič
05-11-2015, 04:36 AM
Unfortunately, most of what you say is overwhelmily accepted by our feminist society. I for one believe in gender equality. I, as a man, respect women as people and the choices they make. I would expect them to do the same

05-11-2015, 04:49 AM
im a feminist the only thing i dont like in our society is the discrimination of men in marriage and divorce law

05-11-2015, 05:02 AM
3) If the woman is not a slut, then she's a whore. Those are the two types of women that exist. Lol @ men who think that there are women that "like you for your personality".


And men and women are not "friends" there is one person who wants to screw the other (usually the guy) and the person using the other person, meals, shoulder to cry on wtvr (usually the woman)