View Full Version : Man lives in fear after racist quarrel with his neighbour

European Knight
03-09-2015, 06:42 PM
http://www.cdn.primedia.co.za/api/images/GetimageasJpeg?url=http%3a%2f%2fewn.co.za%2f-%2fmedia%2f8D68EC0F63BC495B90782C413E79A6B4.ashx%3 fas%3d1%26amp%3bh%3d289%26amp%3bw%3d463%26amp%3bcr op%3d1&quality=100

It's understood the drama unfolded around 5am, when a man started fighting with his girlfriend.

JOHANNESBURG - A Sandton man has told Eyewitness News (EWN) he fears for his life after an early morning altercation with a neighbour, while police have reportedly told him there’s nothing they can do about it.

Video footage of the incident shows the neighbour, who appears to be drunk, wielding a large knife and threatening to kill the man.

EWN understands the drama unfolded around 5am, when an allegedly drunk man started fighting with his girlfriend.

His downstairs neighbour called security and was threatened with a knife.

“I studied and worked in the f*** boere places like you are, boere! I’m going to f***ing cut your guts out. I will kill you.”

The man, who wants to remain anonymous, said he showed the footage to the police, but they merely advised him to open a case.

The knife-wielding neighbour told EWN that he had no intention of following through with his threats and only wanted to scare the complainant and his girlfriend.

The police have not yet responded to questions.

Watch: A Sandton man threatens his neighbour with a knife. WARNING EXPLICIT LANGUAGE.

