View Full Version : Which of these 2 scenarios is better off?

03-16-2015, 08:12 PM
Scenario 1: Parents divorce, marriage sacrificed, but child grows without father figure but abuse and violence is absent

Scenario 2: Parents don't divorce, marriage continues as a forced union, child has a father figure but has to tolerate abuse and violence due to a failed relationship.

Vote and discuss.

03-17-2015, 03:29 AM

Anthony PV
03-17-2015, 03:44 AM
How about this third scenario? Parents and child befriend other people with whom they can share their familial frustrations so they can continue to live as a coherent family? The dad will befriend other dads by drinking beer and playing pool with them while simultaneously sharing his frustrations he has towards his wife (My wife's a castrating cunt!). The mom will befriends other moms by sipping tea and discussing books with them while simultaneously sharing his frustrations he has towards his husband (My husband's a dirty pig!). The child will befriend other children by playing sports outdoors or videogames online with them and discuss how her/his parents are weird (My parents are fucked in the head...). By doing so, everyone in the family has evacuated their frustrations or managed to put them into a greater perspective and everyone can still love each other... :p

03-27-2015, 07:50 PM
I think a child would rather be from a broken home than live in one. Speaking from personal experience on the matter, there is no point trying to mask the situation for sake of the children. I believe it would be better off for the parents to split and potentially have an opportunity to witness a parent in a healthy relationship.