View Full Version : Vincenzo Natali to direct William Gibson's "Neuromancer" filmatisation

06-11-2010, 06:35 PM
Natali Jacks Into Neuromancer

The Ur-text of cyberspace gets the right director - and keeps it Canadian.


Splice underperformed at the box office, but it looks like the right people still went and saw it.

Director Vincenzo Natali told us he had the rights to the legendary William Gibson sci-fi novel a few weeks back, and now it looks like it is a go.

So if even everything else that happens to you today sucks, you can still mark the calendar with a giant red W for Win. Natali's Splice, while not perfect, is a smart movie. For Neuromancer to be worth the 26 year wait it can't get dumbed down. (Okay, maybe dumb it down just a tad - I still really have no idea what happened at the end.) Either way, Neuromancer has to feel like it is beamed in from the future and we're only getting a peek.


When I spoke with Natali during promotion for Splice, he had this to say about Neuromancer:

"To the credit of the book, it holds up. Really holds up. It’s just about some connective tissue, in a few places, but people keep saying, “Well, it’s just like The Matrix.” No, it’s not. The Matrix is like Philip K. Dick – it’s how reality isn’t what you think it is, and in fact, we have to thank The Matrix, because it has already instilled in the popular consciousness so many of the abstract ideas – the idea of “jacking in” – and cyberspace. If they made this film before The Matrix there’d be all this lengthy exposition about what it is and how you do it. Now that’s not an issue. The groundwork has been set and I think it is totally doable. I hope."

Link. (http://www.ugo.com/movies/neuromancer-vincenzo-natali)

Cool gallery of Neuromancer covers. (http://www.antonraubenweiss.com/gibson/gallery/neuromancer/index.html)