View Full Version : One month after Islamist organisation celebrated terrorist, local government approves mosque

03-19-2015, 03:30 AM
Copenhagen: One month after Islamist organisation celebrated terrorist, local government approves mosque
Copenhagen: One month after Islamist organisation celebrated terrorist, local government approves mosque
March 18, 2015 , by Nicolai Sennels 1 Comment 52

(Photo above: drawing of the planned mosque)

In January, Islamisk Trossamfund (Islamic Faith Society) warned Muslims against distancing themselves from the terror attacks against Charlie Hebdo. It was also Islamisk Trossamfund which in 2005 sent imams to the Middle East with fake Mohammed drawings with the aim of provoke boycott of Danish goods and inspire to deadly terrorist attacks against Danish citizens. Under great pomp and circumstance, Islamisk Trossamfund burried the dead terrorist Omar El-Hussain in February and at least 700 Muslims attended the funeral, several of whom expressed their sympathy with the terrist’s actions. Only a month after the scandalous burrial, Copenhagen’s local politicians approved the society’s plans for a new mega mosque.

Video from the funeral of El-Hussain, where several of the attending Muslims can be seen showing the “Islamic State finger”:


Translated from DR:

“Islamic Society has received the municipality’s endorsement for the plan for a new mosque on Dortheavej in Copenhagen Northwest area.

A unanimous technical and environmental committee have Monday afternoon said approved the new local plan, paving the way for construction of the new mosque and cultural center, which was designed by Henning Larsen Architects.”
