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Great Dane
06-12-2010, 03:54 PM
1. Were the aboriginal Finnic-Uralic peoples, including Lapps, Mongoloid? Or were they a distinct race that evolved seperately from Mongolids and Europids?

2. Are Amerindians Mongolids? Or are they considered a distinct race since they evolved from a relatively small group that migrated across the Bering Strait tens of thousands of years ago?

3. At what point does a stabilized hybrid population become a distinct racial group. For example African-Americans or Afro-Brazilians. Or Mexicans.

06-12-2010, 04:04 PM
The ancestors of the Sámi came from west following the Norwegian coastline and east from Northern Russia.

Y-DNA haplogroups distribution of the Sámi compared to neighbouring populations

The Sami's mtDNA roots is mostly western.

The mitochondrial haplogroups most strongly represented among the Sámi are of the types Ursula and Velda, and to some extent the rather common European 'foremother' Helena. This points to an extremely early presence in Europe, and migration northwards from the southern parts of the continent (modern Greece, Spain) several tens of thousands of years ago. The Y-chromosome haplogroups present suggests a lot of intermixing with other groups in Scandinavia.
The mtDNA studies have revealed that the Sami had separated from other Europeans over 10,000 years ago, making the Sami a unique and ancient sub-group of Europeans. Haplogroup V (mtDNA) indicates ancient population movement that started about 15,000 years ago, from Southwestern Europe up to Northwestern Europe. The Haplogroup's frequency in Europe is highest among the Sami (40.9%) followed by Catalonians (26.7%) and Basque (20.0%).

06-12-2010, 04:24 PM
2. Are Amerindians Mongolids? Or are they considered a distinct race since they evolved from a relatively small group that migrated across the Bering Strait tens of thousands of years ago?

To answer question #2

Anthropologically Mongoloids are basically, of or being a major human racial classification traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as yellowish-brown skin pigmentation, straight black hair, dark eyes with pronounced epicanthic folds, and prominent cheekbones and including peoples indigenous to central and eastern Asia.

Meaning that if Amerindians are those descendants from nor-eastern siberia and Central-Asia Mongoloid people, they are somehow a Mongoloid sub-race

As you can see in this map, Amerindians belong mainly to a different haplogroup (Q) than other the other Mongoloid Asians.

http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/914/wmap.gif (http://img409.imageshack.us/i/wmap.gif/)

as you can notice the farther south they go the lesser is there genetic similarity to there counter parts up north.

hope it helps