View Full Version : King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y Chromosomes

06-12-2010, 08:48 PM
Despite the refusal of the Secretary General of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Zahi Hawass, to release any DNA results which might indicate the racial ancestry of Pharaoh Tutankhamen, the leaked results reveal that King Tut’s DNA is a 99.6 percent match with Western European Y chromosomes.


The DNA test results were inadvertently revealed on a Discovery Channel TV documentary filmed with Hawass’s permission — but it seems as if the Egyptian failed to spot the giveaway part of the documentary which revealed the test results.
Hawass previously announced that he would not release the racial DNA results of Egyptian mummies — obviously because he feared the consequences of such a revelation.
On the Discovery Channel broadcast, which can be seen on the Discovery Channel website here (http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/king-tut-unwrapped-king-tuts-paternal-line.html), or if they pull it, on YouTube here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNmZQJsRjrc&feature=related), at approximately 1:53 into the video, the camera pans over a printout of DNA test results from King Tut.
Firstly, here is a brief explanation of the results visible in the video. It is a list of what is called Short Tandem Repeats (STRs).
STRs are repeated DNA sequences which are “short repeat units” whose characteristics make them especially suitable for human identification.
These STR values for 17 markers visible in the video are as follows:

DYS 19 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 385a – 11
DYS 385b – 14
DYS 389i – 13
DYS 389ii – 30
DYS 390 – 24
DYS 391 – 11
DYS 392 – 13
DYS 393 – 13
DYS 437 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 438 – 12
DYS 439 – 10
DYS 448 – 19
DYS 456 – 15
DYS 458 – 16
DYS 635 – 23
YGATAH4 – 11

What does this mean? Fortunately, a genius by the name of Whit Athey provides the key to this list. Mr Athey is a retired physicist whose working career was primarily at the Food and Drug Administration where he was chief of one of the medical device labs.
Mr Athey received his doctorate in physics and biochemistry at Tufts University, and undergraduate (engineering) and masters (math) degrees at Auburn University. For several years during the 1980s, he also taught one course each semester in the electrical engineering department of the University of Maryland. Besides his interest in genetic genealogy, he is an amateur astronomer and has his own small observatory near his home in Brookeville, MD.

He also runs a very valuable website called the “Haplogroup Predictor (http://www.hprg.com/hapest5/)” which allows users to input STR data and generate the haplogroup which marks those STR data.
For those who want to know what a haplogroup is, here is a “simple” definition: a haplogroup is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) mutation.
Still none the wiser? Damn these scientists.
Ok, let’s try it this way: a haplotype is a combination of multiple specific locations of a gene or DNA sequence on a chromosome.
Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations, for example R1b or R1b1. Y-chromosome and mitochondrial DNA haplogroups have different haplogroup designations. In essence, haplogroups give an inisight into ancestral origins dating back thousands of years.

By entering all the STR data inadvertently shown on the Discovery video, a 99.6 percent fit with the R1b haplogroup is revealed.
The significance is, of course, that R1b is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Europe reaching its highest concentrations in Ireland, Scotland, western England and the European Atlantic seaboard — in other words, European through and through.


So much for the Afro-centrists and others who have derided the very obvious northwestern European appearance of a large number of the pharonic mummies. It seems like March of the Titans was right after all…

Source (http://www.arthurkemp.com/)

06-12-2010, 10:10 PM
It just proves what was likely, that he comes from an Europid paternal line. R1b is still quite common in Africa too actually, because of an expansion with Afro-Asiatic speakers most likely - deep into Central Africa with Chadic speakers.

So a more exact result and autosomal DNA would be great.

But I still ask myself why it is possible that the Egyptians really kept back the data of such a case? That would be a problematic case for science and truth obviously, though we know similar cases from various parts of the world - Ameindians, Chinese etc., often because of pseudoreligious and ideological reasons or simply to block a revelation.

06-12-2010, 10:14 PM
A single glance at his face/skull tells me this fellow must have had quite a Ethiopid looks.

06-12-2010, 10:25 PM
I really hate Afrocentrics, trying to steal other peoples history.

06-12-2010, 10:32 PM
The dude was freaky looking...




06-12-2010, 10:35 PM
It just proves what was likely, that he comes from an Europid paternal line. R1b is still quite common in Africa too actually, because of an expansion with Afro-Asiatic speakers most likely - deep into Central Africa with Chadic speakers.

No, because his subclade of R1b is western european. The african R1b is a different branch (V-88) than the european one (M269)

06-12-2010, 10:39 PM

I knew it. :thumb001:

06-12-2010, 10:51 PM
No, because his subclade of R1b is western european. The african R1b is a different branch (V-88) than the european one (M269)

I know, but can you say from those markers that it's the European one and not R1b1a (R-V88)?

On the internet most sources say its R1b1a which would make it Europid, but of the North African, most likely Afro-Asiatic kind.

Also some Europid North Africans have the European marker too and we don't know for sure when it entered Africa, though I would consider (later!) Levantine traders, Indoeuropeans, Greeks and Romans primarily.

R1b1b2 (R-M269) is at least not absent from North Africa today:

2-3 percent in Egypt!

06-12-2010, 10:57 PM
I know, but can you say from those markers that it's the European one and not R1b1a (R-V88)?

On the internet most sources say its R1b1a which would make it Europid, but of the North African, most likely Afro-Asiatic kind.

Also some Europid North Africans have the European marker too and we don't know for sure when it entered Africa, though I would consider (later!) Levantine traders, Indoeuropeans, Greeks and Romans primarily.

R1b1b2 (R-M269) is at least not absent from North Africa today:

2-3 percent in Egypt!

The M269 in North Africa is without a doubt from european invasions, though it is minimal (1-2%). The 2-3% in Egypt is definately from the roman and greek colonization, which was large in the north of Egypt

Vandals, greeks, romans, expelled Iberians, indo.europeans,etc

06-12-2010, 10:57 PM
No, because his subclade of R1b is western european. The african R1b is a different branch (V-88) than the european one (M269)

M269 is also found in Bashkirs, so it's not only Western European, but it's correct that M269 is not present in Africa.

06-12-2010, 11:02 PM
M269 is also found in Bashkirs, so it's not only Western European, but it's correct that M269 is not present in Africa.

Yes, but the M269 has its own subclades, like P312 and U106 which are the most common in Europe, and hardly found anywhere outside Europe

Thulsa Doom
06-12-2010, 11:02 PM
I know, but can you say from those markers that it's the European one and not R1b1a (R-V88)?

On the internet most sources say its R1b1a which would make it Europid, but of the North African, most likely Afro-Asiatic kind.

Also some Europid North Africans have the European marker too and we don't know for sure when it entered Africa, though I would consider Levantine traders, Indoeuropeans, Greeks and Romans primarily.

R1b1b2 (R-M269) is at least not absent from North Africa today:

2-3 percent in Egypt!

I think you can tell from those STR markers that they resembles the Atlantic modal type (ht15), which is R1b1b2a1 and subclades.

06-12-2010, 11:14 PM
Holy shit maybe me an Tut belong to the same subclade

I'm R1b1b2a1a1*

This subclade is defined by the presence of the marker U106, also known as S21 and M405. It appears to represent over 25% of R1b in Europe.

06-12-2010, 11:22 PM
M269 is also found in Bashkirs, so it's not only Western European, but it's correct that M269 is not present in Africa.

Correct would be to say: Didn't originate in Africa with high certainty.

And West Asia was Europid terrain anyway...

Well, we can just hope to get more infos, because so far I can't see a definite proof.

I think you can tell from those STR markers that they resembles the Atlantic modal type (ht15), which is R1b1b2a1 and subclades.

DYS388 12
DYS390 24
DYS391 11
DYS392 13
DYS393 13
DYS394 14 (also known as DYS19)


DYS 19 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 385a – 11
DYS 385b – 14
DYS 389i – 13
DYS 389ii – 30
DYS 390 – 24
DYS 391 – 11
DYS 392 – 13
DYS 393 – 13
DYS 437 – 14 (? not clear)
DYS 438 – 12
DYS 439 – 10
DYS 448 – 19
DYS 456 – 15
DYS 458 – 16
DYS 635 – 23
YGATAH4 – 11

So at least possible if the info is entirely correct - from my point of view. Suggestions?

DYS388 12 ?

DYS394 14 (also known as DYS19) Unclear?

06-12-2010, 11:32 PM
The dude was freaky looking...




from the front he looks a bit like Bagoas in the 'Alexander' movie.

Thulsa Doom
06-12-2010, 11:46 PM
Its mostly speculations anyway since it is taken from a screen shot of an unknown lab result.

But, however, there is of coarse a big chance that Tutankhamen had an Indo European ancestry considering that the Hyksos ruled Egypt before his dynasty, and that their alleged Egyptian ancestry was just a PR trick for the masses.

06-13-2010, 12:48 AM
The dude was freaky looking...

The long established practice of marrying and copulating with sisters will do that to you. :coffee:

07-16-2010, 03:35 PM
...only as further evidence (http://www.white-history.com/hwr8.htm) of the obvious. :swl

07-16-2010, 03:37 PM
...only as further evidence (http://www.white-history.com/hwr8.htm) of the obvious. :swl

lol @ the red hair = Nordic observation.

(also March of the Titans, history of the White race? More like of the Nordic race... :D)

07-16-2010, 03:52 PM
...only as further evidence (http://www.white-history.com/hwr8.htm) of the obvious. :swl

You can not be serious? :confused:

07-16-2010, 03:52 PM
Definitely mediterranid with a tad of negrid looking at that occiput and nasal profile.

07-16-2010, 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by lei.talk http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/kiddo/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=239997#post239997) ...only as further evidence (http://www.white-history.com/hwr8.htm) of the obvious. :swl

Originally Posted by Vojn http://www.theapricity.com/forum/images/kiddo/buttons/viewpost.gif (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=239999#post239999) lol @ the red hair = Nordic observation.

(also March of the Titans (http://www.white-history.com/index.htm): a history of the White race? More like of the Nordic race... :D)the contra-poster further reveals his ignorance (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=209039#post209039):

even a cursory scan makes obvious
it is a history of the white race.

as with all things - one either leads,
follows or steps aside to avoid being trampled under-foot.

naturally, das herrenvolk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_race) lead
and steward their wards benevolently (http://www.theapricity.com/forum/showthread.php?p=215063#post215063).


07-16-2010, 08:08 PM
What exactly does "Western Europe" entail? Tut's DNA may be so, but he doesn't look it.

07-16-2010, 08:33 PM
What exactly does "Western Europe" entail? Tut's DNA may be so, but he doesn't look it.
A western european y-chromosome means he was R1b-P312 , which is the most common haplotype in all Western Europe, (Spain, France, Italy, England, Ireland...),