View Full Version : White UCT students in ‘privilege’ talks

European Knight
03-20-2015, 12:06 PM

SOME white students at UCT have entered the fray over transformation at the university and the campaign for the removal of Cecil John Rhodes’ statue.

After almost two weeks of protests against lack of transformation at UCT, students, the majority of them white, packed a UCT lecture theatre during lunch yesterday for an open discussion on a topic named The White Privilege Project.

The discussion was aimed at educating white students about their role in “oppressions”, according to organisers who asked not to be named. A statement from the group read: “This is not about white students educating people on black struggles.

This is about white students educating other white students about their role in these oppressions.

“This project is open to everyone, but is directed at educating white students about what white privilege is and how we can work to resist the structural oppression that continues today.

“This is not an attempt to say we can understand what it means to be black, but that we must endeavour to understand how our privilege affects ourselves and others.”

During the discussion, Kealeboga Ramaru, spokeswoman for Rhodes Must Fall (RMF), requested black students to leave the room and not take part in the discussion.

“We must give white students a chance to feel free to have this crucial discussion,” she said.

Student Representative Council president Ramabina Mahapa has rejected any dialogue with the University Council, and simply demanded a date to be set for the statue’s removal.

Vice-chancellor Max Price said the statue should be moved. “I have previously stated that the Rhodes statue is indeed a symbol of UCT’s colonial past. One option is to leave it as it is, but to place a plaque on its base that acknowledges the injustices of colonial conquest enacted under Rhodes’ watch.

“This might be accompanied by another artwork alongside Rhodes, to ‘speak back’ by way of alternative values and convictions.” Price launched an accelerated four-week programme of engagement involving all stakeholders. Mahapa said they will tomorrow be marching to the Bremner Building, where Price’s offices


European Knight
03-28-2015, 09:10 AM
American students support #RhodesMustFall Campaign

Cape Town - The Black Students Union at the University of California (UC), Berkeley, has come out in support of University of Cape Town (UCT) students currently protesting against the continued presence of a statue of Cecil John Rhodes on the UCT campus.

The Rhodes Must Fall Facebook page posted a message of solidarity from students of the Black Student Union at the US university on Thursday.

“We write to express to you our strongest solidarity as you embark in the courageous struggle to take down one of Africa’s biggest enemies, and colonizer, Cecil John Rhodes,” the message read.

“We believe that, when we as Black students and youth organize ourselves in a disciplined manner, the decolonization of our education and the total liberation of our people is inevitable.”

Viva, Black liberation, viva!

The US students also wrote that they were inspired by UCT activists’ occupation of Bremner Hall (renamed Azania Hall by the students). The message adds that the Black Student Union has raised a similar set of demands to the chancellor to address black marginalisation at UC Berkeley.

“Among our demands is the renaming of one of the campus buildings from Barrows Hall (named after another colonial administrator David Prescott Barrows), to one of the icons of Black liberation, Assata Shakur.”

“Viva, Black liberation, viva!” the students said in their closing words.

The campaign to have the Cecil John Rhodes statue moved from UCT’s campus grounds has entered its third week. UCT students have also upped the ante by occupying the Bremner building, the university’s administration block.


According to City Press, the students are demanding that management make public its stance on their calls to have the statue destroyed. They are also demanding that Vice Chancellor Dr Max Price convene an urgent council meeting on Friday to discuss their request to have the statue taken down.

Calls for the statue to be destroyed surfaced three weeks ago after a student threw human excrement on the statue. Students claim the statue represented what Rhodes stood for: racism and white supremacy.

According to the San Francisco Chronicle, the Black Student Union at UC Berkeley delivered 10 demands to their chancellor and set a deadline to meet them. Black students reportedly felt oppressed and isolated and wanted the university to increase recruitment of African American students with an improved support system.

Among the demands included renaming a building after Assata Shakur, an African-American activist and former member of the Black Panther Party.

Message of solidarity from our brothers and sisters from the University of California, Berkeley.Amandla!...



Prisoner Of Ice
03-28-2015, 09:14 AM
Please end this planet now.

Ivan Kramskoï
03-28-2015, 09:18 AM
WHy do blacks still remain in countries created by whites if the whites are so horrible, I just don't unerstand.
And the fuckin white retards not even proud of their ancestors ...
Shame on you weak white liberals.

03-28-2015, 09:27 AM
Basically, white students are going to learn how they are devils whose presence that exceeds bare physical existence is offending others. I'd like to know how many students participates in the project.

European Knight
03-28-2015, 02:25 PM
‘End white privilege’ say students who defaced statue at UKZN

Students at the University of Kwazulu-Natal have defaced another colonial statue.

The statue which depicts King George V at the foot of the Howard College Building has been covered in an angry splash of white paint and then wrapped in a blanket that reads, “end white privilege”.

The statue’s head has been topped with a knitted beanie in the colours of the Rastafarian movement.

The latest incident follows a protest at the University of Cape Town, where students threw faeces on a statue of Cecil John Rhodes earlier this month, demanding that the statue be removed from its prominent position at the university.

The Rhodes statue debate picked up steam when students at Rhodes University demanded that the university change its name.

The university’s vice-chancellor, Sizwe Mabizela, said that the institution would not be changing its name, but the debate is gaining momentum.

The incidents have placed colonialism and transformation at South Africa’s universities in the spotlight.

Students believe that Rhodes should go, but others say that removing the statue and changing the name would erase a part of history.

King George V was ruler of the British empire that colonised South Africa. He became king in 1910.

The Monarchy of South Africa had been created by the South Africa Act 1909 which united the four British colonies in southern Africa.

Durban’s King George V Hospital was named after him.







Manifest Destiny
03-28-2015, 02:30 PM
This is about white students educating other white students about their role in these oppressions.

Yes, tell those white students about the role they played in things that happened before they were born. :picard2:

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Herr Abubu
03-28-2015, 03:11 PM
Colonialism if anything was for the most part a boon to the subjected people. Every former colony would have been better off if it had remained a colony, and the people of those colonies tend to agree.

"The findings of a 2011 poll by Jamaica’s biggest newspaper, The Gleaner, may surprise the reader who learned about colonial history from a college professor — or, God forbid, a journalist — instead of reading primary sources.

"Most Jamaicans believe they would be better off if they were still ruled by Britain, a poll shows.

In a harsh indictment of nearly 50 years of independence, 60 per cent of those surveyed hanker for the days when the country was Britain’s biggest Caribbean colony.

Only 17 per cent said the crime-ridden, poverty-stricken nation would be worse off under British rule.

The depth of feeling is particularly astonishing as generations of Jamaican leaders have portrayed the British as oppressors who subjected the Caribbean to slavery.""