View Full Version : is homosexuality biological or a life style choice

03-21-2015, 04:18 AM
i think its a combination of both or overlaps sometimes. i will go further into this later. im curious about your opinions.

03-21-2015, 04:27 AM
Biological I guess. I dont think anyone would choose to be gay.

03-21-2015, 04:29 AM
Biological. But social factors determine whether people choose to act on their sexual impulses and preferences or not.

03-21-2015, 04:43 AM
i think lesbianism is at least partly social because in many cultures its common for women to have sex with eatch other or kiss eatch other less normal for males, like the college girls who share a room and make out, thats a common stereotype.

03-21-2015, 04:46 AM
It is totally not biological, it is a mental illness acquired during life.

I have proven this myself plenty of times on this forum.

03-21-2015, 04:55 AM
These debates are pointless. Let anyone love or fuck whoever they want so long as it is legal and consensual.

03-21-2015, 04:55 AM
i think lesbianism is at least partly social because in many cultures its common for women to have sex with eatch other or kiss eatch other less normal for males, like the college girls who share a room and make out, thats a common stereotype.

Women often do these things to entice men, even if they have no attraction toward women. Though I sincerely believe MOST people have some degree of same sex attraction, and that society has just conditioned people to write it off as mere fantasy. I don't think anyone, with few exceptions, is really 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual.

03-21-2015, 04:58 AM
Women often do these things to entice men, even if they have no attraction toward women. Though I sincerely believe MOST people have some degree of same sex attraction, and that society has just conditioned people to write it off as mere fantasy. I don't think anyone, with few exceptions, is really 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual.

i agree im not against homosexuals really but i think homosexual culture or openness can recruite some insecure individuals who could otherwise be straight, if thats a good or bad thing, and i dont think anyone is hundred percent heterosexual, im heterosexual but sometimes i had gay thoughts or all these gay jokes i think they are not hundred percent jokes, i listened once to one balkan guy who told me he fucked gays in the ass to humiliate them, he didnt liked gays, but thats strange that makes him gay too, some cultures think if you are the one who fucks in the ass you are not really gay

03-21-2015, 04:59 AM
i agree im not against homosexuals really but i think homosexual culture or openness can recruite some insecure individuals who could otherwise be straight, if thats a good or bad thing

But this isn't true. You can't be "recruited," but you can choose to act on your own impulses.

03-21-2015, 05:00 AM
But this isn't true. You can't be "recruited," but you can choose to act on your own impulses.

but we just agreed that everyone or many people have few impulses so it depends at least partly on the culture

Anthony PV
03-21-2015, 05:07 AM
Human sexuality is too weird and too absurd to be explained in terms of whether it's 'inborn' or 'acquired'... If that was the case, then, can someone explain to me this case of bestiality (sex with animals)? Is it 'inborn' or 'acquired'? :p

Case 232. X., peasant, aged forty; Greek-Catholic. Father and mother were hard drinkers. Since his fifth year patient had epileptic convulsions i.e., he would fall down unconscious, lie still two or three minutes, and then get up and run aimlessly about with staring eyes. Sexuality was first manifested at seventeen. The patient had inclinations neither for women nor for men, but for animals (fowls, horses, etc.). He had intercourse with hens and ducks, and later with horses and cows. Never any onanism.

The patient paints pictures of saints; is of very limited intelligence. For years, religious paranoia, with states of ecstasy. He had an "inexplicable" love for the Virgin, for whom he would sacrifice his life. Taken to hospital, he proved to be free from infirmity and signs of anatomical degeneration.

He always had an aversion for women. In a single attempt at coitus with a woman he was impotent, but with animals he was always potent. He is bashful before women ; coitus with women he regards almost as a sin.
(Kowalewsky, "Jahrb. f. Psychiatric," vii., Heft 3).

[Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Psychopathia Sexualis, 1886]

'Never any onanism' = 'never masturbated once in his life'

03-21-2015, 05:09 AM
i listened once to one balkan guy who told me he fucked gays in the ass to humiliate them, he didnt liked gays, but thats strange that makes him gay too, some cultures think if you are the one who fucks in the ass you are not really gay
Classical societies believed that effeminate behavior in men was bad, so to be the passive partner in a homosexual act was looked down upon, but not the active partner. In Roman times, all sex was seen as a fight for power. There was always a dominant and submissive partner. In ancient Rome, you had to pay more to be dominated by a prostitute. It is the same nowadays with a dominatrix.

03-21-2015, 05:18 AM
I do not bother with gay people, since they do not bother me

And it is biological, a brother of my friend started to show that at 5 years old, and he is 12 now and he is discovering that ''he do not like girls'' he think it is wrong and he thinks we don't know he is homo, but we knew before him :v

03-21-2015, 08:16 AM
Its a genetic mutation that makes you gay but I'm not sure.

Fags should realize they're abnormal and stop promoting their illness as "freedom"

03-21-2015, 08:22 AM
Biological and a mental illness.

03-21-2015, 09:30 AM
Think think it's a sexual identity disorder. Causes can be natural/hormonal or psychological - mostly a combination of both. However it's not natural and has no use, Sexuality is usually linked with procreation... and please don't argue with " But in animalkingdom...".
See in animalkingdom homosexual acts are rape because of dominance. Or if animals are looked in Zoos you can sometimes watch that too.
It's the same with cannibalism. You can find it in animalkingdom -in more than 1500 species - but it does not necessarily mean that it's perfectly acceptable for humans.
I also don't think the "use" of homosexuality, if it was a perfectly natural sexual orientation, is to prevent overpopulation. Natures Programme ws always to have as many descendants as possible. The only overpopulated countries that there are, are 3rd World countries. 1. Because no contraception is used, but more important 2. because they benefit from modern western medicine.
I know I will Sound social-darwinistic at that Point, but: A high birthrate was normal in times where there was no medicine. Because if you had 10 Children centuries ago, maybe 2 or 3 of them survived. The same with rabbits. They get 9 Bunnies in spring and by fall maybe 2 of them are left.

Have a nice day :-)

Ivan Kramskoï
03-21-2015, 09:35 AM
Entirely Biological for me.
That's why anti gay propaganda laws are useless.
If you are born to be gay you will be.
Nonetheless it's not because you are gay that you have the right to exhibit yourself in a non decent way.

03-21-2015, 10:32 AM
how can you think it can be a life style choice? are you crazy? people is born gay. When I was in primary school there was a guy who was already gay at 6, they called him finocchio, frocio ("fag") and now he is openly gay.

03-21-2015, 10:35 AM
Women often do these things to entice men, even if they have no attraction toward women. Though I sincerely believe MOST people have some degree of same sex attraction, and that society has just conditioned people to write it off as mere fantasy. I don't think anyone, with few exceptions, is really 100% homosexual or 100% heterosexual.

have you ever be attracted by women?