View Full Version : The Sunghir [Sungir] Archaeological Site

06-14-2010, 09:47 PM
Welcome to Sunghir site

The Sunghir archaeological site is situated near of Vladimir city, 192 km from Moscow (56°11" NL and 40°30" EL).

The settlement was discovered in 1955. For 16 field seasons (1957-1977) an expedition under supervision of Otto N. Bader revealed 4500 m2 of the site area.

Age of the settlement is defined from the disposal of the cultural layer in the so called Bryansk soil, connected with the corresponding interstadial of Valdai Ice age of Late Pleistocene. One of the first radiocarbon dates, obtained from collagen of reindeer bones in Groningen laboratory gives absolute age of 24430+/- 400 years ago (Gro 5446) and from charcoal - 25500+/- 200 years ago (Gro 5425).

Late Palaeolithic stone industry reaches its remarkable development in the final period of Latest Valdai Ice age. A.A.Velichko et al. (1992) divides the process of ancient peopling through the East-European plain in four periods. They coincide with the periods of landscape development: pre-Bryansk (up to 32000 years ago), Bryansk (32000-24000 years ago), the time of maximum temperature fall (23000 - 17000 years ago) and Latest Valdai (16000 - 12000 years ago). The cultural layer of the Sunghir settlement lies in the depth of Bryansk soil.

The Institute for Bioarcheology has generously sponsored the scientific study, book "Homo sungirensis" and two Seminars. The organisers are most grateful for the Institute's support in all the things.

The above text comes from the Home Page of the The Sunghir Archaeological Site. For detailed information on the Sungir site [including the physical anthropology of the Sungir people], click on the link below:

The Sunghir Archaeological Site (http://www.rc.ru/~ladygin/sungir/index.html)