View Full Version : Julie Gayet in film with title similar to Valérie Trierweiler's memoir on Francois Hollande

European Knight
03-23-2015, 09:24 PM
"Thank you for...your collaboration" is the name of next film featuring Julie Gayet, which French media note is curiously similar to Valérie Trierweiler's Thank You For the Moment

Julie Gayet is to star in an forthcoming film whose title, observers have noted, is curiously similar to that of a vengeful book written by François Hollande’s former girlfriend Valérie Trierweiler.

The 42-year old actress, who is reportedly receiving protection from the French president’s personal bodyguard, is shooting a feature called Thank You For Your Collaboration, directed by Frenchman Pascal Elbé.

Miss Trierweiler’s bestselling memoir on her relationship with Mr Hollande is called Thank You for the Moment. The unflattering portrait of the French president as a cruel cad who dislikes the poor.

“No, this is not a joke,” wrote Gala magazine, which pointed out the similarities.

Discreet following revelations of her secret trysts with Mr Hollande in a flat opposite the Elysée, the couple have been photographed together and she has returned to her acting career, shooting scenes from the forthcoming film in Tel Aviv last Sunday.

The movie is about Gilbert Chikli, accused of defrauding a string of banks out of €23 million (£16.6 million) by passing himself off as a French spy hunting terrorists after the Madrid and London bombings. One bank representative handed over €350,000 in cash to Chikli’s girlfriend in a Paris bar, thinking it was part of an intelligence operation.

Earlier this month, French rapper Joey Starr recounted a drunken supper with Miss Gayet and her “fiancé” at the Elysée Palace, laying to rest any lingering doubts over whether the president is still in a relationship with actress.

Starr – whose real name is Didier Morville – said: “I was shooting a film with Julie Gayet and she told me: ‘We’re having dinner with my fiancé. Do you want to come?’” He later found himself at the Elysée where he was treated to a bottle of rum with the president, Miss Gayet and other French artists and producers.



Darth Revan
03-24-2015, 01:13 AM
Il semblerait que la politique n'est qu'une affaire de culs maintenant. Ça expliquerait pourquoi elle pue tellement.