View Full Version : Does Heinrich himmler look monologloid to you?

Alan Weiss
04-04-2015, 05:05 PM
Here is a photo of "Aryan" Nazi SS leader Heinrich Himmler.
Compare him to the Hirohito the emperor of japan.
For a "germanic" and supposedly "Nordic" person Himmler looks suspiciously "MONGOLOID".

(Nazi Henrich Himmler)

(Hirohito the emperor of japan)

04-04-2015, 05:07 PM
Somewhat, he is extremely borealized for a central European.

04-04-2015, 05:08 PM
No. He has a high nasal bridge, a reasonably well-developed brow, and lacks epicanthic folds.

Alan Weiss
04-04-2015, 05:10 PM
"and lacks epicanthic folds"
That part you got wrong buddy.

04-04-2015, 05:14 PM
What's even your agenda here, are you some kind of leftist "we-are-all-the-same" SJW?

04-04-2015, 05:18 PM
Only a true retard confuses alpignid with north sinid.

Alan Weiss
04-04-2015, 05:26 PM
Um no.
Libs usually call me a tea party racist and a gun nut.
Try again...

04-04-2015, 05:31 PM
"and lacks epicanthic folds"
That part you got wrong buddy.

You are obviously a troll or otherwise utterly unaware of what constitutes an epicanthic fold. Note the exposed medial canthi and relaxed lacrimal canaliculi.

Then again, epicanthic folds exist in human populations not designated as "Mongoloid" as well. It is a generally paedomorphic progenetic trait present in Capoids and several Negroid subsets. Technically "Caucasoids" too can develop (or more properly, retain, as every human has epicanthic folds in its fetal stage of development), and there are recorded instances of this occurring, but it is not the case with Heinrich Himmler.

Go learn some fundamental physical anthropology before you post.

Alan Weiss
04-04-2015, 05:50 PM
"You are obviously a troll or otherwise utterly unaware of what constitutes an epicanthic fold. Note the exposed medial canthi and relaxed lacrimal canaliculi.

Then again, epicanthic folds exist in human populations not designated as "Mongoloid" as well. It is a generally paedomorphic progenetic trait present in Capoids and several Negroid subsets. Technically "Caucasoids" too can develop (or more properly, retain, as every human as epicanthic folds in its fetal stage of development), and there are recorded instances of this occurring, but it is not the case with Heinrich Himmler."

The epicanthic fold is the skin fold of the upper eyelid covering the inner angle of the eye.
In some it is more pronounced in some slightly less.
Himmler has an epicanthic fold very similar to many Eurasians.

A classic example of a European/Mongoloid hybrid like Himmler with a less pronounced epicanthic fold.

04-04-2015, 05:51 PM
You found probably the most Mongoloid looking picture of Himmler.

04-04-2015, 05:51 PM

Alan Weiss
04-04-2015, 05:53 PM
"You found probably the most Mongoloid looking picture of Himmler."
Nope I took it from his wiki page.
It's his OFFICIAL Heinrich Hoffmann photo from 1929...

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-04-2015, 06:01 PM
I sort of like you even though everyone else thinks your a troll.

But you are bad at this. Himmler does not look Mongoloid and Goebbels does not look Levantine....

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
04-04-2015, 06:02 PM
He looks like a Jap only at first glance.