View Full Version : Czech president says his ‘doors are closed’ to US envoy over Moscow WWII visit comments

04-05-2015, 09:46 PM
Czech president says his ‘doors are closed’ to US envoy over Moscow WWII visit comments (http://rt.com/news/246977-czech-president-us-ww2/)


Leader of the Czech Republc, Miloš Zeman, says he won’t let any ambassador of another nation intrude with advice over his foreign visits. This comes as the US Ambassador criticized Zeman’s plans to go to Moscow’s celebration of the WWII parade.

“I’m afraid, after this statement the doors of the Prague Castle are closed for Ambassador Schapiro,” Zeman told Parlamentni Listy webportal on Saturday. Prague Castle is the president’s official residence and office.

Czech President Milos Zeman

Earlier, the US ambassador to the Czech Republic, Andrew Schapiro, criticized Zeman’s decision to go to Russia for Victory Day celebrations in May. He called the plans “short-sighted”, as it would “be awkward” if the Czech president was the only statesman from an EU country on Red Square.

“I cannot imagine a Czech ambassador in Washington giving advice to the US president on where he should travel,” Zeman said. “I will not let any ambassador interfere with the program of my foreign trips.”

In the interview, the president also voiced his concern over the current Western attempts to isolate Russia.

“It is essential to maintain and develop relations with Russia not only on a commercial basis, but also, for instance, based on the strategic partnership in the fight against international terrorism,” he said.

Previously, Zeman said that his visit to Russia would be a “sign of gratitude for not having to speak German in this country.” He also intended to pay tribute to the memory of 150,000 Soviet soldiers who died liberating Czechoslovakia.

Andrew Schapiro, 51, is a Chicago lawyer who became an ambassador only half a year ago.

By Saturday, 25 foreign leaders and several international organizations confirmed their participation in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War that is to take place in Moscow on May 9, the head of the Kremlin administration Sergey Ivanov said.

The Soviet Union lost over 11 million soldiers during the war, constituting the biggest death toll among other members of the coalition, fighting against Nazi Germany. Military parades to mark the victory in the Second World War are to take place on the streets of 26 Russian cities.

Shkembe Chorba
04-10-2015, 01:31 PM
Czech president says his ‘doors are closed’ to US envoy over Moscow WWII visit comments (http://rt.com/news/246977-czech-president-us-ww2/)

Did your RT post an article how the Czech PM insist that the president should behave and be more responsible in diplomacy? Is there news how the Parliament may not give him money for the trip and there is chance that he will pay 25 000 euros (or 1 385 781 Rubles :D ) out of his pocket?

Prisoner Of Ice
04-10-2015, 01:53 PM
Is this an admission USA was on the wrong side in WW II and should never have allied with filthy, genocidal commies?

Shkembe Chorba
04-10-2015, 02:01 PM
Is this an admission USA was on the wrong side in WW II and should never have allied with filthy, genocidal commies?

Probably :P

04-10-2015, 02:15 PM
Ambassador Schapiro.


Why must it always be. Why oh why must it always be one of 'them' who hate Russia? Nuland, same thing.

Shkembe Chorba
04-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Latest news, Zeman is not going to Moscow xD

04-11-2015, 03:39 PM
Zeman is a drunkard, populist, egomaniac and a Russian whore. Most people I know that voted for him regret it now. Ten thousands are signing petititons so that Czech senat would impeach him for high treason.

His close ties to Russian govermental circles were known during his presidential campaign, but many people didnt take a notice or were stupid enough to not care. His close family friend oligarch Vladimir Jakunin is on sanction list, but still getting official audiencies by him once per month or so. Zemans campaign was financed from LUKOIL money, everybody here knows it. His main advicers are people with ties to Russian goverment, as well as local mafia bosses known in big corruption scandals from recent years.

He is a big shame for our country. He makes me embarassed that he is a Czech like me. While the position of a president is mainly a ceremonial one, without real power, when he continues with his nonsence like this, ordinary Czech people (who are very timid and not really caring about politics) will get really angry.

Shkembe Chorba
04-13-2015, 01:55 PM
Loki, hear that?^ xD