View Full Version : Classification (sexist thread, oh ye)

06-20-2010, 07:33 PM
It's easy, classify the bra size on this one, not sure she got any tho


Feel free to post more difficult brainstorming examples

06-20-2010, 07:36 PM
80 C or D?
More pictures are needed, especially profile shot and back view;)

06-20-2010, 07:37 PM
80 C or D?
More pictures are needed, especially profile shot and back view;)

I'll see what I can do :cool:

06-20-2010, 07:46 PM
Important info:

The Ripper
06-20-2010, 09:23 PM
By far the most anthropologically interesting classification thread so far. Commendable, bravo.

In order to make an accurate and scientifically valid assessment, I do however need more material to work on. :bounce

06-20-2010, 09:27 PM
Save to say she's mostly Mediterranid-Alpinid, whether other influences like Indianid are present is hard to tell. But she looks like a regular Mediterranid-Alpinid on a higher level.

Oinakos Growion
06-20-2010, 09:45 PM
on a higher level
Oh, it definitely is a "higher level" alright... :D

The Ripper
06-20-2010, 09:46 PM
Save to say she's mostly Mediterr...

Wait, you looked at her face?

06-20-2010, 09:50 PM
Wait, you looked at her face?

hhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaaa aaa

06-20-2010, 10:01 PM
In order to make an accurate and scientifically valid assessment, I do however need more material to work on. :bounce

Here you go (http://www.nudography.com/News.aspx?IDNews=4392) (NSFW).

The Ripper
06-20-2010, 10:06 PM
Here you go (http://www.nudography.com/News.aspx?IDNews=4392) (NSFW).


I will get right to it. My scientific research, that is..

06-20-2010, 10:10 PM
Save to say she's mostly Mediterranid-Alpinid, whether other influences like Indianid are present is hard to tell. But she looks like a regular Mediterranid-Alpinid on a higher level.

For some of you that wondered, she is Paraguayan

06-20-2010, 10:19 PM

I will get right to it. My scientific research, that is..

Dude... no... too much informations! :bored0:

06-20-2010, 10:21 PM
Mwahaha, I think that his willing to study this more closely and show his total dedication to the subject a proof that we're getting somewhere


06-20-2010, 10:23 PM
what's with these Paraguayan chicks...


06-20-2010, 10:27 PM
Here you go (http://www.nudography.com/News.aspx?IDNews=4392) (NSFW).

Pred. Gracilmediterranid - slight Alpinid and Indianid likely.

Her boobs look better with clothes - don't like artificial ones, especially if "the package" is rather too big for the natural form and the surgeon is no genius neither...

The Ripper
06-20-2010, 10:28 PM
Dude I know, I'm packing my bags as we type.

06-20-2010, 10:33 PM
Eldritch, can you dig for us some background on this one too?


06-20-2010, 10:41 PM
Svarog, have you ever considered to live in Latin America for a while? We could explore the natural beauties, climb some piramids, meet up the Fuehrer and stuff.

06-20-2010, 10:42 PM
Sounds like a crackin' idea to me bro, but.. i can't speak Latin :(

The Ripper
06-20-2010, 10:45 PM
Svarog, have you ever considered to live in Latin America for a while? We could explore the natural beauties, climb some piramids, meet up the Fuehrer and stuff.

See you there. ;)

06-20-2010, 10:49 PM
Sounds like a crackin' idea to me bro, but.. i can't speak Latin :(

Guys, there is no tongue involved (at least not in phase one). All you need is merengue, samba, cha-cha-cha and similar crap. But it works wonders.

06-20-2010, 10:53 PM
Eldritch, can you dig for us some background on this one too?


Unfortunately no, but since we're on the topic of Latin America ...


*** *** ***

The Argentinian chick is holding a Budweiser, which is the only beer available at WC stadiums. As soon as they stopped selling other brands incidents of drunkenness dropped by 2/3. :coffee:

Open letter to Budweiser: Please will you sponsor all South African sport? Wholesale rates available

Dear Budweiser

How are you? We are fine. It's a little colder than we like it, perhaps, and this little soccer tournament we're hosting is messing up the traffic, but we can't really complain.

Okay, enough small talk. Here's the deal: We'll give you a 20% discount on every major sports sponsorship in South Africa, right now, and if you negotiate hard enough we may even go to 30%. The only condition is that you have to maintain this awesome ban on all other forms of alcohol inside our stadiums - the one that is working so well at the World Cup venues right now.

See, we watch a lot of sport here in South Africa. We also drink a lot of beer. Sometimes we drink a lot of beer while watching sport, then we get into our cars to drive home and die along the way. We also start bar fights, beat up our domestic partners and engage in various forms of anti-social behaviour after watching sport and drinking beer.

Remarkably, that kind of behaviour has seen a sudden decline since the start of the World Cup. We've noticed a distinct reduction in the incidence of drunk driving and wife beating and so on, at least among people who go to watch the games in person.

It has to be due to your beer, because the only thing that has changed is that Budweiser is now the only booze available in sporting stadiums. For reasons we can't quite fathom, that has led to our sporting fans drinking two or, at most, three beers during the course of a game of soccer. And we're talking about people who would normally be knocking over that many in the course of half-an-hour.

Being foreign and all, you may think this has something to do with the cold. But "rugby" (a game played with a ball shaped similar to what you know as a football, but with very different rules) is a winter game, and the fans appreciate a cold one even on the most bitterly cold of days.

Price definitely has something to do with it. We're not a particularly rich country and paying R30 for your premium product means we need to savour each one for as long as possible. But we have evidence of men walking out the gates with full wallets, so that's not the whole story.

No, there's something else at work here. Perhaps it is that bloody agent Bavaria acting as a Third Force or something. Whatever it is, though, we'd like it to continue. In fact, maybe we can talk about an exclusive national sponsorship. We've already rented out our country once, to Fifa, and we have all the legislation in place and everything. If the price is right, we may be willing to ban the sale, production and importation of all competing beverages, and ask the United Nations to start calling us South Budweiserland.

So how about it? Do we have a deal?

Sincerely yours,

Phillip de Wet,

on behalf 49.99 million other South Africans

06-20-2010, 11:04 PM
Probably because Budweiser is the closest you can get to drinking water without losing your respect amongst "the lads".

06-20-2010, 11:37 PM
Dominican and Cuban girls are hottt too but might be a bit too dark for most on teh Apricity.

06-21-2010, 12:28 AM
Cubans have a significant Europid portion actually.

Percentage wise they might be "more Euro-American" than the USA in just some years, if they aren't already...

Because the official statistic is 65 percent white and 25 mixed - 10 percent black. Even if a lot of the "white" have admixture, that is still a comparable situation to the USA overall and the growth of the non-European variants might be also larger in the US.

If the official census is correct, that is exactly the case actually, the numbers are pretty stable and the growth of the mulatto population goes mostly against the "pure black"...


Should that be a fact, the Europid part is stable at least and those elements without any Europid influence decreasing. So a much better development and perspective than in the USA.

And if things don't change probably even than in Europe...

Argentina is already more of a white country than some European former "nation states", even with the significant Amerindian admixture.

Also Cubans sent mostly white people to the USA, so even strengthening the Euro-population there - at least racially, not necessarily ethnoculturally because of the Hispanic idea.

Overall, really not bad development in comparison so far...

Probably that will change with the end of Communism, similar to the DDR/Eastern Germany population policy...

06-21-2010, 12:41 AM
Latin american boobs :lightbul:



06-21-2010, 01:15 AM
Cubans have a significant Europid portion actually.

They do actually.I've been there many times and there are many folks that are fair, blue and green eyes pretty common.

06-22-2010, 09:49 AM
Probably because Budweiser is the closest you can get to drinking water without losing your respect amongst "the lads".

Öööh, why would anyone want to drink that dishwater if other choices are available? :eek:

06-22-2010, 11:32 PM
Never had Bud, had Miller or smth like that tho, also a piss, same as Heineken, all those football beers are basically crap :/

Used to like Amstel, did not see it around in a while

08-02-2010, 07:33 AM

12-21-2010, 06:08 PM

12-21-2010, 06:16 PM
I'd say fake.

12-21-2010, 06:19 PM
Argentina is already more of a white country than some European former "nation states"

Which European former "nation states"? Because I really doubt that...

Save to say she's mostly Mediterranid-Alpinid, whether other influences like Indianid are present is hard to tell. But she looks like a regular Mediterranid-Alpinid on a higher level.

Hard to tell? Seriously, Larissa Riquelme? Her amerindian influence is rampant to me.

And yeah back then everyone here was talking about her and the "beauty" she is, and she came to talk-shows and all that here in Peru as well, she was even a guest in our Independence Day Parade and was the most important thing there (yes, a Paraguayan was the star of our "patriotic" parade).

People drooled for her. I never really got what's so special about her, apart from a surgically shaped body and boobs.

Don Brick
12-21-2010, 06:20 PM
I'd say fake.

You never know. Christmas is a magical time. ;)

Don Brick
12-21-2010, 06:22 PM

Mixed and shaken. Just the way I like it.

12-21-2010, 06:34 PM
Which European former "nation states"? Because I really doubt that...

England and France f.e. have already more non-Europid people in their borders, even more so if looking primarily at the Demography and future development, than Argentina.

12-21-2010, 06:40 PM
England and France f.e. have already more non-Europid people in their borders, even more so if looking primarily at the Demography and future development, than Argentina.

Well keep in mind that Argentina keeps receiving immigrants, mainly from Peru and Bolivia if I'm not wrong, which is essentially Amerindian. Of course, it's not nearly as much as the amount of immigrants Europe is currently receiving, but it's a considerable amount. And they are no longer receiving Europeans.

12-21-2010, 06:47 PM
Well keep in mind that Argentina keeps receiving immigrants, mainly from Peru and Bolivia if I'm not wrong, which is essentially Amerindian. Of course, it's not nearly as much as the amount of immigrants Europe is currently receiving, but it's a considerable amount. And they are no longer receiving Europeans.

From what I know the white birthrates are low in Argentina too, but not as low as in most parts of Western Europe. Now add to that these masses of immigrants with their much higher birthrates!

Its definitely worse in Western Europe and when Argentina can be still seen as a "white country", the same can't be said for France and England any more, unless there is a huge change in the next decades...

On the longer run most now pred. European countries will be lost, but some sooner than others and Argentina is not the first on my list...

02-05-2011, 11:53 AM
From what I know the white birthrates are low in Argentina too, but not as low as in most parts of Western Europe. Now add to that these masses of immigrants with their much higher birthrates!

Its definitely worse in Western Europe and when Argentina can be still seen as a "white country", the same can't be said for France and England any more, unless there is a huge change in the next decades...

On the longer run most now pred. European countries will be lost, but some sooner than others and Argentina is not the first on my list...

Europe and the UK should instigate laws that pay baby bonuses to the natives to reproduce.

It worked a charm in Australia, though everyone use to get it. I think it's been replaced by maternity leave now. It worked that well in Australia, we will probably be taxed again to provide for all the extra schools, day care, teachers etc....