View Full Version : ISIS Kills 1000 Palestinians In Syria - World Media and UN Collectively Yawn

04-07-2015, 12:09 AM
Israeli Arab MK: World ignoring ISIS massacre of Palestinians
'There is a moral double standard,' says Joint List's Ahmed Tibi of attacks on Yarmouk refugee camp. 'If other people were the victims, not Palestinians it would be different.'

Yarmuk Palestinian refugee camp in the Syrian capital, Damascus, on April 6, 2015.

Israeli lawmaker Ahmed Tibi called the takeover by the Islamic State of the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp “a crime against humanity" on Monday.

Tibi, a member of the Arab Joint List party, said the international community, and Arab countries specifically, bear responsibility for allowing the violence in Yarmouk to occur.

“I feel anger and great sadness about what is happening in what is left of the camp,” he said. “There is a moral double standard. If other people were the victims, not Palestinians it would be different.”

More than 1,000 Palestinians have been killed since Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, took over about 90 percent of the camp in last week.

Prior to the takeover, the camp was under siege by the Syrian government.

Hundreds of Palestinians have fled the camp since the start of the takeover, and tens of thousands during the four years of civil war in Syria.

Tibi said Yarmouk is “another case where the refugees who suffered in the Nakba of 1948 are now suffering again.” Nakba, which means "catastrophy" in Arabic, refers to Palestinians' description of their collective losses, and especially displacement, during Israel's War of Independance.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in Ramallah on Sunday called on the sides to not drag Palestinian refugees in the Yarmouk refugee camp into the conflicts in Syria.

“We urge those wanting to drag us in the conflicts to keep us away as we have been suffering and anguishing from many wars everywhere,” Abbas said during the dedication of a public garden. “We announced more than four years ago that we have not interfered in the internal affairs of any Arab country and therefore we reject any interference in our affairs. We have no relations with what is going on in Syria.”
