View Full Version : 8+ slayer was ruining my life

04-12-2015, 03:27 PM
There was this fucking ridiculously good looking, 9/10 MM tier dude that lived at my dorm. Looks like a younger, prettier David Gandy. At least 6'4" height. I call him "the nightmare". If you see the way women stare at this dude you will seriously want to kill yourself. If I at least see a glimpse of him coming my way I immediately turn around and get the fuck out of there. I try my absolute best to never be seen around him. Getting AMOGed by him every day got me very depressed. He is the reason why I dropped out of college.

There's absolutely no point in living if you're sub 8. Absolutely none.

04-12-2015, 03:32 PM
You must be living a very interesting life.

04-12-2015, 03:38 PM
There was this fucking ridiculously good looking, 9/10 MM tier dude that lived at my dorm. Looks like a younger, prettier David Gandy. At least 6'4" height. I call him "the nightmare". If you see the way women stare at this dude you will seriously want to kill yourself. If I at least see a glimpse of him coming my way I immediately turn around and get the fuck out of there. I try my absolute best to never be seen around him. Getting AMOGed by him every day got me very depressed. He is the reason why I dropped out of college.

There's absolutely no point in living if you're sub 8. Absolutely none.


04-12-2015, 03:46 PM
Kill yourself and all females.

04-12-2015, 03:51 PM
There was this fucking ridiculously good looking, 9/10 MM tier dude that lived at my dorm. Looks like a younger, prettier David Gandy. At least 6'4" height. I call him "the nightmare". If you see the way women stare at this dude you will seriously want to kill yourself. If I at least see a glimpse of him coming my way I immediately turn around and get the fuck out of there. I try my absolute best to never be seen around him. Getting AMOGed by him every day got me very depressed. He is the reason why I dropped out of college.

There's absolutely no point in living if you're sub 8. Absolutely none.

What you need is a knee to the balls : he's got the perfect height for it. Tested and approved!

04-12-2015, 03:54 PM
Just pull some fatties.

04-12-2015, 03:55 PM
Wear a mask , beat the shit out of him , it will boost your confidence

04-12-2015, 03:56 PM
Curious but I used to have a very hansome friend, a kind of a more mediterranized Paul Walker type, I consider myself to be good looking but this guy was ridiculously hansome, we were coworkers and I used to like to hang out with him because we used to get all the women's attention everywhere, my own play actually benefited from him a lot.

04-12-2015, 03:57 PM
Slash his face

04-12-2015, 04:04 PM
Your destiny is to get cuckolded. Stop running from it.

04-12-2015, 04:06 PM
My diagnosis for you.

You use this whole "no point in living if you're sub-8" as a ruse to explain away you're complete disinterest in approaching women while simultaneously allowing you to focus on your true interests... pinnacles of masculine beauty.

04-12-2015, 04:08 PM
Just pull some fatties.

He'd probably still get AMOGed by a shorter, chubbier version of Gandy.

04-12-2015, 06:23 PM
AMOG presence = all your girlfriends are belong to me

04-12-2015, 06:40 PM
You need to go on a TV talk show.

04-12-2015, 06:42 PM
This is some high-quality trolling. :laugh:

04-12-2015, 06:42 PM
Go to the gym and/or make pot brownies? Guitar? Something.

04-12-2015, 06:43 PM
...notes from Elliot Rodger's diary?

04-12-2015, 06:52 PM
you need a psychiatric help.

04-12-2015, 07:12 PM
Be friends with him, maybe he is a nice guy :)

04-12-2015, 07:15 PM
You should have sucked his cock, sounds like what you really wanted.

04-12-2015, 07:20 PM


04-12-2015, 07:53 PM
Just pull some fatties.

Or alternatively, trying "The George Carlin Method of Getting Laid":


Be friends with him, maybe he is a nice guy :)

Careful, he might end up falling in love with him. xD

04-12-2015, 08:03 PM
Who the fuck is David Gandy? Why do you even know who he is?

Prisoner Of Ice
04-12-2015, 08:04 PM
Please ban this guy holy shit.

04-12-2015, 08:16 PM
Just pull some fatties.

Yeah, I'm sure Mary could hook him up. ;)

04-12-2015, 08:19 PM
This heart-breaking story changed my life.

04-12-2015, 08:19 PM
Yeah, I'm sure Mary could hook him up. ;)

She smuggles fatties?

04-12-2015, 08:26 PM
Go to the gym and/or make pot brownies? Guitar? Something.

Yes, guitar! Girls find guys who play guitar very sexy. That's how I met my boyfriend. He was playing his acoustic guitar on the steps outside his house. I stopped to talk to him and the rest is history. :D

I also find accordion music sexy. Must be those Slav genes. ;) Piano is good, too, but that's not as portable as a guitar.

04-12-2015, 08:30 PM
She smuggles fatties?

I think she keeps them in her basement in a futile attempt to rid the earth of them.

04-12-2015, 08:35 PM
I think she keeps them in her basement in a futile attempt to rid the earth of them.

They are too numerous, but starving them in a basement may actually help.

04-12-2015, 08:37 PM
They are too numerous, but starving them in a basement may actually help.

That sounds like "Silence of the Lambs."

04-12-2015, 08:40 PM
That sounds like "Silence of the Lambs."

It puts the lotion on its skin....