View Full Version : Classify Australian Aboriginal beauty

04-18-2015, 07:05 AM

04-18-2015, 07:09 AM
Sure. Real Australian Aboriginal. :picard2:

04-18-2015, 07:10 AM
Sure. Real Australian Aboriginal. :picard2:

Well your people call her australian aboriginal

she is actually austronesian....but according to every chinese netizen I met...Austronesian =Australoid

Hence she is australian aboriginal according to your logic

04-18-2015, 07:12 AM
Well your people call her australian aboriginal

One of your misleading threads again.

I'm guessing she's another one of your "typical Filipinas who look Northeast Asian"?

No, Chinese people do not call Filipinos Australian Aboriginals. We call Filipinos Feilubinren, which means Filipinos. No, that is not a typical look for a Filipino.

04-18-2015, 07:14 AM
One of your misleading threads again.

I'm guessing she's another one of your "typical Filipinas who look Northeast Asian"?

No, Chinese people do not call Filipinos Australian Aboriginals. We call Filipinos Feilubinren, which means Filipinos. No, that is not a typical look for a Filipino.

LOL she doesnt even look NEA....she looks closer to vietnamese .....her look is common in Philippines....nothing out of the ordinary

04-18-2015, 07:15 AM
LOL she doesnt even look NEA....she looks closer to vietnamese .....her look is common in Philippines....nothing out of the ordinary

Yes, she doesn't look NE Asian. And Vietnamese are generally East Asians.

04-18-2015, 07:18 AM
Yes, she doesn't look NE Asian. And Vietnamese are generally East Asians.

LOL vietnamese are unique from chinese....I think you are talking about thai who are mostly chinese

vietnamese came from the red river delta in vietnam...so they are natively vietnamese not chinese aka EA

04-18-2015, 07:19 AM
LOL vietnamese are unique from chinese....I think you are talking about thai who are mostly chinese

vietnamese came from the red river delta in vietnam...so they are natively vietnamese not chinese aka EA

You are a lunatic. When did I say Vietnamese and Chinese are the same? And when did I even mention Thais?

You're telling me that Vietnamese are more East Asian than Chinese people?


04-18-2015, 07:20 AM
Vietnamese are even less East Asian than the Cantonese, who are the least East Asian of the Han Chinese groups. You are beyond ridiculous.

04-18-2015, 07:22 AM
Aborigine? She looks Vietnamese.

04-18-2015, 07:22 AM
You are a lunatic. When did I say Vietnamese and Chinese are the same? And when did I even mention Thais?

You're telling me that Vietnamese are more East Asian than Chinese people?


Im saying vietnamese like filipinos developed light skin on their own....
Whatever northern feature found in vietnamese and filipino have nothing to do with chinese

Pure Vietnamese Kinh

Pure Filipina Austronesian
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10354163_310582445799600_2870415224225266524_n.jpg ?oh=35a2d1bce3b8105fb11deb959428ba3c&oe=559E9172&__gda__=1440525892_747ca6a638f04be71ca4de3c4f18134 7

Thai CHinese Mix

notice how the filipina and vietnamese look alike

while the cantonese mixed thai girl does not look like the latter 2

04-18-2015, 07:22 AM
If she has any Aboriginal blood, it's a small percentage. She looks East Asian.

04-18-2015, 07:24 AM
Im saying vietnamese like filipinos developed light skin on their own....
Whatever northern feature found in vietnamese and filipino have nothing to do with chinese

First of all, Vietnamese are MUCH LIGHTER than Filipinos. Vietnamese generally look East Asian, Filipinos generally do not.

Also, Vietnamese do have some Chinese admixture and the Chinese admixed ones generally are even lighter than the average population.

Vietnam was the one Southern territory of the Chinese empire that did not become a province, the other territories did, like Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian. Vietnam got away, otherwise right now it would be known as the Southern Chinese province of Yuenan.

Same goes for Korea, it almost became totally absorbed into the Chinese empire as well.

04-18-2015, 07:28 AM
Im saying vietnamese like filipinos developed light skin on their own....
Whatever northern feature found in vietnamese and filipino have nothing to do with chinese

Pure Vietnamese Kinh

Pure Filipina Austronesian
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10354163_310582445799600_2870415224225266524_n.jpg ?oh=35a2d1bce3b8105fb11deb959428ba3c&oe=559E9172&__gda__=1440525892_747ca6a638f04be71ca4de3c4f18134 7

Thai CHinese Mix

notice how the filipina and vietnamese look alike

You are a master at cherry picking. You honestly think that's a "typical" Filipina?

I'm pretty sure she has Chinese blood, but of course, you're going to deny it. Whatever. I don't have time for your lunacy. Go check in into an asylum.

04-18-2015, 07:34 AM
First of all, Vietnamese are MUCH LIGHTER than Filipinos. Vietnamese generally look East Asian, Filipinos generally do not.

Also, Vietnamese do have some Chinese admixture and the Chinese admixed ones generally are even lighter than the average population.

Vietnam was the one Southern territory of the Chinese empire that did not become a province, the other territories did, like Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian. Vietnam got away, otherwise right now it would be known as the Southern Chinese province of Yuenan.

Same goes for Korea, it almost became totally absorbed into the Chinese empire as well.

Ethnic chinese in vietnam are called hoa...and majority of them left vietnam after vietnam war



Thai chinese in thailand celebrating some chinese celebration

04-18-2015, 07:38 AM
You are a master at cherry picking. You honestly think that's a "typical" Filipina?

I'm pretty sure she has Chinese blood, but of course, you're going to deny it. Whatever. I don't have time for your lunacy. Go check in into an asylum.

LOL chinese always try to claim model quality people from other races are chinese

chinese netizen claim top japanese, korean, vietnamese, burmese, filipino, cambodian models are chinese

yet you deny ugly chinese as chinese and will claim they are viet, malay, etc

04-18-2015, 07:39 AM
Ethnic chinese in vietnam are called hoa...and majority of them left vietnam after vietnam war



Thai chinese in thailand celebrating some chinese celebration

Again you're cherry picking but yeah, Viets are actually not THAT East Asian looking come to think of it. They are less East Asian looking than the Cantonese for sure.

Those Filipinos in that class pic are still lighter on average than the typical Filipino crowd, but whatever. They still look SE Asian.

That Thai Chinese pic is a total fucking joke.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-18-2015, 07:40 AM
Sure. Real Australian Aboriginal. :picard2:


Mn The Loki TA Son
04-18-2015, 07:41 AM
kidding right? That ain't noAustralian Aboriginal, lol.

04-18-2015, 07:43 AM
Again you're cherry picking but yeah, Viets are actually not THAT East Asian looking come to think of it. They are less East Asian looking than the Cantonese for sure.

Those Filipinos in that class pic are still lighter on average than the typical Filipino crowd, but whatever. They still look SE Asian.

That Thai Chinese pic is a total fucking joke.


thai chinese celebrating chinese new year


04-18-2015, 07:43 AM
kidding right? That ain't noAustralian Aboriginal, lol.

I suggest you read the rest of the thread....

04-18-2015, 07:45 AM
You're so fucking delusional that it's hilarious. You want to talk about Chinese Thais. I did a preliminary search on Chinese Thai girls and I came up with this page written by some Western expat pervert in Thailand, which pretty much states the OBVIOUS that everyone in SE Asia knows, that Chinese people are by far lighter than the native populations.

How many white skinned, Chinese looking Thais do you see in the bars compared to the Isaan girls? If you look hard enough, you can find them, but generally speaking, you won’t find them in the bars. But hey, what if the majority of the girls working in the bars were white skinned Chinese Thais?


04-18-2015, 07:46 AM
Again you're cherry picking but yeah, Viets are actually not THAT East Asian looking come to think of it. They are less East Asian looking than the Cantonese for sure.

Those Filipinos in that class pic are still lighter on average than the typical Filipino crowd, but whatever. They still look SE Asian.

That Thai Chinese pic is a total fucking joke.

Vietnamese and filipinos are both SEA...though light skin variety of viet and filipino are still native...hence why light skin viet and light skin filipino look similar to each other and not like thai chinese

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-18-2015, 07:46 AM
I suggest you read the rest of the thread....

I suggest you to check out my new thread="The Classifications of the Living". And watch the short video I presented there.

04-18-2015, 07:47 AM
You're so fucking delusional that it's hilarious. You want to talk about Chinese Thais. I did a preliminary search on Chinese Thai girls and I came up with this page written by some Western expat pervert in Thailand, which pretty much states the OBVIOUS that everyone in SE Asia knows, that Chinese people are by far lighter than the native populations.


okay so full chinese look lighter then thai...but why do thai chinese look like that picture I posted lol

04-18-2015, 07:49 AM
In zhaoyun's mind

Ethnic chinese or mixed chinese in SEAsia= Use a picture of korean tourists
ethnic natives in SEAsia= Use a picture of andaman islanders or indians

04-18-2015, 07:50 AM

thai chinese celebrating chinese new year


Most of those are THAIS, you fucking moron.

Mn The Loki TA Son
04-18-2015, 07:50 AM
okay so full chinese look lighter then thai...but why do thai chinese look like that picture I posted lol

I know this is not reply to me but I got to say, Yes. They are lighter on average.

04-18-2015, 07:50 AM
Most of those are THAIS, you fucking moron.

yup thai chinese....most chinese in thailand just identify as ethnic thai

04-18-2015, 07:52 AM
okay so full chinese look lighter then thai...but why do thai chinese look like that picture I posted lol

Because they are admixed with Thais, or they are just Thais.

It is easy to tell Chinese apart from the natives in SE Asia. Vietnam may be somewhat harder, but in all of the other countries, it's relatively easy.

Ethnic chinese or mixed chinese in SEAsia= Use a picture of korean tourists
ethnic natives in SEAsia= Use a picture of andaman islanders or indians

Again, with your Korean worship. I don't find Koreans particularly good looking, they are ok. I don't look up to them or hold them as some standard. Their looks are very typical in Northern China.

04-18-2015, 07:55 AM
Here is a typical Filipino crowd. Ingenious fits right in here. I would stick out like a sore thumb. Ingenious, why don't you put up your pic so everyone can see how "Northeast Asian" you are, unlike the Chinese people, but quite spectacularly, JUST LIKE KOREANS. LOL

Note, I didn't have to cherry pick this, I just googled Filipino crowd and this was one of the first pics to show up.


04-18-2015, 07:57 AM
Because they are admixed with Thais, or they are just Thais.

It is easy to tell Chinese apart from the natives in SE Asia. Vietnam may be somewhat harder, but in all of the other countries, it's relatively easy.

Again, with your Korean worship. I don't find Koreans particularly good looking, they are ok. I don't look up to them or hold them as some standard. Their looks are very typical in Northern China.

its pretty damn easy to tell native SEA from ethnic chinese in SEA

Native Vietnamese
Native Filipina

Chinese thai

04-18-2015, 07:58 AM
Here is a typical Filipino crowd. Ingenious fits right in here. I would stick out like a sore thumb. Ingenious, why don't you put up your pic so everyone can see how "Northeast Asian" you are, unlike the Chinese people, but quite spectacularly, JUST LIKE KOREANS. LOL

Note, I didn't have to cherry pick this, I just googled Filipino crowd and this was one of the first pics to show up.


you should have cropped out all the people who dont look australoid to prove your point...but that would erase at least 90% of the photo


04-18-2015, 07:58 AM
its pretty damn easy to tell native SEA from ethnic chinese in SEA

Native Vietnamese
Native Filipina

Chinese thai

Instead of cherry picking photos, why don't you use crowd pics?

04-18-2015, 07:59 AM
you should have cropped out all the people who dont look australoid to prove your point...but that would erase at least 90% of the photo


They almost all look Southeast Asian you fucking moron. You fit in right here. But in your delusional mind, you somehow think you look Korean. Get lost you lunatic.

04-18-2015, 07:59 AM
Because they are admixed with Thais, or they are just Thais.

It is easy to tell Chinese apart from the natives in SE Asia. Vietnam may be somewhat harder, but in all of the other countries, it's relatively easy.

Again, with your Korean worship. I don't find Koreans particularly good looking, they are ok. I don't look up to them or hold them as some standard. Their looks are very typical in Northern China.

majority of chinese in SEA are not northern,.....hence does not support your statement....

04-18-2015, 08:01 AM
majority of chinese in SEA are not northern,.....hence does not support your statement....

They are not Northern Chinese, they are Southern Chinese, who are still WAAAAAAY MORE NE ASIAN looking ON AVERAGE than ANY SE Asian ethnicity, INCLUDING Vietnamese, who are the MOST NE ASIAN out of all the SE Asian groups.

But of course, you do not get logic or math.

04-18-2015, 08:01 AM
Instead of cherry picking photos, why don't you use crowd pics?

I wasnt cherry picking...I googled thai chinese, vietnamese, and used a private photo I took in my hometown and those pics came up

04-18-2015, 08:04 AM
I wasnt cherry picking...I googled thai chinese, vietnamese, and used a private photo I took in my hometown and those pics came up

More like you stalked strangers from your "hometown" and had to go through hundreds just to find some who are somewhat East Asian looking, and most probably are Chinese admixed somehow, but you won't care to verify that because you will just deny it anyways.

But hey, whatever, go jack off to it as it's your fetish.

Anybody on any street in China is bound to be East Asian looking, it's not a big deal to me.

04-18-2015, 08:10 AM
More like you stalked strangers from your "hometown" and had to go through hundreds just to find some who are somewhat East Asian looking, and most probably are Chinese admixed somehow, but you won't care to verify that because you will just deny it anyways.

But hey, whatever, go jack off to it as it's your fetish.

Anybody on any street in China is bound to be East Asian looking, it's not a big deal to me.

LOL still claiming non-chinese as chinese admixed I see

just remember this is what thai-chinese look like...and they look nothing like the women I posted

04-18-2015, 08:15 AM
I guess this is where your misinformation about SEAsia comes from.....remember its only thailand that does this

Modern day, Thai Chinese are regarded as ethnic Thais and viewed themselves as such. They are well represented in all levels of Thai society and play a major role in Thai business sector and politics.[6][7]

04-18-2015, 10:23 AM
No traits of weddoid love in her whatsoever


04-18-2015, 10:43 AM
No traits of weddoid love in her whatsoever


I look much more australoid than this imposter

04-18-2015, 11:01 AM
I look much more australoid than this imposter

You have the highest Austronesian I've ever seen on calculators. And yeah you're alpine-weddoid.

BTW why is this thread spammed with yellow ppl? They all look same , just some are more tanned /East med influenced.

Ivan Kramskoļ
04-18-2015, 11:20 AM
Is it some kind of joke ?

04-18-2015, 02:28 PM
You have the highest Austronesian I've ever seen on calculators. And yeah you're alpine-weddoid.

BTW why is this thread spammed with yellow ppl? They all look same , just some are more tanned /East med influenced.

I love them .. especially their food:thumb001:

04-18-2015, 02:41 PM
I love them .. especially their food:thumb001:

I think their aesthetics are a bit twisted and historically they have prove it with war atrocities and stuff (much worse than white ones yet none acknowledges them)

Aboriginals are far more superior in any aspect , especially female beauty

Weddoid Mary, prime example


only top 5% of women will manage to look so well in her age.

04-18-2015, 02:43 PM
You are a master at cherry picking. You honestly think that's a "typical" Filipina?

I'm pretty sure she has Chinese blood, but of course, you're going to deny it. Whatever. I don't have time for your lunacy. Go check in into an asylum.

Probably also European, considering the eye colour and face shape.

04-18-2015, 02:51 PM

Chinese crowd: first image:


Vietnamese crowd: first image:


Filipino crowd: first image:


04-18-2015, 02:57 PM
this woman is not an Australian Aborigine


04-18-2015, 10:56 PM
Goddamnit. Why did I click on this thread? I just was curious how an attractive aboriginal woman looked like (for I sadly never saw one).

04-21-2015, 05:16 AM

Chinese crowd: first image:


Vietnamese crowd: first image:


Filipino crowd: first image:


why post a picture of beijing northern chinese when we are talking about southern chinese

By that logic this is a good representation of anglo saxons in America....by totally ignoring the fact that it is a mixed crowd....but hey they all speak english...hence this picture is of anglo-saxons

chinese in SEA look closer to this chinese-thai girl then beijing people

southern chinese are not NEA looking no matter how much zhaoyun tries to push the issue....they very much look like tai-kadai

04-21-2015, 05:23 AM
Here is a real australian aboriginal beauty. After all is said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

04-21-2015, 05:24 AM
Here is a real australian aboriginal beauty. After all is said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

according to google this is aboriginal beauty

04-21-2015, 05:26 AM
Probably also European, considering the eye colour and face shape.

you are so full of yourself....many taiwanese natives have that face shape....eye colour is contact lenses

Austronesian singer A-lin

04-21-2015, 05:32 AM
why post a picture of beijing northern chinese when we are talking about southern chinese

By that logic this is a good representation of anglo saxons in America....by totally ignoring the fact that it is a mixed crowd....but hey they all speak english...hence this picture is of anglo-saxons

chinese in SEA look closer to this chinese-thai girl then beijing people

southern chinese are not NEA looking no matter how much zhaoyun tries to push the issue....they very much look like tai-kadai

Very few Southern Chinese look Thai. Some do, but they are a small minority. A LARGE minority (30-40%) look Northeast Asian (can pass for N. Chinese/Korean, etc). The rest look generally East Asian but do not fall into the other two categories.

You obviously have not been around much Chinese or Koreans. Very few Koreans look like your kpop stars. I look far more NE Asian looking than the VAST MAJORITY of Koreans I see every day.

04-21-2015, 05:33 AM
you are so full of yourself....many taiwanese natives have that face shape....eye colour is contact lenses

Austronesian singer A-lin

Most Taiwanese aborigines are mixed with Han Chinese blood, moron.

04-21-2015, 05:36 AM
Most Taiwanese aborigines are mixed with Han Chinese blood, moron.

LOL and most Han chinese in taiwan are mixed with austronesian aboriginal blood dumass

04-21-2015, 05:41 AM
LOL and most Han chinese in taiwan are mixed with austronesian aboriginal blood dumass

Perhaps, but the mixing is not even. The Han Chinese vastly outnumbered the Aborigines. It's like White Americans and the Native Americans, many White Americans have a small amount of Native blood, but the majority of Native Americans today have significant or even majority White admixture.

04-21-2015, 05:42 AM
Very few Southern Chinese look Thai. Some do, but they are a small minority. A LARGE minority (30-40%) look Northeast Asian (can pass for N. Chinese/Korean, etc). The rest look generally East Asian but do not fall into the other two categories.

You obviously have not been around much Chinese or Koreans. Very few Koreans look like your kpop stars. I look far more NE Asian looking than the VAST MAJORITY of Koreans I see every day.

LOL well kpop stars are not supposed to be what true NEA supposed to look like....they are picked out to become kpop stars because they stand out from the crowd....and some of them may have gotten plastic surgery

we are talking about chinese in SEA...who are made up mostly of southern chinese

why do they look like that??? I thought you said they look NEA??

04-21-2015, 05:42 AM
Perhaps, but the mixing is not even. The Han Chinese vastly outnumbered the Aborigines. It's like White Americans and the Native Americans, many White Americans have a small amount of Native blood, but the majority of Native Americans today have significant or even majority White admixture.

LOL A-lin considers herself Amis...meaning she is majority austronesian.....

04-21-2015, 05:50 AM
LOL well kpop stars are not supposed to be what true NEA supposed to look like....they are picked out to become kpop stars because they stand out from the crowd....and some of them may have gotten plastic surgery

we are talking about chinese in SEA...who are made up mostly of southern chinese

why do they look like that??? I thought you said they look NEA??

Those are not Han Chinese, they are obviously Thais.

A lot of the old communities in Southeast Asia are thoroughly mixed with the locals, and the locals also participate in the festivals.

Let's look at these crowd pictures from various REAL Southern Chinese cities, not your cherry picked photos of "Chinese" in SE Asia.

Hong Kong


Guiyang (Extremely Southern Chinese city with many Southern minorities)


Tainan (Southern city of Tainan, native Taiwanese, not much Northerners who came with KMT)


04-21-2015, 05:51 AM
LOL A-lin considers herself Amis...meaning she is majority austronesian.....

It doesn't fucking matter what she considers herself, many are mixed with Han Chinese blood. Many Native Americans can look part or mostly White but still identify as Native.

04-21-2015, 05:51 AM
What a thousand years of intermixing with chinese in thailand has resulted in

what one admixture of Native from Philippines with a true NEA(korean) looks like

04-21-2015, 05:52 AM
Those are not Han Chinese, they are obviously Thais.

A lot of the old communities in Southeast Asia are thoroughly mixed with the locals, and the locals also participate in the festivals.

Let's look at these crowd pictures from various REAL Southern Chinese cities, not your cherry picked photos of "Chinese" in SE Asia.

Hong Kong


Guiyang (Extremely Southern Chinese city with many Southern minorities)


Tainan (Southern city of Tainan, native Taiwanese, not much Northerners who came with KMT)


LOL 40% of thailand is of southern chnese descent

04-21-2015, 05:59 AM
What a thousand years of intermixing with chinese in thailand has resulted in

what one admixture of Native from Philippines with a true NEA(korean) looks like

What's your point? Filipinos are far less NEA than Southern Chinese are. You're a real lunatic. This is seriously what you base your self worth on? Do you look NEA? So basically, you are an inferior being, just admit it, because you look completely like a negrito admixed SEA.

You also cherry pick photos. Here are some Chinese admixed or pure Chinese SE Asians.

Chinese Thai



Chinese Indonesian


Chinese Filipino

Actually, this guy is pure Chinese.



04-21-2015, 06:01 AM
What's your point? Filipinos are far less NEA than Southern Chinese are. You're a real lunatic. This is seriously what you base your self worth on? Do you look NEA? So basically, you are an inferior being, just admit it, because you look completely like a negrito admixed SEA.

You also cherry pick photos. Here are some Chinese admixed or pure Chinese SE Asians.

Chinese Thai



Chinese Indonesian


Chinese Filipino

Actually, this guy is pure Chinese.



still looks southern compared to real NEA...try again
the chinese-filipino guy looks mexican....lol pure southern chinese indeed

chinese celebration in thailand



04-21-2015, 06:06 AM
still looks southern compared to real NEA...try again

chinese celebration in thailand


They look more NEA than many of the Koreans you worship.

Korean students




I don't even get why you worship Koreans so much, I have way more in common with them than you do, and I don't care about them. Yet you worship an ethnicity that looks down on yours and considers you inferior. You're a sick person.

04-21-2015, 06:09 AM

I do believe that such philipinos exist and that she is not out of the ordinary range for philipinos

04-21-2015, 06:09 AM
They look more NEA than many of the Koreans you worship.

Korean students




I don't even get why you worship Koreans so much, I have way more in common with them than you do, and I don't care about them. Yet you worship an ethnicity that looks down on yours and considers you inferior. You're a sick person.
LOL why is it that this Kopino who is 50% austronesian looks more like korean then the mexican looking 100% non-austronesian chinese in the Philippines you posted

04-21-2015, 06:13 AM
They look more NEA than many of the Koreans you worship.

Korean students




I don't even get why you worship Koreans so much, I have way more in common with them than you do, and I don't care about them. Yet you worship an ethnicity that looks down on yours and considers you inferior. You're a sick person.

The only one looking down here is you....tagging southern chinese who you deem as inferior as austronesians and claiming attractive vietnamese and filipinas as a product of chinese...LOL you are full of crap

04-21-2015, 06:15 AM
The only one looking down here is you....tagging southern chinese who you deem as inferior as austronesians and claiming attractive vietnamese and filipinas as a product of chinese...LOL you are full of crap

You want me to link up all the threads from various forums that showcase your obsession with trying to link your "Visayan race" with Northeast Asians, and your obsession with Koreans and Filipinos intermarrying with Koreans?

DO YOU????

04-21-2015, 06:19 AM
i think that philipinos are slightly darker with slightly bigger eyes then that on average, nothing wrong im sure there are lots of very stereotypical philipino looking hotties, but often people post only light skinned people if they want to prove how attractive they are, thats it.

04-21-2015, 06:21 AM
You want me to link up all the threads from various forums that showcase your obsession with trying to link your "Visayan race" with Northeast Asians, and your obsession with Koreans and Filipinos intermarrying with Koreans?

DO YOU????

LOL post proof that any visayan I posted are actually NEA other then your well they look NEA argument bullshit

04-21-2015, 06:22 AM
i still think that philipinos are mongoloid and that they are closer to northeast asians then what zhao thinks

04-21-2015, 06:24 AM
LOL post proof that any visayan I posted are actually NEA other then your well they look NEA argument bullshit

Look, EJAY/JAVEN/DNP/INGENIOUS, you're a well known obsessive headcase who

1. Worships Koreans despite the fact that they are racist to Filipinos
2. Is a very Malayid, fat, unattractive Filipino American who cannot speak their own language and has not been to their homeland
3. Trying to pass Visayans as Northeast Asians
4. Loves to bash and use cherry picked photos to bash Chinese, other Filipinos, various SE Asian groups

I know your story. Give it up. Check into an asylum.

04-21-2015, 06:25 AM
i still think that philipinos are mongoloid and that they are closer to northeast asians then what zhao thinks

I grew up around a ton of Filipinos. You are in Austria. I know far more than you.

04-21-2015, 06:25 AM
i still think that philipinos are mongoloid and that they are closer to northeast asians then what zhao thinks

In zhaoyun's mind a pure negroid and a mullato can make a caucasoid baby....in comparison to what he is actually arguing now

04-21-2015, 06:26 AM
I grew up around a ton of Filipinos. You are in Austria. I know far more than you.

true, but this dude who posted his picture and is philipino looks quiete close to a chinese though, he is only one person though his nickname is shazou

04-21-2015, 06:27 AM
I grew up around a ton of Filipinos. You are in Austria. I know far more than you.

I grew up with filipinos and I have been to many places in the Philippines...I know more then you...all you can pull from is the fil-ams you meet in cali and google

There are actually towns in Philippines where 80% of the town could look EA..

04-21-2015, 06:30 AM
I grew up with filipinos and I have been to many places in the Philippines...I know more then you...all you can pull from is the fil-ams you meet in cali and google

There are actually towns in Philippines where 80% of the town could look EA..

80% You are being ridiculous. I am around huge amounts of Filipinos ALL the time.

You have an agenda. That's the bottom line.

04-21-2015, 06:32 AM
true, but this dude who posted his picture and is philipino looks quiete close to a chinese though, he is only one person though his nickname is shazou

Shazou looks more East Asian than most Filipinos, I will admit that.

04-21-2015, 06:34 AM
80% You are being ridiculous. I am around huge amounts of Filipinos ALL the time.

You have an agenda. That's the bottom line.

WHo gives a fuck if you are around filipinos...if a european is around mostly african americans he can claim all americans must look like african americans

I met some filipinos in california who dont even look like anyone in my family....Philippines is a diverse country...so just because you met a filipino doesnt mean you met them all....Philippines isnt homogeneous....though people like you with an agenda like to try to paint filipinos as homogeneous

04-21-2015, 06:37 AM
WHo gives a fuck if you are around filipinos...if a european is around mostly african americans he can claim all americans must look like african americans

I met some filipinos in california who dont even look like anyone in my family....Philippines is a diverse country...so just because you met a filipino doesnt mean you met them all....Philippines isnt homogeneous....though people like you with an agenda like to try to paint filipinos as homogeneous

Keep living in that insane asylum of a mind of yours. Acting like Visaya is some far flung province of Korea, NIGGA PLEASE. LOL

04-21-2015, 06:40 AM
Keep living in that insane asylum of a mind of yours. Acting like Visaya is some far flung province of Korea, NIGGA PLEASE. LOL

you are such a retard...so you think a country made up of hundreds of ethnics...with hundred of languages and dialects within those languages...in islands that can sometimes be 100 miles apart are all going to look the same??? gtfo here

no wonder you are fucking insane and think bolo yueng looking southern chinese in SEA look NEA

Prisoner Of Ice
04-21-2015, 06:49 AM
Mysterious southern beauty.

04-21-2015, 07:02 AM
according to google this is aboriginal beauty

Lol, she looks indian.

04-21-2015, 07:04 AM
Lol, she looks indian.
Her father is timorese and her mother is australian aboriginal according to wiki

04-21-2015, 07:07 AM
LOL post proof that any visayan I posted are actually NEA other then your well they look NEA argument bullshit

Well, i live in a country where 800,000 Filipinos live, and my apartment building is full of Filipinos. I can easily tell the difference between Filipinos and Chinese people very easily. Once, me and my friends went to a restaurant in China town at Dubai, and there was a Filipino guy who worked there as a waiter. We asked him if he was a Filipino and he said yes.

04-21-2015, 07:10 AM
you are such a retard...so you think a country made up of hundreds of ethnics...with hundred of languages and dialects within those languages...in islands that can sometimes be 100 miles apart are all going to look the same??? gtfo here

no wonder you are fucking insane and think bolo yueng looking southern chinese in SEA look NEA

Granted, the Philippines is diverse. But there is nowhere in the Philippines where the natives have a large minority that can pass for NE Asian.

Even other Filipinos think you're insane, I've seen your threads, other Filipinos mock you.

04-21-2015, 07:14 AM
Granted, the Philippines is diverse. But there is nowhere in the Philippines where the natives have a large minority that can pass for NE Asian.

Even other Filipinos think you're insane, I've seen your threads, other Filipinos mock you.

And you know this how??? Did you leave your little barrio in California and travel all over the Philippines to prove this??? Or do you just go by what you see in google
LOL the only filipino who mocked me was this batshit insane retard who thought of himself as iberian

04-21-2015, 07:21 AM
And you know this how??? Did you leave your little barrio in California and travel all over the Philippines to prove this??? Or do you just go by what you see in google
LOL the only filipino who mocked me was this batshit insane retard who thought of himself as iberian

No, you're the laughingstock of all the Filipinos on the various boards. Your worldview has no credence. Otherwise it would be a proven fact. No one here supports your arguments either, they all clearly can differentiate between Southern Chinese and Filipinos, regardless of your attempts to make Filipinos look like Koreans and S. Chinese look like Filipinos.

04-21-2015, 07:26 AM
No, you're the laughingstock of all the Filipinos on the various boards. Your worldview has no credence. Otherwise it would be a proven fact. No one here supports your arguments either, they all clearly can differentiate between Southern Chinese and Filipinos, regardless of your attempts to make Filipinos look like Koreans and S. Chinese look like Filipinos.

Nope sorry...the only ones angry at me are you and other chinese netizens
LOL S chinese dont look like filipinos....they look tai-kadai

Some very small amount of filipinos could look korean...though that has nothing to do with tai looking southern chinese

04-21-2015, 07:28 AM
Nope sorry...the only ones angry at me are you and other chinese netizens
LOL S chinese dont look like filipinos....they look tai-kadai

Some very small amount of filipinos could look korean...though that has nothing to do with tai looking southern chinese

The majority of S. Chinese look East Asian. Keep dreaming.

Also, Koreans are NOWHERE as good looking as you think they are. I see a lot every day.

04-21-2015, 07:30 AM
The majority of S. Chinese look East Asian. Keep dreaming.

Also, Koreans are NOWHERE as good looking as you think they are. I see a lot every day.

LOL Im not saying they were all good looking....

majority of southern chinese look like tai-kadai...even your fellow chinese think so

04-21-2015, 07:37 AM
LOL Im not saying they were all good looking....

majority of southern chinese look like tai-kadai...even your fellow chinese think so

Do you know how big Southern China is? If you are referring to the provinces of Guangdong, Guizhou, then probably yes. Those people in the photo are far more East Asian looking than most SE Asians, and def more than most Filipinos.

04-21-2015, 07:50 AM
Do you know how big Southern China is? If you are referring to the provinces of Guangdong, Guizhou, then probably yes. Those people in the photo are far more East Asian looking than most SE Asians, and def more than most Filipinos.

LOL okay

NEA looking tai-kadai in southern china

black ass filipinos

04-21-2015, 07:54 AM
LOL okay

NEA looking tai-kadai in southern china

black ass filipinos

Tai Kadai is a small minority group in Southern China. They are not Han Chinese.

And those DEFINITELY do not look like typical Filipinos.

Again, cherry picked misleading photos. Your forte.

04-21-2015, 07:59 AM
Tai Kadai is a small minority group in Southern China. They are not Han Chinese.

And those DEFINITELY do not look like typical Filipinos.

Again, cherry picked misleading photos. Your forte.

LOL they are definitely seen as filipino by the filipino community in the Philippines....misleading my ass...you claimed there was no way filipinos could look more EA like then tai-kadai...and I just shot your statement down with proof

LOL Tai Kadai are basically what southern chinese are or were ...with more northern chinese admixture on those who dont look tai-kadai

04-21-2015, 08:01 AM
LOL they are definitely seen as filipino by the filipino community in the Philippines....misleading my ass...you claimed there was no way filipinos could look more EA like then tai-kadai...and I just shot your statement down with proof

LOL Tai Kadai are basically what southern chinese are or were ...with more northern chinese admixture on those who dont look tai-kadai

Do you know what the word "typical" means?

Yes, there are blonde Lebanese. But do you think a Blonde Lebanese is typical?

Who do you think has more blondes, Balkans or Lebanese? It's the same as comparing S. Chinese to Filipinos, as far as who is more NE Asian looking.

Your pictures do not represent the typical Filipino, but those individuals would easily blend into any Southern Chinese population as typical.

04-21-2015, 08:02 AM
Do you know what the word "typical" means?

Yes, there are blonde Lebanese. But do you think a Blonde Lebanese is typical?

Who do you think has more blondes, Balkans or Lebanese? It's the same as comparing S. Chinese to Filipinos, as far as who is more NE Asian looking.

Your pictures do not represent the typical Filipino, but those individuals would easily blend into any Southern Chinese population as typical.

there is no such thing as typical filipinos...what is typical for one ethnic group would not be typical for another

LOL nope

cuz they look nothing like this
tai-kadai type people

like I said the filipinas I just posted are quite rare in Philippines as some of them could even blend in NEA...so how the hell do yu think they are going to blend in with some tai-kadai looking people in guandong

04-21-2015, 08:03 AM
there is no such thing as typical filipinos...what is typical for one ethnic group would not be typical for another

Your cherry picked photos are not typical of Visayans. Not even close. Don't make me pull Visayan crowd photos.

04-21-2015, 08:10 AM
Your cherry picked photos are not typical of Visayans. Not even close. Don't make me pull Visayan crowd photos.

LOL so you are going to fight perceived cherry picking with cherry picking pics of crowds of your own??

here I will post the first cherry picked crowd of visayans first....

Then you post your cherry picked photo of how you perceive they should look like

04-21-2015, 08:15 AM
LOL so you are going to fight perceived cherry picking with cherry picking pics of crowds of your own??

I don't need to cherry pick. I can google Visaya crowd, and it's all mostly Malayid people, needless to say, and not unexpectedly, very few East Asian (not to mention NEA, which is almost zero) looking people in the photos.

Anyways, go back to your Korean worshiping. You're such a sad human being, worshiping an ethnicity that looks down on you, and hating your own features.

To me, Korea is just a province sized nation jutting out from China, a long time student of Chinese civilization, which almost became just another Northern Chinese province.

04-21-2015, 08:18 AM
I don't need to cherry pick. I can google Visaya crowd, and it's all mostly Malayid people, needless to say, and not unexpectedly, very few East Asian (not to mention NEA, which is almost zero) looking people in the photos.

Anyways, go back to your Korean worshiping. You're such a sad human being, worshiping an ethnicity that looks down on you, and hating your own features.

To me, Korea is just a province sized nation jutting out from China, a long time student of Chinese civilization, which almost became just another Northern Chinese province.

really because the first pic that pops up of visaya crowd in google is a link to a tinypic photo I posted of australoids in manila

LOL google really is reliable huh lol

LOL how can I hate on my own features if you dont even know what I look like

LOL and China is just a former province of Mongolia

04-21-2015, 08:29 AM
LOL so you are going to fight perceived cherry picking with cherry picking pics of crowds of your own??

here I will post the first cherry picked crowd of visayans first....

Then you post your cherry picked photo of how you perceive they should look like

Nice try. That's the best you can come up with? Aside from a few East Asian looking girls (who could very well be ethnic Chinese), the VAST MAJORITY are clearly Malayid and no one really looks NEA.

Some pics from Visayas

Cebu Crowd



Bacolod Crowd



Bohol Crowd


Iloilo Crowd


Again, I have nothing against Filipinos or their looks. But clearly there is no MAGIC ISLAND of NEA looking Filipinos (or at least a sizable percentage of the pop)

04-21-2015, 08:30 AM
Surprised I know google maps and geography aren't you? Yes, I figured out where Visayas was and the major cities. Got around your controlled Google image search. LOL

04-21-2015, 08:31 AM
really because the first pic that pops up of visaya crowd in google is a link to a tinypic photo I posted of australoids in manila

LOL google really is reliable huh lol

LOL how can I hate on my own features if you dont even know what I look like

LOL and China is just a former province of Mongolia

I do know what you look like. You look nothing like a Northeast Asian. You are obese and you have very Malayid features. I've seen your pics.

And as for China being a province of Mongolia, more the opposite, the majority of Mongolian land is a Chinese province called Inner Mongolia, and China has 3x more ethnic Mongols than Mongolia does.


04-21-2015, 08:36 AM
I know where you get your Filipino kpop images. LOL So sad. A forum member had forwarded this thread to me.

You're a legend as a pathetic piece of shit.


So this is your main source isn't it?


LOL Trying so desperately to find one or two NEA looking Filipinos who aren't obviously Chinese admixed. While this phenotype is quite standard or common throughout all the vastness of China. LOL

04-21-2015, 08:39 AM
BTW, those Kpop stars look like a bunch of faggots. I'd slice my wrists if I woke up one day looking like them. I'd much rather have the looks of a rugged Northern Chinese from the interior, which I do, than one of those KPOP faggots.

04-21-2015, 09:15 AM
I have a weird feeling that is a Filipino boy-girl.

04-21-2015, 04:29 PM
I do know what you look like. You look nothing like a Northeast Asian. You are obese and you have very Malayid features. I've seen your pics.

And as for China being a province of Mongolia, more the opposite, the majority of Mongolian land is a Chinese province called Inner Mongolia, and China has 3x more ethnic Mongols than Mongolia does.


Lol considering I have never posted my photos online that would be improbable. ...but then again you are a desperate as fuck

04-21-2015, 04:35 PM
I know where you get your Filipino kpop images. LOL So sad. A forum member had forwarded this thread to me.

You're a legend as a pathetic piece of shit.


So this is your main source isn't it?


LOL Trying so desperately to find one or two NEA looking Filipinos who aren't obviously Chinese admixed. While this phenotype is quite standard or common throughout all the vastness of China. LOL
Lol so your source is from a bi-polar weaboo....that guy had problems when I posted Korean looking Pinay though he had no qualms with comparing japs with filipinos....you fail with your weird ass sources

BTW my sources is from social media....not some kcon website

04-21-2015, 04:45 PM
Lol so your source is from a bi-polar weaboo....that guy had problems when I posted Korean looking Pinay though he had no qualms with comparing japs with filipinos....you fail with your weird ass sources

BTW my sources is from social media....not some kcon website

You Fail. The Visayas, where you keep claiming that this magical population of NEA Kpop faggot looking Filipinos live, is actually more or less phenotypically just like the rest of the Philippines.

04-21-2015, 04:46 PM
Lol considering I have never posted my photos online that would be improbable. ...but then again you are a desperate as fuck

You didn't. But someone tracked your account and found your photos. You're an obese Malayid. It's obvious why you won't post your photos, because you are the polar opposite of the phenos you obsess about.

04-21-2015, 04:51 PM
You didn't. But someone tracked your account and found your photos. You're an obese Malayid. It's obvious why you won't post your photos, because you are the polar opposite of the phenos you obsess about.Lol O really...Considering I Did Not Post Any Of My current Pics In Social media...Like I Said You Are A Desperate As fuck to try to get one over me...but fail once again

04-21-2015, 04:52 PM
You Fail. The Visayas, where you keep claiming that this magical population of NEA Kpop faggot looking Filipinos live, is actually more or less phenotypically just like the rest of the Philippines.

Lol another strawman from you...
Visayas have their own look between regions, it was even more evident as I flew from manila to my hometown, the change in phenotype was pretty evident....they do not look Kpop I never said that...though Visayans look a lot closer to Vietnamese phenotype ...with a minority who could pass for nea

And what would you know...you think bolo Yung types are NEA looking

04-21-2015, 05:03 PM
Lol another strawman from you...
Visayas have their own look between regions, it was even more evident as I flew from manila to my hometown, the change in phenotype was pretty evident....they do not look Kpop I never said that...though Visayans look a lot closer to Vietnamese phenotype ...with a minority who could pass for nea

And what would you know...you think bolo Yung types are NEA looking

Typical troll move. Bolo Yeung is NOT East Asian looking, let alone NEA, he is an outlier even in S. Chinese phenos.

I doubt they are as East Asian looking as the Vietnamese, post a crowd picture that proves it.

Even so, Viets are far less East Asian looking than even the Cantonese, who are the most S. Chinese.

And yes, you had your pics up and obviously you probably took them down when someone found your account. I know how you look like, that's why you get so pissed off at being called a fat fuck, which is what you are.

04-21-2015, 05:32 PM
Typical troll move. Bolo Yeung is NOT East Asian looking, let alone NEA, he is an outlier even in S. Chinese phenos.

I doubt they are as East Asian looking as the Vietnamese, post a crowd picture that proves it.

Even so, Viets are far less East Asian looking than even the Cantonese, who are the most S. Chinese.

And yes, you had your pics up and obviously you probably took them down when someone found your account. I know how you look like, that's why you get so pissed off at being called a fat fuck, which is what you are.

bolo Yung is typical southern chinese
Viets are far more neolithic then cantonese...there is a high amount of proganthinism in S chinese

Lol I haven't changed my picture profile for 6 years so how did I take something down that was never up....you really are pathetic...I am more amused with your desperation to try to claim you know what I look like then anything else

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/t31.0-8/11109300_745136775603843_5195215428027035521_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9


what zhaoyun tries passing off as NEA looking....in what world do these chinese hybrids pass for nea???

Peter Nirsch
04-21-2015, 07:00 PM
she looks like a Mon Khmer mixed with Manchu Tungus

a Aboriginal beauty would look like.....

........I didn't find any pictures, I'm sorry.

04-21-2015, 11:02 PM
bolo Yung is typical southern chinese
Viets are far more neolithic then cantonese...there is a high amount of proganthinism in S chinese

Lol I haven't changed my picture profile for 6 years so how did I take something down that was never up....you really are pathetic...I am more amused with your desperation to try to claim you know what I look like then anything else

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xat1/t31.0-8/11109300_745136775603843_5195215428027035521_o.jpg ?efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9


what zhaoyun tries passing off as NEA looking....in what world do these chinese hybrids pass for nea???

Keep living in your own delusions. Cantonese are more East Asian looking than Viets, that's a fact. Just examine the relevant genetic data on populations in Guangdong vs Vietnam, you fucking moron. Of course you won't, because none of what you believe are based in facts.

Also, stop using pictures of Thailand trying to pass them for S. Chinese, pathetic.

04-22-2015, 03:08 AM
Keep living in your own delusions. Cantonese are more East Asian looking than Viets, that's a fact. Just examine the relevant genetic data on populations in Guangdong vs Vietnam, you fucking moron. Of course you won't, because none of what you believe are based in facts.

Also, stop using pictures of Thailand trying to pass them for S. Chinese, pathetic.

Thais of Chinese descent (around 40% of the Thai population) (2012)
Theraphan Luangthomkun . "The Position of Non-Thai Languages in Thailand". Language, Nation and Development in Southeast Asia (ISEAS Publishing): 191

So that picture is evident of what chinese in SEA look like

04-22-2015, 03:13 AM
Keep living in your own delusions. Cantonese are more East Asian looking than Viets, that's a fact. Just examine the relevant genetic data on populations in Guangdong vs Vietnam, you fucking moron. Of course you won't, because none of what you believe are based in facts.

Also, stop using pictures of Thailand trying to pass them for S. Chinese, pathetic.

I fear that if he has daughters, he might prostitute them off to Korean men so that they get pregnant with bastard half-Korean children. And once those children are born, that way he'll be able to pass them off as 'pure Visayan'.

04-22-2015, 03:16 AM
I feel I missed something...

04-22-2015, 04:09 AM
Typical troll move. Bolo Yeung is NOT East Asian looking, let alone NEA, he is an outlier even in S. Chinese phenos.

I doubt they are as East Asian looking as the Vietnamese, post a crowd picture that proves it.

Even so, Viets are far less East Asian looking than even the Cantonese, who are the most S. Chinese.

And yes, you had your pics up and obviously you probably took them down when someone found your account. I know how you look like, that's why you get so pissed off at being called a fat fuck, which is what you are.

There is a lot of overlap between Cantonese and Vietnamese, I can't tell the difference between them except maybe language. There were several occasions when my relatives and their friends mistook Vietnamese as Cantonese and vice versa. Maybe these Vietnamese had more Chinese ancestry or whatever but I have no idea. It seems that to the average Chinese outside of deep southern China, there is not much physical difference between the two.

04-22-2015, 04:25 AM
There is a lot of overlap between Cantonese and Vietnamese, I can't tell the difference between them except maybe language. There were several occasions when my relatives and their friends mistook Vietnamese as Cantonese and vice versa. Maybe these Vietnamese had more Chinese ancestry or whatever but I have no idea. It seems that to the average Chinese outside of deep southern China, there is not much physical difference between the two.

lol no....there is more overlap between tai and cantonese....

btw that chinese ancestry in vietnamese bull crap is a myth....

on the other hand 40% of thai are chinese

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Thai+Redshirt+Protesters+Occupy+Shopping+District+ Wag3ioWTdYGl.jpg

04-22-2015, 04:27 AM
lol no....there is more overlap between tai and cantonese....

btw that chinese ancestry in vietnamese bull crap is a myth....

on the other hand 40% of thai are chinese

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Thai+Redshirt+Protesters+Occupy+Shopping+District+ Wag3ioWTdYGl.jpg

There is difference between being Chinese and having SOME Chinese ancestry.

Are Dominicans the same as Iberians?

Fucking misleading idiot.

04-22-2015, 04:30 AM
There is difference between being Chinese and having SOME Chinese ancestry.

Are Dominicans the same as Iberians?

Fucking misleading idiot.

you are the one claiming chinese ancestry makes one NEA looking....
So who is really the one misleading people here??

04-22-2015, 04:32 AM
You keep harping on Cantonese, while they are 6% of China's pop and still more East Asian than Vietnamese in general.

China is home to the NEA phenotype, there is pretty much a billion with that phenotype, and many times more than the surrounding countries all around. Yet you keep harping on. Yawn.

04-22-2015, 04:33 AM
you are the one claiming chinese ancestry makes one NEA looking....
So who is really the one misleading people here??

It makes the individual more likely to be NEA looking than the average. Of course, one could also be more Malayid looking and take on that side of the ancestry. I've seen half Chinese half Filipino siblings and the sister looks Chinese, while the brother looks Filipino. And yes, the mom who looks Filipino is dark and large eyed, while the Chinese dad is pale skinned and NEA looking.

04-22-2015, 04:35 AM
You keep harping on Cantonese, while they are 6% of China's pop and still more East Asian than Vietnamese in general.

China is home to the NEA phenotype, there is pretty much a billion with that phenotype, and many times more than the surrounding countries all around. Yet you keep harping on. Yawn.

lol no....there is more overlap between tai and cantonese....

btw that chinese ancestry in vietnamese bull crap is a myth....

on the other hand 40% of thai are chinese

http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Thai+Redshirt+Protesters+Occupy+Shopping+District+ Wag3ioWTdYGl.jpg

Chinese ancestry in Vietnamese is not a myth. Vietnamese are genetically in between Tai and Cantonese on most autosomal PCA charts. So of course they would have overlaps with each other. Meanwhile the distance between Chinese from Beijing (CHB) and northern Vietnamese is almost the same distance between CHB and Japanese, with Koreans in between.

04-22-2015, 04:38 AM
It makes the individual more likely to be NEA looking than the average. Of course, one could also be more Malayid looking and take on that side of the ancestry. I've seen half Chinese half Filipino siblings and the sister looks Chinese, while the brother looks Filipino. And yes, the mom who looks Filipino is dark and large eyed, while the Chinese dad is pale skinned and NEA looking.

LOL sorry I have yet to see a half chinese person look malay bull crap you claim

I have seen a half japanese-half filipino or a half korean-half filipino who either look full on NEA or In between NEA and SEA.

Though chinese-thai hybrids tend to look like 40% of thailand

04-22-2015, 04:41 AM
LOL sorry I have yet to see a half chinese person look malay bull crap you claim

I have seen a half japanese-half filipino or a half korean-half filipino who either look full on NEA or In between NEA and SEA.

Though chinese-thai hybrids tend to look like 40% of thailand

Almost all NEA looking Filipinos are Chinese admixed. Whenever I see a rare Filipino who looks NEA, I eventually find out that they are part or full Chinese.

04-22-2015, 04:42 AM
Chinese ancestry in Vietnamese is not a myth. Vietnamese are genetically in between Tai and Cantonese on most autosomal PCA charts. So of course they would have overlaps with each other. Meanwhile the distance between Chinese from Beijing (CHB) and northern Vietnamese is almost the same distance between CHB and Japanese, with Koreans in between.

Kinh phenotype is unique from chinese no matter how chinese try taking credit for why vietnamese look the way they do

Vietnamese tend to have double eyelids, smaller faces, and fair skin

04-22-2015, 04:43 AM
Almost all NEA looking Filipinos are Chinese admixed. Whenever I see a rare Filipino who looks NEA, I eventually find out that they are part or full Chinese.

LOL you are no better then the dumass afrocentrists who claim all non-negroid people are just albinos.....all talk and no proof

04-22-2015, 04:44 AM
Kinh phenotype is unique from chinese no matter how chinese try taking credit for why vietnamese look the way they do

Vietnamese tend to have double eyelids, smaller faces, and fair skin

Nigga please. Do you know how common this face is amongst Cantonese? Show me something new, dumbass.

04-22-2015, 04:44 AM
Almost all NEA looking Filipinos are Chinese admixed. Whenever I see a rare Filipino who looks NEA, I eventually find out that they are part or full Chinese.

LOL and all Korean tourists in Philippines are southern chinese ethnics living in the Philippines right...LOL

04-22-2015, 04:45 AM
LOL you are no better then the dumass afrocentrists who claim all non-negroid people are just albinos.....all talk and no proof

Do you have the genetic breakdown of these people? None of your viewpoints are based on facts. Claiming S. Chinese look like Filipinos, and Filipinos pass for S. Chinese. Delusional.

04-22-2015, 04:46 AM
LOL and all Korean tourists in Philippines are southern chinese ethnics living in the Philippines right...LOL

Korean tourists have been going to the Philippines for what? 10 years? They havent been there long enough to have a significant impact on the genetics of the country.

The few NEA looking Filipinos most likely have significant chinese admixture.

04-22-2015, 04:48 AM
Korean tourists have been going to the Philippines for what? 10 years? They havent been there long enough to have a significant impact on the genetics of the country.

The few NEA looking Filipinos most likely have significant chinese admixture.

He also forgets that there are a lot of Koreans who look southern Chinese. In fact, the typical k-pop look is more commonly found in southern Chinese.

04-22-2015, 04:48 AM
Nigga please. Do you know how common this face is amongst Cantonese? Show me something new, dumbass.

lol im not talking about the HK people who get plastic surgery

04-22-2015, 04:48 AM
He also forgets that there are a lot of Koreans who look southern Chinese. In fact, the typical k-pop look is more commonly found in southern Chinese.

That's the biggest irony. Because Kpop stars usually have large eyes, while most Koreans have tiny eyes.

04-22-2015, 04:50 AM
lol im not talking about the HK people who get plastic surgery

Not anywhere like the Koreans you worship, moron. You've never even been to Hong Kong, I have.

04-22-2015, 04:51 AM
You bore me. You're obsessed with a phenotype that is a dime a dozen amongst Chinese. Yet you keep trying to prove that Chinese people don't have it. You might as well prove Swedes are not blonde, or Jews don't have large noses. Get a straitjacket.

04-22-2015, 04:55 AM
Do you have the genetic breakdown of these people? None of your viewpoints are based on facts. Claiming S. Chinese look like Filipinos, and Filipinos pass for S. Chinese. Delusional.

LOL S chinese look Tai not filipino....Tai are basically what thai look like
S chinese basically look like mainland SEA like tai

considering we see what tai-chinese hybrid look nothing like NEA..how are you going to claim NEA features of the few filipinos who come from areas of the Philippines with no chinese presence as result of southern chinese...LOL you are the one delusional

Like vietnamese....these features are native to a small portion of filipinos....nothing to do with bolo yueng genes like thailand

Its like a nigerian trying to claim beyonce looks the way she does from non-existant nigerian admixture

04-22-2015, 04:57 AM
You bore me. You're obsessed with a phenotype that is a dime a dozen amongst Chinese. Yet you keep trying to prove that Chinese people don't have it. You might as well prove Swedes are not blonde, or Jews don't have large noses. Get a straitjacket.

LOL zhaoyun cant tell the difference



04-22-2015, 04:57 AM
LOL S chinese look Tai not filipino....Tai are basically what thai look like
S chinese basically look like mainland SEA like tai

considering we see what tai-chinese hybrid look nothing like NEA..how are you going to claim NEA features of the few filipinos who come from areas of the Philippines with no chinese presence as result of southern chinese...LOL you are the one delusional

Like vietnamese....these features are native to a small portion of filipinos....nothing to do with bolo yueng genes like thailand

Its like a nigerian trying to claim beyonce looks the way she does from non-existant nigerian admixture

Keep believing what you want to believe. Chinese are Malays. Filipinos are Koreans. You're the only person on earth who holds this worldview.

Fact is, if we compare countries with individuals who have NEA features.

China - Probably around 900 Million.
Japan - 100 Million
Korea - 60 Million
Mongolia 2 Million
Vietnamese - 10 Million
Pure Filipinos - 5 individuals

Yeah, keep harping about that much coveted NEA pheno. China is the homeland of it. Fuck off.

04-22-2015, 05:00 AM
Southern Chinese to me look like other Chinese just smaller on average, they don't look Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians are darker and have different features despite being Mongoloid as well, some though have Indian or Arab and even Persian ancestry if they are Muslims. For us in Arabia it's easy to tell who is Chinese and Filipino/Indonesian/Malay, it hard to make difference though Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, the latter are easy due to having beards. Honestly I think even Kazakhs look more similar to Chinese than Filipinos do.

04-22-2015, 05:00 AM
Keep believing what you want to believe. Chinese are Malays. Filipinos are Koreans. You're the only person on earth who holds this worldview.

Fact is, if we compare countries with individuals who have NEA features.

China - Probably around 900 Million.
Japan - 100 Million
Korea - 60 Million
Mongolia 2 Million
Vietnamese - 10 Million
Pure Filipinos - 5 individuals

Yeah, keep harping about that much coveted NEA pheno. China is the homeland of it. Fuck off.

LOL filipinos are filipino....chinese descent people are 40% of thai...koreans are not bolo yueng

04-22-2015, 05:01 AM
Southern Chinese to me look like other Chinese just smaller on average, they don't look Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians are darker and have different features despite being Mongoloid as well, some though have Indian or Arab and even Persian ancestry if they are Muslims. For us in Arabia it's easy to tell who is Chinese and Filipino/Indonesian/Malay, it hard to make difference though Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, the latter are easy due to having beards. Honestly I think even Kazakhs look more similar to Chinese than Filipinos do.

You have a very small sample of Philippines as a whole

04-22-2015, 05:01 AM
That's the biggest irony. Because Kpop stars usually have large eyes, while most Koreans have tiny eyes.

Now you know why I get confused sometimes being called 'Korean', while some others apparently get excited over the thought of looking like a k-pop or k-drama star.

04-22-2015, 05:02 AM
LOL filipinos are filipino....chinese descent people are 40% of thai...koreans are not bolo yueng

Look at the figures again. NEA phenos in China outnumber all the other countries probably 8 to 1.

Dime a dozen for us. While for you, finding a NEA pure blood Filipino is like finding a diamond.

Dime a dozen for me and my family. LOL

04-22-2015, 05:03 AM
Southern Chinese to me look like other Chinese just smaller on average, they don't look Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians are darker and have different features despite being Mongoloid as well, some though have Indian or Arab and even Persian ancestry if they are Muslims. For us in Arabia it's easy to tell who is Chinese and Filipino/Indonesian/Malay, it hard to make difference though Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, the latter are easy due to having beards. Honestly I think even Kazakhs look more similar to Chinese than Filipinos do.

THIS. Pretty much what everyone on this board has been telling this dunce. :picard2: Someone cant face reality.

04-22-2015, 05:04 AM
Look at the figures again. NEA phenos in China outnumber all the other countries probably 8 to 1.

Dime a dozen for us. While for you, finding a NEA pure blood Filipino is like finding a diamond.

Dime a dozen for me and my family. LOL

LOL its not hard to find vietnamese or EA looking filipino....though NEA is hard to find....it sure as hell isnt among the chinese-filipino who look like more like tai then NEA

04-22-2015, 05:05 AM
Just to put some things to rest. I've always found people in Northern China to not be far from Koreans as far as appearance goes... And people from the southern part are close to how the Vietnamese look. But... People from the Philippines? No way! Not on average, at least. The girl in the picture is easily half Chinese. If not more...

From Korea to Vietnam, though, there is a very EAST ASIAN look, with Vietnamese being more southern, and Koreans being more northern (and Chinese in the north as well).

What's the big deal now? We all know this, right?!

04-22-2015, 05:05 AM
LOL its not hard to find vietnamese or EA looking filipino....though NEA is hard to find....it sure as hell isnt among the chinese-filipino who look like more like tai then NEA

Yeah keep telling yourself that. Keep searching for that one diamond amongst your people.

For us Chinese, it's called the standard.

04-22-2015, 05:06 AM
Just to put some things to rest. I've always found people in Northern China to not be far from Koreans as far as appearance goes... And people from the southern part are close to how the Vietnamese look. But... People from the Philippines? No way! Not on average, at least. The girl in the picture is easily half Chinese. If not more...

Again, more of the reality. But this guy can't face it.

04-22-2015, 05:06 AM
Now you know why I get confused sometimes being called 'Korean', while some others apparently get excited over the thought of looking like a k-pop or k-drama star.

LOL jealous ass tai chinese

half filipina native-half korean who could pass for what is considered the kpop look

04-22-2015, 05:07 AM
Now you know why I get confused sometimes being called 'Korean', while some others apparently get excited over the thought of looking like a k-pop or k-drama star.

Though I do have small eyes bc N. Chinese ancestry. But I do hate being called Korean, not because I dislike Koreans, but because I'm proud of my roots.

04-22-2015, 05:08 AM
LOL jealous ass tai chinese

half filipina native-half korean who could pass for what is considered the kpop look

How long did you have to search to find that one pic?

If she was in China, she'd be any other girl on the street. No one would even turn heads. :picard1:

04-22-2015, 05:08 AM
Yeah keep telling yourself that. Keep searching for that one diamond amongst your people.

For us Chinese, it's called the standard.

LOL standard for Inner Mongolia and Manchuria...though not for southern chinese

04-22-2015, 05:09 AM
How long did you have to search to find that one pic?

If she was in China, she'd be any other girl on the street. No one would even turn heads. :picard1:

LOL this is what you realy find on the streets of china

04-22-2015, 05:09 AM
Though I do have small eyes bc N. Chinese ancestry. But I do hate being called Korean, not because I dislike Koreans, but because I'm proud of my roots.

You could pass as Korean, obviously, but you look more robust. I would guess you are north Chinese, HANDS DOWN, tbh! The robust, smaller eyed, lighter skinned look really makes you look like you are North Chinese. I didn't know you were, bu I always thought you had the look.

I have a lot of Chinese AND Korean friends. Most Koreans guys I know are not as robust.

04-22-2015, 05:10 AM
LOL standard for Inner Mongolia and Manchuria...though not for southern chinese

No, she'd be pretty common even in Taiwan or Hunan. Pretty much throughout China. In Hong Kong, she'd be considered more NEA on average, but still common.

04-22-2015, 05:14 AM
Again, more of the reality. But this guy can't face it.

LOL you rely on the comments of people who's knowledge outside of european anthropology is google images

04-22-2015, 05:16 AM
Southern Chinese to me look like other Chinese just smaller on average, they don't look Southeast Asians. Southeast Asians are darker and have different features despite being Mongoloid as well, some though have Indian or Arab and even Persian ancestry if they are Muslims. For us in Arabia it's easy to tell who is Chinese and Filipino/Indonesian/Malay, it hard to make difference though Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese, the latter are easy due to having beards. Honestly I think even Kazakhs look more similar to Chinese than Filipinos do.

If anything, S Chinese look somewhere between other Chinese and Vietnamese, which is already not that from from other Chinese... sooo.... what's the big deal? LOL Filipino people have a look that is so foreign and unique to Chinese. Genetics would even back this up. Vietnamese and Chinese (from the north and south) are EAST ASIANS.

God help me this guy has to be nuts on here. LOL!

I met a khazak girl who looked more Chinese than many Filipina women too... and she had light hair! LOL! She looked like a Chinese woman with dyed hair. Small eyes, slightly robust features, super east asian looking.

04-22-2015, 05:16 AM
LOL you rely on the comments of people who's knowledge outside of european anthropology is google images

I grew up around a lot of Filipinos. I know what Filipinos look like. They do not look like the pics you put up. You're the only one who shares your worldview, that says enough.

04-22-2015, 05:16 AM
No, she'd be pretty common even in Taiwan or Hunan. Pretty much throughout China. In Hong Kong, she'd be considered more NEA on average, but still common.

Hunan..using your method of google images

nope....lol average my ass

04-22-2015, 05:17 AM
LOL you rely on the comments of people who's knowledge outside of european anthropology is google images

I have a lot of Korean friends and some Chinese too... I don't have to rely on google images. I can just look at a friend of mine...

04-22-2015, 05:20 AM
I only met one Chinese guy in my life who looked REMOTELY like this and he was also part Malay... So... NICE TRY! Good luck finding Chinese with this look:


04-22-2015, 05:20 AM
I grew up around a lot of Filipinos. I know what Filipinos look like. They do not look like the pics you put up. You're the only one who shares your worldview, that says enough.

LOL who cares....you know a segmented population of filipinos ...it doesnt mean jack shit in overall Philippine dichotomy
That shit only works in Philippines is homogenous...which it isnt

If a brazilian hangs around and knows american tourists(most american tourists in brazil are african american)
Can he claim he knows what all americans look like based on his experience with african american tourists

04-22-2015, 05:21 AM
I only met one Chinese guy in my life who looked REMOTELY like this and he was also part Malay... So... NICE TRY! Good luck finding Chinese with this look:


LOL because Manny pacquiao is the only phenotype to be found in Philippines....nice try

04-22-2015, 05:22 AM
Hunan..using your method of google images

nope....lol average my ass

Crowd of Koreans. How many look like Kpop stars?


04-22-2015, 05:23 AM
I have a lot of Korean friends and some Chinese too... I don't have to rely on google images. I can just look at a friend of mine...

LOL koreans are more homogeneous in phenotype then a multi-racial multi-ethnic country in SEAsia
LOL the only german guy I know is a black dude born in germany....so based on your conclusion that black guy is what germans look like

04-22-2015, 05:24 AM
LOL who cares....you know a segmented population of filipinos ...it doesnt mean jack shit in overall Philippine dichotomy
That shit only works in Philippines is homogenous...which it isnt

If a brazilian hangs around and knows american tourists(most american tourists in brazil are african american)
Can he claim he knows what all americans look like based on his experience with african american tourists

Why? Because if I was around "Visayans", I'd be in a sea of Kpop stars?

Want me to pull up more Visayan crowd pics?

04-22-2015, 05:26 AM
Why? Because if I was around "Visayans", I'd be in a sea of Kpop stars?

Want me to pull up more Visayan crowd pics?

LOL why do you always make a strawman of my arguments

No but if you were surrounded by visayans you would likely see more fairer skinned and more neolothic mongoloid like features

04-22-2015, 05:26 AM
Filipino, Cambodian, Indonesian and Malaysian all look very similar to me. Thai and Vietnamese people look between those, and southern Chinese.

04-22-2015, 05:26 AM
LOL why do you always make a strawman of my arguments

No but if you were surrounded by visayans you would likely see more fairer skinned and more neolothic mongoloid like features

Like what? Instead of the typical 1 in 500 Filipinos, it'd be 1 in 300?

04-22-2015, 05:30 AM
I'm gonna use some famous examples...









04-22-2015, 05:30 AM
Like what? Instead of the typical 1 in 500 Filipinos, it'd be 1 in 300?


1 in 5.....considering your only knowledge is google images I dont expect much from you

04-22-2015, 05:31 AM

1 in 5.....considering your only knowledge is google images I dont expect much from you

Yeah, from your database of cherry picked photos. LOL

None of your assertions fit what all others have observed in reality. LOL

04-22-2015, 05:32 AM
Filipino, Cambodian, Indonesian and Malaysian all look very similar to me. Thai and Vietnamese people look between those, and southern Chinese.

LOL thai definitely dont look like vietnamese people...
http://www3.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Thai+Redshirt+Protesters+Occupy+Shopping+District+ Wag3ioWTdYGl.jpg

04-22-2015, 05:34 AM
Yeah, from your databased of cherry picked photos. LOL

None of your assertions fit what all others have observed in reality. LOL

LOL I have more observations of reality of more filipinos then the people in this forum

while the people who put their 2 cents in have a very limited knowledge of the overall dichotomy of the Philippines
Or think the Philippines is a country just below india

LOL alot of the people here couldnt even tell that Australoid and Austronesian arent even the same thing

04-22-2015, 05:39 AM
LOL I have more observations of reality of more filipinos then the people in this forum

while the people who put their 2 cents in have a very limited knowledge of the overall dichotomy of the Philippines
Or think the Philippines is a country just below india

LOL alot of the people here couldnt even tell that Australoid and Austronesian arent even the same thing

I can tell you're an Austronesian fat fuck with titties bigger than a top rate pornstar.

Man, go suck a dick, you're wasting my time.

04-22-2015, 05:41 AM
I can tell you're an Austronesian fat fuck with titties bigger than a top rate pornstar.

Man, go suck a dick, you're wasting my time.

lol in other words you ran out of ammunition to troll with

04-22-2015, 05:44 AM
lol in other words you ran out of ammunition to troll with

Cuz you're wanking off all day talking about a NEA phenotype that occurs with 1 in 200 of your people.

While my homeland has 8X more of this pheno than all other countries COMBINED.

So this argument is pointless.

04-22-2015, 05:52 AM
Cuz you're wanking off all day talking about a NEA phenotype that occurs with 1 in 200 of your people.

While my homeland has 8X more of this pheno than all other countries COMBINED.

So this argument is pointless.

lol why do you bring up mongolian and northern chinese ethnics when we are talking about southern chinese ethnics in SEA???

how does a mongolian who is a citizen of china equate to why thai-chinese are supposed to look NEA??

04-22-2015, 05:54 AM
lol why do you bring up mongolian and northern chinese ethnics when we are talking about southern chinese ethnics in SEA???

how does a mongolian who is a citizen of china equate to why thai-chinese are supposed to look NEA??

This is a pointless argument because you post misleading photos and you deny all reality.

04-23-2015, 08:33 PM
This is a pointless argument because you post misleading photos and you deny all reality.

What's next, claiming that Filipinos originated in Northern China because modern Cantonese resemble neolithic Chinese the most in terms of cranio-facial measurements? He's just embarrassing himself here.

04-26-2015, 03:59 AM
What's next, claiming that Filipinos originated in Northern China because modern Cantonese resemble neolithic Chinese the most in terms of cranio-facial measurements? He's just embarrassing himself here.

LOL nope.....but you and zhaoyun on the other hand love claiming these people look NEA

40% of the people in this picture are of southern chinese descent according to statistics....

04-26-2015, 04:20 AM
LOL nope.....but you and zhaoyun on the other hand love claiming these people look NEA

40% of the people in this picture are of southern chinese descent according to statistics....

40% of Thailand has Chinese admixture, that's not the same as being Chinese.

For example, almost all Dominicans have Iberian admixture, does that mean Dominicans look Iberian?

Plus, you're less East Asian than a Dominican would be European.

04-26-2015, 04:26 AM
40% of Thailand has Chinese admixture, that's not the same as being Chinese.

For example, almost all Dominicans have Iberian admixture, does that mean Dominicans look Iberian?

Plus, you're less East Asian than a Dominican would be European.

There is no difference in looks between those with chinese admixture and regular thai chinese
they are all considered chinese and do not stand out amongst other thai

04-26-2015, 04:27 AM
There is no difference in looks between those with chinese admixture and regular thai chinese
they are all considered chinese and do not stand out amongst other thai

There is a difference, but go ahead and troll.

Fact is, you will never be NEA no matter how much you worship us.

04-26-2015, 04:29 AM
There is a difference, but go ahead and troll.

Fact is, you will never be NEA no matter how much you worship us.

LOL how cute....you think bolo yuengs look like the japanese you worship

04-26-2015, 04:35 AM
40% of Thailand has Chinese admixture, that's not the same as being Chinese.

For example, almost all Dominicans have Iberian admixture, does that mean Dominicans look Iberian?

Plus, you're less East Asian than a Dominican would be European.

Doesn't he get tired of posting the same shit over and over again? Maybe he should get plastic surgery and skin whitening cream transformed a dark, swarthy obese Thai boy into a ladyboy.



Which is why my predictions are not far from the truth. One of these days if he has a biological daughter he will prostitute her out to Korean men in hopes of having a half-Korean child that he will pass as 100% Visayan.

04-26-2015, 04:36 AM
Doesn't he get tired of posting the same shit over and over again? Maybe he should get plastic surgery and skin whitening cream transformed a dark, swarthy obese Thai boy into a ladyboy.



Which is why my predictions are not far from the truth. One of these days if he has a biological daughter he will prostitute her out to Korean men in hopes of having a half-Korean child that he will pass as 100% Visayan.

thai boy looks like typical chinese-thai...so he went from looking like a chinese-thai boy to a chinese-thai girl trying to look white look

04-26-2015, 04:38 AM
thai boy looks like typical chinese-thai...so he went from looking like a chinese-thai boy to a chinese-thai girl trying to look white look

Actually, the fat Thai boy looks EXACTLY like you! LOL Seriously, I thought Goujian had finally violated forum rules and posted your pics! LOL

Anyways, again, thanks for worshiping us NE Asians.

04-26-2015, 04:39 AM
LOL how cute....you think bolo yuengs look like the japanese you worship

More trolling.

You worship Koreans. I don't care for either the Koreans or Japanese.

I'm CHINESE. Get that through your fucking head. We're the Alpha dogs in Asia.

04-26-2015, 04:40 AM
Actually, the fat Thai boy looks EXACTLY like you! LOL Seriously, I thought Goujian had finally violated forum rules and posted your pics! LOL

Anyways, again, thanks for worshiping us NE Asians.

LOL at zhaoyun living vicariously off korean accomplishments....

04-26-2015, 04:41 AM
LOL at zhaoyun living vicariously off korean accomplishments....

Korean accomplishments are puny compared to Chinese civilization. Stop being a clown.

But thanks again for worshiping us NE Asians.

04-26-2015, 04:41 AM
More trolling.

You worship Koreans. I don't care for either the Koreans or Japanese.

I'm CHINESE. Get that through your fucking head. We're the Alpha dogs in Asia.

LOL sure you are....your posts concerning your weabooness on other threads tell otherwise

you get off by having apricity members tell you that you are japanese

04-26-2015, 04:43 AM
LOL sure you are....your posts concerning your weabooness on other threads tell otherwise

you get off by having apricity members tell you that you are japanese

LOL Quote me once where I act as a weabo or I'm flattered that others think I look Japanese.

In actuality, its the opposite. I hate Anime and Weabos, and whenever someone has said I looked Japanese, I immediately tell them I don't.

You'd cum in your pants if anybody said you looked Korean, but that'd never happen as you look Negrito admixed.

04-26-2015, 04:50 AM
LOL Quote me once where I act as a weabo or I'm flattered that others think I look Japanese.

In actuality, its the opposite. I hate Anime and Weabos, and whenever someone has said I looked Japanese, I immediately tell them I don't.

You'd cum in your pants if anybody said you looked Korean, but that'd never happen as you look Negrito admixed.

LOL sure you do..some of your posts betray your words...either that or you are bi-polar

LOL I dont really care about korea as much as you say....I respect and find them to be a good role model for Philippines

I merely used kopinos as an example of what a true NEA admix would look like....not the thai-chinese you try to pass off as NEA looking

04-26-2015, 04:56 AM
LOL sure you do..some of your posts betray your words...either that or you are bi-polar

LOL I dont really care about korea as much as you say....I respect and find them to be a good role model for Philippines

I merely used kopinos as an example of what a true NEA admix would look like....not the thai-chinese you try to pass off as NEA looking

QUOTE ME ONCE where I worship weabos or Japan. That's so uncharacteristic of me, I'm sure you won't find it.

I've never met someone so intent on sucking Korean cock. Funny thing is, they think you are subhuman, but if you want to have no self respect, that's fine.

Again. thanks for worshiping US, Northeast Asians.

04-26-2015, 05:05 AM
QUOTE ME ONCE where I worship weabos or Japan. That's so uncharacteristic of me, I'm sure you won't find it.

I've never met someone so intent on sucking Korean cock. Funny thing is, they think you are subhuman, but if you want to have no self respect, that's fine.

Again. thanks for worshiping US, Northeast Asians.

He's a Korean nationalist apologist. Almost like someone with Stockholm syndrome intent on sucking not just any one Korean cock. So he naturally assumes anyone who argues against him is Japanese or a Japanese apologist. Problem is, he has never been to Korea nor met any Koreans. The closest Chinese analogue to Koreans are generally from northeastern China and going further south, people from northern-central Jiangsu. Northeasterners and people from central Jiangsu can be just as racist as Koreans, if not more.

04-26-2015, 05:10 AM
He's a Korean nationalist apologist. Almost like someone with Stockholm syndrome intent on sucking not just any one Korean cock. So he naturally assumes anyone who argues against him is Japanese or a Japanese apologist. Problem is, he has never been to Korea nor met any Koreans. The closest Chinese analogue to Koreans are generally from northeastern China and going further south, people from northern-central Jiangsu. Northeasterners and people from central Jiangsu can be just as racist as Koreans, if not more.

He clearly is making up shit if he thinks I'm a Japan worshiper. LOL If anything, I hate Japanese pop culture, and all my comments reflect that.

He obviously has not met Koreans IRL because if he did at length, he'd realize they see him as some kind of subhuman monkey. Well, I've seen his pics and he looks like a negrito gorilla, so that's not far off.

04-26-2015, 05:22 AM
javen is baaaaack

04-27-2015, 06:39 AM
He clearly is making up shit if he thinks I'm a Japan worshiper. LOL If anything, I hate Japanese pop culture, and all my comments reflect that.

He obviously has not met Koreans IRL because if he did at length, he'd realize they see him as some kind of subhuman monkey. Well, I've seen his pics and he looks like a negrito gorilla, so that's not far off.

Why some people worship Koreans and Japanese is literally confusing. Koreans are racist and judge other people based on their looks. While Japanese are insular in terms of culture and wealth.

I usually classify East Asians into two-three-four groups, with some overlaps:

Group #1 discriminate based on ethnicity or implied ethnicity. They are just racist or have racialist tendencies, but it can overlap with cultural chauvinism. Koreans are a non-Chinese example of #1. Northerners and people from central Jiangsu are a Chinese example of #1.

Group #2 discriminate based on wealth or overall prestige. They generally look down on people because they're poor or aren't middle-upper class. Japanese are a non-Chinese example of #2. Chinese from the southernmost part of Jiangsu and northern/northeastern part of Zhejiang (and Shanghai) are examples of #2. Because the region was highly urbanized compared to most of China at the time, many of them do have this negative mentality against people from rural areas or poor people. But again, it can also correlate and overlap with cultural chauvinism.

Group #3 doesn't really discriminate against anyone at all. I can't figure out a non-Chinese example, but generally inland southern Chinese are an example. Maybe Vietnamese, but northern Vietnamese are cultural chauvinists and racists to a degree.

Group #4 are just cultural chauvinists. Cantonese are a prime example of #4 because while they're not racist against other Asians, but they also don't really discriminate against people because they're poor or low-class. But many of them do look down on other Chinese because many of them are raised to think they're the only 'real Chinese' and that other Chinese are not really Chinese like they are. They are just culturally chauvinistic and very overconfident in their Chinese-ness.

Depending on the situation, East Asians discriminate based on spoken language or culture because Asia in general is more or less diverse. And any East Asian visiting another part of East Asia is usually expected to follow the local culture. So a Chinese visiting some less urbanized part of Korea is expected to speak and act Korean. Same with Japan, they are expected to act like a Japanese. While some east Asian groups belong to neither of the groups are I would say in a category of their own or probably more or less tolerant of certain aspects. Keep in mind that implied ethnicity and implied wealth/prestige can overlap.