View Full Version : Classify Very Beautiful Woman

04-18-2015, 11:08 PM
Classify this woman, and guess her ethnicity.
For me shes one of the most beautiful women ive seen in my life.

Height : 174cm
Eyes : Honey coloured
Hair colour : Blonde


04-18-2015, 11:12 PM

04-18-2015, 11:15 PM
She's Jewish, and married.


Hebrew name, too. But Ashkenazi.

04-18-2015, 11:16 PM
She's Jewish.

How did you know ?

04-18-2015, 11:17 PM
Ah yes that was my fault leaving the surname in the link :lol:

04-18-2015, 11:18 PM
Which countries would she pass though ? Classification please ?

04-18-2015, 11:18 PM
Ah yes that was my fault leaving the surname in the link :lol:

Bingo. Bar. Jewish. Like the great Bar Kokhba, who thought he was the Messiah and cost us Judaea for 1,800 years, but for some reason is viewed as great.

04-18-2015, 11:21 PM

04-18-2015, 11:45 PM
not my type I will just pass... as for classification I would classify her as neanderhaloid + nordid + baltid..

04-19-2015, 12:01 AM
Thanks, anyone else ??

04-19-2015, 01:51 AM
That eye color is called Hazel.

04-19-2015, 07:04 AM
To the Swede it is similar

04-19-2015, 09:48 AM
Ok. Does she fit better in Eastern Europe or Western Europe?

04-19-2015, 02:52 PM

04-19-2015, 03:07 PM
North pontid probable minor gorid stain, it is such as if you had taken Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson together you put them in a blender, throw also some easterner vibe and she comes up, very beautiful indeed.

04-19-2015, 03:13 PM
Ok. Does she fit better in Eastern Europe or Western Europe?

East imho.

04-19-2015, 03:22 PM
East imho.

I very much agree, in the movie I saw her in, she played a Romanian.

Davy Jones's Locker
04-21-2015, 05:46 PM
North Pontid + Baltid.

05-14-2015, 03:43 PM

05-14-2015, 04:58 PM
Fits from the Balkans to Central Europe.

05-14-2015, 05:05 PM
Tons of makeup + probably surgery = the usual modern model.
Alpine probably with the usual Jewish mud mix (from all over the place).

One of the most beautiful women ever?

We Europeans (especially right wingers) have such different ideals for beauty.

The real beauties are beautiful without a single bit of makeup, and they arent "classic beauties" as per the model world.

05-14-2015, 05:10 PM
Tons of makeup + probably surgery = the usual modern model.
Alpine probably with the usual Jewish mud mix (from all over the place).

One of the most beautiful women ever?

We Europeans (especially right wingers) have such different ideals for beauty.

The real beauties are beautiful without a single bit of makeup, and they arent "classic beauties" as per the model world.

Juden Raus xD.
She is ashkenazi jew, so she's not genetically Jewish. She's purely white, meaning no non-euro blood in her.
She looks East Slavic, not jew.

05-14-2015, 05:10 PM
Juden Raus xD.
She is ashkenazi jew, so she's not genetically Jewish. She's purely white, meaning no non-euro blood in her.
She looks East Slavic, not jew.


05-14-2015, 05:13 PM

I'm wrong ?? My bad.
I'm no racist, but this guy is and i'm just proving that she is in fact European. Or is she semitic ? Ok i'm lost.

05-14-2015, 05:14 PM
I'm wrong ?? My bad.
I'm no racist, but this guy is and i'm just proving that she is in fact European. Or is she semitic ? Ok i'm lost.
If she is, I don't care, she's still very beautiful :D

05-14-2015, 05:43 PM
I'm wrong ?? My bad.
I'm no racist, but this guy is and i'm just proving that she is in fact European. Or is she semitic ? Ok i'm lost.

1. You're clearly confused by exactly what I said (makeup + surgery).
2. She looks absolutely Ashkenaz, not classic Western European (to a trained eye).
3. Ashkenaz are definitely Jewish. There is no "semitic race" (just a language group). If I remember correctly, Ashkenaz are a mix of Eastern European, some negroid, some indigenous LEVANTINE group, aswell as others (a LITTLE nordic).

Ashkenaz are traditionally the hardest Jews for untrained eyes to differentiate from Europeans, as with makeup or European makeover (for me...short hair, beardless, etc) they can appear European.

Sephardim are the more Arabic Jews.

But the important thing is that to my knowledge there is no pure Jew, as in 100% from levant area (or this is quite rare).

Maybe a more experienced Jew (who knows Jewish anthropology) can discuss this.

05-14-2015, 05:48 PM
1. You're clearly confused by exactly what I said (makeup + surgery).
2. She looks absolutely Ashkenaz, not classic Western European (to a trained eye).
3. Ashkenaz are definitely Jewish. There is no "semitic race" (just a language group). If I remember correctly, Ashkenaz are a mix of Eastern European, some negroid, some indigenous LEVANTINE group, aswell as others (a LITTLE nordic).

Ashkenaz are traditionally the hardest Jews for untrained eyes to differentiate from Europeans, as with makeup or European makeover (for me...short hair, beardless, etc) they can appear European.

Sephardim are the more Arabic Jews.

But the important thing is that to my knowledge there is no pure Jew, as in 100% from levant area (or this is quite rare).

Maybe a more experienced Jew (who knows Jewish anthropology) can discuss this.

Obviously I was confused look at what you posted : "Alpine probably with the usual Jewish mud mix (from all over the place)."
This seems to me that you are calling here non-white, and that you're referencing discrimination against her.


05-14-2015, 05:53 PM
Obviously I was confused look at what you posted : "Alpine probably with the usual Jewish mud mix (from all over the place)."
This seems to me that you are calling here non-white, and that you're referencing discrimination against her.

Alpines are native Europeans/White.
Ashkenaz are a mix of many nations.
That's all Im saying.

The thing that confuses you probably aswell is the "Jewishness" of people, which has no ethnic basis per the Jewish religion. For example, a half-Jew is considered 100% jewish by Jews if the mother is Jewish.
This "Jewish mother", for example if Ashkenaz, is for anthropologues a mix of many nations (there is no Ashkenaz race).

A good other example is Scarlett Johansson.
She has clearly the Nordic blood, but also the Ashkenaz mix.

05-14-2015, 05:55 PM
Alpines are native Europeans/White.
Ashkenaz are a mix of many nations.
That's all Im saying.

The thing that confuses you probably aswell is the "Jewishness" of people, which has no ethnic basis per the Jewish religion. For example, a half-Jew is considered 100% jewish by Jews if the mother is Jewish.
This "Jewish mother", for example if Ashkenaz, is for anthropologues a mix of many nations (there is no Ashkenaz race).

A good other example is Scarlett Johansson.
She has clearly the Nordic blood, but also the Ashkenaz mix.

True, well even if you're 1/4 jewish and you're religious, you're 100% jewish.

05-14-2015, 06:31 PM
3. Ashkenaz are definitely Jewish. There is no "semitic race" (just a language group). If I remember correctly, Ashkenaz are a mix of Eastern European, some negroid, some indigenous LEVANTINE group, aswell as others (a LITTLE nordic).

Ashkenaz are traditionally the hardest Jews for untrained eyes to differentiate from Europeans, as with makeup or European makeover (for me...short hair, beardless, etc) they can appear European.

Sephardim are the more Arabic Jews.

But the important thing is that to my knowledge there is no pure Jew, as in 100% from levant area (or this is quite rare).

Maybe a more experienced Jew (who knows Jewish anthropology) can discuss this.

You've made a couple of small errors, but they're quite common.

1) Ashkenazics are more likely a mixture of Southern Europeans (North Italians/South French) and Levantines, with a very small degree of Eastern European ancestry. Their 'negroid' component isn't worth mentioning, and is about equivalent to their 'asian' component; it's equivalent to the negroid component found in Sicilians and Iberians.
2) Sephardics are just another Western (Europeanised) Jewish group. 'Sephardi' means 'Spanish' in Hebrew. Sephardics are not Arabic, although it does seem they're not as admixed as Ashkenazics and have retained a larger Levantine component.
3) 'Arabic' is not an ethnicity. Most MENA people are Arabs; the remaining ones usually get pissed off if you call them Arabs, it's the equivalent of confusing Indo-Europeans and Europeans, you only stand to annoy Basques and Finns. Jews aren't Arabs (mostly) and their indigenous Levantine component isn't Arabic. Assyrians, Kurds and others would also not appreciate being told they're Arabs.
4) Purity is hard to define, but there are some Middle Eastern Jewish groups that might be more or less pure. Syrian Jews, Kurdish Jews, etc. Iraqi Jews are certainly 100% Fertile Crescent, if not Levantine.

05-14-2015, 06:44 PM
You've made a couple of small errors, but they're quite common.

1) Ashkenazics are more likely a mixture of Southern Europeans (North Italians/South French) and Levantines, with a very small degree of Eastern European ancestry.

Eastern European aside, the bolded part explains, for anyone who is confused, why Ashkenazis plot near Sicilians. It's not, as I often thought, due to direct admixture with Sicilians or southern Italians, but coincidental.

Sicilians/Iberians have more SSA and less Asian than do Ashkenazis though, which might be due to the East Euro in Ashkenazis at small amounts, and more direct North African contact in SW Europe and the islands.

05-14-2015, 06:45 PM
Eastern European aside, the bolded part explains, for anyone who is confused, why Ashkenazis plot near Sicilians. It's not, as I often thought, due to direct admixture with Sicilians or southern Italians, but coincidental.

Sicilians/Iberians have more SSA and less Asian than do Ashkenazis though, which might be due to the East Euro in Ashkenazis at small amounts, and more direct North African contact in SW Europe and the islands.

They don't really have more SSA. Indeed Sicilians have less, as do many Iberians. Anyhow this is OT.

05-14-2015, 06:48 PM
They don't really have more SSA. Indeed Sicilians have less, as do many Iberians. Anyhow this is OT.

Non-Caucasoid in Ashkenazis is typical levels for people in SW Europe, either way. But the highest is in Portugal and some part of Spain, not Ashkenazis.

05-14-2015, 06:51 PM
Alpinid + Nordid

05-14-2015, 06:58 PM
Non-Caucasoid in Ashkenazis is typical levels for people in SW Europe, either way. But the highest is in Portugal and some part of Spain, not Ashkenazis.

Apart from the Murcian plot, which is generally considered to have too many outliers, and of course Canarians, the highest SSA would be in Sephardics.

If you add EEA and SSA it's 3.44% for AJs and 3.41% for SJs according to K8. No Italian group tops 2.5%, similar for Spain, so again, except the Canaries and Murcia, it's atypically high.

05-14-2015, 07:23 PM
You've made a couple of small errors, but they're quite common.

1) Ashkenazics are more likely a mixture of Southern Europeans (North Italians/South French) and Levantines, with a very small degree of Eastern European ancestry. Their 'negroid' component isn't worth mentioning, and is about equivalent to their 'asian' component; it's equivalent to the negroid component found in Sicilians and Iberians.
2) Sephardics are just another Western (Europeanised) Jewish group. 'Sephardi' means 'Spanish' in Hebrew. Sephardics are not Arabic, although it does seem they're not as admixed as Ashkenazics and have retained a larger Levantine component.
3) 'Arabic' is not an ethnicity. Most MENA people are Arabs; the remaining ones usually get pissed off if you call them Arabs, it's the equivalent of confusing Indo-Europeans and Europeans, you only stand to annoy Basques and Finns. Jews aren't Arabs (mostly) and their indigenous Levantine component isn't Arabic. Assyrians, Kurds and others would also not appreciate being told they're Arabs.
4) Purity is hard to define, but there are some Middle Eastern Jewish groups that might be more or less pure. Syrian Jews, Kurdish Jews, etc. Iraqi Jews are certainly 100% Fertile Crescent, if not Levantine.

I appreciate the additions.
By Arab I really mean the people indigenous to Arabian Peninsula (Muhammad, the clans & tribes, etc).
Though I made the mistake with Sephardic Jews, what I meant was North African (Meditteranean race) not Arab.

Arab in Europe is often applied to the populations of the Maghreb, although they aren't technically Arabs.

05-14-2015, 07:38 PM
Apart from the Murcian plot, which is generally considered to have too many outliers, and of course Canarians, the highest SSA would be in Sephardics.

If you add EEA and SSA it's 3.44% for AJs and 3.41% for SJs according to K8. No Italian group tops 2.5%, similar for Spain, so again, except the Canaries and Murcia, it's atypically high.

What's EEA? I'm unfamiliar with that component?

I think SSA itself is higher in Iberia though. Though total non Caucasoid may be higher in Jews because of the Asian.

05-14-2015, 07:55 PM
Ok, let's stick to the topic peoples :D
Classify her, where can she fit ?
And she's beautiful :)

05-14-2015, 08:31 PM
1. You're clearly confused by exactly what I said (makeup + surgery).
2. She looks absolutely Ashkenaz, not classic Western European (to a trained eye).
3. Ashkenaz are definitely Jewish. There is no "semitic race" (just a language group). If I remember correctly, Ashkenaz are a mix of Eastern European, some negroid, some indigenous LEVANTINE group, aswell as others (a LITTLE nordic).

Ashkenaz are traditionally the hardest Jews for untrained eyes to differentiate from Europeans, as with makeup or European makeover (for me...short hair, beardless, etc) they can appear European.

Sephardim are the more Arabic Jews.

But the important thing is that to my knowledge there is no pure Jew, as in 100% from levant area (or this is quite rare).

Maybe a more experienced Jew (who knows Jewish anthropology) can discuss this.

Ashkenazi Jews have zero negroid influence and they plot with South Italians/Sicilians genetically.

05-14-2015, 08:34 PM
Ashkenazi Jews have zero negroid influence and they plot with South Italians/Sicilians genetically.

I think they have like, noise levels of SSA, like 1%. On most GEDmatch calculators usually no more than 1.5% or so, but it's the same for Sicilians, and of course Iberians score much more.

What Jews score is minor traces of East Asian.

05-14-2015, 08:38 PM
I think they have like, noise levels of SSA, like 1%. On most GEDmatch calculators usually no more than 1.5% or so, but it's the same for Sicilians, and of course Iberians score much more.

What Jews score is minor traces of East Asian.

Yes, but that ''ssa'' actually comes from mixing with Caucasoid Ancient Egyptians/North Africans who had a primordial SSA component, and it's not direct negroid admixture. None of them have any negroid influence in their phenotype.

As for the East Asian, I remember Coon said some Russian Jews have Mongoloid influence.

05-14-2015, 09:20 PM
Yes, but that ''ssa'' actually comes from mixing with Caucasoid Ancient Egyptians/North Africans who had a primordial SSA component, and it's not direct negroid admixture. None of them have any negroid influence in their phenotype.

As for the East Asian, I remember Coon said some Russian Jews have Mongoloid influence.

Yes, you're correct. Ashkenazis and Sephardis both, and even Mizrahis, would have to go back tens of thousands of years to see someone in their family with visible Negroid influence, if not more.

I know Russian Jews who do show Mongoloid influences in their look. I know one who could pass as a Mexican castizo even. But the actual admixture may be low.

05-14-2015, 10:19 PM
I classify her as my future wife :p

05-14-2015, 11:31 PM
What's EEA? I'm unfamiliar with that component?

I think SSA itself is higher in Iberia though. Though total non Caucasoid may be higher in Jews because of the Asian.

It's the same as AJ but less than SJ.

Yes, East Asian is recent-ish for AJs because it doesn't exist in most other Jewish groups.

Beit El
05-14-2015, 11:34 PM
Hair colour : Blonde

Sorry to disappoint you, but it's obviously bleached/dyed/whatever.

05-15-2015, 07:20 AM
Sorry to disappoint you, but it's obviously bleached/dyed/whatever.

I wouldn't be disappointed either way, but she's real blonde, check the photos again, look at her roots.

Beit El
05-15-2015, 08:29 PM
I wouldn't be disappointed either way, but she's real blonde, check the photos again, look at her roots.

That's exactly what I did. Along with the dark roots, it's very visible that it's not natural blond:


Here's another one:


05-15-2015, 08:31 PM
That's exactly what I did. Along with the dark roots, it's very visible that it's not natural blond:


Ahhh now I see, still beautiful though :)