View Full Version : Question about Anatolia

04-21-2015, 02:09 PM
Hello Turkish friends!

I have a question for you guys, which comes out of my own ignorance. Coming from North America, and having a Greek mother, it was always implied to me that the population of Anatolia was pretty well displaced during the rise of the Turkish peoples. Obviously this cannot be the case, a group of people doesn't just poof in a cloud of smoke. I hear a lot about Turans, and various Asian and Middle-Eastern admixture from many Turks; but what do actual ethnic Anatolians look like? I have a suspicion that it wouldn't be much different than other Mediterranean groups. But I could be horribly wrong hah. I just dont know. Please enlighten me.

04-21-2015, 02:19 PM
my look is pretty typical for anatolia

you have seen me :)

04-21-2015, 02:22 PM
my look is pretty typical for anatolia

you have seen me :)

Haha so I have, you have a pretty Mediterranean look. I just remember visiting Istanbul in 2013 and being shocked at how diverse the people of that city look, I wondered if that extended to the whole of Anatolia.

04-21-2015, 02:23 PM
Haha so I have, you have a pretty Mediterranean look. I just remember visiting Istanbul in 2013 and being shocked at how diverse the people of that city look, I wondered if that extended to the whole of Anatolia.

Turkey is the Babylon of races.

04-21-2015, 02:33 PM
Haha so I have, you have a pretty Mediterranean look. I just remember visiting Istanbul in 2013 and being shocked at how diverse the people of that city look, I wondered if that extended to the whole of Anatolia.

there must have been foreigners too though (tourists)

also Gypsies etc.

here I made a video about how Turks look


I think you will like it

the diversity of Turks is highly exeggerated in forums

Prisoner Of Ice
04-21-2015, 02:56 PM
There was a bunch of plague and a bunch of poorly thought out taxes that emptied most of turkey and sent many to the capitol. Before that the true anatolians had been wiped out a long time ago in bronze age collapse. So there was not any one look to the remainder when the ottomans came, people had been encroaching from all direction.

04-28-2015, 05:32 AM
My understanding is that the Greek Anatolians were an intermediate between a Caucasian like race, like the Armenians, and the Greeks. The current population of Turkey, the Turks, are an intermediate between the old population, Greek Anatolians, and Turkmens.

04-28-2015, 05:45 AM
Haha so I have, you have a pretty Mediterranean look. I just remember visiting Istanbul in 2013 and being shocked at how diverse the people of that city look, I wondered if that extended to the whole of Anatolia.

Istanbul is full of Kurds. Its the city with the biggest population. That probably made a difference.