View Full Version : Classify this mixed (Ottoman, Andalusian) Algerian independantist

04-30-2015, 10:38 AM
Messali Hadj, Algerian independantist
His father was a koulougli (mixed Algerian and Ottoman), son of an Ottoman jannisarie from Albania and Algerian mother
His mother was from a Muslim Andalusian family living in Tlemcen (maybe mixed with Algerian, not sure)
Interesting mix, where would you classify him ?


Seth MacFarlane
04-30-2015, 10:43 AM
What the Fuck was he doing or thinking with that stache hes a supporter of hitler or something !!!!! Hhhahha mainly alpine med with some dinarid + cm

04-30-2015, 10:52 AM
What the Fuck was he doing or thinking with that stache hes a supporter of hitler or something !!!!! Hhhahha mainly alpine med with some dinarid + cm

Ahahaha it was fashion during this period !
Thank you for your opinion :cool:

Seth MacFarlane
04-30-2015, 10:54 AM
Ahahaha it was fashion during this period !
Thank you for your opinion :cool:

Your welcome , i replied to your ither threads also :)

04-30-2015, 11:10 AM
Your welcome , i replied to your ither threads also :)

Yes, I saw, thank you :)
Do you think he can pass in other countries ?
He has a common look for an Algerian man, especially for this region (Tlemcen)
Even with his different origins

Seth MacFarlane
04-30-2015, 11:18 AM
Yes, I saw, thank you :)
Do you think he can pass in other countries ?
He has a common look for an Algerian man, especially for this region (Tlemcen)
Even with his different origins

His look can pass in southern italy and in greek islands. Probably other places but not too sure. I think the influence from his ottoman side pull him away from iberia.

spanish catalan
04-30-2015, 02:05 PM

Seth MacFarlane
04-30-2015, 02:13 PM

Before you wrote this i was thinking i should of just made it simpler by putting berid haha

Cristiano viejo
04-30-2015, 05:18 PM
Muslim Andalusian living in Tlemecen? when, in the XVI century? :rolleyes:
there are not Muslims in Andalusia since 1609.

04-30-2015, 08:35 PM
Muslim Andalusian living in Tlemecen? when, in the XVI century? :rolleyes:
there are not Muslims in Andalusia since 1609.

A lot of Muslims and Jews Andalusians were expelled from Spain during the Reconquista to North Africa, especially in this area of Algeria (Tlemcen), which explains his Andalusian background. He was a descendant of one of them ^^
Classification ?

Cristiano viejo
04-30-2015, 11:08 PM
A lot of Muslims and Jews Andalusians were expelled from Spain during the Reconquista to North Africa, especially in this area of Algeria (Tlemcen), which explains his Andalusian background. He was a descendant of one of them ^^
Classification ?

Ah, if it is documented that he descended from expelled Muslims then the story is ok.
Classification?Alpine. Berid for Iberians :D
He could pass for Spaniard with no problems.

By the way, are you French or a Maghrebi immigrant living in France?

04-30-2015, 11:14 PM
Ah, if it is documented that he descended from expelled Muslims then the story is ok.
Classification?Alpine. Berid for Iberians :D
He could pass for Spaniard with no problems.

By the way, are you French or a Maghrebi immigrant living in France?

Yes, it's in his biography ^^ Thank you for your opinion :)
I was born and live in France, so I am French but also Algerian as I have double nationality and my background is totally Algerian. Originally, I am from Tlemcen area ^^