View Full Version : Racism in Iran against Azerbaijani Turks

Azeri Bozkurt
04-30-2015, 02:09 PM
گزارش ویژه از تهران: حمله ی وحشیانه ی ماموران امنیتی به دهها هوادار تیم آذربایجانی؛ تصاویر ضرب و شتم شدید عطا کریمی و خونریزی صورت وی؛ تصویر یکی از فرماندهان لباس شخصی حاضر در سالن+ تصاویر*****
پنجشنبه ۲۸ اسفند ۱۳۹۳ ساعت ۰۳:۳۷ | چاپ
آذوح: دیدار فینال لیگ برتر والیبال ایران در حالی به پایان رسید که ماموران امنیتی ده ها تن از هواداران شهرداری اورمیه را به شدت مورد ضرب و شتم قرار داده و چند نفر را بازداشت نمودند.

بازی فینالی که با توجه به میزان اهمیت و حساسیت آن، میبایست به صورت رفت و برگشت و یا حداقل در صورت تک بازی بودن در یک شهر بی طرف برگزار میشد، با تصمیم لابی ضد آذربایجانی مستقر در بالاترین سطوح مدیریتی ایران، در شهری برگزار شد که تیمی از آن یک پای فینال بود. شهرداری اورمیه که بعد از یک فصل موفق و بی عیب و نقص و با تلاش و زحمات فراوان مجموعه شهرداری اورمیه، کادر فنی و بازیکنان تیم و از همه مهم تر ده ها هزار هوادار عاشق، و بعد از ۱۰ سال حسرت و امیدواری به فینال رقابت های لیگ برتر والیبال رسیده بود، تحت شرایطی نابرابر، ناعادلانه و تبعیض آمیز و در تهران به مصاف تیم دردانه فدراسیون والیبال یعنی پیکان رفته و علی رغم ارائه یک بازی زیبا و تماشاگر پسند، مغلوب این تیم تهرانی گشته و از کسب مقام قهرمانی و آوردن جام به دیار آذربایجان باز ماند.

به گزارش آذوح عطا کریمی، امین حشمتی، محمد حشمتی، مرتضی انتظار، وحید نظمی، امیر ابراهیم لو، سهیل دییری، مهدی مجرب نیا، سینا حسنی، نیما حسنی، مسعود حسنعلی زاده و پوریا محمدی کیا نام چند تن از تماشاگرانی است که بر اثر ضرب و شتم ماموران امنیتی زخمی شده اند.

ماموران امنیتی چندین هوادار حاضر را نیز بازداشت نمود که دو تن از آنها تا ساعتهای متمادی در بازداشت باقی ماندند. آقایان عطا کریمی و محمد محمدی نهایتا اواخر روز چهارشنبه آزاد گردیدند.

رفتار نیروهای امنیتی و انتظامی حیرت تمامی حاضران را برانگیخت. وحشیانه بودن این حمله آنچنان بود که در زمان درگیری حضرت پور شهردار اورمیه برای جلوگیری از ادامه ضرب و شتم هواداران این تیم به سکوی تماشاگران می رود که وی نیز مورد ضرب و شتم قرار می گیرد. در پی این درگیری ۲ دندان محمد محمدی شکسته و چشمان وی به شدت زخمی شده است. چشم چپ سینا بهمنی نیز بر اثر ضرب و شتم ماموران امنیتی با آسیب جدی مواجه شده است.

در تصاویر ضبط شده جزئیاتی از ضرب و شتم هوادران و صورت خونین فعال ملی آذربایجان، عطا کریمی به وضوح دیده می شود.


این در حالی است که در جین انجام دیدار با وجود صندلی های خالی بسیار در سالن بیش از ۲ هزار هوادار آذربایجانی با ممانعت عوامل اجرایی از ورود به سالن بازماندند. هواداران حاضر در سالن نیز با سر دادن شعارهایی نظیر همینه، همینه میزبانی تهرانی و سالن خالیه، آذربایجانی جا نداره، اعتراض خود نسبت به این بی عدالتی را نشان دادند.

از نکات مهم و حواشی می توان به موارد زیذ اشاره نمود:

- به دستور محمد حضرت پور شهردار اورمیه بازیکنان تیمهای شهرداری اورمیه در اعتراض به این خشونت های صورت گرفته علیه تماشاگران تورک از رفتن به روی سکو و و دریافت جوایز خودداری نمودند. تیم شهرداری تبریز نیز به نشانه اعتراض به برخورد نیروهای انتظامی با تماشگران مظلوم آذربایجانی در مراسم اهدای مدال شرکت نکردند و مراسم اهدای مدال ها لغو شد.

- گزارشات رسیده از زخمی شدن شدید یک تماشاگر 10 ساله اورمیه ی بر اثر ضربات باتوم حکایت دارد.

- پیراهن پوریا فیاضی و شهرام محمودی دو ملی پوش تیم شهرداری اورمیه که برای جلوگیری از ضرب و شتم هواداران وارد عمل شدند پاره شد.

- مامورین امنیتی حتی خبرنگاران اعزامی از اورمیه را نیز از ضربات باتوم خود بی نصیب نگذاشته و با یورش به سوی آنها صحنه های زشت و ناپسندی را به وجود آورده و حتی دوربین بسیاری از آنها را نیز ضبظ نمودند. نوشین احسانی خبرنگار فارس و نیما زرگر زاده از صداوسیما مورد ضرب و شتم مامورین قرار گرفته و مجروح شدند.

- احد یوسفی مدیرعامل باشگاه شهرداری اورمیه اظهار داشت: من چرا باید در مورد این حواشی توضیح بدهم؟ سوالات خود را از کسانی بپرسید که تماشاگران ما را کتک زدند. همان طور که دیدید با باتوم تماشاگران ما را زدند، آیا این ورزش است؟ تشویق و رفتارهایی که در سالن انجام میشود، طبیعت بازی است. وظیفه نیروی انتظامی کنترل همین مسائل است. هیچ فحاشی صورت نگرفت. مطمئن باشید که این قضایا پیگیری خواهد شد. این اتفاقات به هیچ عنوان به ضرر تیم شهرداری اورمیه نیست. پیروزی همیشه با ما بوده است. ما شهر عاشقان والیبال هستیم و این موضوع را به همه دنیا ثابت کردهایم.

- داورزنی رئیس فدراسیون والیبال هیچ واکنشی با اتفاقات سالن نمی کرد و تنها نظاره گر بود.

- نادر قاضی پور رسما با چندین خبرگزاری و رسانه مصاحبه کرده و این اقدامات را محکوم کرده است. وی اظهار داشت طی تماس تلفنی با سردار اشتری فرمانده نیروی انتظامی گزارشات خود را تقدیم ایشان کرده و از آخرین نتایج پیگیری حوادث ورزشگاه آزادی باخبر شدم.

- گفتنی است بعد از نشست اضطراری شورای تامین استان آذربایجان غربی که غروب امروز به ریاست علیرضا رادفر برگزار شد، استاندار آذربایجان غربی و معاون سیاسی امنیتی اش تلفنی با معاون امنیتی وزیر کشور گفتگو کرده و خواستار پیگیری حوادث فینال لیگ برتر باشگاههای کشور و برخورد جدی با خاطیان آن شده اند.

- محمد حضرت پور و کریم فروزان شهرداراورمیه و رئیس هیات والیبال آذربایجان غربی گفتگوهای تند و انتقادی با شبکه های سوم و خبر ترتیب دادند.

- فرمانده اولین یورش نیروهای حفاظت ورزشگاه به تماشاگران شناسایی و تصویر او ثبت شد. این فرد همان کسی بود که محمد حضرت پور شهردار اورمیه تا آخرین لحظات برای یافتن او در ورزشگاه ماند تا بتواند پیدایش کند.




This fascist regime will soon collapse. They can ban our language, humble our origins. But they do only because they are afraid of the awakening of the Turks. Our youth is hungry, educated and knows the truth. All of them begin to rediscover their roots.


04-30-2015, 02:18 PM
All of them rediscover the nice brainwashed propaganda the Turks of Turkey have filled you with, and now you're jumping on that wagon. I don't like the fucking Mullahs too, they should be removed and and replaced with a democratic government ...

You Turks can move out, you're just a bunch of landgrabbers serving Turkey's purpose, you're so stupid, not being able to see that they are using you ... Go ahead and get your asses kicked, I'm looking forward to that :)

To the sane Azeris that aren't as stupid as you, are more than welcome to stay :)

04-30-2015, 04:39 PM
All of them rediscover the nice brainwashed propaganda the Turks of Turkey have filled you with, and now you're jumping on that wagon. I don't like the fucking Mullahs too, they should be removed and and replaced with a democratic government ...

You Turks can move out, you're just a bunch of landgrabbers serving Turkey's purpose, you're so stupid, not being able to see that they are using you ... Go ahead and get your asses kicked, I'm looking forward to that :)

To the sane Azeris that aren't as stupid as you, are more than welcome to stay :)

You want Kurdistan to be part of Iran?

04-30-2015, 04:41 PM
You want Kurdistan to be part of Iran?

Isn't Iran the homeland of all Iranic peoples like the Persians, Kurds, Pashtuns, Jews and Azeris?

04-30-2015, 04:48 PM
Isn't Iran the homeland of all Iranic peoples like the Persians, Kurds, Pashtuns, Jews and Azeris?

Not Pashtuns, only Kurds, Iranians and Azeris as the major ethnic groups ...

You want Kurdistan to be part of Iran?

No, but I'm not fond with the idea of uniting all the 4 regions of Kurdistan into one, since some Kurds are still showing some very concerning jihadist / salafi behaviour, mainly those in Turkey.

05-02-2015, 05:06 PM
It's not racism more like rivalry.

05-02-2015, 05:16 PM
It's not racism more like rivalry.

These people keep chanting fascist stuff when they protest and swear allegiance to Turkey and Grey Wolves (fascist organization).

05-02-2015, 05:17 PM
It's not racism more like rivalry.

So, when Kemalist dictatorship banned Kurdish language and murdered thousands of Kurds, this was also rivalry?


05-02-2015, 05:22 PM
So, when Kemalist dictatorship banned Kurdish language and murdered thousands of Kurds, this was also rivalry?

Difference here is that the Iranian regime is against all the minorities (Kurds & Azeris), my father told me that there are no educational books for Fajli Kurdish (Eastern Kurdish dialect), as a result of the Iranian government's oppression ...

05-02-2015, 05:29 PM
Difference here is that the Iranian regime is against all the minorities (Kurds & Azeris), my father told me that there are no educational books for Fajli Kurdish (Eastern Kurdish dialect), as a result of the Iranian government's oppression ...
As I know Kemalists banned even local Oghuz Turkic dialects, they forced everyone's children to learn a new language (Istanbul Turkish) at school, if they did not wanted, they were forced to do so. Those who opposed the regime were either killed in battle or executed, especially the people in the east. This was fascism at its best.

05-02-2015, 05:30 PM
As I know Kemalists banned even local Oghuz Turkic dialects, they forced everyone to learn a new language (Istanbul Turkish) at school, if they did not wanted, they were forced to do so. Those who opposed the regime were either killed in battle or executed. This was fascism at its best.

And that is what parties like MHP and The Gay Wolves wants to re-create

05-02-2015, 05:35 PM
Azerbaijan should help these people in Iranian occupied parts of Azerbaijan. Having close relations with Israel is important for Azerbaijan against Iranian terrorism. We have the same destiny.

05-02-2015, 05:46 PM
And that is what parties like MHP and Grey Wolves wants to re-create
Most of them don't even like Kemalists. You have to distinguish here... there are different variants of such nationalistic thoughts. Alperenlers for example, despite being very religious, are the most liberal and humanist among them, such as Muhsin Yazıcıoglu (BBP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Union_Party)). Then we have the Ülkücülers, they are partly mutated nationalistic Islamists (most of MHP) and partly unmutated Muslim guys with humanist common sense like Uğur Işılak (AKP)... or lefties and commies which are either partly hardcore fascist in real or partly liberal guys... and many many more... MHP is just a fake organisation, just like the secularist CHP and conservative AKP, big mouth nothing behind.

05-02-2015, 05:48 PM
You have to distinguish here... there are different variants of such nationalistic thoughts. Alperenlers for example, despite being very religious, are the most liberal and humanist among them, such as Muhsin Yazıcıoglu (BBP (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Union_Party)). Then we have the Ülkücülers, they are partly mutated nationalistic Islamists (most of MHP) and partly unmutated Muslim guys with humanist common sense like Uğur Işılak... or lefties and commies which are either hardcore fascist in real or liberal guys... and many many more... MHP is just a fake organisation, just like the secularist CHP and conservative AKP, big mouth nothing behind.

Like many politicians worldwide are :D

These "Turkish" Azeris should be happy they aren't being killed in numbers of thousands, like the Turks did to the Kurds ... But the Iranian government needs to be removed for good, everyone hates it.

05-02-2015, 05:51 PM
Because of your stupid Pan-Turkist ideology. Turkey and stupid Grey Wolves want to use you against Iran.
Azeris and Persians were living friendly before your stupid Pan-Turkist ideology.

05-02-2015, 05:59 PM
Because of your stupid Pan-Turkist ideology. Turkey and stupid Grey Wolves want to use you against Iran.
I am a Pan-Turkist, but I don't want to use them against Iran, it's just the regime.

05-02-2015, 06:00 PM
Because of your stupid Pan-Turkist ideology. Turkey and stupid Grey Wolves want to use you against Iran.
o poor iran, they are very MUH peacefullll MUH humaaaan kindlyyy no mullah not terrorists here cry cry for poor iran beardy mullahs :cry2:cry2

05-02-2015, 06:01 PM
^siktir lan

05-02-2015, 06:04 PM
Agzinda sikim mi var. MUH MUH MUH ?

05-02-2015, 06:05 PM
^ bu anası doğurmamış ishalken sıçmış götverene giren çıkan var sanırım

05-02-2015, 06:05 PM
I am a Pan-Turkist, but I don't want to use them against Iran, it's just the regime.

These pan-ideologies will sparkle a war between various of Ethnic groups one day.

05-02-2015, 06:07 PM
These pan-ideologies will sparkle a war between various of Ethnic groups one day.

It is your kind that want to brake up 4 countries to create a country that never existed. You shouldn't cry when Turkic countries summon their forces to create one front against evil forces.

Anyway, most Azeri in Iran doesn't want brake up. They just want freedom to speak their own language and practise their culture, and have close relationship with North-Azerbaijan.

If Iran opposes this then problems will start for Iran.

05-02-2015, 06:14 PM
I am probably asking a question the roots of which may go back thousands of years, but what sparked off this hostility between Turks and Persians? They were both imperial nations, right? Was it land encroachment? Just a regional rivalry ( like the way the North and South were in America before the 1980s)?

05-02-2015, 06:16 PM
It is your kind that want to brake up 4 countries to create a country that never existed. You shouldn't cry when Turkic countries summon their forces to create one front against evil forces.

Anyway, most Azeri in Iran doesn't want brake up. They just want freedom to speak their own language and practise their culture, and have close relationship with North-Azerbaijan.

If Iran opposes this then problems will start for Iran.

Uuuuh, I'm shaking, your Turkic countries will end up like something Genghis Khan conquered if you even try mr. badass Turkic warrior. We'll get our country, and you'll get the middle finger, Azeris will get their rights when the Iranian government has been removed, but only to strenghen Irans power against Turkish threats :)

I am probably asking a question the roots of which may go back thousands of years, but what sparked off this hostility between Turks and Persians? They were both imperial nations, right? Was it land encroachment? Just a regional rivalry ( like the way the North and South were in America before the 1980s)?

Its been like this for 2500 years, ever since the wars between the Persian empires and Nomadic Turds, there's always been hostility, these people try to play big and think they can conquer the whole world with their fascist imperialist ideologies :)

05-02-2015, 06:20 PM
I am probably asking a question the roots of which may go back thousands of years, but what sparked off this hostility between Turks and Persians? They were both imperial nations, right? Was it land encroachment? Just a regional rivalry ( like the way the North and South were in America before the 1980s)?
over a millennium iran was ruled by turkics and mongols, unfortunately that because they suffer from hatred ....

05-02-2015, 06:22 PM
over a millennium iran was ruled by turkics and mongols, unfortunately that because they suffer from hatred ....

Iran'i biz yonettik, Farslar ile birlikte senin Osmanli atalarina karsi da yuzlerce yil savastik senin niye gotun kalkiyo ki? Bu sorun Iranla bizim sorun siz siktirin gidin.

05-02-2015, 06:24 PM
over a millennium iran was ruled by turkics and mongols, unfortunately that because they suffer from hatred ....

They were ruled by Turkics for a short time, but mostly by Persianized Turkic nobility that served the Persian country and even went to war with the Ottomans :rolleyes:

If they were Turkic, all the Iranians in Iran would be speaking Turkish today :)

05-02-2015, 06:26 PM
They were ruled by Turkics for a short time, but mostly by Persianized Turkic nobility that served the Persian country and even went to war with the Ottomans :rolleyes:

If they were Turkic, all the Iranians in Iran would be speaking Turkish today :)

Shah Ismail's father was a Kurd too his ancestors were from Rojhelat but migrated to Ardabil which explains the "Turkic" influence.

05-02-2015, 06:28 PM
They were ruled by Turkics for a short time, but mostly by Persianized Turkic nobility that served the Persian country and even went to war with the Ottomans :rolleyes:

If they were Turkic, all the Iranians in Iran would be speaking Turkish today :)
even Ahmedinejad speak Turkish xD


05-02-2015, 06:29 PM
even Ahmedinejad speak Turkish xD


He speaks it to address the Azeris and gain their support, nothing else :)

05-02-2015, 06:32 PM
Okay, thanks. :) It sounds kind of like the ethnic rivalries between the English and the Celtic inhabitants of the British Isles ( Highland Scots, Manx, Irish, Welsh and Cornish). They had been killing each other for centuries, despite a moderate amount of intermarriage ( in such a small area, this mingling can only be expected) between the ethnicities. The motivations were generally political and religious.. the English wanted extra land and the others didn't want an English presence or governance over their lands. In America, the differences counted for less, although in the very early days, some degree of separation between the races was maintained. I suppose your respective lands were a lot more vast, so you could more successfully maintain your distance from opposing powers. That's sort of how I might see it, but I'm speaking from a different perspective, I guess. Thank you both so much for explaining some of this to me. :)

05-02-2015, 06:34 PM
Uuuuh, I'm shaking, your Turkic countries will end up like something Genghis Khan conquered if you even try mr. badass Turkic warrior. We'll get our country, and you'll get the middle finger, Azeris will get their rights when the Iranian government has been removed, but only to strenghen Irans power against Turkish threats :)

Its been like this for 2500 years, ever since the wars between the Persian empires and Nomadic Turds, there's always been hostility, these people try to play big and think they can conquer the whole world with their fascist imperialist ideologies :)

Only thin you will get is what you got in the past. You and a country? Haha, you never had a country. Why do you think you will have one now? We don't even have to do anything. Just create no fly zone about Iraq and ISIS will take care of the job.

05-02-2015, 06:35 PM
even Ahmedinejad speak Turkish xD


It is just a monkey who learned a trick. It doesn't mean he can speak it. Azeri are aware of the mullah. They try to appease the Azeri but if they make one wrong move it is over with their kangaroo regime.

05-02-2015, 06:40 PM
Only thin you will get is what you got in the past. You and a country? Haha, you never had a country. Why do you think you will have one now? We don't even have to do anything. Just create no fly zone about Iraq and ISIS will take care of the job.


Shaddadids (951–1174, Transcaucasia)[1]
Rawadids (955–1071, Tabriz and Maragheh.[2])
Hadhabani (943-1063)
Shalmani of Iran and Syria
Marwanids (990–1096, Dinawar)[1]
Hasanwayhids (959–1095, Kirmashan)[1]
Kakuyids (1008–1051, Isfahān)
Annazids (991–1117, Hulwan)[1]
Ayyubid dynasty (1171–1341)
Vassaldom of Ardalan (1169–1867)
Emirate of Baban[3] (1649–1851,[4] region of Sulaymaniyah[5])
Emirate of Soran[3] (1816–1835[citation needed], Rawanduz[5])
Emirate of Hakkâri[3] (1835, present-day southeastern Turkey[5])
Emirate of Bahdinan[3] (1339–1843, Amadia[5])
Principality of Bitlis
Emirate of Bohtan[3] (1330 - 1855, Cizre, Jazira[5])
Mukriyan (late 1400s to middle 1800s)
Zand dynasty[6] (1750-1794)
Former countries[edit]
Kingdom of Kurdistan (1921–1924 and 1925)
Red Kurdistan Kurdistan Uyezd (1923–1929) and Kurdistan Okrug (1930)
Republic of Ararat (1927–1930)
Republic of Mahabad (1946–1947)
Lachin Kurdish Republic (1992)

Kurdistan Autonomous Region (March 11, 1970 – present day, Northern Iraq)
Kurdistan Regional Government (July 4, 1992 – present day)
Syrian Kurdistan (PYD-controlled autonomous region) (possibly July 19, 2012 – present day)


Lmao no fly zone :picard1::picard1:

05-02-2015, 06:40 PM
These pan-ideologies will sparkle a war between various of Ethnic groups one day.
To be honest, I would be glad to see also an Iranic unity among Afghans, Iranians, Kurds and Tajiks. But unfortunately even between them there is disagreement hatred. I don't know the background. If I were an Azer from Iran, I would fight for the unity of my country I am living in. Not only because of anti-imperialistic reasons, but also of historical reasons.

05-02-2015, 06:40 PM
Only thin you will get is what you got in the past. You and a country? Haha, you never had a country. Why do you think you will have one now? We don't even have to do anything. Just create no fly zone about Iraq and ISIS will take care of the job.

They should send ISIS to Turkey and let ISIS deal with you instead, Turkey is a terrorist nest.

It is just a monkey who learned a trick. It doesn't mean he can speak it. Azeri are aware of the mullah. They try to appease the Azeri but if they make one wrong move it is over with their kangaroo regime.

Cmon big guy, show us your Central Asian power, da big army of le Central Asian Turkic states with 5 million soldiers and advanced military, getting buttraped by China all the time (like Uygurs) xD

05-02-2015, 06:45 PM
To be honest, I would be glad to see also an Iranic unity among Afghans, Iranians, Kurds and Tajiks. But unfortunately even between them there is disagreement hatred. I don't know the background. If I were an Azer from Iran, I would fight for the unity of my country I am living in. Not only because of anti-imperialistic reasons, but also of historical reasons.

Add Hazaras and Pashtos, there is no need to keep people out of unity because they are slightly different, even Hazaras should be included, they've been a part of Afghanistan for a long time :)

Problem here is actually Turks. A lot of Turks are pressuring to take more land from Iran .... Half of Turkmenistan (Southern half) originally belongs to Iran, Uzbekistan is oppressing its big minority, Tajiks (they make out the most of the population in Bukhara and Samarqand) ... And of course Kurds in Turkey ... :rolleyes: