View Full Version : Raped 10-Year-Old Denied Abortion

05-02-2015, 03:26 AM
Nina Strochlic
The Daily Beast


The girl is pregnant after being raped by her stepfather but the government of Paraguay has refused to grant her an abortion, stating that her life is not in danger. Activists are arguing that “life is not only a matter of having a pulse."

A 10-year-old pregnant with her stepfather’s child will not be allowed to get an abortion because the government of Paraguay doesn’t believe that her life in immediate danger.

On April 23, the unnamed girl was reportedly checked into the hospital by her mother. She complained of stomach pains and tests showed she was already 21-weeks pregnant. Earlier this week, her mother apparently requested her daughter be given an abortion, and when it was revealed that her stepfather impregnated her, the mother was taken into custody.

Doctors requested permission to perform the procedure. In Paraguay, abortions can’t be performed in the case of rape or incest, and only if the government decides that a life is in danger. In this case they decided it wasn’t.

The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR), an international legal advocacy organization, has been collaborating with attorneys on the ground in Paraguay to fight the decision.

“They would not consider her health as a risk to her life?” says Paula Avila-Guillen, the Latin America and Caribbean advocacy advisor at CRR, about the government’s decision. “Life is not only a matter of having a pulse."

According to CRR’s information, the girl is under 70 lbs. and delivering a child could result in “permanent damage,” not to mention psychological issues.

“No 10-year-old is ready to be a mother. That will carry trauma for her whole family,” Avila-Guillen says. The risk of complications during child birth is exponentially higher in girls under 15—according to the World Health Organization maternal mortality is the leading cause of death for adolescent girls in developing countries.

“I don’t think anybody—you don’t need to be doctor or an advocate or even understand these issues—would realize a 10-year-old with a pregnancy as a product of rape is just completely inhumane,” Avila-Guillen says.

Punishment for illegal abortions can land a doctor, or even the woman herself, in jail for more than two years. As a result, the United Nations has reported upwards of 30,000 under-the-table abortions performed annually. According to CRR, as of Wednesday, the doctors were exploring other considerations to protect her health as petitions to approve the abortion had not garnered a response from the government, despite increasing international pressure.

South America has some of the most restrictive abortion laws in the world. Abortion is against the law in all circumstances—even if a mother’s life is in danger—in Chile, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. But CRR has worked on similar cases in abortion-restrictive countries, like Colombia and Chile, with success.

In the past, situations that garnered similar media attention have ended with the government accepting the demands of activists. But even a concession could come too late. Once a doctor decides a pregnancy is too far progressed for a safe abortion, there’s no choice but to deliver the baby. “Clearly a girl at such a young age doesn't have the capacity to be a mother. But even in cases where it’s too late, the role of advocates is to ensure some type of support,” Avila-Guillen says.

According to Amnesty International, which calls this case “tantamount to torture," the young girl has been transferred to a center for young mothers to be given neonatal care. "There is no indication that the health of the (girl) is at risk ... therefore we are not, from any point of view, in favor of the termination of the pregnancy,” Paraguayan Health Minister Antonio Barrios told CNN. "The Justice Department will determine later who will have custody of the mother and child after (the birth)."

Sadly, this case shares tragic similarities with another case being covered in local Paraguay news, of a 12-year-old girl impregnated by her father. Her stepmother saw signs of pregnancy and took her to the doctor, who confirmed it. The father is currently being held and could face 12 years in prison. What will happen to his daughter is not currently known.

“They think they’re allowing the right to life and they’re protecting basic life [with abortion laws],” Avila-Guillen says. “ But these restrictions are very harmful for women and girls—they not only affect their life, they affect their potential of the life they want to build. Access to abortion that should be granted and only discussed between women and doctors. If that had been the case she would not be in the news—she would not be exposed to all this.”

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05-02-2015, 03:35 AM
What the hell?

05-02-2015, 03:37 AM
Whether one generally supports abortion or not, this is the type of instance in which denying an abortion is unjust. No one of that age should be forced to give birth, especially not after having experienced the trauma of rape.

05-02-2015, 03:39 AM
Horrible, they need to update their laws, thats unacceptable.

05-02-2015, 03:43 AM
How can a 10 year old get pregnant? Is there something in the water there or do South Americans just have a fucked up hormonal balance?

05-02-2015, 03:52 AM
How did she even get pregnant at that age.That just doesn't seem possible..

Also she better make that abortion,because there is no way an incest baby is going to come out of a 10 year old properly,either abort or doom a kid to a life disabled and dysfunctional and possibly even post on Apricity.

05-02-2015, 03:58 AM
I wonder what happen to the step father. She probably become a grand mother at 20 year of age and a great grand mother at 30. Similar problems with Australian aborigines. In some remote areas, as many as 90% of 10 year old girls are having sex or are sexually abused.

05-02-2015, 04:06 AM
To those asking how a girl can get pregnant at 10, let me tell you some girls reach 'womanhood' at a early age. Searching for that on Wikipedia I found a sickening record of the youngest mothers in the world. Disgusting, specially concidering all the pregnancies obviously happened after sexual abuse. The locations and age....
Peru - age 5
Soviet Union (now Ukraine) - age 6
India - age 6
Swiss - age 8
Nigeria - age 8
India - age 8
Colombia - age 8
Peru - age 8
Mexico - age 8
Russia - age 8
UK - age 9
USA - age 9
South Africa age 9
Argentina - age 9

Full list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_youngest_birth_mothers

05-02-2015, 04:10 AM
I wonder what happen to the step father. She probably become a grand mother at 20 year of age and a great grand mother at 30. Similar problems with Australian aborigines. In some remote areas, as many as 90% of 10 year old girls are having sex or are sexually abused.

Let alone some Middle Eeastern countries where the government marries 5, 6 years old girls to grown men.... so in such cases the pregnancy is not even concidered rape :(

Prisoner Of Ice
05-02-2015, 04:14 AM
How can a 10 year old get pregnant? Is there something in the water there or do South Americans just have a fucked up hormonal balance?

Gracilized pygmie humans become sexually mature faster with each generation.

05-02-2015, 04:24 AM
To everyone asking how a girl can get pregnant at 10, let me tell you some girls reach 'womanhood' at a early age. Searching for that on Wikipedia I found a sickening record of the youngest mothers in the world. Disgusting, specially concidering all the pregnancies obviously happened after sexual abuse. The locations and age....

Peru - age 5

Soviet Union (now Ukraine) - age 6
India - age 6
Swiss - age 8
Nigeria - age 8
India - age 8

Colombia - age 8
Peru - age 8
Mexico - age 8
Russia - age 8
UK - age 9

USA - age 9
South Africa age 9
Argentina - age 9

Full list:


Fuck! 5 and 6 year old mothers, they are still nearly infants themselves!

05-02-2015, 04:27 AM
Whether one generally supports abortion or not, this is the type of instance in which denying an abortion is unjust. No one of that age should be forced to give birth, especially not after having experienced the trauma of rape.

Giving birth could kill her. Also, they should castrate that rapist man stepfather.

05-02-2015, 04:27 AM
Let alone some Middle Eeastern countries where the government marries 5, 6 years old girls to grown men.... so in such cases the pregnancy is not even concidered rape :(

That's right in those primitive middle eastern countries where you have girls as young as 6 marrying men of 50. Imagine how many of these very young mothers die in child birth. I bet quite few, but they will say in their little backward primitive minds that is the will of Allah.

05-02-2015, 04:37 AM
Let alone some Middle Eeastern countries where the government marries 5, 6 years old girls to grown men.... so in such cases the pregnancy is not even concidered rape :(

Wrong, most Middle Eastern countries have laws against it actually. Also in Islamic law you can not be married unless the girl is fully developed, in fact it's a sin if it happens before. The marriage of most Middle Eastern girls is usually in the early 20's, before it was it was in the early Teens. When the government of Iraq tried to institute such law, most tribal leaders refused it for example. Some girls though often want to get married if they don't do well in school to a man who can secure their feature, usually at the age of 15 or 16, and that's very rare and it happens if the girl really wants it, if not then no such thing. Even boys can marry at early age in Middle Eastern society, but this is changing especially with the rise of modernization and urbanization. Typically in camps or villages boys might marry as early as 12, but this has changed in many ways, to girls about the same age as them.

05-02-2015, 04:46 AM
Wrong, most Middle Eastern countries have laws against it actually. Also in Islamic law you can not be married unless the girl is fully developed, in fact it's a sin if it happens before. The marriage of most Middle Eastern girls is usually in the early 20's, before it was it was in the early Teens. When the government of Iraq tried to institute such law, most tribal leaders refused it for example. Some girls though often want to get married if they don't do well in school to a man who can secure their feature, usually at the age of 15 or 16, and that's very rare and it happens if the girl really wants it, if not then no such thing. Even boys can marry at early age in Middle Eastern society, but this is changing especially with the rise of modernization and urbanization. Typically in camps or villages boys might marry as early as 12, but this has changed in many ways, to girls about the same age as them.

I clearly said I was talking about SOME countries and now you're talking about MOST countries, so we're talking about different things. You just made that post to save Middle Eastern countries reputation, but sadly these kind of news are everywhere. Actually some facts:
"A 2013 report claims 53% of all married women in Afghanistan were married before age 18, "

"In Iran, girls may marry at 13 and boys at 15, and children under 10 may marry if their guardian approves it."

"According to a 2013 report, about one million children, including those under age 10, are married every year."

"Over half of Yemeni girls are married before 18, some by the age eight."

" In all 34 provinces of Afghanistan, the customary practice of ba'ad is another reason for child marriages; this custom involves village elders, jirga, settling disputes between families or unpaid debts or ruling punishment for a crime by forcing the so-called guilty family to give their 5 to 12 year old girls as a wife. "

Etc, etc full link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_marriage#Middle_East

05-02-2015, 05:19 AM
Sick people, sick mentality and sick culture. Then there are still people who say Islam and Muslims civilization bad.