View Full Version : Guess the Gentile Game

05-03-2015, 01:33 AM

~Inspired by a short-lived troll yesterday~

NOTICE: The rules have been revised a little since the game was too hard.

So here's how it works:

One non-Jew is hidden among these 36 righteous ones. Some of them are small time celebrities; others are people I personally know. Once (and if) 15 members have taken a guess, I reveal the correct answer and the game goes into the next round. Guessing the gentile grants you ten points :thumb001:
In addition, there are six half-gentiles in between to guess at. Every correct guess grants you one point. If you guess the full gentile as being half you also get one point

Everyone is welcome to try!
If I get three requests for an additional picture of one of the persons, I will supply it.

Scroll down for a quote leading to the current round.

___Name____ || ___Score____
RonH............................................5 point(s)
Prisoner of Ice...............................5 point(s)
Not a Cop.....................................3 point(s)
Zmey Gorynych..............................3 point(s)
Journeyman26...............................2 point(s)
PassionforPerfection.......................2 point(s)
Longbowman.................................2 point(s)
Leapfrogger..................................2 point(s)
UserName1...................................2 point(s)
Maximus.......................................1 point(s)
Chloe...........................................1 point(s)
Weedman.....................................1 point(s)
Óttar............................................1 point(s)
Colonel Frank Grimes......................1 point(s)
Maximillian....................................1 point(s)
Coolstorybro.................................1 point(s)
Amud...........................................1 point(s)

Round I:
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/96adjgjoz/Find_the_non_Jew_I.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/96adjgjoz/)

correct answer:

Number 1-6 are half-Jewish. 1-5 have non-Jewish mothers (left to right: German, German, German, Dutch, Russian), 6 has a non-Jewish father (Swede). Numbers 7-18 are small time celebrities- actors, models and politicians- all full Jews apart from number 10, who has a Norwegian mother and was accidentally posted here instead of the next round (my apologies, points added accordingly). Numbers 19-36 are people I know personally, all full Jews (four Jewish grandparents) except for number 28.

#28 is a Norwegian and our only full gentile!

Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

Correct answer:
1-13, 16, 18, 19, 21-26, 28-30 are people I personally know. 14, 15, 17, 20, 27, 31-36 are small time celebrities. Numbers 1-8, 10-14, 16, 18, 20-25, 27-32, 34 and 36 are full Jews. Numbers 9 and 15 have a gentile mother (Swedish, Danish) while 19, 26, 33 and 35 have a gentile father (Russian-Udmurt, German, Spaniard, German). Number 17 is a Danish model and fully gentile.

Round III: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)

This game is supposed to poke fun. Try not to be offended.

05-03-2015, 01:35 AM
Round I:
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/96adjgjoz/Find_the_non_Jew_I.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/96adjgjoz/)

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 01:38 AM
Sounds fun.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-03-2015, 01:44 AM
Round I:


I see nothing.

05-03-2015, 01:52 AM

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 01:52 AM
Round I:
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/96adjgjoz/Find_the_non_Jew_I.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/96adjgjoz/)

no. 6 def gentile...

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 01:54 AM
No. 6 is modern day Germanic warrior

05-03-2015, 01:56 AM
Ok, we have your guess, Long and Maximus :laugh:
Edit your messages if you wanna guess at the six half-gentiles too.

05-03-2015, 01:57 AM
I am way out of my element here...they all look more or less white to me, although a couple do look Jewish. I'm going to go with #18, though.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-03-2015, 01:57 AM

Half jews:
2, 5, 6, 16, 25, 28

25 is nonwhite mix, so if he is not a jew then that's cheating.

I considered 35 as the nonjew but her eyes are pretty shallow.

I chose 24 because he's not prognathic, his nose is narrow and his face is flat up and down and his eyes look fairly small in his skull. He could well be a jew too, though. Only a few pop out as obvious jews.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 01:58 AM
I am way out of my element here...they all look more or less white to me, although a couple do look Jewish. I'm going to go with #18, though.

no. 18 looks a little atypical...I think he's got some Jewish blood

05-03-2015, 02:01 AM
no. 18 looks a little atypical...I think he's got some Jewish blood

Yeah, a profile shot might prove you right if you know what I mean. :) But the blond hair and blue eyes were compelling.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 02:03 AM
Yeah, a profile shot might prove you right if you know what I mean. :) But the blond hair and blue eyes were compelling.

True, but I think around 1 in 5 Jews have blond hair, and idk how many have blue eyes but there's a lot

Not a Cop
05-03-2015, 02:04 AM
I'll go with 2, though only 17 looks strickingly jewish to me.

05-03-2015, 02:10 AM
6 for me

05-03-2015, 02:24 AM
True, but I think around 1 in 5 Jews have blond hair, and idk how many have blue eyes but there's a lot

About a third of European Jews have fair eyes. Blonde hair is not as common.

05-03-2015, 02:28 AM
Ha you dumb goys, can't even recognize your own. For shame...
35 is the goy here.

05-03-2015, 02:29 AM
About a third of European Jews have fair eyes. Blonde hair is not as common.

What percentage Jewish are you, Skjaldemjoden? Just curious...

05-03-2015, 02:31 AM
I'm stuck.

I choose #6

or #10

05-03-2015, 02:33 AM
35 is the goy here.
I think you maybe right

but its hard to make just one guess LMFAO

btw, you're a goy too, so.....
just joking lmfao

05-03-2015, 02:34 AM
What percentage Jewish are you, Skjaldemjoden? Just curious...


05-03-2015, 02:35 AM
and yet hating jews is called anti semitism...



05-03-2015, 02:35 AM
I think you maybe right

Pick one!

05-03-2015, 02:36 AM
and yet hating jews is called anti semitism...

The term was coined for Jews so suck it up, Wadaad. And I want your guess! :)

05-03-2015, 02:37 AM
F that sh*t.

These are 1% jews 99% something else.

05-03-2015, 02:38 AM
oh btw my vote is 29

05-03-2015, 02:38 AM
Look at #14

God, I want to skull fuck her!


05-03-2015, 02:40 AM
#10 final guess for me

05-03-2015, 02:47 AM
F that sh*t.

These are 1% jews 99% something else.

You can't spot the Norwegian I planted in here?

05-03-2015, 02:49 AM
the real gentile or goy is probably going to turn out to be the most "jewish"-looking person in the photo set


05-03-2015, 02:57 AM
btw, you're a goy too, so.....
just joking lmfao

Whoa, whoa slow down there goy. I sure as hell am one of the chosen, this is just one of my under the radar accounts I use to keep tabs on the goyim on behalf of JIDF.

05-03-2015, 03:00 AM
Whoa, whoa slow down there goy. I sure as hell am one of the chosen, this is just one of my under the radar accounts I use to keep tabs on the goyim on behalf of JIDF.

Shalom brother! :high5

Report to the Rabbi in half an hour.

05-03-2015, 03:22 AM
#17 is Jewish.

05-03-2015, 04:00 AM
#17 is Jewish.

Try again.

05-03-2015, 04:55 AM
The term was coined for Jews so suck it up, Wadaad. And I want your guess! :)
Jews needed a phrase that sounded more scholarly than Judenhass, the German word for 'Jew-hate' previously. I prefer it and think it should come back into common parlance and re-replace "Anti-Semitism." How can you get any more straightforward? First there's the "Jew" and then there's the "Hate." Absolutely no sophistry involved whatsoever.

My first instinct is 6.

05-03-2015, 05:16 AM
Shalom brother! :high5

Report to the Rabbi in half an hour.

the JDL is better than the JIDF any day

so shalom that.


Goyim- out!
now who is the Goy in the damn photos?

Prisoner Of Ice
05-03-2015, 05:17 AM
Jews needed a phrase that sounded more scholarly than Judenhass, the German word for 'Jew-hate' previously. I prefer it and think it should come back into common parlance and re-replace "Anti-Semitism." How can you get any more straightforward?

That's not how doublespeak works, though. ADL is just some cultural marxist institution above all else. They are not really jewish organization, and not really going after people who hate jews, who are pretty easy to spot.

05-03-2015, 05:19 AM
Try again.
17 is the Goy

yeah he could pass as non-Jewish


05-03-2015, 05:33 AM
The blue eyes and blonde hair makes it very difficult. This is like Scarlett Johansson who I still don't believe is a jew.

Whatever jew heritage they have, it must be very small.

I'll guess number 5, she looks clear cut nordic.

05-03-2015, 05:37 AM
Number 32.

trap question.

05-03-2015, 06:31 AM
"Game" is unfair. Average Jewish men (and women) don't look European, but between people of Arabian Peninsula and those of Levant (same as they were 2000 years ago before diaspora):

Many have European influences, but they usually go like this:

Around 10-20% look pred. non-Judaean or very heavily admixed...

05-03-2015, 10:42 AM
"Game" is unfair.

Who said it was fair? It's supposed to be challenging.
Come on, vote! :rolleyes:

05-03-2015, 10:51 AM
"Game" is unfair. Average Jewish men (and women) don't look European, but between people of Arabian Peninsula and those of Levant (same as they were 2000 years ago before diaspora):

Many have European influences, but they usually go like this:

Around 10-20% look pred. non-Judaean or very heavily admixed...

"Average Jewish men (and women) don't look European, but between people of Arabian Peninsula and those of Levant".

Wow, you shouldn't really be commenting on Jews after a statement like this one.

Jews that look anything close to the People of Arabia are a few, mainly Yemenites (they are usually as Arabid as it gets) and some Iraqis and north Africans.
Most Jews today do look more European than anything else (or at least between the Levant and southern Europe).

Ashkenazis are usually Assyrids/Iranids mixed with types of Europeans. American ones also have some of the recent Anglo Saxon mix, so any middle eastern origin is even less visible (remember the Matrilineality in Judaism, the daughter of a Jewish Women and a non Jew is Jewish, and her daughter from a non Jew is still Jewish technically,and so on).
This Assyrid trait exist also in Iraq (of course), Armenia,Syria and Arabia. Still, that alone with it's level of distribution is not enough to make Ashkenazis look even close to the people of Arabia. You could find similarities between the most non European Ashkenazis and Armenians, Kurds/Iranians from the area of Media, North Syrians and some north Iraqis. With people from Arabia? Quite Rare. Overall, most ashkenazis I've seen would fit better in Europe than in the Levant (let alone Arabia LOL).
Many of the images posted show a common Ashkenazi look. For you they might look too light or European, but I've met many Ashkenazis with that look. Pictures 7,11,13,14,21,24,31 for example (and who knows, one of them might not be Jewish at all).

North African Jews are Canaanite - Phoenician with some Iberian and a small Berid mix. A Moroccan Jew is more likely to look "European Med" than an Arabid. As an Israeli I noticed that many Moroccan Jews and Druze people are extremely similar physically.

And what about the 1-2 Million recent "Soviet Ashkenazis", who (many of them at least) posses an Ashkenazi Surname and Maybe have had one Ashkneazi Grandfather, but other than that look like your average Ukrainian/Belorussian/Lithuanian? They are considered "Jewish population" within the national census...

..."(same as they were 2000 years ago before diaspora)"

Bullshit. Ashkenazis don't look like the original people of the area, and so does Indian Jews (Mainly Indids, Small group probably converted a larger one) Yemenite (Mainly Arabids, same story as the Indians), Georgian Jews (diverse like hell, just as the rest of Georgians), Bukharan Jews (turkified Iranians), Mountain Jews (Iranian settlers of the Caucasus), Ethiopian Jews... Most Jews DO NOT look like the people prior of the diaspora.

05-03-2015, 11:08 AM
Wow, you shouldn't really be commenting on Jews after a statement like this one.

You forgot to vote, Ron!

05-03-2015, 11:45 AM
I'll go with number 4.

05-03-2015, 11:46 AM
You forgot to vote, Ron!

It would be a complete guess. It's not possible. The most distant one is number 6, who is a 6'7 "viking warrior", but I happen to know that he has an Ashkenazi mother and a non Jewish Swedish father. For sure the rest could pass as Ashkenazi or part Ashkenazi... (some even Sefardi).
Non Ashkenazi European Jews (Sefardi,Italqim) could be just as hard to spot, they can look like average Iberians/Italians/French.

Despite that... I'll go with number 10.

05-03-2015, 12:14 PM
One more vote and I'm closing this round

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 01:10 PM
It would be a complete guess. It's not possible. The most distant one is number 6, who is a 6'7 "viking warrior", but I happen to know that he has an Ashkenazi mother and a non Jewish Swedish father. For sure the rest could pass as Ashkenazi or part Ashkenazi... (some even Sefardi).
Non Ashkenazi European Jews (Sefardi,Italqim) could be just as hard to spot, they can look like average Iberians/Italians/French.

Despite that... I'll go with number 10.

Damn....I can't believe that fellow has any Jewish blood in him.

05-03-2015, 03:12 PM
the majority of them don't look Jewish.

Here is the list of ones that I think do not even remotely look Jewish in any way:


Out of those, I think the least likely to be Jewish is #6.

Anyway, this whole thing is kind of pointless because Jewishness is transmitted along the matrilineal line only. This means that it's possible for each successive generation of Jews to have only 50% the Jewish genes of the last generation and this can continue indefinitely. There could be "Jews" who actually have less than 1% Jewish DNA, and are Jewish by convention only.

05-03-2015, 03:13 PM
the majority of them don't look Jewish.

Here is the list of ones that I think do not even remotely look Jewish in any way:


Out of those, I think the least likely to be Jewish is #6.

Anyway, this whole thing is kind of pointless because Jewishness is transmitted along the matrilineal line only. This means that it's possible for each successive generation of Jews to have only 50% the Jewish genes of the last generation and this can continue indefinitely. There could be "Jews" who actually have less than 1% Jewish DNA, and are Jewish by convention only.

Yes but I'm assuming OP means 'ethnically fully Ashkenazi.'

Beit El
05-03-2015, 04:35 PM
There are so many atypical Jews as well as mischlinge that I can't be certain about who isn't. However I can at least guess the ones which (I think) are Jewish: 3, 4, 14, 20, 21, 27, 30, 32.

05-03-2015, 04:37 PM
the majority of them don't look Jewish.

Here is the list of ones that I think do not even remotely look Jewish in any way:


Out of those, I think the least likely to be Jewish is #6.

Anyway, this whole thing is kind of pointless because Jewishness is transmitted along the matrilineal line only. This means that it's possible for each successive generation of Jews to have only 50% the Jewish genes of the last generation and this can continue indefinitely. There could be "Jews" who actually have less than 1% Jewish DNA, and are Jewish by convention only.

There are persons on your list who are Full Ashkenazis on paper. I know about some, the rest might also be (as I mentioned 6 has a Swedish Father and an Ashkenazi "Kibbutznik" mother). It's possible for ashkenazis to look 99% German/French/English/Polish/Ukrainian etc with no traceable non-Jewish mix.
These groups were probably converted long ago by the core group.

05-03-2015, 05:14 PM
Jews that look anything close to the People of Arabia are a few, mainly Yemenites (they are usually as Arabid as it gets) and some Iraqis and north Africans.
Most Jews today do look more European than anything else (or at least between the Levant and southern Europe).

Arabian looks are the norm in Jewish look. Search a name such as "Goldstein" on google and on first page you find people like this:
First one looks like your most typical Saudi...

They generally don't look European, but European admixture is visible in many:) Even blond ones tend to have a foreign look:
^ see the beady eyes, six shaped nose and East-Med + Semitic base in combination with European traits which is found in majority of Jews.

05-03-2015, 05:44 PM
That is ridiculous. 'Google search Goldstein, and this one looks Saudi' (no he doesn't). How many Jews do you know in Romania? Here, try 'ultra-Orthodox Jews.' That way you know they're pure Ashkenazi.

Google.it top results:


'Take me back to Saudi Arabia. It's where I belong. No, the sun isn't too bright for me here in the far north of the globe.'


'Too blond to be Saudi? TOO BLOND TO BE SAUDI!? I'll have you know blondism in Saudi Arabia is as high as 0.03%, you ignorant Nordicist scum!'

*Note: blondism in Ashkenazis is around 1 in every 8 people; and additional 1 in 30 is ginger.


'Get that camera out of my Levantine face! Making images is forbidden by Allah here in Saudi Arabia.'


'Too Northern-shifted for Romania? Screw you you Gentile prick, my natural hair colour is black, I just dye it this way.'

*Over 40% of Ashkenazis have blue or gray eyes.


Happy merchant is happy that he can't pass in Europe.



http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/86/Members_of_Neturei_Karta_Orthodox_Jewish_group_pro test_against_Israel.jpg

"Is there any way we could get even more people to hate us?"

Prisoner Of Ice
05-03-2015, 07:42 PM
the majority of them don't look Jewish.

Here is the list of ones that I think do not even remotely look Jewish in any way:


Out of those, I think the least likely to be Jewish is #6.

Anyway, this whole thing is kind of pointless because Jewishness is transmitted along the matrilineal line only. This means that it's possible for each successive generation of Jews to have only 50% the Jewish genes of the last generation and this can continue indefinitely. There could be "Jews" who actually have less than 1% Jewish DNA, and are Jewish by convention only.

Number 6 is actually fairly jewish looking if you take away the golden hair. he's got a low forehead and jewish lips. It's really too low to go along with such an otherwise cromag phenotype. Plus shallow eyes and faces is smaller than head region. This general gracilization is always a giveaway.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-03-2015, 07:46 PM
Jews don't look like what people think they look like. Arabids are definitely nothing to do with original jews. No arabibs came to levant until after pedomohammed invadedit. The ashkenaz are MORe pure, not less. They are originally more europid, probably similar to assyrids but even whiter. Arabids themselves wereless mixed to africa and south asia, as well.

Anyway just reveal the answers, I wants to see if I got any right.

05-03-2015, 08:56 PM
Thank you all for participating in the first round. ;) Time to reveal the correct answer:

Number 1-6 are half-Jewish. 1-5 have non-Jewish mothers (left to right: German, German, German, Dutch, Russian), 6 has a non-Jewish father (Swede). Numbers 7-18 are small time celebrities- actors, models and politicians- all full Jews apart from number 10, who has a Norwegian mother and was accidentally posted here instead of the next round (my apologies). Numbers 19-36 are people I know personally, all full Jews (four Jewish grandparents) except for number 28.

#28 is a Norwegian and our only full gentile!

Feel welcome to rant and rage while I prepare the next round. :cool:

05-03-2015, 09:01 PM
Thank you all for participating in the first round. ;) Time to reveal the correct answer:

Number 1-6 are half-Jewish. 1-5 have non-Jewish mothers (left to right: German, German, German, Dutch, Russian), 6 has a non-Jewish father (Swede). Numbers 7-18 are small time celebrities- actors, models and politicians- all full Jews apart from number 10, who has a Norwegian mother and was accidentally posted here instead of the next round (my apologies). Numbers 19-36 are people I know personally, all full Jews (four Jewish grandparents) except for number 28.

#28 is a Norwegian and our only full gentile!

Feel welcome to rant and rage while I prepare the next round. :cool:

None of them are "full Jews". Most of them are well under half Jewish, except maybe #7.

05-03-2015, 09:03 PM
None of them are "full Jews". Most of them are well under half Jewish, except maybe #7.

I'm sure you know them better than me :bored:

05-03-2015, 09:04 PM
Notice the rules have been revised to make the game easier. Scores will be updated soon.

Beit El
05-03-2015, 09:10 PM
Thank you all for participating in the first round. ;) Time to reveal the correct answer:

Number 1-6 are half-Jewish. 1-5 have non-Jewish mothers (left to right: German, German, German, Dutch, Russian), 6 has a non-Jewish father (Swede). Numbers 7-18 are small time celebrities- actors, models and politicians- all full Jews apart from number 10, who has a Norwegian mother and was accidentally posted here instead of the next round (my apologies). Numbers 19-36 are people I know personally, all full Jews (four Jewish grandparents) except for number 28.

#28 is a Norwegian and our only full gentile!

Feel welcome to rant and rage while I prepare the next round. :cool:

Interesting, I wanted to name 10, 8, 7, 13, 16 and 23 too but I decided to only be certain. Seems like I was right then. I have to admit that I don't see the point in this. Prove that there are atypical individuals?

05-03-2015, 09:24 PM
Interesting, I wanted to name 10, 8, 7, 13, 14 and 23 too but I decided to only be certain. Seems like I was right then. I have to admit that I don't see the point in this. Prove that there are atypical individuals?

Not at all, these are definitely not typical Jewish individuals. The majority of Ashkenazi Jews have far more notable Med features (see the pictures that Longbowman posted), since they all have Med influence to a varying degree. But nor are these people completely atypical. I specifically chose a lot of people I personally know to prove it. I think around a fourth of my full Ashkenazi acquaintances could pass as SE or EE, and this is probably applicable to all AJs. :coffee:

Isn't it a fun game, though? You get to test your Jewdar.

Not a Cop
05-03-2015, 09:25 PM
Interesting, I wanted to name 10, 8, 7, 13, 16 and 23 too but I decided to only be certain. Seems like I was right then. I have to admit that I don't see the point in this. Prove that there are atypical individuals?

I thought it was rather aimed towards people who claim that they could always spot a jew.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-03-2015, 09:29 PM
Crazy how no. 6 had a Ashkenazi mother. He doesn't look Jewish at all! But there isn't really a Jewish look...I guess they come in all looks.

Not a Cop
05-03-2015, 09:29 PM
Not at all, these are definitely not typical Jewish individuals. The majority of Ashkenazi Jews have far more notable Med features (see the pictures that Longbowman posted), since they all have Med influence to a varying degree. But nor are these people completely atypical. I specifically chose a lot of people I personally know to prove it. I think around a fourth of my full Ashkenazi acquaintances could pass as SE or EE, and this is probably applicable to all AJs. :coffee:

Isn't it a fun game, though? You get to test your Jewdar.

I agree that they are not very atypical, but you picked people from one side of spectrum, obviously jews are not as light, from my experiene about 20% of people with jewis names look Euro, 60-70 look mixed, usually lighter pigmentation, but ME features and about 10-15% look ME.

Beit El
05-03-2015, 09:31 PM
I thought it was rather aimed towards people who claim that they could always spot a jew.

Well many of the people in the picture were obviously Jewish, and many were mischlinge. You generally can always spot a Jew.

Not at all, these are definitely not typical Jewish individuals. The majority of Ashkenazi Jews have far more notable Med features (see the pictures that Longbowman posted), since they all have Med influence to a varying degree. But nor are these people completely atypical. I specifically chose a lot of people I personally know to prove it. I think around a fourth of my full Ashkenazi acquaintances could pass as SE or EE, and this is probably applicable to all AJs. :coffee:

Isn't it a fun game, though? You get to test your Jewdar.

Quite a few in the image did look like typical Jewish individuals, which is why I guessed right.

Crazy how no. 6 had a Ashkenazi mother. He doesn't look Jewish at all! But there isn't really a Jewish look...I guess they come in all looks.

Germanic genes stronk.

Not a Cop
05-03-2015, 09:35 PM
Well many of the people in the picture were obviously Jewish, and many were mischlinge. You generally can always spot a Jew.

Well i do agree with statement that many of them propably do have NW blood, but Jews being a mixed group can show only their European side without any additional imput.

Beit El
05-03-2015, 09:41 PM
Well i do agree with statement that many of them propably do have NW blood, but Jews being a mixed group can show only their European side without any additional imput.

What I meant was that many of these had one non-Jewish parent, like OP already said.

05-03-2015, 09:48 PM
What I meant was that many of these had one non-Jewish parent, like OP already said.

Seven of them, to be exact.

05-03-2015, 09:51 PM
I agree that they are not very atypical, but you picked people from one side of spectrum, obviously jews are not as light, from my experiene about 20% of people with jewis names look Euro, 60-70 look mixed, usually lighter pigmentation, but ME features and about 10-15% look ME.

Like I told Beitel earlier, but it wouldn't be as interesting to guess at dark individuals. Obviously there's another side to the coin*. Would you participate in a game of guessing non-Jewish Meds out of dark Jews though? This is a European forum after all.

*What a delightfully Jewish metaphor.

Beit El
05-03-2015, 10:00 PM
Like I told Beitel earlier, but it wouldn't be as interesting to guess at dark individuals. Obviously there's another side to the coin*. Would you participate in a game of guessing non-Jewish Meds out of dark Jews though? This is a European forum after all.

*What a delightfully Jewish metaphor.

Why do you think I came up with the term 'Judeo-Mediterranean'?

05-03-2015, 10:00 PM
Next round will be up in a couple of days. Everyone is welcome to participate. Notice change of rules

05-04-2015, 08:10 AM
One last thing, who really knows how the original Israelite looked like?

The Canaanite Phoenician connection is a given, Hebrew shares many words with ancient Canaanite dialects, Old Hebrew and
Phoenician were very similar (branched out from the same source).
So maybe only North African and non Ashkenazi European Jews are the original ones.
But the Jewish Bible and tradition also states that Abraham came from Haran, Assyrian Teritory (hooked noses FTW).
And we must not forget the Egyptian connection.
Hebrew - Jewish tradition mixes Egyptian, Canaanite/Phoenician and Assyrian culture with added "advanced" elements.

I personally tend to assume that only Phoenician Jews are original, and all others, Including the Assyrid Ashkenazis jointed somewhere
along the way...But that is not a certain.

05-04-2015, 01:11 PM
One last thing, who really knows how the original Israelite looked like?

The Canaanite Phoenician connection is a given, Hebrew shares many words with ancient Canaanite dialects, Old Hebrew and
Phoenician were very similar (branched out from the same source).
So maybe only North African and non Ashkenazi European Jews are the original ones.
But the Jewish Bible and tradition also states that Abraham came from Haran, Assyrian Teritory (hooked noses FTW).
And we must not forget the Egyptian connection.
Hebrew - Jewish tradition mixes Egyptian, Canaanite/Phoenician and Assyrian culture with added "advanced" elements.

I personally tend to assume that only Phoenician Jews are original, and all others, Including the Assyrid Ashkenazis jointed somewhere
along the way...But that is not a certain.

Hebrew is a Cana'anite dialect, and was probably mutually intelligible with Phoenician.

Don't use the bible as a source in the way you're using it. Most Jews are Judaeans (Cana'anites) with varying degrees of other admixture, but not Assyrian. For example, the Ashkenazi look like they're about half North Italian with a small degree of Eastern European. The Sephardics look like they're about 1/3 Spanish. Papers have been written on the subject that involve scientific measures like IBD sharing, but we can tell it by atDNA analysis too. At the same time, all these groups have a certain degree of relatedness to each other (except Yemenite Jews). It is most likely the Ashkenazi are on of the groups that least resemble the original Judaeans.

Even according to your faulty premise, Western Jews wouldn't be the 'original ones' because of similarities to Phoenicians, whose genetics we do not know for sure, but using insular Levantine groups as proxies, probably did not resemble Ashkenazis, of course. It is unlikely they were half-Italian.

05-04-2015, 01:19 PM
Even according to your faulty premise, Western Jews wouldn't be the 'original ones' because of similarities to Phoenicians, whose genetics we do not know for sure, but using insular Levantine groups as proxies, probably did not resemble Ashkenazis, of course. It is unlikely they were half-Italian.

If we use Lebanese as "Phoenician" then southernmost Italians also could theoretically be half "Phoenician" given that they, too, are intermediate between Lebanese and North Italians but in their case it is more likely that they are descended from two waves of migration -- one from West-Central Europe, the other from North Africa and the Levant.

Ashkenazis may legitimately be half Italic, half Levantine though. But it comes out the same autosomally if the admixture is not dated.

05-04-2015, 03:25 PM
Hebrew is a Cana'anite dialect, and was probably mutually intelligible with Phoenician.

Don't use the bible as a source in the way you're using it. Most Jews are Judaeans (Cana'anites) with varying degrees of other admixture, but not Assyrian. For example, the Ashkenazi look like they're about half North Italian with a small degree of Eastern European. The Sephardics look like they're about 1/3 Spanish. Papers have been written on the subject that involve scientific measures like IBD sharing, but we can tell it by atDNA analysis too. At the same time, all these groups have a certain degree of relatedness to each other (except Yemenite Jews). It is most likely the Ashkenazi are on of the groups that least resemble the original Judaeans.

Even according to your faulty premise, Western Jews wouldn't be the 'original ones' because of similarities to Phoenicians, whose genetics we do not know for sure, but using insular Levantine groups as proxies, probably did not resemble Ashkenazis, of course. It is unlikely they were half-Italian.

Premise? Phoenician/Canaanite/Sidonians, it doesn't matter, I didn't intend to use the exact specification. "Original People of Canaan", Is that better? (although the Phoenicians are suppose to be mariner Canaanites, that's all. With the same El/Ba'al deities).

Ashkenazis don't look like north Italians. They usually look like People from Assyrian areas mixed with European. The "Armenid" features are common in the Northern Iraq-Western Iran-Northern Syria-Western Turkey-Armenia triangle (North parts of the Assyrian Empire) and not in Canann/Transjordan (funnily the original Ashkenaz is not France-Germany, but rather between Assyria and the Caucasus, Ashkenaz is also a name of a forefather figure for the Armenian people).
The science behind the subject is Incomplete and insufficient, and the true source of Ashkenazis is still controversial. I don't agree that
most Jews are Canaanite (refrain from using the term "Judean"), and one cannot point out a critical relatedness between distant Jewish groups.
Jewish history show us that Sephardi Jews and North African Jews are of the same stock, with the formers probably mixed with Iberian. These groups
clearly resemble groups in the Levant which are supposedly the best living representatives of ancient Canaanites - Druze people, Samaritans, Christian "Arabs" of the Levant etc.
Ashkenazis generally do not resemble those groups,but rather have their own distinctive look (Especially when the European mix is "softer"). When people here talk about "Jewish features" they usually refer to feature that are presented only among some Ashkenazis and are almost completely absent among Sefardians and North African Jews.

Anyway it's not possible to come near an absolute truth using only scientific tools like DNA analysis.

05-04-2015, 03:40 PM
Premise? Phoenician/Canaanite/Sidonians, it doesn't matter, I didn't intend to use the exact specification. "Original People of Canaan", Is that better? (although the Phoenicians are suppose to be mariner Canaanites, that's all. With the same El/Ba'al deities).

Yes, it is better.

Ashkenazis don't look like north Italians. They usually look like People from Assyrian areas mixed with European. The "Armenid" features are common in the Northern Iraq-Western Iran-Northern Syria-Western Turkey-Armenia triangle (North parts of the Assyrian Empire) and not in Canann/Transjordan (funnily the original Ashkenaz is not France-Germany, but rather between Assyria and the Caucasus, Ashkenaz is also a name of a forefather figure for the Armenian people).

Anecdotal data that doesn't fit actual evidence summarily dismissed. Please focus on genetic evidence and/or objective physical evidence, such as pigmentation traits. Also, Ashkenazis don't look Assyrian. Either you don't know any/enough Ashkenazis or you don't know any/enough Assyrians. Regardless of what Ashkenaz originally meant, it was taken to mean Germany from the first millennia. You are using false etymology, I'm afraid.

Ashkenazis don't look North Italian by and large because they aren't North Italian. Genetically they approach being 50% Northern Italian or something similar, and ergo don't look North Italian in the same way mulattoes don't look white, or black. Claiming to be able to discern between the 'MENA component' is ridiculous, I'm afraid, particularly considering the Ashkenazi are phenotypically diverse.

The science behind the subject is Incomplete and insufficient, and the true source of Ashkenazis is still controversial. I don't agree that
most Jews are Canaanite (refrain from using the term "Judean"), and one cannot point out a critical relatedness between distant Jewish groups.
Jewish history show us that Sephardi Jews and North African Jews are of the same stock, with the formers probably mixed with Iberian.

North African Jews usually are Sephardic with a by-now assimilated minority of Berber Jews, from Morocco to Tunisia.

Those groups
clearly resemble groups in the Levant that are supposedly the best representatives of ancient Canaanites - Druze people, Samaritans, Christian "Arabs" of the Levant etc.
Ashkenazis generally do not resemble those groups,but rather have their own distinctive look (Especially when the European mix is "softer"). When people here talk about "Jewish features" they usually refer to feature that are presented only among some Ashkenazis and are almost completely absent among Sefardians and North African Jews.

You believe Ashkenazis are descended from Assyrians, which is a believe without any genetic or historical evidence behind it, and only your personal views of 'what Ashkenazis look like' to back it up, views shared by no one else.

Anyway it's not possible to come near an absolute truth using only scientific tools like DNA analysis.

DNA analysis > you, and you reject it because it doesn't support you.

I'm sorry but this post is just riddled with logical fallacies and ignorance.

05-04-2015, 04:24 PM
Interesting to see if all the J00 finding specialists on here actually have anything to back up their claims.

However, I bet almost all of these people are technically half-Jews or less going by actual genetics/ancestry, which is all that matters if we're going by looks. Making it slightly pointless.

05-04-2015, 05:13 PM
Anecdotal data that doesn't fit actual evidence summarily dismissed. Please focus on genetic evidence and/or objective physical evidence, such as pigmentation traits. Also, Ashkenazis don't look Assyrian. Either you don't know any/enough Ashkenazis or you don't know any/enough Assyrians. Regardless of what Ashkenaz originally meant, it was taken to mean Germany from the first millennia. You are using false etymology, I'm afraid.

Ashkenazis don't look North Italian by and large because they aren't North Italian. Genetically they approach being 50% Northern Italian or something similar, and ergo don't look North Italian in the same way mulattoes don't look white, or black. Claiming to be able to discern between the 'MENA component' is ridiculous, I'm afraid, particularly considering the Ashkenazi are phenotypically diverse.

"Assyrian" or "Assyrian areas" does not mean one specific "Assyrian look", so enough with this false naivete. And it looks like you missed the word
"funnily". Earlier you have mentioned that they look "50%" north Italian, so yeah they should resemble north Italians according to that. The European element is irrelevant to this discussion anyway.

North African Jews usually are Sephardic with a by-now assimilated minority of Berber Jews, from Morocco to Tunisia.

Again not the point of the discussion, but again not accurate. Although being from same stock, Sephardi Jews are the ones who moved to Iberia and spoke the Judeao Latin language. After the exile some returned to North Africa but were swallowed by the veteran ancient North African Jews who has been there for ages (they called them "Mustarabim" due to their now acquired Jewish Arabic culture). Today it's wrong to state that all NAJ are sefardians (leaving the berbers aside), some have Sefardian ancestry, and some (majority) don't. Almost none speak Ladino, but those who do have any sefardian ancestry usually lean on family stories or Spanish Surnames (and even those are not "Full Sefardians").
There is a common mistake today in which all non ashkenazi Jews are called sefardian, even persian and bukharen Jews. That's why the Sefardians of the Balkans and Anatolia call themselves "Pure Sefardians", they are the ones who are still speaking Ladino till this day (In Greece and Anatolia for example they became dominant over the veteran Romaniote Jews).

You believe Ashkenazis are descended from Assyrians, which is a believe without any genetic or historical evidence behind it, and only your personal views of 'what Ashkenazis look like' to back it up, views shared by no one else.

Again putting words in my mouth. I more than once claimed that Ashkenazis look European than everything else, so how would they be descendants of Assyrians?
I call for a link with A people or Peoples from Assyrian territories/Mesopotamia and north of it (vast area), because I see a resembles between some Ashkenazis and people of that area (Armenians, Iranians, Northern Iraqis, And yeah those who call themselves Assyrian today fall in that group also).
This is claimed also by the research Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins (he interprets that as a possible "Khazer connection", his choice)
Unlike you I am also aware of many researches, sometimes even contradicting each other.

DNA analysis > you, and you reject it because it doesn't support you.

I'm sorry but this post is just riddled with logical fallacies and ignorance.

"Anyway it's not possible to come near an absolute truth using only scientific tools like DNA analysis"

How is that rejecting DNA analysis? Beats me.

"Using not only..." something, means you need to use it, but with addition of another element/s.

05-04-2015, 05:16 PM
"Anyway it's not possible to come near an absolute truth using only scientific tools like DNA analysis"

How is that rejecting DNA analysis? Beats me.

"Using not only..." something, means you need to use it, but with addition of another element/s.

DNA analysis isn't perfect in this regard because of the lack of detailed knowledge about the genetic makeups of ancient populations, true. However, we can easily plot living populations next to each other, and by that know, with certainty, that Ashkenazis share their MENA component with other Jews, and are not Assyrians or part Assyrians. Ergo your hypothesis is disproven.

05-04-2015, 05:22 PM
DNA analysis isn't perfect in this regard because of the lack of detailed knowledge about the genetic makeups of ancient populations, true. However, we can easily plot living populations next to each other, and by that know, with certainty, that Ashkenazis share their MENA component with other Jews, and are not Assyrians or part Assyrians. Ergo your hypothesis is disproven.

I rearranged the quote issue, now you can respond to the full post, Hopefully you'll stop making up statements to refute.

05-04-2015, 05:25 PM
I rearranged the quote issue, now you can respond to the full post, Hopefully you'll stop making up statements to refute.

The rest of your post was irrelevancies riddled with ad hominem and backtracking, I don't need to respond to it. Your contention that the Middle Eastern component in Ashkenazis is Assyrid/separate from that of other Jews is wrong. You're wrong about North African Jews too, Haketia is hardly a Judaeo-Arabic dialect, and the Jews to the South were Berber Jews.

05-04-2015, 05:50 PM
The rest of your post was irrelevancies riddled with ad hominem and backtracking, I don't need to respond to it. Your contention that the Middle Eastern component in Ashkenazis is Assyrid/separate from that of other Jews is wrong. You're wrong about North African Jews too, Haketia is hardly a Judaeo-Arabic dialect, and the Jews to the South were Berber Jews.

Assyrid? I don't know. A seperate ME component from that of other Jews like NA and Sefardians? Yes. The Irony of you accusing me with "ad hominem"... Well if you want it so much -
Of course you would ignore studies that show a connection between Ashkenazis and Armenians, Persians etc. You prefer studies that suit only your opinion, how typically Human of you. Putting words in my mouth, claiming stupidly that I reject DNA analysis although my statements pretty much claim the opposite. Man you're really something.

And how dare you make a statement with this "run along - you're wrong" regarding NA Jews? I've been living with all of those Ashkenazis, NAJ and sefardis my whole life. You are an ignorant twat. Jews have been living in NA at the times of Carthage, not all of them are Sefardians or Berbers. I know them, their history, their Holidays, their looks,their smell... By the thousands! what do you know? The looks of you computer screen it appears.

05-04-2015, 05:51 PM
Assyrid? I don't know. A seperate ME component from that of other Jews like NA and Sefardians? Yes. The Irony of you accusing me with "ad hominem"... Well if you want it so much -
Of course you would ignore studies that show a connection between Ashkenazis and Armenians, Persians etc. You prefer studies that suit only your opinion, how typically Human of you. Putting words in my mouth, claiming stupidly that I reject DNA analysis although my statements pretty much claim the opposite. Man you're really something.

And how dare you make a statement with this "run along - you're wrong" regarding NA Jews? I've been living with all of those Ashkenazis, NAJ and sefardis my whole life. You are an ignorant twat. Jews have been living in NA at the times of Carthage, not all of them are Sefardians or Berbers. I know them, their history, their Holidays, their looks,their smell... By the thousands! what do you know? The looks of you computer screen it appears.

Pardon my humanity, but there are no studies that support your hypothesis. Well done for living with Jews, you're clearly the only one, if you look at my ancestry bar.

05-04-2015, 06:16 PM
Pardon my humanity, but there are no studies that support your hypothesis. Well done for living with Jews, you're clearly the only one, if you look at my ancestry bar.

I've named one in my last post, Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins... And I can name many more that doesn't exactly suit neither of our Assumptions. Do we really need to pass through all of them to find out that different researchers get to different findings?

The fact that you are a Jew is irrelevant. Your statements make clear that you don't know NAJ and sefardians well enough. The exiled sefardians arrived to NA, where there were Jewish communities (Not at the same level of them spiritually and intellectually wise, but were by the numbers) - The community in Fez (Morocco) for example, is said to be numbered over 40K (Jews) at the 8th Century. And let's not mention special groups like the Jews of Djerba Island who are said to be arrivals with the phonician mariners, and today have a unique tradition not only a bit different from sefardians (Of course) but also from the Non Sefardi Jews of NA.

05-04-2015, 06:21 PM
I've named one in my last post, Eran Elhaik of Johns Hopkins... And I can name many more that doesn't exactly suit neither of our Assumptions. Do we really need to pass through all of them to find out that different researchers get to different findings?

The fact that you are a Jew is irrelevant. Your statements make clear that you don't know NAJ and sefardians well enough. The exiled sefardians arrived to NA, where there were Jewish communities (Not at the same level of them spiritually and intellectually wise, but were by the numbers) - The community in Fez (Morocco) for example, is said to be numbered over 40K (Jews) at the 8th Century. And let's not mention special groups like the Jews of Djerba Island who are said to be arrivals with the phonician mariners, and today have a unique tradition not only a bit different from sefardians (Of course) but also from the Non Sefardi Jews of NA.

His research doesn't directly compare Jewish groups on a meaningful genetic level.

I was circumcised in a Sephardic synagogue and raised in a Sephardic-identifying family in a Sephardic community. Si keres podemos avlar enel spanyolit, en muestro spanyol.

Djerbans aren't Sephardic, true. I was generalising. I did mention non-Sephardics.

05-04-2015, 09:24 PM
His research doesn't directly compare Jewish groups on a meaningful genetic level.

I was circumcised in a Sephardic synagogue and raised in a Sephardic-identifying family in a Sephardic community. Si keres podemos avlar enel spanyolit, en muestro spanyol.

Djerbans aren't Sephardic, true. I was generalising. I did mention non-Sephardics.

It cannot be dismissed completely, you would agree, and there are more with similar results. I'm not in the position to dismiss any of them, But I have yet to see or hear of a researcher who is Certain regarding the Makeup of the Ashkenazis.

I understand Spaniolit and Spanish quite well thanks to a close friend of mine, but I myself am not a Sefardian. Her family are pure judios españoles from Bulgaria, and they with many other Sefardians here in Israel don't really consider NAJ (most of them), including those who have had sefardian members in their family, as true sefardians.
Moreover, Today in Israel they distinguish themselves with the ST term (Sfaradim Tehorim, Pure Sefardians) because in mainstream media and census everyone who uses The Pray Version has "become" Sefaradi (Bukharen Jews for example, it's truly a funny story regarding the cause of their move to the Sefardian style). NAJ with some traces now "lift their heads" due to the new citizenship opportunities in Spain.
You, from a small Sefardian community in Europe cannot really relate to this issue I persume, you might have read or heard here and there that Jews who are not Really
sefardian are considered ones... It's different when all around you your unique tradition and history is "given out" freely to random people.

05-04-2015, 10:29 PM
It cannot be dismissed completely, you would agree, and there are more with similar results. I'm not in the position to dismiss any of them, But I have yet to see or hear of a researcher who is Certain regarding the Makeup of the Ashkenazis.

I understand Spaniolit and Spanish quite well thanks to a close friend of mine, but I myself am not a Sefardian. Her family are pure judios españoles from Bulgaria, and they with many other Sefardians here in Israel don't really consider NAJ (most of them), including those who have had sefardian members in their family, as true sefardians.
Moreover, Today in Israel they distinguish themselves with the ST term (Sfaradim Tehorim, Pure Sefardians) because in mainstream media and census everyone who uses The Pray Version has "become" Sefaradi (Bukharen Jews for example, it's truly a funny story regarding the cause of their move to the Sefardian style). NAJ with some traces now "lift their heads" due to the new citizenship opportunities in Spain.
You, from a small Sefardian community in Europe cannot really relate to this issue I persume, you might have read or heard here and there that Jews who are not Really
sefardian are considered ones... It's different when all around you your unique tradition and history is "given out" freely to random people.

Sephardic* well, if the Balkaners want to consider themselves alone haSephardim tehorim that is their concern, my community is from conversos anyhow, and I am not pure, it's just my culture, not my whole bloodline. This is irrelevant, though interesting, and I invite you to continue the conversation on another thread, about differences within the Sephardic community, a topic that interests me greatly, is close to my heart, and you seem to know something about.

However, from a genetic perspective, it is a fact that Jewish communities share a Levantine component.

05-05-2015, 12:41 AM
Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

05-05-2015, 01:12 AM
26 is the gentile and I'm probably wrong

half gentiles:


damn I suck at this

05-05-2015, 01:15 AM
26 is the gentile and I'm probably wrong

You can also guess at the six half-gentiles.

05-05-2015, 03:34 AM
Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

First coloumn, half-gentiles. The full gentile is 27.

05-05-2015, 03:37 AM
#11 really does not look Jewish.

05-05-2015, 07:01 AM
Not full - 9,12,19,27,31,33,35

Gentile out of them - I'll go with 19.

05-05-2015, 10:44 AM
9 or 11.

I'll stick with 9,because it was my first thought.

05-05-2015, 12:50 PM
#11 really does not look Jewish.

You can guess at the half-gentiles too. :)

05-05-2015, 12:52 PM
9 or 11.

I'll stick with 9,because it was my first thought.

What about the half-gentiles? You're missing out on a lot of potential points.

05-05-2015, 02:21 PM
First coloumn, half-gentiles. The full gentile is 27.

I suspected someone would look for a pattern. :laugh:

05-05-2015, 02:31 PM
I suspected someone would look for a pattern. :laugh:

I had another one written but then I was like, 'one burned, twice careful.'

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-05-2015, 05:53 PM
Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

This game is getting too hard. I cannot guess, any of these people could have Jewish ancestry.

05-05-2015, 05:56 PM
This game is getting too hard. I cannot guess, any of these people could have Jewish ancestry.

Come on, Maximus, give it a try. 1 gentile, 6 half-gentiles, 29 full Jews.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-05-2015, 05:58 PM
Come on, Maximus, give it a try. 1 gentile, 6 half-gentiles, 29 full Jews.

The problem is that the answer will end up being the most non Jewish-looking person. So I would guess someone who doesn't look Jewish, but maybe instead I should guess the person that looks the most Jewish? After hearing that Nord warrior's mother was an Ashkenazi, I know literally anyone could be Jewish. It blew my mind how non-Jewish he looked while still being half Jewish.

05-05-2015, 06:09 PM
The problem is that the answer will end up being the most Jewish-looking person. So I would guess someone who doesn't look Jewish, but maybe instead I should guess the person that looks the most Jewish? After hearing that Nord warrior's mother was an Ashkenazi, I know literally anyone could be Jewish.

It's meant to be challenging :)

05-05-2015, 06:10 PM
Didnt you say you were going to reveal after 1 more poster pages ago. Jews....

05-05-2015, 06:12 PM
Didnt you say you were going to reveal after 1 more poster pages ago. Jews....

Check the OP...
This is round 2.

05-05-2015, 06:18 PM
Check the OP...
This is round 2.

the links dont work on the op

05-05-2015, 06:24 PM
the links dont work on the op

What link? It's a quote leading to the message... Gentiles...:rolleyes:

Thank you all for participating in the first round. ;) Time to reveal the correct answer:

Number 1-6 are half-Jewish. 1-5 have non-Jewish mothers (left to right: German, German, German, Dutch, Russian), 6 has a non-Jewish father (Swede). Numbers 7-18 are small time celebrities- actors, models and politicians- all full Jews apart from number 10, who has a Norwegian mother and was accidentally posted here instead of the next round (my apologies). Numbers 19-36 are people I know personally, all full Jews (four Jewish grandparents) except for number 28.

#28 is a Norwegian and our only full gentile!

Feel welcome to rant and rage while I prepare the next round. :cool:

05-05-2015, 06:29 PM
What link? It's a quote leading to the message... Gentiles...:rolleyes:

you can't open the quote from the OP.

05-05-2015, 06:34 PM
you can't open the quote from the OP.

It's not meant to be opened. You're supposed to click the small fast forward button next to the username in the quote and it leads you to the original message.

05-05-2015, 06:41 PM
It's not meant to be opened. You're supposed to click the small fast forward button next to the username in the quote and it leads you to the original message.

hmm that's smart :)

In my defense it's Cinco de Mayo here.

05-05-2015, 06:47 PM
hmm that's smart :)

In my defense it's Cinco de Mayo here.

Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Feel welcome to vote on the second round if you dare ;)

05-05-2015, 07:09 PM
The problem is that the answer will end up being the most non Jewish-looking person. So I would guess someone who doesn't look Jewish, but maybe instead I should guess the person that looks the most Jewish? After hearing that Nord warrior's mother was an Ashkenazi, I know literally anyone could be Jewish. It blew my mind how non-Jewish he looked while still being half Jewish.

Haha dude your comments make me laugh (in a good way), like you are taking it too harsh...



05-08-2015, 01:09 AM
Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

I'm going with #3...looks rather Celtic to me.

05-08-2015, 01:14 AM
I'm going with #3...looks rather Celtic to me.
You can guess at the half-gentiles too. You're missing out on a lot of potential points.

05-08-2015, 01:19 AM
You can guess at the half-gentiles too. You're missing out on a lot of potential points.

I'm having a hard enough time picking out the full gentiles. :D Picking the halves would truly be a shot in the dark. But....here goes: 9, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33.

05-08-2015, 01:26 AM
I'm having a hard enough time picking out the full gentiles. :D Picking the halves would truly be a shot in the dark. But....here goes: 9, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33.
Not bad. You did slightly better than most. :)

Mn The Loki TA Son
05-08-2015, 09:55 PM
Coolstorybro, I got to think about it.

Not a Cop
05-11-2015, 12:35 AM
15 is gentile, 31,32,33,22 are mixed.

05-11-2015, 09:51 AM
15 is gentile, 31,32,33,22 are mixed.

Don't you wanna guess at all six half-gentiles?

Zmey Gorynych
05-11-2015, 12:23 PM
If these are average jews I'm Santa Klaus. To play the game I'll say nr 9. (second series). When should I expect the prize?

Guessing the gentile should be worth more than one point (3 is more like it). I agree with one point for the mongrels. Points should be deducted if members get it wrong. (-3 for identifying a full jew as a gentile, -1 for identifying a half jew as a gentile). Do I really have to teach you how to conduct a jew run contest?

05-11-2015, 12:57 PM
If these are average jews I'm Santa Klaus.

Nowhere in this thread was such a thing implied. :santa2
Don't you wanna guess at the six half-gentiles?

05-11-2015, 12:58 PM
It looks like great fun to me!


Either way I'd be surprised if men nr 3, 20, 24, 25 were not at least part-Jewish. Woman nr 3 also strikes me with some Jewish look.

05-11-2015, 01:00 PM
It looks like great fun to me!


Either way I'd be surprised if men nr 3, 20, 24, 25 were not at least part-Jewish. Woman nr 3 also strikes me with some Jewish look.

It's not called guess the Jew. ;) Read the rules. Twenty-nine full Jews, six half-gentiles, one full gentile.

Zmey Gorynych
05-11-2015, 01:07 PM
Guessing the gentile should be worth more than one point (3 is more like it). I agree with one point for the mongrels. Points should be deducted if members get it wrong. (-3 for identifying a full jew as a gentile, -1 for identifying a half jew as a gentile). Do I really have to teach you how to conduct a jew run contest?

Nowhere in this thread was such a thing implied. :santa2
Don't you wanna guess at the six half-gentiles?
I have trouble guessing the half-breeds and what's the prize?

05-11-2015, 01:08 PM
Guessing the gentile should be worth more than one point (3 is more like it). I agree with one point for the mongrels. Points should be deducted if members get it wrong. (-3 for identifying a full jew as a gentile, -1 for identifying a half jew as a gentile). Do I really have to teach you how to conduct a jew run contest?

Guessing the gentile is worth 10 points, unless you guess the person as being half instead of full gentile.

05-11-2015, 01:19 PM
I have trouble guessing the half-breeds and what's the prize?

You can have my afikoman.

Zmey Gorynych
05-11-2015, 01:34 PM
You can have my afikoman.
Since you give up the afikoman. Half-breeds: Nr. 19, 30, 15, 11, 5, 36.

05-11-2015, 01:42 PM
Ok for round two I am going with:

Half-Jew : 14, 8 , 17, 19, 23, 31
Gentile : 12

Though to be honest I don't have that good of a radar for such things.

05-11-2015, 07:17 PM
It's not called guess the Jew. ;) Read the rules. Twenty-nine full Jews, six half-gentiles, one full gentile.

Ok. Now I get - but refuse to believe that all but one have Jewish roots even if they are certainly cherrypicked :coffee:

05-11-2015, 07:18 PM
Ok. Now I get - but refuse to believe that all but one have Jewish roots even if they are certainly cherrypicked :coffee:

wat r u talkin about

this is how muh peepul look

we r nordic as fuk

any1 who says utherwise is anti-Semitic

05-11-2015, 07:48 PM
Ok. Now I get - but refuse to believe that all but one have Jewish roots even if they are certainly cherrypicked :coffee:

My reply to Beitel earlier:

Not at all, these are definitely not typical Jewish individuals. The majority of Ashkenazi Jews have far more notable Med features (see the pictures that Longbowman posted), since they all have Med influence to a varying degree. But nor are these people completely atypical. I specifically chose a lot of people I personally know to prove it. I think around a fourth of my full Ashkenazi acquaintances could pass as SE or EE, and this is probably applicable to all AJs. :coffee:

I can't help what you choose or don't choose to believe. 18 of the people in the first round and 26 in the current are individuals I personally know. The rest are celebrities.

05-15-2015, 01:08 PM
Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

Not going to guess/differentiate between half-gentiles, because there is too much random variables to consider (if father is Jewish, or mother. If mother is Jewish, often the half jew looks 100% jew, if father is Jewish, often 0% jew. For ex Erhard Milch looks 0% jew).

So here are the 7 Jews to me (half or not): 4, 8, 18 (not 100% on this one), 20, 21, 24, 36.

(aah did the game wrong. Guess its too difficult for me)

05-15-2015, 08:34 PM
Not going to guess/differentiate between half-gentiles, because there is too much random variables to consider (if father is Jewish, or mother. If mother is Jewish, often the half jew looks 100% jew, if father is Jewish, often 0% jew. For ex Erhard Milch looks 0% jew).


Prisoner Of Ice
05-15-2015, 08:44 PM
Ok. Now I get - but refuse to believe that all but one have Jewish roots even if they are certainly cherrypicked :coffee:

Only a couple are obvious but they almost all show some kind of signs, including the blond guy who is way too gracilized and brahchy and low foreheaded to be a full on nordic barbarian like his father must have been.

Of course most of europe shows some kinds of mixing with something or other, so many are probably whiter than most europeans.

Beit El
05-15-2015, 08:48 PM
Only a couple are obvious but they almost all show some kind of signs, including the blond guy who is way too gracilized and brahchy and low foreheaded to be a full on nordic barbarian like his father must have been.

Of course most of europe shows some kinds of mixing with something or other, so many are probably whiter than most europeans.

Among the most retarded things I've ever read. The fact that they even have significant Jewish ancestry already excludes them from being 'whiter'.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-15-2015, 10:00 PM
Among the most retarded things I've ever read. The fact that they even have significant Jewish ancestry already excludes them from being 'whiter'.

So you think that Duke of Windsor and our resident turko-greeks who are about 50% european are whiter than all these jews, many of whome are probably 90% white?

05-15-2015, 10:26 PM
You two haven't even voted yet. Why don't you keep the rants for later and take a guess at the gentile. :confused2:

Prisoner Of Ice
05-15-2015, 10:59 PM
You two haven't even voted yet. Why don't you keep the rants for later and take a guess at the gentile. :confused2:

I guessed 3 of the half jews, and guessed the gentile as a half jew, but chose the wrong one as full gentile. Beitel spotted who was the nonjew right away, which is kind of scary. Or was that dexter?

05-15-2015, 11:01 PM
I guessed 3 of the half jews, and guessed the gentile as a half jew, but chose the wrong one as full gentile. Beitel spotted who was the nonjew right away, which is kind of scary. Or was that dexter?

This here be the second round, mate. :costumed-smiley-083

Prisoner Of Ice
05-15-2015, 11:02 PM
More jews to spot? Count me in.

05-15-2015, 11:10 PM
More jews to spot? Count me in.

No, no. :no no This isn't spot the Jew - it's Guess the Gentile.
Same drill: 29 full Jews, 6 half-gentiles, 1 full gentile.

Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

05-16-2015, 01:03 AM
So how many did I get right?

Yeah, I'm waiting with bated breath. This is the highlight of my week here...

05-16-2015, 01:23 AM
Yeah, I'm waiting with bated breath. This is the highlight of my week here...

Get three more members to guess and I'll spill the beans.;)

Beit El
05-16-2015, 01:50 AM
So you think that Duke of Windsor and our resident turko-greeks who are about 50% european are whiter than all these jews, many of whome are probably 90% white?

Duke of Windsor isn't European. European isn't a political term like American, it has ethnic connotations.

You two haven't even voted yet. Why don't you keep the rants for later and take a guess at the gentile. :confused2:

I can't be arsed. Too many to choose from, too many Mischlinge, and even many of the full ones are picked out to be atypical. What's the point?

Prisoner Of Ice
05-16-2015, 07:50 AM
there is a significant difference between a greek and a turk in skeletal construction.You are comparing them strictly based on skin colour..

do baltid, nordid, keltic or faelid look the same to you?

They have a huge genetic overlap, dude. And plenty of greeks are light, especially in rural areas. But they are supposedly not the true greeks. Even though virtually all the mosaics show them as very pale.

05-16-2015, 10:02 AM
there is a significant difference between a greek and a turk in skeletal construction.


05-16-2015, 11:07 AM
kjöldebrand certainly doesn't look (half) Jewish.


05-16-2015, 01:57 PM
4,12,22,23,33,34 half

05-17-2015, 06:17 AM
Two more guesses, guys. :thumb001:

Round II: :shakefist
Click to enlarge
http://s5.postimg.org/s01owy56b/Find_the_non_Jew_II.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/s01owy56b/)

I've nearly run out of acquaintances to post.

You know the drill. Six half-gentiles (one point for each) and one full-gentile (ten points) to guess at.
If you recognize any person in the chart keep it to yourself (RonH) until the round is over.

05-17-2015, 06:23 AM
No, no. :no no This isn't spot the Jew - it's Guess the Gentile.
Same drill: 29 full Jews, 6 half-gentiles, 1 full gentile.
10 or 32. WTF is up with 19's head?

05-17-2015, 06:30 AM
10 or 32. WTF is up with 19's head?
He's wearing a paper chef cap.
You're missing out on a lot of potential points.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-17-2015, 07:27 AM
Fucking jews, stealing our DNA. This one is very hard. Many are subtly jewy but they probably all COULD be jews and almost non are obvious.

row 6 is pretty jewy
row 5 - very jewy overall
row 4 is pretty jewy but 23 has not much jew, but pretty shallow eyes. Jeweby? I don't know for sure, we must sample her blood.
row 3 - a whole half jew row again, maybe? 15 is pretty mongie, not that jewy. 16 is not too jewy either.
row 2 - Lots could be half jews. 5 could be. 10 and 11 are pretty goy but 11 is pretty but a bit too generic looking to be fully irish or scottish
row 1 - 5 is not very jewy at all

nonjew is probably 5, 7, 8, 10, 15 or 16

I will guess the nonjew as 10

Halfjews = 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16

05-17-2015, 07:35 AM
Fucking jews, stealing our DNA. This one is very hard. Many are subtly jewy but they probably all COULD be jews and almost non are obvious.

row 6 is pretty jewy
row 5 - very jewy overall
row 4 is pretty jewy but 23 has not much jew, but pretty shallow eyes. Jeweby? I don't know for sure, we must sample her blood.
row 3 - a whole half jew row again, maybe? 15 is pretty mongie, not that jewy. 16 is not too jewy either.
row 2 - Lots could be half jews. 5 could be. 10 and 11 are pretty goy but 11 is pretty but a bit too generic looking to be fully irish or scottish
row 1 - 5 is not very jewy at all

nonjew is probably 5, 7, 8, 10, 15 or 16

I will guess the nonjew as 10

Halfjews = 5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16

You didn't do so good this round, Ice.

05-17-2015, 07:36 AM
Thank you all for participating in the second round. :bow00001:
Time to reveal the correct answer:
1-13, 16, 18, 19, 21-26, 28-30 are people I personally know. 14, 15, 17, 20, 27, 31-36 are small time celebrities. Numbers 1-8, 10-14, 16, 18, 20-25, 27-32, 34 and 36 are full Jews. Numbers 9 and 15 have a gentile mother (Swedish, Danish) while 19, 26, 33 and 35 have a gentile father (Russian-Udmurt, German, Spaniard, German). Number 17 is a Danish model and fully gentile.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-17-2015, 07:36 AM
You didn't do so good this round, Ice.


05-17-2015, 07:47 AM
The OP will soon be updated with the current scores. You can meanwhile see the answer above.

05-17-2015, 12:33 PM
round three round three round three

Beit El
07-10-2015, 02:43 AM
round three round three round three

RIP Skjaldemjøden. It was fun while it lasted.

07-10-2015, 02:43 AM
RIP Skjaldemjøden. It was fun while it lasted.

Jews always let you down.

Beit El
07-10-2015, 02:46 AM
Jews always let you down.

What if I want to stay up?

07-10-2015, 03:04 AM
What if I want to stay up?

just don't trust a Jew.

07-27-2015, 01:02 PM
RIP Skjaldemjøden. It was fun while it lasted.

The fun isn't over, liebe Beitel. I will not rest until I've chased that Norwegian pedophile back to his mother's basement in Kirkenes. I'm ever watching. Also, I've missed you.
Talk about treacherous Jews, Long! I leave on vacation for a few and you're already saying kaddish. :wink

08-20-2016, 11:16 PM
Re-uploading the last level since it was lost when the site went down. Good luck!

https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)
-Click to enlarge-

08-21-2016, 10:37 PM
Halvsies: 1, 3, 4, 13, 19, 25

20 is the gentile?

08-21-2016, 10:40 PM
i dont agre.. so thumbed down..

08-21-2016, 10:43 PM
i dont agre.. so thumbed down..

Having a bit of a schizophrenic episode?

08-21-2016, 10:44 PM

08-21-2016, 11:03 PM
Re-uploading the last level since it was lost when the site went down. Good luck!

https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)
-Click to enlarge-

I vote for the 18th

08-22-2016, 10:24 PM
I vote for the 18th

What about the six half-gentiles? :)

08-22-2016, 10:26 PM
Wtf is this shit thread?

Give it a try :)

08-22-2016, 10:30 PM
Halvsies: 1, 3, 4, 13, 19, 25

20 is the gentile?

Sneaky, but I got your previous answer for this round on record. You actually lost a point this time.

08-22-2016, 10:32 PM
What about the six half-gentiles? :)

Let's say 5-9-15-21-27-35

It sounds like a lottery combination

de Burgh II
08-22-2016, 10:38 PM
2, 8, 10, 15, 17, 21, 31 or 33?

08-22-2016, 10:50 PM
2, 8, 10, 15, 17, 21, 31 or 33?

Pick six half-gentiles and one full gentile :cool:

08-22-2016, 11:20 PM
gosh this game is really hard. xD

08-22-2016, 11:24 PM
Re-uploading the last level since it was lost when the site went down. Good luck!

https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)
-Click to enlarge-

34 is the gentile?
half gentile : 6,2,12,15,21,18

de Burgh II
08-23-2016, 12:24 AM
Pick six half-gentiles and one full gentile :cool:

Half gentiles: 2, 8, 10, 15, 21 and 33.

Gentile: 31?

The Destroyer
08-23-2016, 12:37 AM
This is my first time with this game, so let's see...
Haflings- 2,5,14,20,22,35
Gentile - 10

08-23-2016, 12:38 AM
Can I get a free ice cream if I'm right?

08-23-2016, 12:41 AM

I don't know the meaning of that word. Must be a gentile concept.

08-23-2016, 12:57 AM
28, 12, and 23 1st page.

08-23-2016, 01:01 AM
Non-Jew: 9.
Half-Jews: 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 30.

No doubt way off, per usual. Good to see this mindless little diversion back again.

08-23-2016, 01:01 AM
28, 12, and 23 1st page.
This is the third round, buddy. Pick six half-gentiles and one full gentile (you could go with fewer, but why lose potential points?):
https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)

08-23-2016, 01:07 AM
Non-Jew: 9.
Half-Jews: 6, 12, 13, 17, 18, 30.

No doubt way off, per usual. Good to see this mindless little diversion back again.

I'm UserName1, btw. So make sure I get my two points. I'll have a fit, otherwise.

08-23-2016, 01:14 AM
This is the third round, buddy. Pick six half-gentiles and one full gentile (you could go with fewer, but why lose potential points?):
https://s5.postimg.org/y0h9l24mr/Find_the_non_Jew_III.jpg (https://postimg.org/image/y0h9l24mr/)

Half Jews: 2, 6, 13, 14, 21, 28
Gentile: 20