View Full Version : Why recipe-less cooking is the next big thing

05-05-2015, 01:13 PM
Why recipe-less cooking is the next big thing

‘Your grandmother did it, everyone did it …’ Going off-piste in the kitchen can give confidence to ‘cave man’ cooks and also suit ingredient-conscious fitness gurus

Everyone’s grandma did it, and now chefs are encouraging a new generation to do it. They want you to cook without a recipe.

The decade-long rise of celebrity chef-dom, cult restaurants and kale has sparked a proliferation of technicians’ guides for the home cook – a selection that oscillates between the wildly narrow and those that claim to be foundational.

Now, cookbooks are as much food porn as instruction, leading to Amazon reviewers calling such manuals good “coffee table” books.


05-05-2015, 01:36 PM
Always new fads... based on previous fads. There is nothing new here, to master the culinary art, one has to experiment too and not always follow recipes.

Desaix DeBurgh
05-05-2015, 01:43 PM
‘Your grandmother did it, everyone did it …’ Going off-piste in the kitchen can give confidence to ‘cave man’ cooks and also suit ingredient-conscious fitness gurus

I guess I'm one of those ingredient-conscious fitness gurus etc.. and I am very lean. I never followed recipes because I cook and eat for nutrition not for taste. When you cook and eat for nutrition there is no need to to follow elaborate recipes because everything is basic and in its natural state besides being cooked. This is not a fad for me but a way of life. Eating for taste, pleasure, or comfort etc.. is for hedonistic inferior fatasses.

05-05-2015, 02:54 PM
I know a good bit of Granny recipes myself,even if I don't actually cook very often beside fry the occasional steak its useful to know.

My grandma is a master chef.She can cook such things that Ramsay himself has not seen.

05-05-2015, 02:56 PM
I know a good bit of Granny recipes myself,even if I don't actually cook very often beside fry the occasional steak its useful to know.

My grandma is a master chef.She can cook such things that Ramsay himself has not seen.

share some :)

05-05-2015, 02:59 PM
share some :)
