View Full Version : Classify peja stojakovic

Seth MacFarlane
05-10-2015, 06:11 PM
He is of Serbian descent. Where else would his look be typical



05-10-2015, 06:30 PM
looks Balkanic indeed (best fit : Serbia - South Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey)

05-10-2015, 06:37 PM
Not serbian.looks like turkish maybe

You never visited Serbia, have you :laugh:

05-10-2015, 06:39 PM
no but i will one day my muslim serbian friend

Why quote me and write nothing for an answer :rofl:

Queen B
05-10-2015, 06:41 PM
Great Basketball player.
I still remember this shot


05-10-2015, 06:58 PM
More Bulgaro-Macedonian look than Serbo-Croatian.

05-10-2015, 07:00 PM
More Bulgaro-Macedonian look than Serbo-Croatian.

No. Looks more Serbian

05-10-2015, 07:01 PM
I would've guessed him as a Turk .

05-10-2015, 07:06 PM
No. Looks more Serbian

He looks Bulgarian to me, especailly on the second pic. He even looks like my father when younger.

05-10-2015, 07:11 PM
I would've guessed him as a Turk .

First pic is confusing, he looks like cockeyed there.

05-10-2015, 07:16 PM
First pic is confusing, he looks like cockeyed there.

Agreed, we also need profile pics to properly classify him.

Seth MacFarlane
05-10-2015, 07:30 PM
Agreed, we also need profile pics to properly classify him.

These are the closest i have for profiles , last ones best




Seth MacFarlane
05-10-2015, 07:54 PM
Nobody ever gives their classification on my threads lol what's his type

05-10-2015, 07:58 PM
Pontid + CM I guess

Seth MacFarlane
05-10-2015, 08:15 PM
Pontid + CM I guess

Does he have a similar look to you considering that's your type. Although he looks serb he's one of those Serbs with a psuedo turk vibe. Could be pontid with east alpine influence

05-10-2015, 08:17 PM
Does he have a similar look to you considering that's your type. Although he looks serb he's one of those Serbs with a psuedo turk vibe. Could be pontid with east alpine influence

From the profile yes, you've seen me right?

Seth MacFarlane
05-10-2015, 08:18 PM
From the profile yes, you've seen me right?

Nope lol :)

05-10-2015, 08:21 PM
Nope lol :)

I actually got the classification wrong. At least I tried...
Hmm well I'm much better looking :lol: with rougher features I would say.

05-10-2015, 11:59 PM
Can pass as Turkish I think.

05-11-2015, 05:44 AM
He does look Turkish.

05-11-2015, 01:28 PM
he looks like other Serbs we all know, Turks are darker

05-11-2015, 01:34 PM
He is of Serbian descent. Where else would his look be typical


http://www.sacbee.com/sports/nba/sacramento-kings/xiscqn/picture4440727/ALTERNATES/FREE_960/LS%20PEJA%20STOJAKOVIC.JPG he could fit in Lebanon to a certain extent
and some other places

05-11-2015, 02:07 PM
Turk does not look even remotely close to Serb, since they have significantly wider cheek bones and rounder faces due to their mongoloid admix, neither does he resemble to Bvlgar.This is typical Serb look with that narrow face of his and small chin, judging from profile of his skull he fits to meso/dolicho-cephalic.Therefore he can only be classified as Mediterranid.

quite long face.


occipital looks rounded, not flat.


this is typical Serb.

People here have said he looked Turkish, and by you saying he looks typical Serb, you're basically saying Turk=Serb. :laugh:
But hey you said it not me.

05-11-2015, 02:18 PM
When something like this is coming from a deluded blind cripple such as yourself, I am not bothered at all.

how the fuck you were able to come up to a conclusion he has Cro-Magnon admix is beyond me!? :picard1:

The brow ridge, his profile is exactly like mine and I'm CM influenced.
I just wanted to point out what you said before, and I dont want to provoke you, im tired of that already.

05-11-2015, 02:26 PM
I think quintessential dinarid

05-11-2015, 02:28 PM
youre stupid, why are you even talking??

Da znam. Ja sam budalo i ti si stručnjak :rolleyes:.

The Blade
09-07-2016, 07:43 PM
Dinarid. Great basketball player!