View Full Version : Heirinch Himmler: Mongoloid face (From 100 percent to 0 percent )

05-12-2015, 11:11 AM
His pseudo-Mongoloid features are surprisingly Asian looking in many of his pictures. Lol If I saw this guy with a german women I though it was a interracial union.

In this picture he looks 100% Mongoloid


In this picture he looks 80% Mongoloid


He looks 55-60% Mongoloid as a kid


In this picture 30-40%


In this picture 10-20%


In this picture 0%


05-12-2015, 11:18 AM
Albert Forster: "if I looked like Himmler, I wouldn't talk about race"

05-12-2015, 11:24 AM
Albert Forster: "if I looked like Himmler, I wouldn't talk about race"

I believe he is 100% white race although maybe he was a asiatic throwback. Like how 2 white parents who were both 100% but had a kid that came out white-black mix race. Your appearance can sometimes be determined by just the 0.1% of your genes. And there are Germans who are 0.5 to 1% East Asian.

He doesn't look very pure white let alone German next to other Germans


In this colored picture I though he looked like some Japanese general. Totally 100% Asian Mongoloid looking.

05-12-2015, 11:41 AM
Another VERY ASIAN looking Himmler next to a very ARYAN looking Hitler.


05-12-2015, 11:44 AM

05-12-2015, 11:49 AM

You crazy fool, if you wanna accused me of being a South Asian at least use North Indians or Pakistan.

Don't you feel funny that so many North Indian and Pakistani look more caucasian and more caucasoid than Himmler?


05-12-2015, 11:52 AM
Himmler is definitely not the most off person in the third reich.

I have seen pictures of nazi officers who look not a single bit different from the jews they were calling "Untermenschen"

The whole Nazi hierarchy was a giant party of insecure people who did not fit the very "Aryan" image they were obsessing about,including the almighty Fuhrer himself.

05-12-2015, 11:57 AM
To me personally, he doesn't look Asiatic at all.
Alot of Western Europeans look similar.
He looks like a typical Alpine to me.

Most people (either because they hate Nazis or are uninformed), mistake ugliness with taxonomy.
In Europe you can say this guy looks like the typical continental European schoolteacher or farmer (incidentally he was a chicken farmer).
Alot of rednecks in USA also look similar.

Same with the obsession some people here have with Goebbels being a meditteranean.
Clearly he was German, just a very weak and deformed German, due to being the non-physical type and having club-foot.
Goebbels has absolutely nothing in common with Greeks, Turks, Italians, etc.
One look at his children clearly show they had Nordid/Alpine blood.

In general the native tribes to Germania did not all have Northmen looks.
Many had brown or even black hair and weren't the classic "Nazi ideal" (the Nazis never said the Germans were, they just said that the ideal was NORDID aka Aryan, which is the most pure in Scandinavia -hence why the SS encouraged SS men to breed in Scandinavia-. All Germans said was that the ESSENCE/CORE of Germania's genes was NORDID, which gave Germany its fundamental character).

Too many Anti-Nazi or Anti-Germans on here which deforms their view of reality.
In fact: Goebbels, Hitler, Bormann, Goering...All looked like typical Germans. In fact they looked like VERY AVERAGE (not good looking) Germans, which possibly made them so hated abroad (where the political class is usually of HIGHER THAN AVERAGE breeding).

05-12-2015, 12:02 PM
Meddish leaders of the north, the rulling class...

05-12-2015, 12:02 PM
To me personally, he doesn't look Asiatic at all.
Alot of Western Europeans look similar.
He looks like a typical Alpine to me.

Most people (either because they hate Nazis or are uninformed), mistake ugliness with taxonomy.
In Europe you can say this guy looks like the typical continental European schoolteacher or farmer (incidentally he was a chicken farmer).
Alot of rednecks in USA also look similar.

Same with the obsession some people here have with Goebbels being a meditteranean.
Clearly he was German, just a very weak and deformed German, due to being the non-physical type and having club-foot.
Goebbels has absolutely nothing in common with Greeks, Turks, Italians, etc.
One look at his children clearly show they had Nordid/Alpine blood.

In general the native tribes to Germania did not all have Northmen looks.
Many had brown or even black hair and weren't the classic "Nazi ideal" (the Nazis never said the Germans were, they just said that the ideal was NORDID aka Aryan, which is the most pure in Scandinavia -hence why the SS encouraged SS men to breed in Scandinavia-. All Germans said was that the ESSENCE/CORE of Germania's genes was NORDID, which gave Germany its fundamental character).

Too many Anti-Nazi or Anti-Germans on here which deforms their view of reality.
In fact: Goebbels, Hitler, Bormann, Goering...All looked like typical Germans. In fact they looked like VERY AVERAGE (not good looking) Germans, which possibly made them so hated abroad (where the political class is usually of HIGHER THAN AVERAGE breeding).

He has a unsual face for a white person, he looks too strange. He doesn't have the typical white european face we see everywhere, he looks a White guy with high degree of Asian influence but I believe those are just pseudo-resemblence.

His face is considered rare and unsual for a white person, this is why people are making examples of him. Why is 2nd most powerful German leader have a half Mongoloid face.

It's not like people are saying. " This is such a typical European " , it is " why does he look so Mongoloid influenced "?

05-12-2015, 12:06 PM
He could give an impress of being mongoloid influenced because he has too small eyes. I don't think this is an actual mongoloid heritage, this could be just a gene mutation.

05-12-2015, 12:08 PM
He has a unsual face for a white person, he looks too strange. He doesn't have the typical white european face we see everywhere, he looks a White guy with high degree of Asian influence but I believe those are just pseudo-resemblence.

His face is considered rare and unsual for a white person, this is why people are making examples of him. Why is 2nd most powerful German leader have a half Mongoloid face.

It's not like people are saying. " This is such a typical European " , it is " why does he look so Mongoloid influenced "?

Well I've been across Germany, Austria, Switzerland...And his type is found amongst the lower classes.
Definitely not a face you would see in the British Isles, yes. But across Alpine continental europe (France, Austria/Bavaria/Swiss) yes.

I get the feeling you are not basing your writings on experience, but "guesstimating".
Have you met many Alpines (Austria/Swiss) in smaller villages (lower class: Priest, mail delivery, schoolteacher, etc)?

The Nazis were for the most part uneducated people from the lower classes/proletariat.
Is the proletariat usually good looking? No.
The few good looking Nazis often had higher classes.

05-12-2015, 12:15 PM
Well I've been across Germany, Austria, Switzerland...And his type is found amongst the lower classes.
Definitely not a face you would see in the British Isles, yes. But across Alpine continental europe (France, Austria/Bavaria/Swiss) yes.

I get the feeling you are not basing your writings on experience, but "guesstimating".
Have you met many Alpines (Austria/Swiss) in smaller villages (lower class: Priest, mail delivery, schoolteacher, etc)?

The Nazis were for the most part uneducated people from the lower classes/proletariat.
Is the proletariat usually good looking? No.
The few good looking Nazis often had higher classes.

It's certainly not a common look in Europe. Trust me, I live in London. I saw all kinds of foreigners.

I still think Himmler looks much more pseudo-Mongoloid than the average Alpine person. I've met only a very few alphines but even they don't look as pseudo-mongoloid as himmler with glasses or not. The impression Himmler gives people is that he has lots of Mongoloid blood.

05-12-2015, 12:21 PM
He could give an impress of being mongoloid influenced because he has too small eyes. I don't think this is an actual mongoloid heritage, this could be just a gene mutation.

Or maybe because he looked less German and less white than typical 99% of german


05-12-2015, 12:22 PM
Hunnic Empire

c. 420–469


Attila mobilised to attack Constantinople. However, in 453 he married a girl with the Germanic name Ildico, and died of a haemorrhage on his wedding night.[41]

Memory of the Hunnic conquest was transmitted orally among Germanic peoples and is an important component in the Old Norse Völsunga saga and Hervarar saga and in the Middle High German Nibelungenlied. These stories all portray Migration Period events from a millennium earlier.

In the Nibelungenlied, Kriemhild marries Attila (Etzel in German) after her first husband Siegfried was murdered by Hagen with the complicity of her brother, King Gunther.

In the German "Saga of Tidreck of Bern", its written versions beginning from the 13th century, the Huns are called Frisians. Frisia was often called Hunaland in the Middle Ages.[65][66]

20th century use in reference to Germans

On 27 July 1900, during the Boxer Rebellion in China, Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany gave the order to act ruthlessly towards the rebels: "Mercy will not be shown, prisoners will not be taken. Just as a thousand years ago, the Huns under Attila won a reputation of might that lives on in legends, so may the name of Germany in China, such that no Chinese will even again dare so much as to look askance at a German."[68]

The term "Hun" from this speech was later used for the Germans by British during World War I. The comparison was helped by the spiked Pickelhaube helmet worn by German forces until 1916, which would be reminiscent of images depicting ancient Hun helmets. This usage, emphasising the idea that the Germans were barbarians, was reinforced by Allied propaganda throughout the war. The French songwriter Theodore Botrel described the Kaiser as "an Attila, without remorse", launching "cannibal hordes".[69]

The usage of the term "Hun" to describe Germans resurfaced during World War II. For example Winston Churchill 1941 said in a broadcast speech: "There are less than 70,000,000 malignant Huns, some of whom are curable and others killable, most of whom are already engaged in holding down Austrians, Czechs, Poles and the many other ancient races they now bully and pillage."[70] Later that year Churchill referred to the invasion of the Soviet Union as "the dull, drilled, docile brutish masses of the Hun soldiery, plodding on like a swarm of crawling locusts."[71] During this time American President Franklin D. Roosevelt also referred to the German people in this way, saying that an Allied invasion into Southern France would surely "be successful and of great assistance to Eisenhower in driving the Huns from France."[72] Nevertheless, its use was less widespread than in the previous war. British and American World War II troops more often used the term "Jerry" or "Kraut" for their German opponents.


Pannonian Avars

Initially, the Avars and their subjects lived separately, except for Slavic and Germanic women who married Avar men. Eventually, the Germanic and Slavic peoples were included in the Avaric social order and culture,

Apart from the assimilated Gepids, a few graves of west Germanic (Carolingian) peoples have been found in the Avar lands. They perhaps served as mercenaries.[18]

Anthropological evidence

Anthropological research has revealed few skeletons with Mongoloid-type features, although there was continuing cultural influence from the Eurasian nomadic steppe. The late Avar period shows more hybridization, resulting in higher frequencies of Euro-Mongoloids.[14] Mongoloid and Euro-Mongoloid types compose about one-third of the total population of the Avar graves of the eighth century.[15] According to Pál Lipták the early Avar anthropological material was almost exclusively Europoid in the 7th century, while grave-goods indicated Middle and Central Asian parallels.[16] On the other hand, cemeteries dated for the 8th century contained Mongoloid elements among others. He analysed population of the Danube-Tisza midland region in the Avar period and found that 80% of them showed Europoid characteristics.[16] The Turanid was most common Europoid type among the Avars graves. Pál Lipták (1955) the Turanid type is a Caucasoid type with significant Mongoloid admixture, arising from the mixture of the Andronovo type of Europoid features and the Oriental (Mongoloid).[17]



05-12-2015, 12:51 PM
Well I've been across Germany, Austria, Switzerland...And his type is found amongst the lower classes.
Definitely not a face you would see in the British Isles, yes. But across Alpine continental europe (France, Austria/Bavaria/Swiss) yes.

I get the feeling you are not basing your writings on experience, but "guesstimating".
Have you met many Alpines (Austria/Swiss) in smaller villages (lower class: Priest, mail delivery, schoolteacher, etc)?

The Nazis were for the most part uneducated people from the lower classes/proletariat.
Is the proletariat usually good looking? No.
The few good looking Nazis often had higher classes.

Even with their eyes hidden, himmler still looks far more mongoloid.


05-12-2015, 01:10 PM
I don't see it


Desaix DeBurgh
05-12-2015, 01:14 PM
Well I've been across Germany, Austria, Switzerland...And his type is found amongst the lower classes.
Definitely not a face you would see in the British Isles, yes. But across Alpine continental europe (France, Austria/Bavaria/Swiss) yes.

I get the feeling you are not basing your writings on experience, but "guesstimating".
Have you met many Alpines (Austria/Swiss) in smaller villages (lower class: Priest, mail delivery, schoolteacher, etc)?

The Nazis were for the most part uneducated people from the lower classes/proletariat.
Is the proletariat usually good looking? No.
The few good looking Nazis often had higher classes.

Nazism was a peasant movement populated by the worst in German peasant scum. Its "Aryan" philosophy and aspirations were a complete joke, and its blind devotion to nationalistic jingoism was the height of psychological blindness and wishful thinking. You can’t make genetic Aryans - a race of kings - out of a nation of genetic turnip-peasants.

05-12-2015, 01:14 PM
I don't see it?


That's because you posted a picture of Ulrich Noethen.

05-12-2015, 01:48 PM
Why, I've never before seen this subject "discussed" on an anthroboard. How refreshing!

05-12-2015, 02:19 PM
Nazism was a peasant movement populated by the worst in German peasant scum. Its "Aryan" philosophy and aspirations were a complete joke, and its blind devotion to nationalistic jingoism was the height of psychological blindness and wishful thinking. You can’t make genetic Aryans - a race of kings - out of a nation of genetic turnip-peasants.
Are you inbred or just stupid? Peasants are most pure in their gene pool, unlike cities population wich has a significant percent of foreign blood. Peasants are best looking part of population.
Russian peasants, are they bad looking? :

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 02:25 PM
He has a unsual face for a white person, he looks too strange. He doesn't have the typical white european face we see everywhere, he looks a White guy with high degree of Asian influence but I believe those are just pseudo-resemblence.

His face is considered rare and unsual for a white person, this is why people are making examples of him. Why is 2nd most powerful German leader have a half Mongoloid face.

It's not like people are saying. " This is such a typical European " , it is " why does he look so Mongoloid influenced "?

I have an ancestor who looks "Jewish", I1 Y-DNA. Just because you look something doesn't mean you are that. Himmler was German, he had no Asian blood, as much as I have Jew blood which is none. In case you didn't know, Mesolithics had a pseudo Mongoloid look. They mixed with Neolithics, who were actually quite swarthy. When the two mixed the white race was born. We have a lot of odd looking white people therefore, some look more "Asian" (Mesolithic genes dominant) and some look like "Crypto-Jews" (Neolithic genes dominant). It just means they have more Mesolithic or Neolithic ancestry or something like that. Himmler was pure blooded German.

05-12-2015, 02:29 PM
I've already pointed this out, but you would think this was Himmler. Maybe he had Hunnish blood.


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 02:31 PM
I've already pointed this out, but you would think this was Himmler. Maybe he had Hunnish blood.


lol no. Himmler didn't have Hunnish blood. He had Mesolithic blood though, and those guys looked pseudo Mongoloid.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 02:36 PM
LOL the only thing "Asian" about Himmler is his eyes. His face is not Asian structure. Just cause he has squinty eyes everyone thinks hes asian. I have sort of squinty eyes, someone thought I was Chinese once, or part Chinese. It's funny. Squinty eyes is actually pretty common among Europeans, it has nothing to do with them being crypto Huns LOL otherwise I guess I have Hunnish blood....

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 02:38 PM
It just comes from Mesolithics.

05-12-2015, 03:39 PM
LOL the only thing "Asian" about Himmler is his eyes. His face is not Asian structure. Just cause he has squinty eyes everyone thinks hes asian. I have sort of squinty eyes, someone thought I was Chinese once, or part Chinese. It's funny. Squinty eyes is actually pretty common among Europeans, it has nothing to do with them being crypto Huns LOL otherwise I guess I have Hunnish blood....

No. Small eyes are definately not the reason. I've seen thousands of Europeans with smaller eyes than Himmler and still looks 100% Europeans.

It is the appearance and face of Himmler gives out a heavy Mongoloid influence ( as pseudo as that is ).

There are negroes and Mongoloid with caucasoid facial structure and still look 100% non-white. Himmler pseudo-Mongoloid is very much stronger than the average European. I don't know if it's Hunnish blood or Mesolothic blood but he definately looks different from 99% of European.

Many white guys here have small squinty eyes but still look 100% Caucasian

05-12-2015, 03:45 PM
"...Germans more frequently have strongly protruding cheekbones, shief and narrow eye slit, upper eye lid fold, low nasal root and broad nasal bridge… Comparison of Germans of Scheidt with various Eastern European groups – Russian, Finnish and even Turkic shows that Mongoloid traits are spread in Central Europe no less, but rather more than in Eastern Europe. By many basic racial traits Hannover and Baden Germans turn out being “more Mongloid” than Voronezh Russians or Vychegda Komi, and only a bit less Mongoloid than Turkics of Northern Caucasus, half of whom is partially Mongoloid… presence of certain Mongoloid traits is established on German skulls from Bavaria (Saller, 75), Franconia (Heger, 57), Hannover (Gaushild, 52; Saller, 77). But with most clarity Mongoloid admixture shows itself in the Longobard sample of the 6th century from Nikitch in Burgerland (Eastern Austria), studied by G. Muller… in the article by G. Muller also the skulls of the Germanic tripe of Gepidae from Croatia are mentioned, studied by Lebzelter, which show even greater intermixture with Mongoloids (65).

In the light if the above facts it’s interesting to recall the old works by Galder, who among Ancient Germanic skulls from “regular burials” of Wurtenberg found about 20% of intermixed “Turanic-Germanic” forms (55, P. 14). By “Turanic” type Galder undoubtably mean Mongoloids proper, as he considered a broad face, protruding cheekbones, flattish non-protruding nose with broad nasal bridge and lower jaw of small height (Ibid, P. 5) as characteristic traits of this type. Skulls with “Turanic” traits are concentrated, according to Galder, in the valley of Upper Danube from Gynsburg (?) to Sigmaringen (?) (Ibid., P. 13). Validity of the conclusion of presence of Mongoloid elements in the composition of the Germanic tribes of Central Europe is backed by control comparison of images of German skulls with similar materials from Sweden, published in the remarkable album by Retzius… Mongoloid types have spread over territories of contemporary Austria, Tirol, Bavaria and Wurtenberg, where their traces clearly show themselves on skeletal remains, and also among contemporary population… It may seem strange, at the first thought, that contemporary Germans frequently have more Mongoloid traits in anthropological phenotype than many groups of Eastern Europe. But it may seem strange only at the first thought, as greater Mongoloidness of Bavarians in comparison with Russians is explained by the fact that bearers of Mongoloid elements – the Black Sea nomads have been settling not the territories they were passing in their migration, but the territories of their destination… Appeared in the end of the 1st millennium BC, Germanic tribes were anthropologically intermixed already in the period of their ethnogenesis. They included not only various Europeoid racial types of the second tier, but also intermediary “Uralo-Lappid” complexes. Close contact with nomads in 4-10th centures increased amount of Mongoloid admixture in Germanics."

N.N. Cheboksarov. Mongoloid Elements in Population of Central Europe.

05-12-2015, 04:03 PM
ButlerKing is a south asian who always wannabe a mongoloid

go to get plastic surgery

05-12-2015, 04:11 PM
In fact: Goebbels, Hitler, Bormann, Goering...All looked like typical Germans. In fact they looked like VERY AVERAGE (not good looking) Germans, which possibly made them so hated abroad (where the political class is usually of HIGHER THAN AVERAGE breeding).

I agree, most people on forums have a fantasized idea of what Germans look like on average, because they have never been to Germany basically. It's also diverse and the majority probably doesn't really fit the archetypal representation, at least in present time. I could post some guys i know from Munich or Frankfurt and hear "i see Atlanto med influence or he is Iberian". It's the same for every country but there is just a lot more fantasies about Germany for obvious reasons.

05-12-2015, 04:14 PM

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:21 PM
No. Small eyes are definately not the reason. I've seen thousands of Europeans with smaller eyes than Himmler and still looks 100% Europeans.

It is the appearance and face of Himmler gives out a heavy Mongoloid influence ( as pseudo as that is ).

There are negroes and Mongoloid with caucasoid facial structure and still look 100% non-white. Himmler pseudo-Mongoloid is very much stronger than the average European. I don't know if it's Hunnish blood or Mesolothic blood but he definately looks different from 99% of European.

Many white guys here have small squinty eyes but still look 100% Caucasian

lol you're full of shit atm, go take a dump and we can talk. If Himmler is Hunnic I am crypto Jew! I score no Ashkenazi on 23andme (just 0.1 MENA) but I do have an ancestor who 'looks Jewish' and I guess by your logic it means I have some of that blood in me. I'm really sick of you clowns who assume someone has different background than what it obvious just because they might come off a certain way phenotypically. BTW I also have "pseudo Mexican" looking ancestors who might have had American Indian blood but there's no way of knowing. I think Europeans tend to look weird more often than not.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:23 PM

They all look pretty normal to me. That General Siry is the only one that looks a little weird, but you find these types in all populations...Goebbels' kind is actually pretty typical for Germany and so is Adenauer. He looks like any old German man, even members of my family.

05-12-2015, 04:25 PM
Mesolithic = Partially proto mongoloid.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:25 PM
Yes, ButlerKing, it might be Mesolithic admixture, but all Europeans have that. So it doesn't make Himmler a special snowflake.

05-12-2015, 04:26 PM
Mesolithic = Partially proto mongoloid.

Some anthropologists argue that this is not the Mesolithic, and - Turano-Nomadic racial signs.

05-12-2015, 04:26 PM
lol you're full of shit atm, go take a dump and we can talk. If Himmler is Hunnic I am crypto Jew! I score no Ashkenazi on 23andme (just 0.1 MENA) but I do have an ancestor who 'looks Jewish' and I guess by your logic it means I have some of that blood in me. I'm really sick of you clowns who assume someone has different background than what it obvious just because they might come off a certain way phenotypically. BTW I also have "pseudo Mexican" looking ancestors who might have had American Indian blood but there's no way of knowing. I think Europeans tend to look weird more often than not.

Did I say he was a true Mongoloid? I said his appearance gives out a very strong mongoloid morphological appearance.

He looks very untypical from the vast majority of Europeans, and even among untypical Europeans he is one of the most untypical.

05-12-2015, 04:28 PM

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:29 PM
Did I say he was a true Mongoloid? I said his appearance gives out a very strong mongoloid morphological appearance.

He looks very untypical from the vast majority of Europeans, and even among untypical Europeans he is one of the most untypical.

He's a little weird looking, but you and others have been saying he might have Hunnic ancestry and that is pure bullshit. He's definitely a European, some might say he looks Asian, he does give off a pseudo Mongoloid vibe in some pictures, others he doesn't. I don't know what to tell you other than he is not Hunnic or anything special. He is average German chicken farmer. Typical German peasant with a funny look who came to power by being one of Hitler's henchmen. Lots of people have funny looks, it really doesn't say anything about someones ancestry. Had Himmler himself claimed to have had Asian ancestry it might be more easier to believe, but this comes form internet nerds who are spending too much time thinking about it.

05-12-2015, 04:31 PM
Some anthropologists argue that this is not the Mesolithic, and - Turano-Nomadic racial signs.
Never read any studies where Germans have East Asian admixture, if you have any i'd like to see it.

05-12-2015, 04:32 PM
Never read any studies where Germans have East Asian admixture, if you have any i'd like to see it.

"...Germans more frequently have strongly protruding cheekbones, shief and narrow eye slit, upper eye lid fold, low nasal root and broad nasal bridge… Comparison of Germans of Scheidt with various Eastern European groups – Russian, Finnish and even Turkic shows that Mongoloid traits are spread in Central Europe no less, but rather more than in Eastern Europe. By many basic racial traits Hannover and Baden Germans turn out being “more Mongloid” than Voronezh Russians or Vychegda Komi, and only a bit less Mongoloid than Turkics of Northern Caucasus, half of whom is partially Mongoloid… presence of certain Mongoloid traits is established on German skulls from Bavaria (Saller, 75), Franconia (Heger, 57), Hannover (Gaushild, 52; Saller, 77). But with most clarity Mongoloid admixture shows itself in the Longobard sample of the 6th century from Nikitch in Burgerland (Eastern Austria), studied by G. Muller… in the article by G. Muller also the skulls of the Germanic tripe of Gepidae from Croatia are mentioned, studied by Lebzelter, which show even greater intermixture with Mongoloids (65).

In the light if the above facts it’s interesting to recall the old works by Galder, who among Ancient Germanic skulls from “regular burials” of Wurtenberg found about 20% of intermixed “Turanic-Germanic” forms (55, P. 14). By “Turanic” type Galder undoubtably mean Mongoloids proper, as he considered a broad face, protruding cheekbones, flattish non-protruding nose with broad nasal bridge and lower jaw of small height (Ibid, P. 5) as characteristic traits of this type. Skulls with “Turanic” traits are concentrated, according to Galder, in the valley of Upper Danube from Gynsburg (?) to Sigmaringen (?) (Ibid., P. 13). Validity of the conclusion of presence of Mongoloid elements in the composition of the Germanic tribes of Central Europe is backed by control comparison of images of German skulls with similar materials from Sweden, published in the remarkable album by Retzius… Mongoloid types have spread over territories of contemporary Austria, Tirol, Bavaria and Wurtenberg, where their traces clearly show themselves on skeletal remains, and also among contemporary population… It may seem strange, at the first thought, that contemporary Germans frequently have more Mongoloid traits in anthropological phenotype than many groups of Eastern Europe. But it may seem strange only at the first thought, as greater Mongoloidness of Bavarians in comparison with Russians is explained by the fact that bearers of Mongoloid elements – the Black Sea nomads have been settling not the territories they were passing in their migration, but the territories of their destination… Appeared in the end of the 1st millennium BC, Germanic tribes were anthropologically intermixed already in the period of their ethnogenesis. They included not only various Europeoid racial types of the second tier, but also intermediary “Uralo-Lappid” complexes. Close contact with nomads in 4-10th centures increased amount of Mongoloid admixture in Germanics."

N.N. Cheboksarov. Mongoloid Elements in Population of Central Europe.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:33 PM
Never read any studies where Germans have East Asian admixture, if you have any i'd like to see it.

Yeah lol that's complete bullshit what vorg is saying.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:34 PM
"...Germans more frequently have strongly protruding cheekbones, shief and narrow eye slit, upper eye lid fold, low nasal root and broad nasal bridge… Comparison of Germans of Scheidt with various Eastern European groups – Russian, Finnish and even Turkic shows that Mongoloid traits are spread in Central Europe no less, but rather more than in Eastern Europe. By many basic racial traits Hannover and Baden Germans turn out being “more Mongloid” than Voronezh Russians or Vychegda Komi, and only a bit less Mongoloid than Turkics of Northern Caucasus, half of whom is partially Mongoloid… presence of certain Mongoloid traits is established on German skulls from Bavaria (Saller, 75), Franconia (Heger, 57), Hannover (Gaushild, 52; Saller, 77). But with most clarity Mongoloid admixture shows itself in the Longobard sample of the 6th century from Nikitch in Burgerland (Eastern Austria), studied by G. Muller… in the article by G. Muller also the skulls of the Germanic tripe of Gepidae from Croatia are mentioned, studied by Lebzelter, which show even greater intermixture with Mongoloids (65).

In the light if the above facts it’s interesting to recall the old works by Galder, who among Ancient Germanic skulls from “regular burials” of Wurtenberg found about 20% of intermixed “Turanic-Germanic” forms (55, P. 14). By “Turanic” type Galder undoubtably mean Mongoloids proper, as he considered a broad face, protruding cheekbones, flattish non-protruding nose with broad nasal bridge and lower jaw of small height (Ibid, P. 5) as characteristic traits of this type. Skulls with “Turanic” traits are concentrated, according to Galder, in the valley of Upper Danube from Gynsburg (?) to Sigmaringen (?) (Ibid., P. 13). Validity of the conclusion of presence of Mongoloid elements in the composition of the Germanic tribes of Central Europe is backed by control comparison of images of German skulls with similar materials from Sweden, published in the remarkable album by Retzius… Mongoloid types have spread over territories of contemporary Austria, Tirol, Bavaria and Wurtenberg, where their traces clearly show themselves on skeletal remains, and also among contemporary population… It may seem strange, at the first thought, that contemporary Germans frequently have more Mongoloid traits in anthropological phenotype than many groups of Eastern Europe. But it may seem strange only at the first thought, as greater Mongoloidness of Bavarians in comparison with Russians is explained by the fact that bearers of Mongoloid elements – the Black Sea nomads have been settling not the territories they were passing in their migration, but the territories of their destination… Appeared in the end of the 1st millennium BC, Germanic tribes were anthropologically intermixed already in the period of their ethnogenesis. They included not only various Europeoid racial types of the second tier, but also intermediary “Uralo-Lappid” complexes. Close contact with nomads in 4-10th centures increased amount of Mongoloid admixture in Germanics."

N.N. Cheboksarov. Mongoloid Elements in Population of Central Europe.

Obviously this Cheboksarov is full of shit. Germans don't have Asian ancestry. They have Mesolithic ancestry, and this is a far more plausible reason for squinty eyes among Germans.

05-12-2015, 04:38 PM
Obviously this Cheboksarov is full of shit. Germans don't have Asian ancestry. They have Mesolithic ancestry, and this is a far more plausible reason for squinty eyes among Germans.

Cheboksarov - one of the best and most competent anthropologists of the 20th century. And if you do not see in his work he also relies to German anthropologists and archaeologists.

05-12-2015, 04:38 PM
Obviously this Cheboksarov is full of shit. Germans don't have Asian ancestry. They have Mesolithic ancestry, and this is a far more plausible reason for squinty eyes among Germans.

The Hun and Avar Empires had their centers in the present-day Germany and Austria.

05-12-2015, 04:38 PM
He's a little weird looking, but you and others have been saying he might have Hunnic ancestry and that is pure bullshit. He's definitely a European, some might say he looks Asian, he does give off a pseudo Mongoloid vibe in some pictures, others he doesn't. I don't know what to tell you other than he is not Hunnic or anything special. He is average German chicken farmer. Typical German peasant with a funny look who came to power by being one of Hitler's henchmen. Lots of people have funny looks, it really doesn't say anything about someones ancestry. Had Himmler himself claimed to have had Asian ancestry it might be more easier to believe, but this comes form internet nerds who are spending too much time thinking about it.

Well you can read plenty of historical records from WW2 that claimed Himmler had as unsual and odd look among german and many accused him of having a obvious ancestor. Which clearly shows people though his Mongoloid vibe and appearance were much stronger than the average German.

Hunnic ancestry seems a little too far fetched but anything can be possible nowadays.

Like how 2 white parents can have a mullato child or black. The babies are 99.999% white and is is like 0.0001% and yet they still look black.


05-12-2015, 04:39 PM
"...Germans more frequently have strongly protruding cheekbones, shief and narrow eye slit, upper eye lid fold, low nasal root and broad nasal bridge… Comparison of Germans of Scheidt with various Eastern European groups – Russian, Finnish and even Turkic shows that Mongoloid traits are spread in Central Europe no less, but rather more than in Eastern Europe. By many basic racial traits Hannover and Baden Germans turn out being “more Mongloid” than Voronezh Russians or Vychegda Komi, and only a bit less Mongoloid than Turkics of Northern Caucasus, half of whom is partially Mongoloid… presence of certain Mongoloid traits is established on German skulls from Bavaria (Saller, 75), Franconia (Heger, 57), Hannover (Gaushild, 52; Saller, 77). But with most clarity Mongoloid admixture shows itself in the Longobard sample of the 6th century from Nikitch in Burgerland (Eastern Austria), studied by G. Muller… in the article by G. Muller also the skulls of the Germanic tripe of Gepidae from Croatia are mentioned, studied by Lebzelter, which show even greater intermixture with Mongoloids (65).

In the light if the above facts it’s interesting to recall the old works by Galder, who among Ancient Germanic skulls from “regular burials” of Wurtenberg found about 20% of intermixed “Turanic-Germanic” forms (55, P. 14). By “Turanic” type Galder undoubtably mean Mongoloids proper, as he considered a broad face, protruding cheekbones, flattish non-protruding nose with broad nasal bridge and lower jaw of small height (Ibid, P. 5) as characteristic traits of this type. Skulls with “Turanic” traits are concentrated, according to Galder, in the valley of Upper Danube from Gynsburg (?) to Sigmaringen (?) (Ibid., P. 13). Validity of the conclusion of presence of Mongoloid elements in the composition of the Germanic tribes of Central Europe is backed by control comparison of images of German skulls with similar materials from Sweden, published in the remarkable album by Retzius… Mongoloid types have spread over territories of contemporary Austria, Tirol, Bavaria and Wurtenberg, where their traces clearly show themselves on skeletal remains, and also among contemporary population… It may seem strange, at the first thought, that contemporary Germans frequently have more Mongoloid traits in anthropological phenotype than many groups of Eastern Europe. But it may seem strange only at the first thought, as greater Mongoloidness of Bavarians in comparison with Russians is explained by the fact that bearers of Mongoloid elements – the Black Sea nomads have been settling not the territories they were passing in their migration, but the territories of their destination… Appeared in the end of the 1st millennium BC, Germanic tribes were anthropologically intermixed already in the period of their ethnogenesis. They included not only various Europeoid racial types of the second tier, but also intermediary “Uralo-Lappid” complexes. Close contact with nomads in 4-10th centures increased amount of Mongoloid admixture in Germanics."

N.N. Cheboksarov. Mongoloid Elements in Population of Central Europe.

This is in the field of anthropology and it's classifications on based on (subjective) visual experimentations. Determining race this way whilst is helpful to make rough guesses it's no longer used to determine the admixture levels of people. Genetic testing is done to find that out. I recall Coon argued that white people look different from other caucasians because of their neanderthal genes which is nonsense today. I also recall him classifying Ethiopians as a caucasian race which again has also been debunked.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:39 PM
The Hun and Avar Empires had their centers in the present-day Germany and Austria.

There's no genetic proofs.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:41 PM
Well you can read plenty of historical records from WW2 that claimed Himmler had as unsual and odd look among german and many accused him of having a obvious ancestor. Which clearly shows people though his Mongoloid vibe and appearance were much stronger than the average German.

Hunnic ancestry seems a little too far fetched but anything can be possible nowadays.

Like how 2 white parents can have a mullato child or black. The babies are 99.999% white and child is is like 0.0001% and yet they still look black.


LOL! NOT REAL! The women were obviously impregnated by Black men.

05-12-2015, 04:43 PM
This is in the field of anthropology and it's classifications on based on (subjective) visual experimentations. Determining race this way whilst is helpful to make rough guesses it's no longer used to determine the admixture levels of people. Genetic testing is done to find that out. I recall Coon argued that white people look different from other caucasians because of their neanderthal genes which is nonsense today. I also recall him classifying Ethiopians as a caucasian race which again has also been debunked.

Do you deny the existence of differences between the races and subraces?

05-12-2015, 04:45 PM
LOL! NOT REAL! The women were obviously impregnated by Black men.

What do you mean not real? you're delusional if you think it doesn't exist. There is also plenty of these cases

Here is 2 black parents with a straight hair blonde baby ( yes, real parents )


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:49 PM
What do you mean not real? you're delusional if you think it doesn't exist. There is also plenty of these cases

Here is 2 black parents with a straight hair blonde baby ( yes, real parents )


And how do you know they are the real parents? Even if they are, could just be depigmented SSA.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:51 PM

He doesn't look Mongol or pseudo Mongol at all in this one. If his eyes were wider no one would be saying he was Mongol!

05-12-2015, 04:52 PM
Do you deny the existence of differences between the races and subraces?
I want something modern genetic tests. Not physical anthropology. Physical anthrology should never be used standalone as evidence of admixture but should be used to reinforce. In 2015, not 1960.

05-12-2015, 04:52 PM
There's no genetic proofs.

Actually there is genetic proof. There is haplogroup 0.5% to 1% of Q in germany.

Haplogroup Q reachest highest percent in Mongoloid than any race in the world.

05-12-2015, 04:57 PM
He doesn't look Mongol or pseudo Mongol at all in this one. If his eyes were wider no one would be saying he was Mongol!

I've seen many white people who squint their eye and still looks white. But when Himmler eyes get more squinty he looks clearly mongoloid to a great degree.

Like here for example


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 04:58 PM

Here's another one where he looks pure blooded white. He doesn't look Mongol at all here.

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 05:01 PM
I've seen many white people who squint their eye and still looks white. But when Himmler eyes get more squinty he looks clearly mongoloid to a great degree.

Like here for example



He no longer looks mongoloid.

05-12-2015, 05:03 PM
Here's another one where he looks pure blooded white. He doesn't look Mongol at all here.

Looks 30-40% Mongoloid in that picture.

Is funny how someone looks so mongoloid even though I think it's just pseudo features.

Where as Kristen Kreuk who is a half chinese and half dutch girl looks 100% white in this picture


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 05:06 PM
Looks 30-40% Mongoloid in that picture.

Is funny how someone looks so mongoloid even though I think it's just pseudo features.

Where as Kristen Kreuk who is a half chinese and half dutch girl looks 100% white in this picture



He would fit right in the Nazi party now. Just remove his squinty eyes and replace with wide eyes. Also make his hair blonde....black hair can also help in making him look asian. Black hair + squinty eyes is whats making him look mongol. Take that away and you have an aryan.

05-12-2015, 05:08 PM

He no longer looks mongoloid.

Neither do Asians


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 05:10 PM
Neither do Asians


I can still tell the second guy is asian

05-12-2015, 05:10 PM
You crazy fool, if you wanna accused me of being a South Asian at least use North Indians or Pakistan.

Don't you feel funny that so many North Indian and Pakistani look more caucasian and more caucasoid than Himmler?


Are you an Injun?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 05:11 PM
Anyways don't label people something they aren't just because they look a certain way to you. If you are going to do that then you better start calling me a Jew because I have an ancestor who looks very atypical for Germany and very Levantine looking.

05-12-2015, 05:13 PM
I can still tell the second guy is asian

He looks 0% Asian in this picture. One the Asians cover their eyes they will much less Asian than before.


Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 05:14 PM
He looks 0% Asian in this picture. One the Asians cover their eyes they will much less Asian than before.


So I guess being Asian is all about having squinty eyes.

05-12-2015, 05:18 PM
So I guess being Asian is all about having squinty eyes.

I've seen Asians with sunglasses and I couldn't tell they were Asians until they removed their glasses. Their eyes are their greatest signature of their race.

05-12-2015, 05:41 PM
I want something modern genetic tests. Not physical anthropology. Physical anthrology should never be used standalone as evidence of admixture but should be used to reinforce. In 2015, not 1960.

Anthropologist Alexeyeva:

"...The fallacy of this argument can be opened as follows:

Firstly, the existence of races does not imply the presence of sharp, insurmountable boundaries between races. Race - this is unit of very low taxonomic levels within a single species, and the presence of smoothly morphological and genetic transitions within within humanity no one is not denied.
secondly, substantial genetic homogeneity detected by populations, determined not by all known genetic systems. It is logical that the overwhelming percentage of the genes of all people it is the same, even if the human genome with the chimpanzee coincide more than 90%. However, there are also such genes that differ markedly by race. Significant racial differences by genetic traits have been identified in studies of such major research genetics and molecular biology of human, as YG Rychkov, EV Balanovskaya, VA Spitsin.

As for the argument that we do not yet know how to analyze the formation of features caused by a complex set of genes, it is more related to the methodology. Although no one knows how to analyze gene complexes, methods of analysis of their symptoms - features of appearance (phenotype) - they were developed for a long time and successfully applied now. Do not forget also that the classical rasology not based on genetic data.
Among other things, the weakness of the argument the unreality of the races is not quite correct methodological approach to the analysis of geographic variation of genetic traits in modern ethnic groups. For example, some studies have analyzed the genetic variability without due to the ethnic and geographic groups - literally on the square of the territory. However, people inhabit the Earth is not evenly. Mixing data by one "square" may lead to mixed of data on several racial groups. Naturally, this approach can not identify the differences between groups."

05-12-2015, 06:34 PM
I want something modern genetic tests. Not physical anthropology. Physical anthrology should never be used standalone as evidence of admixture but should be used to reinforce. In 2015, not 1960.

Discussing with this guy is fruitless, in a similar thread some weeks ago I pulled out multiple autosomal analyses (K8, K12b, K13, Eurogenes PCA,...) which all show that Russians on average are closer distance- and admixture-wise to Mongoloids than we are (which is no surprise after centuries of Russifying Uralic and Siberian peoples and Tatars) but he'll always respond with some vacuous early 20th century facial metrics and/or subjective descriptions, so just give it up and leave him his fantasy world

05-12-2015, 06:42 PM
Discussing with this guy is fruitless, in a similar thread some weeks ago I pulled out multiple autosomal analyses (K8, K12b, K13, Eurogenes PCA,...) which all show that Russians on average are closer distance- and admixture-wise to Mongoloids than we are (which is no surprise after centuries of Russifying Uralic and Siberian peoples and Tatars) but he'll always respond with some vacuous early 20th century facial metrics and/or subjective descriptions, so just give it up and leave him his fantasy world

U have problems? I have other data that say that the Germans have more strong mongoloid admixture than Russians.

05-12-2015, 06:52 PM
U have problems? I have other data that say that the Germans have more strong mongoloid admixture than Russians.

Well then finally put yours on the table as I did earlier with mine

05-12-2015, 07:01 PM
Hun genes.

05-12-2015, 07:05 PM
butlerking like always showing his hatred for mongoloid. some Chinese dude stole his gf it seems

05-12-2015, 07:13 PM
This is in the field of anthropology and it's classifications on based on (subjective) visual experimentations. Determining race this way whilst is helpful to make rough guesses it's no longer used to determine the admixture levels of people. Genetic testing is done to find that out. I recall Coon argued that white people look different from other caucasians because of their neanderthal genes which is nonsense today. I also recall him classifying Ethiopians as a caucasian race which again has also been debunked.

This is how race is determined. Coon only speculated that Upper Paleolithic types were influenced by Neanderthals in phenotype. He never classified Ethiopians as Caucasian but as Caucasoid-Negroid intermediates which is absolutely correct.

05-12-2015, 07:47 PM
This is how race is determined. Coon only speculated that Upper Paleolithic types were influenced by Neanderthals in phenotype. He never classified Ethiopians as Caucasian but as Caucasoid-Negroid intermediates which is absolutely correct.
He calls them whites and near - whites. He also calls their semitic admixture atlanto mediterenean. Although he says most are admixed (to a small extent), he says some are pure blooded caucasians.

05-12-2015, 08:08 PM
Well... Hitler and other Nazis were not members of internet anthroboards, so Himmler and many others passed as Ubermensch/Master Race. LOL...

05-12-2015, 08:20 PM
Himmler looks fully European. what a stupid thread. ButlerKing, what is your ethnicity?

Dr. Robotnik the Subbotnik
05-12-2015, 08:40 PM
Hun genes.

Mesolithic genes actually.

Anima Libera
05-12-2015, 09:14 PM
To me personally, he doesn't look Asiatic at all.
Alot of Western Europeans look similar.
He looks like a typical Alpine to me.

Most people (either because they hate Nazis or are uninformed), mistake ugliness with taxonomy.
In Europe you can say this guy looks like the typical continental European schoolteacher or farmer (incidentally he was a chicken farmer).
Alot of rednecks in USA also look similar.

Same with the obsession some people here have with Goebbels being a meditteranean.
Clearly he was German, just a very weak and deformed German, due to being the non-physical type and having club-foot.
Goebbels has absolutely nothing in common with Greeks, Turks, Italians, etc.
One look at his children clearly show they had Nordid/Alpine blood.

In general the native tribes to Germania did not all have Northmen looks.
Many had brown or even black hair and weren't the classic "Nazi ideal" (the Nazis never said the Germans were, they just said that the ideal was NORDID aka Aryan, which is the most pure in Scandinavia -hence why the SS encouraged SS men to breed in Scandinavia-. All Germans said was that the ESSENCE/CORE of Germania's genes was NORDID, which gave Germany its fundamental character).

Too many Anti-Nazi or Anti-Germans on here which deforms their view of reality.
In fact: Goebbels, Hitler, Bormann, Goering...All looked like typical Germans. In fact they looked like VERY AVERAGE (not good looking) Germans, which possibly made them so hated abroad (where the political class is usually of HIGHER THAN AVERAGE breeding).

There is no such thing as alpinind nor nordid blood.

You mean physical characteristics?

05-12-2015, 09:20 PM
Aryano-Germanic Himmler about slavs:

Himmler, Zhytomir 1942:

"How are born - all Slavic, Polish, Russian and other nations? They - the typical product of mix of Nordic-Germanic remnants of the upper layer and lower layer."

"This layer controls the Mongoloid bottom layer, and, gradually Nordic-German layer starts mixed with the bottom layer. Hence, appear are all these ladies with blue eyes, these women with wide hips, but nevertheless with blond hair or other, the narrow-faced, but with Mongolian structure of the body, or the men and women of Nordic physique, but squnting eyes or with dark eyes or with cheekbones, that is typical Slavs."

I guess he didn't know ukrainian history, and what ukraininans are, and considered them as russian.

05-12-2015, 09:22 PM
I guess he didn't know ukrainian history, and what ukraininans are, and considered them as russian.

He talked about all the Slavs.

05-12-2015, 09:26 PM
He talked about all the Slavs.
Do you really think that schizoid like Himmler deserve to be attentioned? He's just a hater, not an athropologist, his words were are all talk, no evidence.

Black Wolf
05-12-2015, 09:31 PM
Who gives a shit?

05-12-2015, 10:11 PM
He calls them whites and near - whites. He also calls their semitic admixture atlanto mediterenean. Although he says most are admixed (to a small extent), he says some are pure blooded caucasians.

Basic Caucasoid element involved in Ethiopians predates Semites, it is Atlanto-Mediterranean by Coon's definition of the type. A very small amount of Ethiopians are fully Caucasian, but most are mixed race and Coon acknowledged this. Horn of Africa in very prehistoric times was Caucasoid, negroids originated in west africa, so they came later on in huge amounts.

05-12-2015, 10:33 PM
Basic Caucasoid element involved in Ethiopians predates Semites, it is Atlanto-Mediterranean by Coon's definition of the type. A very small amount of Ethiopians are fully Caucasian, but most are mixed race and Coon acknowledged this. Horn of Africa in very prehistoric times was Caucasoid, negroids originated in west africa, so they came later on in huge amounts.
That's completely false. Ethiopians are a mix of Semties and nilotic Sub saharan Africans, this is basic knowledge. Look the K autosmal dna results. The nilotes live in Southern sudan and parts of southern ethiopia. The semites are either from Arabia or Egypt. There are no atlantos thousands of miles away from Egypt let alone Ethiopia. There are no pure caucasoids in Ethiopia either.
Lastly coon didnt just simply speculate he attributed the differences in Europeans to neanderthal admixture, genetic testing would have equipped him with the knowledge that Neanderthal dna is no more prominent in Europeans than Middle Easterners, the method to identify people's race or admixture purely through physical testing and observations is flawed.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-12-2015, 10:39 PM
He is not really mongy at all, but he is asiatic.

05-12-2015, 10:44 PM
That's completely false. Ethiopians are a mix of Semties and nilotic Sub saharan Africans, this is basic knowledge. Look the K autosmal dna results. The nilotes live in Southern sudan and parts of southern ethiopia. The semites are either from Arabia or Egypt. There are no atlantos thousands of miles away from Egypt let alone Ethiopia

No. The skeletal remains up until neolithic times or possibly a bit earlier are all Caucasoid. Semites didn't go to Ethiopia until about 2,000 years ago, so how do you explain that Horn Africans before that were Caucasoid/Predominantly Caucasoid?. What do autosomal results have to do with anything? They just show Ethiopians being a mix of subsaharan, and West Eurasian components, which is obvious.

There are no pure caucasoids in Ethiopia either.

There are a few, I can post examples if you want.

Lastly coon didnt just simply speculate he attributed the differences in Europeans to neanderthal admixture,

Eh.. so he was wrong about one of his theories.

the method to identify people's race or admixture purely through physical testing and observations is flawed.

Completely false. That's how race is determined.

05-12-2015, 10:58 PM
No. The skeletal remains up until neolithic times or possibly a bit earlier are all Caucasoid. Semites didn't go to Ethiopia until about 2,000 years ago, so how do you explain that Horn Africans before that were Caucasoid/Predominantly Caucasoid?. What do autosomal results have to do with anything? They just show Ethiopians being a mix of subsaharan, and West Eurasian components, which is obvious.

There are caucoisoid skulls in Ethiopia due to back migration into and from Africa. But through autosmal dna test we are now able to test where the particular caucosoid component fits, and accoridng to lazaridis study it's semitic (The egyptian hamitic/semitic component is very similar to the Arabian caucusian component), which means it's either Arabian or semitic. Look at this harrapa run. http://www.harappadna.org/2012/05/harappaworld-admixture/
the biggest Eurasian component is South West Asian which is Arabian.

There are a few, I can post examples if you want.

I'd like to see an autosmal results too.

Eh.. so he was wrong about one of his theories.

Completely false. That's how race is determined.
That is the case if you're comparing pure races, but with sub races and mixed race people it's not so clear. For example with all his testing done on Horn Africans coon kept on mistaken many for being mostly caucasoid and some even fully. Horn Africans according to autosmal dna results are 35-52% caucasian, with most being some where around 45% caucasian, a clear plurality are predominantly Sub saharan African.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-12-2015, 11:07 PM
Autosomals don't mean much, they can be used to make whatever point you want. They are defined sets based on dfiferences between reference populations. If you don't know what the references are a mix of they are useless. It would really only be of use to compare ancient dna to other ancient dna, and then to define components based on those differences. But we really don't have all that DNA already.

So for example if you put a neanderthal through these tests he gets labeled as 100% african.

There's also the issue that they can be used to intentionally conceal admixture in populations. I won't be remotely surprised if this is the case. After all somali show up as hardly african at all. They don't start off as negroid but obviously there's been some mix since then.

So you can't really take autosomals seriously, especially not as some sort of percentage of ancestry.

For ancestry y-dna and mtdna are much more reliable for looking at populations, but still not 100%.

05-12-2015, 11:07 PM
I've never really studied physical antrophology, thefore I might be jumping into conclusions, but there is something I've have observed: the classifications usually changes drastically when someone knows the background of the person who is being classified.

I didn't mean to disrespect anyone who treats physical antrophology as a science, but just I felt that I had to say this.

05-12-2015, 11:17 PM
There are caucoisoid skulls in Ethiopia due to back migration into and from Africa. But through autosmal dna test we are now able to test where the particular caucosoid component fits, and accoridng to lazaridis study it's semitic (The egyptian hamitic/semitic component is very similar to the Arabian caucusian component), which means it's either Arabian or semitic. Look at this harrapa run. http://www.harappadna.org/2012/05/harappaworld-admixture/
the biggest Eurasian component is South West Asian which is Arabian.

I'd like to see an autosmal results too.

That is the case if you're comparing pure races, but with sub races and mixed race people it's not so clear. For example with all his testing done on Horn Africans coon kept on mistaken many for being mostly caucasoid and some even fully. Horn Africans according to autosmal dna results are 35-52% caucasian, with most being some where around 45% caucasian, a clear plurality are predominantly Sub saharan African.[/QUOTE]

A couple mistakes in your post:

1: Southwest Asian is not the same as Semitic. Original Horn Africans were Caucasoids who got negroized later on.

2: There is no such thing as ''Caucasoid DNA'', or ''Negroid DNA''. Caucasoid and Negroid are only physical racial types.

05-12-2015, 11:18 PM
I've never really studied physical antrophology, thefore I might be jumping into conclusions, but there is something I've have observed: the classifications usually changes drastically when someone knows the background of the person who is being classified.

I didn't mean to disrespect anyone who treats physical antrophology as a science, but just I felt that I had to say this.

That's because most people on this type of forum have no idea what they're talking about.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-12-2015, 11:19 PM
I've never really studied physical antrophology, thefore I might be jumping into conclusions, but there is something I've have observed: the classifications usually changes drastically when someone knows the background of the person who is being classified.

I didn't mean to disrespect anyone who treats physical antrophology as a science, but just I felt that I had to say this.

A lot of people are just shit, or else don't spend any time. I don't really care much so just say whatever.

To really do it you would need to actually measure the person though, and compare to other measurements. But you can still be foiled that way as well. But the rough outlines are there, and have been proven by genetics to have surprising validity. If you replace 'aryan' with r1a+r1b then it's proven to be basically correct. Which wasa big surprise to me to be honest, I thought that was all pure bullshit.

05-12-2015, 11:24 PM
Autosomals don't mean much, they can be used to make whatever point you want. They are defined sets based on dfiferences between reference populations. If you don't know what the references are a mix of they are useless. It would really only be of use to compare ancient dna to other ancient dna, and then to define components based on those differences. But we really don't have all that DNA already.

So for example if you put a neanderthal through these tests he gets labeled as 100% african.

There's also the issue that they can be used to intentionally conceal admixture in populations. I won't be remotely surprised if this is the case. After all somali show up as hardly african at all. They don't start off as negroid but obviously there's been some mix since then.

So you can't really take autosomals seriously, especially not as some sort of percentage of ancestry.

For ancestry y-dna and mtdna are much more reliable for looking at populations, but still not 100%.
y dna only tracks down one of your many paternal descendants, the one whom the y dna originated with. It only makes up around 2.5% of your entire genome. MtDna is less important, both are good in tracking down the race of your distant ancestors, or looking up some pattern of admixture but personally they say little about you. A European can have a haplogroup that's chinese yet he could be genetically 95% white.

Prisoner Of Ice
05-12-2015, 11:26 PM
Calling something west asian doesn't make that its source, which is the implication they are trying to make. The oldest 'west asian' component is found in russia 37k years ago in a super nordic cromag skull. It didn't come to europe with 'aryan invasion' fantasies. It's always been in europe, at least it was in europe from the time of the earliest 'modern' people.

05-12-2015, 11:29 PM
A couple mistakes in your post:

1: Southwest Asian is not the same as Semitic. Original Horn Africans were Caucasoids who got negroized later on.

2: There is no such thing as ''Caucasoid DNA'', or ''Negroid DNA''. Caucasoid and Negroid are only physical racial types.
West Asian includes semitic.
genes are what gives you these physical racial features. For example there is a gene that selects for blonde hair, there is a depigmentation gene that lightens your skin. The genes that select for these features (in addition to other selections) are collectivized as a racial group.

05-12-2015, 11:41 PM
West Asian includes semitic.

And Horn Africans were Caucasoid long before Semites showed up. They didn't start out negroid, the negroes came later.

genes are what gives you these physical racial features. For example there is a gene that selects for blonde hair, there is a depigmentation gene that lightens your skin. The genes that select for these features (in addition to other selections) are collectivized as a racial group.

Only a very small amount of the autosomal DNA determines race.

05-13-2015, 08:06 AM
Heinrich might have some Finnish in him. There are people out there that think Finns are part chinky choo.

05-13-2015, 10:54 AM
That is the case if you're comparing pure races, but with sub races and mixed race people it's not so clear. For example with all his testing done on Horn Africans coon kept on mistaken many for being mostly caucasoid and some even fully. Horn Africans according to autosmal dna results are 35-52% caucasian, with most being some where around 45% caucasian, a clear plurality are predominantly Sub saharan African.

A couple mistakes in your post:

1: Southwest Asian is not the same as Semitic. Original Horn Africans were Caucasoids who got negroized later on.

2: There is no such thing as ''Caucasoid DNA'', or ''Negroid DNA''. Caucasoid and Negroid are only physical racial types.[/QUOTE]

no wounder why, some somalis has tousch of something when you look in their faces
i has seen somalis who look like a black chinise or black iranian!!!!