View Full Version : Debunking the myths of OCD

05-23-2015, 04:22 AM
Debunking the myths of OCD

There’s a common misconception that if you like to meticulously organize your things, keep your hands clean, or plan out your weekend to the last detail, you might be OCD. In fact, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) is a serious psychiatric condition that is frequently misunderstood by society and mental health professionals alike.


05-23-2015, 05:06 AM
This is true. I have OCD. It's clinically diagnosed. It's not just being a neat freak who eats M&Ms by color. It can be debilitating. My problems are mostly obsessive rather than compulsive. "Obsessive" doesn't mean stalking guys. It's more like having an ear worm, a song that you can't get out of your head. My "songs" just happen to be unpleasant thoughts. It's much better now since I give the fear, that the unwanted thoughts produce, less power. They don't upset me as much now.