View Full Version : classify shqiptar involved in shooting in vienna

05-25-2015, 05:18 PM

this brave gheg highlander shot out of a tram, killed a guy he had an arguement with before and injured two others.

05-25-2015, 05:23 PM
robust Dinarid. looks badass. so he killed innocent Germanic people? :( I've heard Vienna is full of Yugoslavs, I didn't know there were also Albanians there

05-25-2015, 05:47 PM
robust Dinarid. looks badass. so he killed innocent Germanic people? :( I've heard Vienna is full of Yugoslavs, I didn't know there were also Albanians there

Yugoslavs are the biggest migration group in Vienna, that's right. The two, who shot were albanian brothers from Kosovo, who were in Vienna for seeking asylum in Austria. They had a fight (first verbal, later physically) with two other passengers (also brothers) in a tram. As the two went out of the tram, one of the albanian brothers took out a gun and shot down the other passengers, the older brother (28) died in hospital, while the younger one could be saved through an emergency operation. Also a 19 year old girl was wounded through a bullet in her thigh, as she wanted to get in the tram, and the two killers went out at the same time. Very sad :( Hope police will get the two soon and deport them back to hell...

Cristiano viejo
05-25-2015, 08:33 PM
This people is a danger for Europe.

05-25-2015, 08:52 PM
dinarid!shitface gangster like many of his origin!

05-25-2015, 08:57 PM
dinarid!shitface gangster like many of his origin!

Well at least we don't take around 300 billion Euros from EU and the rest and refuse to pay back.

05-25-2015, 09:00 PM
Well at least we don't take around 300 billion Euros from EU and the rest and refuse to pay back.

i know you only kill people!

05-25-2015, 09:07 PM
i know you only kill people!

Yeah as the Greeks has done up to their Civil War before the money started to come in.
So yes 270 billion Euros changes people.

05-25-2015, 09:13 PM
Well at least we don't take around 300 billion Euros from EU and the rest and refuse to pay back.

i know you only kill people!

05-25-2015, 09:19 PM
Yeah as the Greeks has done up to their Civil War before the money started to come in.
So yes 270 billion Euros changes people.

i hope one day you become rich to change your manners!come on i don t have problem with the whole albanian population but it s known that you have high criminality as it s known for the Greeks from the days of ulisses that we cheat!

05-25-2015, 09:49 PM
Dinarid I think.

RIP whoever died.

Lock him up I say.

05-25-2015, 10:31 PM
Some kind of dinarid

05-25-2015, 10:40 PM
This people is a danger for Europe.

Cristiano Viejo vs Albania https://youtu.be/J7It5_vrnd4

05-26-2015, 12:49 AM
Yugoslavs are the biggest migration group in Vienna, that's right. The two, who shot were albanian brothers from Kosovo, who were in Vienna for seeking asylum in Austria. They had a fight (first verbal, later physically) with two other passengers (also brothers) in a tram. As the two went out of the tram, one of the albanian brothers took out a gun and shot down the other passengers, the older brother (28) died in hospital, while the younger one could be saved through an emergency operation. Also a 19 year old girl was wounded through a bullet in her thigh, as she wanted to get in the tram, and the two killers went out at the same time. Very sad :( Hope police will get the two soon and deport them back to hell...

are you from vienna?

05-26-2015, 12:52 AM
Dinarid I think.

RIP whoever died.

Lock him up I say.
Not good enough. Deport all the Balkan people. Every time you hear of a bank robbery in Austria or Switzerland its always some Serb or Albanian.

05-26-2015, 06:06 AM
Dinarid+Balkan CM

05-26-2015, 06:54 AM
Yugoslavs are the biggest migration group in Vienna, that's right. The two, who shot were albanian brothers from Kosovo, who were in Vienna for seeking asylum in Austria. They had a fight (first verbal, later physically) with two other passengers (also brothers) in a tram. As the two went out of the tram, one of the albanian brothers took out a gun and shot down the other passengers, the older brother (28) died in hospital, while the younger one could be saved through an emergency operation. Also a 19 year old girl was wounded through a bullet in her thigh, as she wanted to get in the tram, and the two killers went out at the same time. Very sad :( Hope police will get the two soon and deport them back to hell...If everything you saying is true then they're innocent. It's depressing enough being on some asylum migration journey then have assholes assault you and you dignity. I highly doubt they shot those passengers for fun, out of "sheer boredom". You must be an evil person to wish them being caught IMO.RIP and may the innocent get freedom.

Cristiano viejo
05-26-2015, 02:24 PM
Cristiano Viejo vs Albania https://youtu.be/J7It5_vrnd4

I was not referring Albanians as people but Albanian individuals.
Albos should be the first to report these bastards.

05-26-2015, 02:34 PM
If everything you saying is true then they're innocent. It's depressing enough being on some asylum migration journey then have assholes assault you and you dignity. I highly doubt they shot those passengers for fun, out of "sheer boredom". You must be an evil person to wish them being caught IMO.RIP and may the innocent get freedom.

Why am I evil? They killed one person and injured two others. Yes, I hope, police will catch them and deport them back to Kosovo, where they should serve time.

05-26-2015, 03:14 PM
Dinarid I think.

RIP whoever died.

Lock him up I say.

two brothers (albs) were wounded, one of them died later on in the hospital. the other one survived and could tell some infos. the group of kosovars had a family feud going on for years...

05-26-2015, 03:27 PM
dinarid!shitface gangster like many of his origin!

Kind of ironic how you say that yet you perve over every Albanian girl I post, or guess the ones that aren't Albanian as Albanian and state how beautiful they are :laugh:

05-26-2015, 03:32 PM
Kind of ironic how you say that yet you perve over every Albanian girl I post, or guess the ones that aren't Albanian as Albanian and state how beautiful they are :laugh:

i said that i don t have anything with the Albanian population but only with the criminals and that you have many incidents of criminal behaviour wherever you went and you have a bad name for that!of course i will not say good words about murderers and bullies!but for good thinks as the girls you posted why not to support them?

05-26-2015, 03:38 PM
i said that i don t have anything with the Albanian population but only with the criminals and that you have many incidents of criminal behaviour wherever you went and you have a bad name for that!of course i will not say good words about murderers and bullies!but for good thinks as the girls you posted why not to support them?

"shitface gangster like many of his origin!"

"i know you only kill people!"

You say you don't have anything against the Albanian population and look what you posted. Yeah, criminals are filthy bastards and should be locked up, but you're being ignorant by saying all Albanians are criminals which you deny here yet your previous posts say otherwise.

A criminal is a criminal, doesn't matter what his ethnicity is.

05-26-2015, 03:48 PM
"shitface gangster like many of his origin!"

"i know you only kill people!"

You say you don't have anything against the Albanian population and look what you posted. Yeah, criminals are filthy bastards and should be locked up, but you're being ignorant by saying all Albanians are criminals which you deny here yet your previous posts say otherwise.

A criminal is a criminal, doesn't matter what his ethnicity is.

i said many not all of them!of course criminality has no country!i am with anyone that is decent!i was a little tough in what i posted but it s only because we have hundreds of incidents of criminality in Greece that came from Albanians!it s not for everyone but i believe you have a trend to criminal actions!

05-26-2015, 03:52 PM
RIP. The person who did this should end in prison.

Meanwhile let's not take a moment to manipulate info. According to the Austrian Newspaper,
they never meant to hurt any passenger and the girl was accidentally hit by a bullet.

Damn this Vendetta!

05-26-2015, 03:55 PM
i said many not all of them!of course criminality has no country!i am with anyone that is decent!i was a little tough in what i posted but it s only because we have hundreds of incidents of criminality in Greece that came from Albanians!it s not for everyone but i believe you have a trend to criminal actions!

Ok, whatever I really don't care anymore, just don't post on my threads anymore :).

05-27-2015, 10:53 PM
two brothers (albs) were wounded, one of them died later on in the hospital. the other one survived and could tell some infos. the group of kosovars had a family feud going on for years...

Yep, I heard it, too. It was a blood feud. They were meeting in the tram to "discuss" their feud, but then, one of the Albanians shot... Unbelievable. Imagine, you are sitting in there and something like this happens next to you, or like the 19 year old girl, you get a bullet in your thigh. Such barbarity should not be imported.

05-27-2015, 11:02 PM
Yep, I heard it, too. It was a blood feud. They were meeting in the tram to "discuss" their feud, but then, one of the Albanians shot... Unbelievable. Imagine, you are sitting in there and something like this happens next to you, or like the 19 year old girl, you get a bullet in your thigh. Such barbarity should not be imported.

are you from vienna?

05-27-2015, 11:11 PM
Hey, look how much fun we have with them, here in Greece. What I have learned, all these years, is that albanians only act in groups or individualy if armed (with knives, gus etc.).


05-27-2015, 11:21 PM
Robust Dinarid, maybe some Mediterranid.

The victim was/were Albanian so cut it with the entire immigrant criminal storyline... Balkanites are all categorised under the same labels, including thy ''innocent'' Serbs.

Cristiano viejo
05-27-2015, 11:24 PM
The victim was/were Albanian so cut it with the entire immigrant criminal storyline...
Is he less criminal because the victim was Albo too?? come on

05-27-2015, 11:31 PM
Is he less criminal because the victim was Albo too?? come on

A criminal is a criminal, but is he now a criminal because he is Albanian? Stop with the dualism, you're rather know through it here.

05-27-2015, 11:40 PM
are you from vienna?

Nearby, you?

Robust Dinarid, maybe some Mediterranid.

The victim was/were Albanian so cut it with the entire immigrant criminal storyline... Balkanites are all categorised under the same labels, including thy ''innocent'' Serbs.

It is an immigrant storyline. I don't know, why you have to mention Serbs here, cause it has nothing to do with us, must be some kind of reflex, but I would be ashamed, if this person would be from my country, cause this redounds on the whole community. But blood feud is not existing in Serbian society for god's sake.

05-27-2015, 11:44 PM
Nearby, you?
bin aus wien, ja.

05-27-2015, 11:46 PM
bin aus wien, ja.

Cool :D Schöne Stadt :)

Cristiano viejo
05-27-2015, 11:48 PM
A criminal is a criminal, but is he now a criminal because he is Albanian?
Tell me you. How many crimes are commited by Albos around Europe?

05-27-2015, 11:54 PM
Tell me you. How many crimes are commited by Albos around Europe?

Spaniards have literally committed one of the largest genocides in the world in Southern America, have eradicated countless cultures and you occupy yourself with petty thieves? No, tell me you (amusing English, I must say).

05-28-2015, 12:04 AM
Cool :D Schöne Stadt :)

nicht, wenn kanuntreue albaner öffentliche verkehrsmittel benützen, vor allem, die, die ich selber fast jeden tag in anspruch nehme. die schießerei ist bei mir ums eck gewesen.. war nur eine straßenbahnstation weiter, als das passiert ist am abend.

05-28-2015, 12:07 AM
Nearby, you?

It is an immigrant storyline. I don't know, why you have to mention Serbs here, cause it has nothing to do with us, must be some kind of reflex, but I would be ashamed, if this person would be from my country, cause this redounds on the whole community. But blood feud is not existing in Serbian society for god's sake.
You have nothing to be ashamed of intact, except that your whole nation has been repeatedly convicted as mass rapist and sick genocidal savage ethnicity, universally wellkown charges by the world community and convicted for it. But go ahead and lecture us on morality please.

Cristiano viejo
05-28-2015, 12:21 AM
Spaniards have literally committed one of the largest genocides in the world in Southern America, have eradicated countless cultures and you occupy yourself with petty thieves? No, tell me you (amusing English, I must say).
First, you are mistaking Spaniards with British. Where Spaniards ruled IT EXIST still those peoples and cultures :thumb001:
Second, typical argument of somene when loses a conversation. What have to do Spaniards from the XVI century with this thread and with the Albo crimes nowadays in Europe?

05-28-2015, 12:31 AM
First, you are mistaking Spaniards with British. Where Spaniards ruled IT EXIST still those peoples and cultures :thumb001:
Second, typical argument of somene when loses a conversation. What have to do Spaniards from the XVI century with this thread and with the Albo crimes nowadays in Europe?

Your idiocy has no limit. 1st of all I will not educate you on the wrongdoings of Spaniards in Southern America as it's more than obvious that those are not the same people/language/culture/civilization that they were & second we're not speaking of the British here.

XVI century or this century has nothing to do with this, a situation such as this hasn't changed the course of history at all, one can compare this event with the murder of three young girls from Valencia by Antonio Angles or the countless number of Spanish criminals listed under Interpol working either in Spain or abroad. Your personal vendetta with Albanians is laughable.

Cristiano viejo
05-28-2015, 12:50 AM
Your idiocy has no limit. 1st of all I will not educate you on the wrongdoings of Spaniards in Southern America as it's more than obvious that those are not the same people/language/culture/civilization that they were & second we're not speaking of the British here.

XVI century or this century has nothing to do with this, a situation such as this hasn't changed the course of history at all, one can compare this event with the murder of three young girls from Valencia by Antonio Angles or the countless number of Spanish criminals listed under Interpol working either in Spain or abroad. Your personal vendetta with Albanians is laughable.

Antonio Anglés was Portuguese :thumbs up
How can you compare both cases (Antonio Anglés and all these Albo crimes around Europe)????
And you are an ignorant if think that Spaniards exterminated Amerindians. For that reason there are hundred of millions of them there :lol: what retarded.

05-28-2015, 01:34 AM
Damn... a screencap of a low inhibition alpha in action.

05-28-2015, 01:52 AM
Antonio Anglés was Portuguese :thumbs up
How can you compare both cases (Antonio Anglés and all these Albo crimes around Europe)????
And you are an ignorant if think that Spaniards exterminated Amerindians. For that reason there are hundred of millions of them there :lol: what retarded.

Still a Spanish citizen, although wiki lists him as of Spanish descent born in Brazil. Either way, he is among many on Interpol's list.

The murder of three teenage girls seems much more brutal than this one, but let's not focus on a sole case. The reason there are ''millions'' of them doesn't change the murders, assimilation and cultural genocide that your ancestors committed in Latin America.

You call me retarded yet you can't even make a proper sentence. What retarded. :lol:

Cristiano viejo
05-28-2015, 02:08 AM
Still a Spanish citizen, although wiki lists him as of Spanish descent born in Brazil. Either way, he is among many on Interpol's list.
Antonio Anglés is dead, RETARDED.

The murder of three teenage girls seems much more brutal than this one, but let's not focus on a sole case. The reason there are ''millions'' of them doesn't change the murders, assimilation and cultural genocide that your ancestors committed in Latin America.
You are too retarded, seriously, how can you compare facts from five centuries ago where ALL FUCKING HUMAN BEING was like those Conquistadors and EVERY COUNTRY behaved the same (hey, it as a CONQUEST :lightbul:), with fucking Albo criminals in this century with no excuses but being inferior beings and scum? :lol:
Plus, you are lying (rather you are an illiterate about the topic, as usual), if you knew something about America and the conquest would know that Spain protected the rights of the Indians better than anyone and for this their cultures still are alive.
It is as if I complain about the behavior of Albanians fighting for Ottomans in Balkans five centuries ago :lol:

[You call me retarded yet you can't even make a proper sentence. What retarded. :lol:
Typical loser comment :laugh:

05-28-2015, 02:20 AM
Antonio Anglés is dead, RETARDED.

Relevant? Not.

You are too retarded, seriously, how can you compare facts from five centuries ago where ALL FUCKING HUMAN BEING was like those Conquistadors and EVERY COUNTRY behaved the same (hey, it as a CONQUEST :lightbul:), with fucking Albo criminals in this century with no excuses but being inferior beings and scum? :lol:
Plus, you are lying (rather you are an illiterate about the topic, as usual), if you knew something about America and the conquest would know that Spain protected the rights of the Indians better than anyone and for this their cultures still are alive.
It is as if I complain about the behavior of Albanians fighting for Ottomans in Balkans five centuries ago :lol:

No, not every country behaved the same, stop generalising. Galicia itself is the main European entry point for Colombian cocaine yet are all Galicians criminals? Well trying to explain this to you is like you denying the fact Spaniards destroyed many civilizations... :coffee:

Ottoman soldiers of Albanian descent were kidnapped and forced, so no comparison here.

Typical loser comment :laugh:

What retarded. xD xD xD

05-28-2015, 02:25 AM
Antonio Anglés is dead, RETARDED.

You are too retarded, seriously, how can you compare facts from five centuries ago where ALL FUCKING HUMAN BEING was like those Conquistadors and EVERY COUNTRY behaved the same (hey, it as a CONQUEST :lightbul:), with fucking Albo criminals in this century with no excuses but being inferior beings and scum? :lol:
Plus, you are lying (rather you are an illiterate about the topic, as usual), if you knew something about America and the conquest would know that Spain protected the rights of the Indians better than anyone and for this their cultures still are alive.
It is as if I complain about the behavior of Albanians fighting for Ottomans in Balkans five centuries ago :lol:
Ok we get it, Spaniards have evolved, they no longer sound the badasses they use to be:


05-28-2015, 02:39 AM
This is off-topic but that triple murder happened in very mysterious circumstances and even now most people are not sure about what really happened.

Then why don't we blame it on the Albanians? Irrelevant.

Cristiano viejo
05-28-2015, 02:43 AM
Relevant? Not.
According you he is Spaniard and searched by Interpol, when is officially declared dead a lot of years ago :laugh:
Relevant? of course it is not? you are who talk about one guy who died, I dont know, 20 years ago?
Relevant talking about Spanish crimes in an Albo crime thread? :rolleyes: well, it is your typical excuse to no talk about your countrymen in Europe.

No, not every country behaved the same, stop generalising.
Five centuries ago? of course they did. Deniying this point is retarded. Ah yes, it is that you are retarded.

[Galicia itself is the main European entry point for Colombian cocaine yet are all Galicians criminals? Well trying to explain this to you is like you denying the fact Spaniards destroyed many civilizations... :coffee:
hahaha Colombian cocaine, you have said it :picard1:
What about the drug traffick controlled by Albanians, prostitution, traffick of organs (where even the president of Kosovo is imputed)? what ironic you are.
What civilizations did Spain destroy? name it.

[Ottoman soldiers of Albanian descent were kidnapped and forced, so no comparison here.
-Oh man, Kastriot fled. Why not the rest of them?
-Kidnapped and forced? not all of them, many embraced Islam for benefits.
So yes, I can compare what Albanians did in name of their own culture and religion with what Spanish did in America. Even I think that the behavior of those Albos was worse because they were betraying their brothers.

What retarded I am. xD xD xD

Correct here.

05-28-2015, 03:00 AM
According you he is Spaniard and searched by Interpol, when is officially declared dead a lot of years ago :laugh:
Relevant? of course it is not? you are who talk about one guy who died, I dont know, 20 years ago?
Relevant talking about Spanish crimes in an Albo crime thread? :rolleyes: well, it is your typical excuse to no talk about your countrymen in Europe.

Well not that I'm surprised, but you're obviously missing the point here... :picard2:

Five centuries ago? of course they did. Deniying this point is retarded. Ah yes, it is that you are retarded.

You just single handedly blasted yourself. Priceless.

hahaha Colombian cocaine, you have said it :picard1:
What about the drug traffick controlled by Albanians, prostitution, traffick of organs (where even the president of Kosovo is imputed)? what ironic you are.
What civilizations did Spain destroy? name it.

Not me (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galician_mafia#cite_note-1) gitano. A bunch of crimes common all over Europe and I correct you, it was the Prime minister and the allegations were refuted very quickly... :wink

Aztecs? Incas? Rings a bell?

man, Kastriot fled. Why not the rest of them?
-Kidnapped and forced? not all of them, many embraced Islam for benefits.
So yes, I can compare what Albanians did in name of their own culture and religion with what Spanish did in America. Even I think that the behavior of those Albos was worse because they were betraying their brothers.

Kastrioti was a royal subject. Many fled, educate yourself on matters of Balkan history. Bringing the Islamic card again? There was never an Albanian Caliphate, unlike Al-Andalus. :lol: As of comparing Ottoman Albania and the Spanish conquest... Well let's just say those are two parallel words you clearly are not familiar with.

Correct here.

What retarded. xD

05-28-2015, 03:02 AM
As I said, an off-topic. Nothing to do with what's being discussed here. It seems that dude killed them indeed but it was believed somebody else's was behind it. Well, I'm a sucker for conspiracy theories I guess. *OFF-TOPIC'S OVER*

The entire thread is off topic then... Just do us a favour and close it before what retarded enlightens us.