View Full Version : The Brains of Women and Men Really Are Different

♥ Lily ♥
05-26-2015, 03:23 PM
The Brains of Women and Men Really Are Different

Just like men and women are physically different to each other, our brains think and function differently too.
A psychologist once found that men tend to want to know the 'how' question more in life... such as how to get somewhere or how to do things in a straightforward way, whereas females tend to analyse and want to know 'why' more often and want to understand the reasons for things more in life.

Maybe this has something to do with male and female hormones as well which make us feel and think in different ways. Females tend to be softer and more analytical and emotional and caring, and this probably stems from the maternal nesting instinct in nature, whereas males tend to be more straightforward, practical and productive in getting things done. I think this is why men and females do certain roles in life better, such as females being good at caring and nursing or counselling roles and men tend to be better builders and long-distance drivers, for instance. Male and female brains, bodies and hormones are different to each other.

A man enters a store to buy milk. He walks out of the store with milk. That is all -- milk. At the same time, a woman enters the same grocery store to buy milk. She buys it. But, she also buys chicken and lemons to make dinner that night. And she gets some wine for a party later that week. Then she remembers to buy a card for a friend, coffee for the morning, and some cleaning supplies. That is the difference between the female and male brain simply explained in a grocery store. Generally speaking, men do one thing at a time. Women do several things at the same time.

Now some brain research supports this theory. Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania studied brain images of 949 people from eight to 22 years old. They found that male brains have more connections on one side of the brain, or hemisphere. In the female brain, they found more connections between the right and left hemispheres. The left side of the brain is known as the side of "reason". The right hemisphere is know as the "creative" side.

Regina Verma is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania. She co-wrote the study. She says when women are asked to do something difficult they are likely to use both the reasoning and the creative side. Men, she adds, generally use one or the other. As a result, men generally deal directly with a problem. Women are more likely to take a less direct path to find a solution. But, Dr. Verma says the study shows generalities. She says it should not lead anyone to expect some behaviors from women and others from men.



05-26-2015, 03:33 PM
Women also like to talk in riddles, men are more direct.

Man : hey you want to go out to the movies tonight
Women:No we can't go out, im very busy tonight (playing with hair, looking to the side ect)

2nd scenerio:
Man: hey bitch you wanna fuck?
Women holds thinks about it for a few seconds while playing with her hair

05-26-2015, 04:25 PM
There is a fundamental change happening in the male brain (which differentiates it from the female one) during pregnancy.

In short testosterone blocks the surge center of GnRH (Gonadotropine releasing Hormone) in the hypothalamus,because of its incapability to bond with a-fetoprotein.So you end up having a female brain with two centers (tonic-surge) in its hypothalamus and a male brain with only a tonic center.

05-26-2015, 04:30 PM
The Corpus Callosum in female brains is thicker. It is a great anatomical explanation for why women tend to be less direct in the way they approach problems. This evidence is substantiated by PET scan studies which compared women's and men's brains when presented with the same problem.

05-26-2015, 04:39 PM
women are dumb.

05-26-2015, 04:40 PM
Women with high functioning autism tend to have brain function more similar to that of a man.

05-26-2015, 06:15 PM
women are dumb.

I cede to your expertise on dumbness.

05-26-2015, 06:22 PM
I cede to your expertise on dumbness.

You are aware many women use emotional sensation in the judgement process. How would this make them smarter than men? In some ways women can be smart but not when it comes to political positions or in the military. They are the least smart.

Women are better at other things than men but I wouldnt say they are smarter overall.

05-26-2015, 06:27 PM
Why did you create this... I mean how did you create this thread?

05-26-2015, 06:34 PM
women are dumb.

I beg to differ ;)

05-26-2015, 06:51 PM
Does it have anything to do with the fact that women dislike maths? I couldn't speculate on the matter without being offensive. xD

♥ Lily ♥
05-28-2015, 12:33 PM
Does it have anything to do with the fact that women dislike maths? I couldn't speculate on the matter without being offensive. xD

Uh, have you ever heard of Carol Vorderman?

Maths was one of my most favourite subjects at school along with music (which also involves some maths in itself.) My mum told me that she had her own formula for getting her maths questions correct at school and she always taught me how important it was to stay in the top set in our school for mathematics, and I was always in the top maths level class out of 4 different levels throughout my secondary school. The top level maths class in my secondary school had about an equal amount of girls and boys in the same level (slightly more boys in our class than girls though) and our regular and strict maths teacher would sometimes push our class into areas of A-level learning of maths according to another maths teacher who took over our GCSE level maths class once.

We had to take a test every month after studying one of the many different subjects of maths, to check our progress in understanding everything which was being taught to us each month. Pupils were expected to score over 65% correct answers to stay in the top maths class set out of 4 maths classes levels in each school year in my secondary school. The boys in our maths class would often score between 85-98% accuracy when the results were read out each month, and the girls would average 70-85% correct answers in our maths class tests each month. If anyone fell below 60% in the monthly tests they'd be moved into a different learning level of maths classes.

I loved algebra and many other subjects covered during maths classes and I passed my Cambridge Numeracy Exam at age 15. I'd always ask my mum for help with understanding my maths homework in junior school as she's very good at explaining things as my father was often busy at work. She'd always say to me when writing long sums that they had to be written in neat lines like soldiers buttons. I love solving long equations on paper rather than using a calculator, as maths, like music, is one of the best brain exercises and maths is fun. I wish I could have been as enthusiastic about physics in secondary school, which was a subject I really struggled with. :rolleyes:

05-28-2015, 12:42 PM
Uh, have you ever heard of Carol Voderman?

Maths was one of my most favourite subjects at school along with music (which also involves some maths in itself.) My mum told me that she had her own formula for getting her maths questions correct at school and she always taught me how important it was to stay in the top set in our school for mathematics, and I was always in the top maths level class out of 4 different levels throughout my secondary school. I loved algebra too and I passed my Cambridge Numeracy Exam at age 15. I love solving long equations on paper rather than using a calculator, as maths, like music, is one of the best brain exercises and maths is fun.

I've never heard of this person. Math was actually my subject at uni. All I can say is that around 20% of the students were girls in the first year whilst only 1 remained in the 4th year and she had disappeared in the very last one. This is a general tendency all over the world too, girls just don't do maths.

♥ Lily ♥
05-28-2015, 12:50 PM
I've never heard of this person. Math was actually my subject at uni. All I can say is that around 20% of the students were girls in the first year whilst only 1 remained in the 4th year and she had disappeared in the very last one. This is a general tendency all over the world too, girls just don't do maths.

Carol Vorderman is a television personality who has taught over 1 million children in her on-line maths classes and she's sold over 4 million maths books that she's written to help students who are studying maths, (her great-grandfather Adolphe Vorderman played a key role in the discovery of vitamins.)

Carol Vorderman is also known for her excellent maths skills on an English game-show called Countdown relating to numbers and letters where contestants had to make as many words as possible from a random selection of about 9 letters within 30 seconds to score more points and scoring higher points for making longer words from the letters.

The game also involved maths puzzles where contestants had to try to make a number that randomly appeared on a digital screen by using only 6 number cards within a 30 second time-frame allowance, (no calculators are allowed; contestants can only use paper to do addition, subtraction, division and multiplication sums to help them in trying to reach the number target on the digital screen using the number cards.) The number cards ranged from 1-100 and contestants would take turns to select number cards from 4 different rows of cards where numbers from the rows of cards would be higher or lower numbers to use in the quiz, before the 3 digit target number they would have to make using the cards appeared, (as demonstrated in the two top videos below.)

The closer to the actual number on the screen that the contestants managed to reach using the number cards, the more points they'd score. (They're only allowed to use a number card once and they don't have to use all of the 6 number cards.) Sometimes the number to reach was very simple and easy to make and even children could solve it in a few seconds and contestants and Carol would laugh before the countdown clock had even begun, but other times it was very difficult (like in the video quizzes below.)

Carol would often solve difficult equations very quickly when writing down calculations on a board when the contestants couldn't solve it, although some numbers were mathematically impossible to make from the number cards available. She would also show alternative methods of reaching the number using various equations.

I love maths like my mum (particularly arithmetics, algebra and I like doing long calculations on paper,) and I had the advantage of having a very good maths teacher at school and pupils did well in his classes, although I struggled pathetically with chemistry and physics in science classes and would just guess the answers to questions in my homework and scored low marks. I'd score high marks during GCSE level astronomy lessons and our teacher made the classes so interesting, (plus I had the advantage of my great-uncle teaching me a lot of extra things on that subject out of school classes, and I'd write to NASA and they'd sent me big info packs, and I'd learn a lot about the night-sky and star constellations through looking into a massive telescope in my great uncles garden.) I took a load of interest and paid intense attention during astronomy lessons, but I took absolutely no interest in concentrating during chemistry and physics classes because the teacher was tedious and boring in the way he'd mumble when teaching our class and he nearly bored me and my school friends to sleep and I tried to pay some attention during his classes but my mind would often wonder onto other things.

The target number to make is 952 from the number cards within 30 seconds in the quiz below.
In my head I added 3 + 6 to make 9, then multiplied 9 by 100 = 900.
Then I added the 50 number card = 950.
950 was the closest I could get to making 952 in the 30 seconds using the number cards;-
I was just 2 numbers out from the target.
A male contestant was able to make 952 from the cards!!
The Countdown champions are males,
and I think males tend to be more gifted in working out maths puzzles.


The target is to make the number 813 in the quiz below from the number cards within 30 seconds.
The closest to this number I made in the time limit was 849 (without using paper to write sums.)
I just multiplied 10 x 100 = 1000. Then 25 + 75 = 100. Subtract that (100) from 1000 = 900.
Subtract the 50 and the 1 number cards from 900 = 849. A male contestant reached the target number!





05-28-2015, 02:36 PM
Not really a surprise... :D

♥ Lily ♥
05-28-2015, 05:30 PM
Research also shows that men are in general more intelligent than women (it's not that females are 'stupid', it's just that men tend to have even better academic results than females,) and it's not sexism but a scientific fact since men scored higher IQ averages than the average female IQ results across various nations. The vast majority of scientists, inventors, engineers and professors are men:






Taiga Lake
05-28-2015, 05:44 PM
Yes though there are expection, like really gay man can think and act like the girliest girl and lesbian or just really tomboy girl can think and act like really manly guy. I'm personally kinda middle way but more towards the masculine (obviously because i'm a guy).

06-06-2015, 06:28 PM
Research also shows that men are in general more intelligent than women (it's not that females are 'stupid', it's just that men tend to have even better academic results than females,) and it's not sexism but a scientific fact since men scored higher IQ averages than the average female IQ results across various nations. The vast majority of scientists, inventors, engineers and professors are men:






We have a national competitive exam in 7th grade at school and every year the released statistics clearly show that girls perform better in both math and literature. The admission limits are even adjusted to the gender (at least back then when I was little). It was actually harder (though not by much) to be accepted as a girl than a boy in whatever school you were aiming at. If you look at the stats, in general there are more women in the universities than men, too!

As for science in particular, little girls play with dolls, kitchen tools and take extra painting classes. Little boys have little cars, constructors and play chess, etc. Children are unfortunately conditioned that way. In civilized countries like Scandinavialand for example, the difference in science faculties is much lesser, maybe because their parents are smarter on average, who knows... :rolleyes:

06-08-2015, 01:46 PM
I beg to differ ;)

Women are like children. Emotional and irrational at times. :rolleyes:

06-08-2015, 01:47 PM
Research also shows that men are in general more intelligent than women (it's not that females are 'stupid', it's just that men tend to have even better academic results than females,) and it's not sexism but a scientific fact since men scored higher IQ averages than the average female IQ results across various nations. The vast majority of scientists, inventors, engineers and professors are men:






But I thought men were stupid? :rolleyes: hmmm.....which men are the smartest? White heterosexual men ofcourse!

06-08-2015, 02:26 PM
I never liked math. My skills are good enough to go through live with it, but I don't feel the need to know higher math. But I admire People how are good at it. I always loved languages and art in school.
However it is obvious that most women choose psycho-socio-babble subjects at University. Such as Psychology, study to become a teacher, Gender-Studies, Social Education and so on. In General there's nothing bad about it (except Gender Studies, noone needs that!). I am in favor for women in female jobs.