View Full Version : Exciting Roman military archives discovery!

07-12-2010, 02:19 AM
... in the Netherlands. :)

I was just skimming the Dutch section, and found Asega's post there, which is worth translating!

Roman military archives is above water in the province of Utrecht

Utrecht - On July 9 in the archaeological deposit of Utrecht province presented a unique find from Roman times.

It is a collection of more than 100 fragments of writing tablets from the Roman fort Fectio in Bunnik-Fighting. It is the first time in the Netherlands at the border of the Roman Empire such a discovery was made. The collection is also special because a large number of boards is fairly complete and reasonably well preserved.

The wooden writing tablets in the 70 years found by two amateur archaeologists north from the Roman fort, where Public Works was working on a road widening of the A12 and A27. In the excavation of land along the highway collapsed shelves were revealed. The extraordinary discovery has now been passed to the archaeological deposit of the province of Utrecht.

Roman archive is above water
Survey of the archaeological consultant Hazenberg Archaeology and the Free University of Amsterdam shows that it is likely that official documents from military archives staff of the nearby building of the Roman troops. It could include charters, debt certificates, contracts or wills. Probably the writing boards in removing the archive thrown into the Rhine, where it after two thousand years in the bed of the river have been found.

The find is not only particularly the Netherlands, but also falls into the category of top collections as the Vindolanda writing tablets found at Hadrian's Wall in England. The owners of the documents, the boards Fectio ceded to the province of Utrecht, so they can be studied and preserved. This fits well with the ambition of the province to the history of the Roman fort back to life.

Additional studies
The writing boards are mandated by the province of Utrecht were studied. An English archaeologist and expert in this area of the University of Oxford, where possible, translate the texts. All survey data are also in a scientific database and several (popular) scientific papers presented. Of the research is also a photo shoot and film report. After writing tablets have been preserved, is a selection from the collection found on display. The research was completed late 2011. The supervision of the project is owned by Hazenberg Archaeology from Leiden.

Fort Fectio takes a special place in history. The castellum was around the year 5 AD built as a warehouse or an outpost of the Roman expeditionary force that was preparing for the conquest of Germania. The fort was occupied until around 270 AD by troops from Spain and Thrace (Bulgaria) and was probably visited by dignitaries such as emperor Caligula.

Google Translator has its faults, but you get the idea. :p

Original here;

and... Wow. The Vindolanda tablets from Hadrian's Wall are quite spectacular, and up to now, were pretty unique. Tons of fascinating (and personal!) info has been gleaned from them, so I await further developments here with impatience! :cheers: