View Full Version : Dumb articles from 'scientists' - which are your favorites?

05-28-2015, 05:17 PM
In my recent years I have stumbled upon some pretty silly articles involving scientific 'studies', but here are two of my favorites;

'Obesity isn't caused by food - but by infection' (let's ignore the Conservation Laws!) - This even included a made-up 'study' involving mice.
'Catching a simple cold drastically lowers your IQ for 10 years' (I've caught a few dozen colds in my life time, yet I'm in college. Step your game up!)
'Oxygen causes cancer' (given the oxidant effect of oxygen, that isn't surprising, but really why make an article about this?)
Something about iWatches/Google Glasses causing cancer, I can't remember the exact headline.

I have nothing against scientific research and would aspire to be involved in it myself, but some studies are so ridiculous it's on par with stuff the drunk guy in the trailer would have to say, e.g the average Daily Mail editor. I can't decide if #1 or #2 is more ridiculous. I'm already seeing a trend in obese people claiming some mythical physics-defying virus/bacteria is behind their obesity while stuffing cake in their mouths. :rolleyes:


05-28-2015, 10:27 PM
Forgot to add, the 'water memory' one was dumb also.