View Full Version : Are Zombie Movies The Self-Fulfilling prophetical Expression Of Liberal Self-Hatred For The USA?

06-05-2015, 05:41 AM
I just started watching Maggie which seems to be a version of The Road or yet another apocalyptic American "Zombie" movie.

It seems post-apocalyptic Zombie movies and television shows are mainstream with The Walking Dead, iZombie and World War Z some recent examples to name but a few. It also seems to me that Hollywood, that bastion of liberalism, is projecting and predicting American decline because subconsciously, at least, even Hollywood liberals know that the USA cannot sustain the current policies of the post-social revolution society largely marketed to the American masses by the Hollywood machine -multiculturalism, mass third-world immigration, welfare, political correctness, cultural relativism, degenerate sexuality and morality etc- and express this hatred of America in the many contemporary visions of American destruction and decline now prevalent in popular culture, from a culturally Marxist elite representing this pop culture social milieu, that cannot celebrate anything about America so instead would choose to destroy her both in fiction and in reality.

Is this vision of an apocalyptic, or post-apocalyptic America, to be Hollywood's self-fulfilling prophecy?