View Full Version : Classify Nino D'auria and tell in which countries he could pass as a native!

06-09-2015, 11:57 PM
http://s20.postimg.org/el3zal899/Nino_D_auria.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/c3s83bocp/full/)

http://s20.postimg.org/bkijgb7kd/Nino_D_auria2.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/wsw7xqm19/Nino_D_auria3.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/poeeoperx/Nino_D_auria4.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/40pge9edp/Nino_D_auria5.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/5r8hfqvwt/Nino_D_auria6.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/4vc00am8d/Nino_D_auria7.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/4wlxtpo25/Nino_D_auria8.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/3k8u5kg0d/Nino_D_auria9.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/e5o43twy5/Nino_D_auria10.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s20.postimg.org/y48kjy70p/10527510_825950684084322_726556263933698906_n.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/y48kjy70p/)

06-09-2015, 11:59 PM

Tooting Carmen
06-10-2015, 12:08 AM
Looks Berber.

Seth MacFarlane
06-10-2015, 12:12 AM
No joking or exaggerating from me he honestly would be mistaken by me as latino

06-10-2015, 12:16 AM
Note that the eyebrows are in fact much thicker if not plucked :p

06-10-2015, 12:21 AM
Most Neapolitans I've posted are artists and many of them look very Med; these artists only make a very small portion of the population of Campania and still many look 'exotic' to most users here.

For me exotic is something that is scarce i.e. not abundant and thus not so easy to find ;)

Seth MacFarlane
06-10-2015, 01:21 AM
Most Neapolitans I've posted are artists and many of them look very Med; these artists only make a very small portion of the population of Campania and still many look 'exotic' to most users here.

For me exotic is something that is scarce i.e. not abundant and not so easy to find ;)

What is exotic really ?

06-10-2015, 01:55 AM
Definition of ''exotic'':

1. originating in a foreign country, esp one in the tropics; not native: an exotic plant.
2. having a strange or bizarre allure, beauty, or quality
3. From another part of the world; foreign: exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse. See Synonyms at foreign.
4. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange: "If something can be explained simply, in a familiar way, then it is best to avoid more exotic

What is exotic really ?

Seth MacFarlane
06-10-2015, 02:02 AM
Definition of ''exotic'':

1. originating in a foreign country, esp one in the tropics; not native: an exotic plant.
2. having a strange or bizarre allure, beauty, or quality
3. From another part of the world; foreign: exotic tropical plants in a greenhouse. See Synonyms at foreign.
4. Intriguingly unusual or different; excitingly strange: "If something can be explained simply, in a familiar way, then it is best to avoid more exotic

I mean though with all the people me , you and sikeliot posted most don't look like each other and most aren't average although some are not extremly rare. Techniqually nobodies exotic. Just about everyone could pass in southern italy if you really get down to it

06-10-2015, 02:21 AM
He looks Iranian to me.

06-10-2015, 10:04 AM
Yes, something between east med and iranid.

06-10-2015, 02:30 PM
From the ones we posted that really came from Italy ancestry wise, yes - though not everyone can pass in southern Italy as a native that came from a MENA country obviously

I mean though with all the people me , you and sikeliot posted most don't look like each other and most aren't average although some are not extremly rare. Techniqually nobodies exotic. Just about everyone could pass in southern italy if you really get down to it

06-10-2015, 02:32 PM
Could be sort of yes

He looks Iranian to me.

Charles Bronson
06-10-2015, 02:37 PM

06-10-2015, 03:08 PM
I don't think most of the people I post look really exotic but this guy does. Still, his type can be found, we've all seen it before and thus there's nothing wrong with posting him.

Seth MacFarlane
06-10-2015, 04:36 PM
I don't think most of the people I post look really exotic but this guy does. Still, his type can be found, we've all seen it before and thus there's nothing wrong with posting him.

Lol there's nothing " wrong " with posting him at all , just that people like him take me by suprise as italain . Even with my knowledge of itlalians I would assume he's latin american he won't last 5 seconds in New York without everybody speaking Spanish to him

06-10-2015, 04:40 PM
Lol there's nothing " wrong " with posting him at all , just that people like him take me by suprise as italain . Even with my knowledge of itlalians I would assume he's latin american he won't last 5 seconds in New York without everybody speaking Spanish to him

He doesn't look Hispanic to me but more like some kind of West Asian (not Levantine though).

06-10-2015, 04:43 PM
You want to compare us with these folks (those banlieue types in that clip) ? Go eat your kebab and stay out of this thread


06-10-2015, 04:45 PM
This si the reason why I post him, because his phenotype has a minority status ;) I wouldn't say 'exotic' though

I don't think most of the people I post look really exotic but this guy does. Still, his type can be found, we've all seen it before and thus there's nothing wrong with posting him.

Seth MacFarlane
06-10-2015, 04:50 PM
You want to compare us with these folks ? Go eat your kebab and stay out of this thread


Charles Bronson
06-10-2015, 04:58 PM
You want to compare us with these folks ? Go eat your kebab and stay out of this thread


06-10-2015, 05:05 PM
Don't let me start about Turkey - this makes me occupied until 2morrow morning lmao

You guys can't touch us with things to make fun of on the contrary we have tons of funny arguments against you guys.

http://s20.postimg.org/m1lmfcphl/Turkish_wrestlers.jpg (http://postimg.org/image/m1lmfcphl/)

Don't get me wrong here, I don't hate any ethnicity, but don't get started:)


Charles Bronson
06-10-2015, 05:44 PM
this is a real man fight you have no idea was a man is you pseudo italian(maghrebi).

06-10-2015, 05:54 PM
this is a real man fight you have no idea was a man is you pseudo italian(maghrebi).

I see you're trolling and this isn't your real profile and you're not a Turk as well; better said your profile stinks.


For the record I'm not an Italian citizen thus not 'real' Italian ( whatever that means ), I wasn't really serious in what I said and am not going to wage an internet-forum-war with you so just be and good luck trolling ! (you're not really good at it so go do something else for the better of yourself)

P.S: these threads are not made to troll each other neither to proof ones ethnicity, so stay on topic plz :)

06-10-2015, 05:55 PM

How do you know this awful song ahahahahahahahha

Nino d'aurio looks very latino.
His features are a bit atypical to pass in North Africa but why not. To be honest, I don't think but my eyes are well trained so I recognize North Africans easily.
Btw, is it possible to make a petition against men who pluck their eyebrows ? :rolleyes:

06-10-2015, 06:04 PM
lol I don't like this metrosexual behavior of many Italian men either, like e.g. shaving legs and the plucking of eyebrows; must be my Dutch side :p or just me growing up in an environment where these things are considered feminine behavior.

Nowadays you also see this in The Netherlands in fitness clubs, but I don't follow these kind of trends and just be myself..

How do you know this awful song ahahahahahahahha

Nino d'aurio looks very latino.
His features are a bit atypical to pass in North Africa but why not. To be honest, I don't think but my eyes are well trained so I recognize North Africans easily.
Btw, is it possible to make a petition against men who pluck their eyebrows ? :rolleyes:

Peter Nirsch
07-18-2015, 10:31 PM
He fits well in Italy but also in Levant.