View Full Version : Classify Spaniards who live in London

06-11-2015, 06:15 PM
Weren't they blond and blue eyed just like that English Rose said? LOL


Tooting Carmen
06-11-2015, 06:28 PM
Berids mostly.

06-11-2015, 06:29 PM
so why is it a bad thing if they have dark features? they look just fine to me.

glicine max
06-11-2015, 06:36 PM
ma nn c'hai un cazzo da fare tu il giorno?

06-11-2015, 06:37 PM
Vatti a drogare e non rompere il cazzo, fottuto comunista mantenuto figlio di papa.

glicine max
06-11-2015, 06:46 PM
detto da uno che qui si crea almeno 2- 3 account al giorno

06-12-2015, 08:00 AM
Berids. One or two could be mistaken as a Pakistani.

06-12-2015, 08:06 AM
Atlanto Med, Berid

06-12-2015, 08:34 AM
Atlantomed, gracile and berid mix.

♥ Lily ♥
06-12-2015, 08:48 AM
What I said has been taken out of its context as I never said every single Spanish person is light haired, but it's absolutely true that I've met some who were blond and blue eyed, as well as brunette ones with light skin too.

Si, I met a female who was about 5'8" with very pale blonde short curly hair (it was natural) and she had pale skin and blue eyes. When I asked her where she was from, she said Spain.

Yes, I have a friend in London who is English and she has an English mother and a Spanish father. She is slim, well educated, articulate, with dark blonde hair and green-hazel eyes, a nice light golden skin tone that many people in my country would love to have, and good bone structure.

I've seen students in college classes who were light skinned with light brown hair who said they were from Spain. I've met Spanish posters on-line who are white.

I have a Spanish neighbour who is like the colour of the few people posted in this thread, but it's true that there's blond haired Spaniards too as well as brunette Spaniards, but brunette doesn't mean swarthy skin, but even the ones who are swarthy/tanned looking, such as Antonio Banderas, are often good looking.

Spaniards are often very friendly people.

Jon Kortajarena is super-gorgeous, he has dark hair and he's a successful male model from the Basque Country.

Skip to 7:00 in the video below... the handsome DJ being shown and introduced is from Spain




I've met a few naturally blonde Italians too in London, although most Italians and Spanish people I've seen were brunette, but brunette or even black hair doesn't mean swarthy. We have plenty of British brunettes, but people aren't complexed about their hair shade since blond hair just isn't something I worship nor even like much. (I think dark hair looks gorgeous and I absolutely love dark hair on men... you should see the amount of gothic people who dye their hair dark.)


As someone who suffers with problems in the sun (my skin burns easily) being pale is a problem and I've been teased about it, (once an English guy sitting in a van called out to me across the road as I was walking past on the other side of the pavement, 'you need to get some sun'... I thought he was rude and he made me feel self-conscious, and there's been other incidents of being teased,) but I've learned to accept myself (although I was a lot more self-conscious about it at school) and I won't wear fake tan (although I once tried it as a teen and it just made the skin on an area of my arm where I tested it look orange, so I threw it away.)

I've often been in department stores and I've been offered free samples of fake tan to try, (sales assistants try to make people feel insecure so they can sell their products, whether it's fake tans for pale people which is advertised a lot in western nations, or skin lightening is marketed a lot in countries where there's mostly darker people,) and I've handed it back to the sales assistant and told them I don't need it as I've learned to like my own complexion and be natural. I don't see people with naturally tanned skin getting teased.

But for those who have a natural tan shade to them and who want to be lighter, they can always lighten their skin and hair if they wanted, so it's no big deal anyway. People don't need to do that if they're self-confident and happy in their own skin.

Those with darker skin and eyes can go out in the sun more with less problems and they'll draw more admirers to them since tans are seen as attractive in my culture, especially when people are on a beach and pale people just burn and get teased.

The guy below is English. He's dark and handsome and he's the worlds most successful male model. His name is David Gandy.


06-12-2015, 08:53 AM
Berids. One or two could be mistaken as a Pakistani.

none of them could be mistaken as a pakistani

they look very different from each other. even the darkest spaniard looks nothing like a pakistani(australoid admixed people, not even caucasoids)

♥ Lily ♥
06-12-2015, 10:58 AM
What is the relationship like between Italians and Spanish and Portuguese people in real life? I thought that Med people got along with each other as they speak similar Romance languages, have a similar climate, similar love of football, food and art, etc. They all have beautiful countries and much to be proud of in their cultures, yet they seem to attack each other a lot.... and it's sad cos they're all Europeans. They should attack muslims who want to behead people instead.

06-12-2015, 11:31 AM
I thought that Med people got along with each other

they do. but a lot of idiots show up on these forums

few people on internet forums don't represent 40-50 million people

06-12-2015, 11:59 AM
they do. but a lot of idiots show up on these forums

few people on internet forums don't represent 40-50 million people

True. In real life Spaniards and Italians get along because of similar languages.

♥ Lily ♥
06-12-2015, 12:36 PM
The Italian and Spanish communities get along well in London, but then so does the Irish community and the Chinese community in China Town and the large Polish and French communities in London, Greek areas and communities, Turkish communities, a Jewish community, Asian communities, Black African, Black Caribbean, Black British, and loads of others from different nations who get along with each other in London, with the exception of radical muslims in the Arabic community. There's British people in London too, who were born in either Scotland, Wales or England and moved to London.

But even outside of London, I think that Spanish and Italians get along with each other.

I think that Spanish and Italians kind of look similar to each other in the videos below, in the way that British and Irish are quite similar, and their languages share a lot of similarities.

We have loads of Spanish and Italian cafes and restaurants and tapas bars in London, plenty of Basque food places, (I found a long list of Basque restaurants in London on a search site,) French, Thai, Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Lebanese, Greek food places, (over 70 types of different world cuisines in London,) an annual Polish Festival in London as there's over half a million Poles in London, an annual Chinese New Year festival, an annual Nottinghill Carnival (the largest street carnival in Europe with a lot of West Indie and Caribbean and Latin American music and costumes and dancers), Europe's largest China Town, large NFL American Football League games hosted at Wembley Stadium, NBA American basketball at the O2 arena, NHL national hockey league games in London with teams from the US and Canada, an annual grand Russian Ball and a large Russian festival for the Russian community every year in London, Brick Lane celebrates Indian cuisine, an annual Irish festival, an annual French film festival as there's 400,000 French residents in London, an annual Spanish film festival and celebrations of many cultures in London, and it's like the world in one city... there's over 300 languages spoken in one city, although Polish is officially the second most spoken language in England, after English. People of all sexualities, social backgrounds, races, nationalities, rich and poor, etc, live alongside each other in London. It's extremely cosmopolitan. People generally get along and live as humans.






