View Full Version : Adolescents get daily happiness boost from ethnic identity

07-18-2010, 04:16 PM
October 20, 2006

Ethnic pride can help teenagers maintain happiness when faced with stress, according to a new study by a Wake Forest University psychologist published in the October issue of Child Development.

Adolescents with positive feelings toward their ethnic group say they are happier on a daily basis than those who have a more negative attitude about their ethnic identity, said Lisa Kiang, assistant professor of psychology at Wake Forest and lead author of the study.

The study, involving 415 ninth-graders from Chinese and Mexican backgrounds, shows the protective effects of ethnic identity on daily psychological well-being, Kiang said.

Each participant completed a brief questionnaire regarding their feelings about their ethnic identity. Then, for two weeks, the students filled out a three-page checklist at the end of each day indicating the kinds of stresses they experienced that day. For example, the students would mark whether they had a lot of schoolwork to complete or if they had a lot of demands made by their family.

Finally, the students were asked to rate their daily emotional states on a scale from zero to four, including how happy they felt that day and how nervous they felt that day.

Those with higher ethnic regard rated their daily happiness level higher.

“Adolescents with a high ethnic regard maintained a generally positive and happy attitude in the face of daily stressors and despite their anxious feelings,” Kiang said. “So, having positive feelings about one’s ethnic group appeared to provide an extra boost of positivity in individuals’ daily lives.”

Although the experience of more daily stressors predicted less daily happiness in individuals with a low to moderate ethnic regard, individuals with a high ethnic regard were protected from these negative effects, said Kiang, who teaches courses in developmental psychology.

The researchers focused on adolescents because that is when identity issues are at the forefront. Kiang said the positive effects of ethnic pride found in this study could suggest that parents and society in general should encourage strong ethnic identity in families.

The research is the first phase of a study led by Andrew J. Fuligni at UCLA.

Source: http://www.wfu.edu/news/release/2006.10.20.k.php

07-18-2010, 11:37 PM
And as we all know children of a certain group are constantly being told to feel ashamed and guilty of their ethnicity.

The Ripper
07-19-2010, 06:11 AM
And as we all know children of a certain group are constantly being told to feel ashamed and guilty of their ethnicity.

Some will even bemoan the "horror" of the prospect of them feeling pride in their heritage.

From the Newsweek article "Even Babies Discriminate"

That leads to the question that everyone wonders but rarely dares to ask. If "black pride" is good for African-American children, where does that leave white children? It's horrifying to imagine kids being "proud to be white." Yet many scholars argue that's exactly what children's brains are already computing. Just as minority children are aware that they belong to an ethnic group with less status and wealth, most white children naturally decipher that they belong to the race that has more power, wealth, and control in society; this provides security, if not confidence. So a pride message would not just be abhorrent—it'd be redundant.


The whole article is a mind-boggingly disgusting piece on social engineering and therapy to produce politically correct, rootless citizens.

07-19-2010, 07:48 AM
Everyday, when I wake up, I thank the Lord I'm Welsh :D

International Velvet, Catatonia, 1998


07-19-2010, 07:58 AM
There is tons of European cultural pride it just exists/occurs behind the scenes as it is not "acceptable" in front of minorities who make claims of insensitivity. It also occurs and has to occur in more subtle forms albeit obvious ones, such as key roles going to European peoples in movies, housing discrimination in subtle manners and the like.

07-19-2010, 08:17 AM
In a frankly sick-inducing article, I found the bit at the end most revolting - conditioning kids to believe that Santa is black. Many people hold sincere beliefs about the reality of Father Christmas, and this was a blatant attack on those beliefs.

07-19-2010, 08:21 AM
well i love to use there brainwash propoganda against them for once the fucked media wrote something true, young ones feel happy when they are told to love who they are and where they came from,
the same rules go for caucasian youth,

07-19-2010, 03:36 PM
It's horrifying to imagine kids being "proud to be white."
