View Full Version : Classify and place Venezuelan Actress Daniela Alvarado

06-18-2015, 03:36 PM
She is castiza, but I would like a classification including European subtype(s), Amerindian subtype(s) and what is your estimate of Spanish/Amerindian admix for her.

And where would she pass (including Latin America), in your opinion??:


ius semper
06-18-2015, 03:38 PM
She could pass as exotic spaniard IMO. as for where in southamerica woul I place her, I'd say brazil

Tooting Carmen
06-18-2015, 03:42 PM
She looks Alpine-Med with some Chibcha mixture. Fits best in what was "Gran Colombia" - Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador.

06-18-2015, 03:42 PM
The amerindian in her is kind of superficial. She looks 100% Iberian to me.

Alpinized Atlanto-Med + Borreby

ius semper
06-18-2015, 03:46 PM
The amerindian in her is kind of superficial. She looks 100% Iberian to me.

Alpinized Atlanto-Med + Borreby

not 100% but about 75% to me

06-18-2015, 04:31 PM
looks fully european imo

06-18-2015, 07:18 PM

06-19-2015, 04:26 AM
She looks Alpine-Med with some Chibcha mixture. Fits best in what was "Gran Colombia" - Colombia, Venezuela, Panama and Ecuador.

I doubt that her Amerindian admixture is Chibcha. The only Venezuelan Amerindians who were a branch of the Chibchas, were the Timoto-cuicas, who inhabited the Venezuelan Andes, and Daniela Alvarado is not from the Venezuelan Andes.

She was born in Caracas, her mother is also from Caracas, and her father is from Zulia state.

Her mom looks heavily white-admixed, like Daniela (don't know if she is white, quasi-white, or castiza), and her dad looks like balanced mestizo. Then, the Amerindian ancestry from Daniela Alvarado (at least from her dad's side), must be Wayu (or Guajiro, which is another name for Wayuus), who are an Amerindian tribe native from Zulia state and the Guajira department in Colombia, and are part of the Arawak family.

06-19-2015, 04:33 AM
The amerindian in her is kind of superficial. She looks 100% Iberian to me.

Alpinized Atlanto-Med + Borreby

looks fully european imo

Yeah, she looks almost like fully European, at least in many pictures, but she is castiza for sure.

These are her parents:

Her mom (on the right in both pictures):



Her dad:



06-19-2015, 11:14 AM

06-20-2015, 11:09 PM

06-20-2015, 11:16 PM
The Amerindian is obvious to me.

06-20-2015, 11:27 PM
The Amerindian is obvious to me.

What are your estimate proportions of white/amerindian in her?? And where would you place her??

06-22-2015, 12:53 AM

06-23-2015, 11:07 PM

06-26-2015, 04:02 PM

06-26-2015, 04:07 PM

Sally the first
06-26-2015, 04:21 PM
Indo Pontid with some Borreby influence. could pass in Albania

06-26-2015, 04:31 PM
Indo Pontid with some Borreby influence. could pass in Albania

So why does she specifically passes in Albania according to you? If she passes among Albanians ( Albania has it's own non-Albanian minorities) she can easily pass in the neighboring countries also.

She might pass in 3-4 photos I would say, in some others no.

06-26-2015, 05:15 PM
Castiza. Alpine-Med pred

06-26-2015, 08:53 PM
Indo Pontid with some Borreby influence. could pass in Albania

Thank you for your classification, but as long as I know, she doesn't have any ancestry from SE Europe to be classified as partially Pontid. But thank you though:)

07-01-2015, 04:19 PM
A scene of her, acting in a Venezuelan soap opera:


07-01-2015, 04:29 PM
She looks like from South of spain, also she can be armenian

07-01-2015, 04:31 PM
She can pass as Metis in Canada

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 04:34 PM
Looks predominantly Iberian, Alpinizes-Atlanto Med.

07-01-2015, 04:38 PM
Looks predominantly Iberian, Alpinizes-Atlanto Med.

Yes, she looks very heavily white admixed (castiza at least) but surprisingly her dad is a plain mestizo with very Amerindian traits, from Maracaibo.

07-01-2015, 04:40 PM
Some more scenes of her, in the trailer of another Venezuelan Soap Opera:


07-01-2015, 04:41 PM
She can pass as Metis in Canada

What are Metis?? Middle Easterners??

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 04:46 PM
Yes, she looks very heavily white admixed (castiza at least) but surprisingly her dad is a plain mestizo with very Amerindian traits, from Maracaibo.

Kinda like in Mexico, you find people like her, who looks pred. white but has native admixture but it shows up in other family members, more or less.
either way, I consider her that, admixed white. just like the white American actor Johnny deep who has native admixture and looks white admixed but is still "white" in America. but her the Venezuelan version.

07-01-2015, 04:57 PM
can't pass as european. her native admixture is too obvious. 70% euro 30% native

07-01-2015, 05:11 PM
can't pass as european. her native admixture is too obvious. 70% euro 30% native

Where else, outside Europe (including Asia and Latin America) do you think she would pass??

07-01-2015, 05:14 PM
Where else, outside Europe (including Asia and Latin America) do you think she would pass??

latin america+central european gypsy on some photos

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 05:18 PM
can't pass as european. her native admixture is too obvious. 70% euro 30% native

I disagree. I seen some Europeans who look less white or European than her. From south Italy, Sicily etc. Who look not so European.

07-01-2015, 05:22 PM
I disagree. I seen some Europeans who look less white or European than her. From south Italy, Sicily etc. Who look not so European.

it doesn't matter how white she is, east asians are white too it doesn't mean they pass as european. sicilians have dark skin but european face, this woman's face isn't european

07-01-2015, 05:24 PM
I disagree. I seen some Europeans who look less white or European than her. From south Italy, Sicily etc. Who look not so European.

Yes, even a Spaniard (ius semper) said that she could pass as an exotic Spaniard.

Pigmentation wise, she would be very average in Spain, Portugal, Italy or Greece, and she is lighter than the "swarthiest" ethnic southern Europeans from any of those southern European countries, but I agree that her Amerindian admix, would make her look somewhat exotic in Spain, but NOT for being darker than what is average in Spain.

She is a very fair skinned brunette with chestnut color hair and green eyes.

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 05:30 PM
it doesn't matter how white she is, east asians are white too it doesn't mean they pass as european. sicilians have dark skin but european face, this woman's face isn't european

You serious? with the east Asians comment, bad example. :picard1: here we talking about phenotype and ancestry more than skin. Which she's predominantly European in phenotype and ancestry(Castizo/harnizo range) her face is European more than anything else.

07-01-2015, 05:32 PM
What are Metis?? Middle Easterners??

No French/White mixture and Amerindian

07-01-2015, 05:38 PM
You serious? with the east Asians comment, bad example. :picard1: here we talking about phenotype and ancestry more than skin. Which she's predominantly European in phenotype and ancestry(Castizo/harnizo range) her face is European more than anything else.

her face is european with native admixture that's why he fits in latin america and not in europe

07-01-2015, 05:44 PM
You serious? with the east Asians comment, bad example. :picard1: here we talking about phenotype and ancestry more than skin. Which she's predominantly European in phenotype and ancestry(Castizo/harnizo range) her face is European more than anything else.

He is biased because she has Amerindian admix. But many castizos can have a very light skin, hair and eye pigmentation, and pass as fully Europeans (but just with something a bit odd in their features).

And all depends of the angles she is seen from. She could pass as a fully Alpinid European in this video:


Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 06:04 PM
He is biased because she has Amerindian admix. But many castizos can have a very light skin, hair and eye pigmentation, and pass as fully Europeans (but just with something a bit odd in their features).

And all depends of the angles she is seen from. She could pass as a fully Alpinid European in this video:


Yes. He's biased because he knows what she is. Her origins.

07-01-2015, 06:12 PM
Looks predominantly Iberian, Alpinizes-Atlanto Med.

You have not idea what a iberian is, dude. She would easily be guessed as latinoamerican in Spain. This is the kind of people who say I'm not Galician, lol.

Mn The Loki TA Son
07-01-2015, 06:18 PM
You have not idea what a iberian is, dude. She would easily be guessed as latinoamerican in Spain. This is the kind of people who say I'm not Galician, lol.

You're a phony punk, lol.

07-04-2015, 02:51 AM
The amerindian in her is kind of superficial. She looks 100% Iberian to me.

Alpinized Atlanto-Med + Borreby

Agree, but I don't see any borreby

07-07-2015, 05:39 PM
Another video of her. I am sorry for how long the video is (I don't like Venezuelan soap operas, I hate them), but I found the video interesting because she can be seen with more detail. I agree that she is castiza, and even her dad shows very strong Amerindian traits, but if somebody says that she cannot pass as fully European, at least in this video in particular, he/she must be kidding:


07-07-2015, 05:53 PM
I see little amerindian in her. Her father looks clearly amerindian though.

07-07-2015, 09:02 PM
I see little amerindian in her. Her father looks clearly amerindian though.

Do you think she could pass in Uruguay??

I know she would not perfectly fit in there, because the Venezuelan Amerindian element is different from that in Uruguay, but do yo think that she at least could pass relatively unnoticed in Uruguay?? (without opening her mouth, of course, HEHEHE).

07-07-2015, 09:17 PM
I can't see the Amerindian in her face, but in her father it's very clear.

07-07-2015, 09:36 PM
I can't see the Amerindian in her face, but in her father it's very clear.

Yeah, genetics sometimes acts very weird. Her father is at least a balanced mestizo, but she looks heavily white admixed and could pass as fully white in some videos and pics (tough not necessarily in all of them). However, I have to say that the Amerindian admix dilutes much better with white than the black admixture.

07-07-2015, 09:50 PM
Do you think she could pass in Uruguay??

I know she would not perfectly fit in there, because the Venezuelan Amerindian element is different from that in Uruguay, but do yo think that she at least could pass relatively unnoticed in Uruguay?? (without opening her mouth, of course, HEHEHE).

She could pass in Uruguay, sure.

07-11-2015, 11:39 AM

07-14-2015, 04:00 AM
Another pic of her (the one on the left):


08-17-2018, 10:18 PM
Mainly Gracile-Med. Pass in Iberia.

12-31-2023, 07:22 AM
Alpine-Med + minor Amerindian. Pseudo Eastern Euro look