View Full Version : Classify this boysband

06-19-2015, 06:33 PM
Arabic boysband from X Factor Arabia popular in MENA, especialy near teenagers :rolleyes: lol awful voices, they are the Arabic One Direction.


at the top from left to the right : Algeria, Algeria, Morocco
at the bottom from left to right : Lebanon, Egypt


from left to right : Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Algeria, Lebanon

https://scontent-ams2-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/v/t1.0-9/10494651_1011776965529432_4680681774970871814_n.jp g?oh=ddae546c93666acbb3c61dfe742d8213&oe=55F08C04

06-19-2015, 06:58 PM
The lebanese easily pass as Spaniard.

06-19-2015, 07:03 PM
The lebanese easily pass as Spaniard.

Yes, I agree. I think he has a pan med-look and can pass in many countries

06-19-2015, 07:05 PM
Seriously? These people look more Italian than Arab. I never understood why the whitest people are always the famous ones.

06-19-2015, 07:10 PM
Seriously? These people look more Italian than Arab. I never understood why the whitest people are always the famous ones.

I don't find the Egyptian and Moroccan ones particulary whites lol very North African looks actually. They don't look Italian too me, except maybe the Lebanese + the Algerian (with dark eyes) who can pass there
Except the Moroccan and Egyptian, these guys are whiter but average of their ethnicities, the Algerian blue eyed guy is a bit atypical, not because he has fair eyes/hair but because of his features but his look is not surprising in Maghreb

spanish catalan
06-19-2015, 10:06 PM
members from north africa is berberid + saharid mix and lebanese is atlanto med + east med
member from morocco look pseudo latin american look